The spin-off series of The Witch movies is as bloody and brutal as its predecessors with a fast-paced four-episode run that leaves you at the edge of your seat. Alongside...
The promotions are ramping up for Disney+’s sci-fi thriller The Tyrant. A spin-off of The Witch movie series, original director and writer Park Hoon-jung (The Childe) returns with a...
It's only the first posters and Coupang Play's What Comes After Love already has me sat with my tissues for our longing leads, Lee Se-young (The Story of Park's Marriage...
Promotional materials are out for Disney+’s upcoming sci-fi thriller The Tyrant, setting its tone with gritty altercations and intense confrontations. A spin-off of the Witch movie series, the drama —...
A new series called Family x Melo has been lined up on JTBC, starring Ji Jin-hee (The Road: Tragedy of One) as the ousted head of our story's household, returning 11...
It's time to close the chapter on this tale of grief and healing, as our protagonists put their regrets to rest. At long last, they embark hand-in-hand on a call...
At long last, the full extent of the tragedies that struck our leads is brought to light. Forced to confront the devastating truth, they join hands in understanding, empathy, and...
Utterly exposed, the double-crossing deceivers can no longer hide behind their silence. Our heroine's family may be crumbling around her, but she remains resolute in her resilience and unwavering in...
Following a case of mistaken identity, our heroine pieces together the misleading puzzle pieces to reveal a scheme that had been hiding in plain sight. She's quick on the uptake,...
The Tyrant: Episodes 1-4 (Series Review)
by lovepark
The spin-off series of The Witch movies is as bloody and brutal as its predecessors with a fast-paced four-episode run that leaves you at the edge of your seat. Alongside...
Tags: Cha Seung-won, Kim Kang-woo, Kim Sun-ho, The Tyrant
The Tyrant
Tags: action, Cha Seung-won, Jang Young-nam, Kim Joo-hun, Kim Kang-woo, Kim Sun-ho, Lee Sung-min, science fiction, thriller
A four-way race begins for Disney+’s The Tyrant
by lovepark
The promotions are ramping up for Disney+’s sci-fi thriller The Tyrant. A spin-off of The Witch movie series, original director and writer Park Hoon-jung (The Childe) returns with a...
Tags: Cha Seung-won, Kim Kang-woo, Kim Sun-ho, The Tyrant
News bites: July 18, 2024
by tccolb
It's only the first posters and Coupang Play's What Comes After Love already has me sat with my tissues for our longing leads, Lee Se-young (The Story of Park's Marriage...
Tags: Cha Seung-won, Chun Woo-hee, Geum Sae-rok, Hong Jong-hyun, Hyeri, Ji Jin-hee, Kim Ji-soo, Kim Jung-hyun, Kim Kang-woo, Kim Sun-ho, Lee Joo-myung, Lee Se-young, news bites, Song Joong-ki
Former agent Cha Seung-won pursues The Tyrant
by solstices
Promotional materials are out for Disney+’s upcoming sci-fi thriller The Tyrant, setting its tone with gritty altercations and intense confrontations. A spin-off of the Witch movie series, the drama —...
Tags: Cha Seung-won, Kim Kang-woo, Kim Sun-ho, The Tyrant
News bites: July 8, 2024
by tccolb
A new series called Family x Melo has been lined up on JTBC, starring Ji Jin-hee (The Road: Tragedy of One) as the ousted head of our story's household, returning 11...
Tags: Cha Seung-won, Chae Jong-hyeop, Dasom, Jaejoong, Ji Jin-hee, Jin Se-yeon, Jo Jin-woong, Kim Byung-chul, Kim Ji-soo, Kim Kang-woo, Kim Mu-yeol, Kim So-hyun, Kim Sun-ho, Kim Young-dae, Lee Jong-won, Min-ho, news bites, Park Joo-hyun, Sohn Na-eun, Yang Hye-ji, Yeom Jung-ah, Yoo Jae-myung, Yoon Ji-on, Yoon Sang-hyun, Yoon Se-ah
Wonderful World: Episodes 13-14 (Final)
by solstices
It's time to close the chapter on this tale of grief and healing, as our protagonists put their regrets to rest. At long last, they embark hand-in-hand on a call...
Tags: Cha Eun-woo, Im Se-mi, Kim Kang-woo, Kim Nam-joo, Wonderful World
Wonderful World: Episodes 11-12
by solstices
At long last, the full extent of the tragedies that struck our leads is brought to light. Forced to confront the devastating truth, they join hands in understanding, empathy, and...
Tags: Cha Eun-woo, Im Se-mi, Kim Kang-woo, Kim Nam-joo, Wonderful World
Wonderful World: Episodes 9-10
by solstices
Utterly exposed, the double-crossing deceivers can no longer hide behind their silence. Our heroine's family may be crumbling around her, but she remains resolute in her resilience and unwavering in...
Tags: Cha Eun-woo, Im Se-mi, Kim Kang-woo, Kim Nam-joo, Wonderful World
Wonderful World: Episodes 7-8
by solstices
Following a case of mistaken identity, our heroine pieces together the misleading puzzle pieces to reveal a scheme that had been hiding in plain sight. She's quick on the uptake,...
Tags: Cha Eun-woo, Im Se-mi, Kim Kang-woo, Kim Nam-joo, Wonderful World