Beanie level: Water maid



It’s seriously such a waste because of this people aren’t watching this show!!! From the core value speaking, this show honestly is at such a higher ground than Vincenzo and Taxi Driver.


Devil Judge is actually a really good show. It goes SO deep into politics and social issues. The metaphors and implications. The public. Justice. Society. Only if writer is better at building roles!


You want a show to be popular and capture people you need to make all/most your characters likable. You can’t just focus on making one man perfect you know? lol


Devil Judge


    I am so frustrated with the Soohyun hate lol If the writer could have written her character actually based on her setting and description people won’t hate her. She actually is an ace detective, she actually cares for Elijah, she is supposed to be smart, warmth, treat everyone equally, strong and caring. If they could have just given her one more minute to showcase she took care of Elijah and called for back up, locked the car, but something still happens and she even saved Elijah, and Yohan arrived – he can still be mad at the gangs and still bring him to court. Without the whole Soohyun being reckless tropes the plot will still move normally. Soohyun became a comparison to highlight how Yohan’s character is perfect yet we sacrificed everyone else (in terms of character’s charming points)

    My only complain to this drama is the writer and director tried to highlight yohan’s charm and perfect and strong way too much in places that could have let the other characters shine. A drama isn’t good when only the main lead shines. WHY THEY NEED TO MAKE YOHAN THE ONLY ONE SAVING EVERYONE’S ASS EVERY SINGLE TIME WHEN IT WASN’T NECESSARY based on the characters backgrounds lol. I had so much issue with Taxi Driver also because of this lol.

    Gaon got a lot of hate too before they showed a little bit of his past and people still think he’s dumb til now when he is not. He’s just not a spy? lol When he does legal investigation he’s very very good at it too, and as a judge he can analyze materials so well. In his character he even supposed to be good at fighting. Why does Yohan needs to come and beat 95% of the gang when they could have at least show Soohyun and Gaon were able to handle the gang, but the guy tried to escape, Yohan came to fight TOGETHER with Gaon while Soohyun go to catch that guy, and Yohan maybe beating 65% while Gaon beats the rest? LOL The show would have been so much cooler than just Yohan being the only savior.


Oh gosh no. I hate this so much??? Like the dad only likes it when his son succeed and once he fell he would be the first one to say “I told you so” gosh that’s the worst. Enjoying the highs but not riding the lows. Not to mention he’s even the dad?????? EW


How can I just watch the video recaps of record of youth and still got so upset at ML’s dad and brother and his whole family. Ugh it’s just repeat for 7 eps already when will they learn UGHHHHHH I m so annoyed my bloods boiling UGH


It really is Child of the Lesser God writer!!!!! LOLLLLL THE EVENTFUL ISLAND!!! The creepy secretive island grandpa and grandma stares at the OTP!!!!! LOLLL NOT COMPLAINING THO!


    Thank you for confirming, I knew that island look suspiciously familiar!


      Hahhahaa she really has her thing with creepy scenes!!! I am here for it!!! (Including the parents looking at FL under the car & in the TV)


I just knew, he is very similar to Joonyoung cos I can tell he breathes the way Joonyoung talks lol Never liked his past roles or him but Joonyoung is his life time role!!! Lolll


A violin teacher reviewing scenes of DYLB w eng subs! 🙂 Enjoy!


Wanted to hear that piece again so YouTubed and I guess it’s her famous performance cos Sohyun Ko’s video came up on top hahhaa

Ughhhh she’s so good!!!!!!


Final Thoughts!

Loving the pains and the tears on the way to be the grown up, happier gang!

See Reply!


    While I understand MS and HH are making mistakes in their lives and hurting those who are closest, I do think they took SA and JY for granted, which is a lesson learned. They have given up their friendships and they would need some serious “chasing” to win back the two friends.

    JY and SA talks, slowly by slowly, so I would need to see them finally talking about everything, which I understand it’s not going to be like ok first week of our relationship let’s talk about EVERY darkest secrets we have in our hearts. So I am ok that it’s taking time, but as long as they are moving towards that direction, I am fine riding with them on this journey together, even if it’s slow.

    I am just a bit worried that there’s still so much to overcome and to talk about, will it be enough in the next 6 episodes? Hoping for a not rushed finale!


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JY & Professor Yoo

I would take this as an improvement, from the things happened in the past 9 episodes, that JY has slowly learned to open up and have better communication.

See Reply.


    I am so glad we get to see what consumed the relationship between this pair, and they finally talked about it. It’s not only the professor being petty, though. JY on the other hand, also disapproved Professor Yoo’s teaching method, and that doesn’t help. Professor Yoo was hurt that JY doesn’t like his teaching so much to the point he escaped and skipped classes.

    JY took the lead to sit down and had a drink. Open himself up on his thoughts. Killing the white elephant, yes! It’s okay for people to have different values, as long as they compliment each other and move to a better place. Keeping that white elephant in the room for all these years, did nothing to both of them.


Our Lovebirds

This is a hard week for SA, she is constantly being told that she isn\’t good enough.

See reply.


    And she is in fact, knowing professor Lee’s intent with what she’s helping her for. HN’s words might be harsh and we know it’s not SA’s intent, however, that’s what she is putting herself into helping professor Lee and HN is merely being the blunt one to say it out loud. I am sure people behind SA’s back would be saying the exact same thing.

    Instead of worrying JY doesn’t love her enough, it’s more about the weight of that 15 years, is she good enough to overcome that. It is normal for anyone to think that way. I would be comparing myself to my boyfriend’s 15 years best friend if his whole life and family is entangled with hers, let alone my boyfriend loved her for 15 years? JY had told her verbally and by action that he cares a lot for SA, but time has its weight, and they are only beginning. This is something bound to happen and I am hopeful to how they would resolve this, and become a stronger couple.



Also see reply since I can only post 200 characters? LOL


    While some might hate the fact that JK told SA about her waiting for JY, I don’t “hate” it as much. She is always the one who is blunt and upfront. She never hides the fact that she is falling out of love with HH, and she wasn’t trying to hide the fact that she met JY in NY.

    While I want her to just move on, not only for JY but for her own’s sake, being the self-destructive JK fashion, it’s normal that she wouldn’t find the best route to go with the least heartache.

    Now, we can’t control our feelings, just like we don’t think HH and MS should tell JY and SA to “stop loving”, we can’t tell JK to “stop loving” as well. She said she isn’t going to do anything, but she will just wait. That means she is reserving her heart but she isn’t going to actively pursue him either. Then what can we say to her? She is just being honest to SA instead of hiding while waiting, that would be more sneaky because that way SA can’t do anything to prepare for it nor to be careful for.


      Yeah, I’m actually surprised I like Jung Kyung in these later episodes than in the previous ones. It’s actually pretty respectful of her to let SA know about her feelings. SA could be uncomfortable with the fact and could be insecure about JK and JY’s long friendship, but at least all the facts are out in the open. It’s now up to SA to hold on to JY (and hopefully for JY to continue to encourage her of his feelings).


The Friendships

I don\’t think it\’s fair for MS and HH to think JY and SA should just \”stop loving\” because no one can control their emotions like that. But, I understand them.

See reply…


    They are both the more oblivious ones in both triangles, and the ones that are more blunt and less sensitive/reading rooms. I think they both took SA and JY’s friendships for granted, but that is also because of how much they have trusted SA and JY that they won’t get betrayed, at least at the heated moment.

    I agree that HH should be mad at both JY and JK, however, I can understand why he is behaving how he is right now. He is always on the lower head in his relationship with JK and his love to her is above anything. Him going to good schools is also FOR JK. He doesn’t even know how to be mad at JK. He thinks JY is always going to be support him, but to him, it’s almost as if JY has stabbed him from his back. Even his best intentions, the end result is JY was playing the piano for JK for 15 years, and there were unspoken romance between the two behind HH’s back, and now JK is now falling for JY. If HH would have known earlier, things might change sooner, but at least it would be “fair” to HH so both of them are on the same battleground. If JY cannot “stop loving”, then it’s true that JY should have told HH instead of having this under table sending birthday CDs for 15 years.

    SA told JY to not hide the fact that MS and DY slept, because that made her the fool that she hates to be. But she did the exact same thing to MS.

    But also, HH and MS both trusted their best friends to a point that they lash out the worst of themselves in front of them. They expected their friends so much that it’s worst than the betrayal from their lovers. It’s unfair to JY and SA, but it’s also how friendships sometimes are. The words HH and MS said might be childish, and not what they truly meant/think if we have given them time, but it’s human to make mistakes and have hurt your friends along the way (or families). This is the true test on whether the friendship will come back stronger, and for them to realize their mistakes and how they have hurt the friends who have their best hearts, that they have taken their friendships for granted, and how to grow up from that.


This is not the easiest week to watch, but I am all for it. Our characters will not grow stronger without going through these hardships. And I am delightfully waiting for the end of the tunnel.


Finished ep10 last night, and was clearing my thoughts on this episode. This is going to be a loooooong post so bear with me LOL


I definitely loved ep10, lots of heartache, but, necessary ones.


But throughout this 15 years, he has always heard the same thing – Joon Young overshadowing his ability to teach. Just like JK, he is, also tired. This industry is really that tiring isn\’t it.