Dropping Dali and the prince, because honestly… Kim Min Jae is not a prince at all in this drama. He is just handsome. But other than that, his character is obnoxious and frustrating. 🙁


    which episode you are on ?


      I watched the whole episode 5, and I am done.
      She couldn’t be more stupid because the drama was not produced in the 80’s or 90’s…. 🙄
      And MH demanding to intervene in the museum’s meetings just because he is a creditor? Demanding her to tell him everything because she owes him? Am I suppose to think that’s romantic because they are the otp??
      I am disappointed with this drama. Also, most of the characters are either boring or annoying, or simply evil. Mean people. There are lots of bullies and now even a thug who took her money… great.
      I won’t be seeing though…😒


    I didn’t like him in the last episode. I hope he will be better in the episode of tonight.


      I guess some people are still struggling to get past the Moo-hak brassy front. He is loud.Yes! But under all that there is a good heart. Look how he inserted himself into the Si-hyung (deceased Director Kim’s nephew) and Gong-joo confrontation and offered to walk with her.

      When MH laid into the museum staff I clapped with him. They needed that wake up call. How can they be so clueless about the financial situation of the museum. OK blame Dali for being an incredible Noble Idiot! Dali snap out of it! Which brings me to Won-tak.
      I clapped when WT read Dali the riot act for acting like she didn’t have a friend to turn to (him!) And Tae-jin has already indicated he wants to help.
      I loved both Moo-hak and Won-tak in episode 5 and can’t wait until they join forces. (After the big bow out when MH finds out Dali is downstairs in WT’s place. Lol. That might be epic.)


        In Wednesday episode, he was nosy and didn’t help Dali. She wouldn’t have ended in the motel if he let her decide for herself. And the “I’m your creditor you need to tell me everything” is becoming boring. There are rules and laws. He could start by using them.


          Dali had several options concerning how to find shelter. Won-tak who I believe she thinks of like a brother (he otoh may not necessarily think of Dali as a sister) should have been her first call rather than her going to some seedy motel flashing an envelope of cash.


          I was so upset! The writer is making so many scenes over the top and even absurd (even legally absurd) in order to create tension in the plot. And he screaming and interrupting “so called” serious business is really so childish and difficult to believe. Even a relative poor person, or a person without education has more common sense….


        MH thinks interms money and that’s it for him. World starts n ends at money… and so far he is able to hide is growing affection for Dali below money minded mask.. and that’s the reason he looks loud n bossy and selfish. But wait till Dali sees thru that mask.. MH will be on his knees for his princess cause he won’t let anyone hurt her.
        MH + WT would be the best combo of Kdramas for me (after Goblin duo).. reason both are loud and knows how to press buttons of opposition to one up their game
        I love WT MRS interaction so far.. especially when WT points his biceps to brag abt his strength…
        I’d love to see both get together to fight the baddies to same Museum and Dali (off course).


      he did get better in today’s episode.. but yes I agree he is loud and bit unreasonable and I think that’s cause to show the stark difference between Dali’s calmness and poise and his loud and cocky self…


    I agree. I’ve only stuck around this long because I like Dali, but I was annoyed by everyone, especially Moo Hak.


      And all the money talk is not only annoying but even rude. Again… I think even less educated people would not behave like this. Anyway…. I am out.
