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No Gain No Love: Episodes 7-8

No Gain No Love: Episodes 7-8

by Unit

I was curious about that also. I was wondering if the chairman's wife had sent him - maybe a conversation they had but not shown. And, I missed the part about him getting fired? Wondering, again, about the translation on this part.


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No Gain No Love: Episodes 7-8

No Gain No Love: Episodes 7-8

by Unit

Ahhh! the subtitles, or lack thereof, is so frustrating to me! I'm watching Amazon Prime in the US, and I saw the diarrhea/poop version. I often feel that the translations do not convey the true meaning and so much seems to be lost, especially the humor. And, I wonder about all of the screen graphics/ much is missed in not being able to read that. VIKI seems to do a much better job with subtitles.
But, I am really loving this show, and hope I am not missing too much of the subtleties. I plan to rewatch while waiting for episode 9 and will explore the dubbed version (even tho I dislike the voices) just to see the difference.


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Would You Rather #50

Would You Rather #50

by DaebakGrits

It is. 😂 And I particularly HATE when someone ruins something I like, so, tbh, I prefer cliffhangers over a bad sequel.
So, a romcom I liked turning into a melo out of nowhere is worse for me because (a) it ruins something I liked, and (2) I would have to keep watching—hoping it gets better—and be in pain the whole time (because they never get better).
There's nothing to go back to after the show is over. And I would not feel happy if ten years later someone decides to make a sequel about it. It would become just a bad memory.


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News bites: September 19, 2024

News bites: September 19, 2024

by tccolb

A spinoff of NO GAIN NO LOVE may be just what the doctor ordered- but will it be as racy as we are told the web novel was? Here's hoping.

The premise of the next after the next weekender might actually be a real weekender.


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Thank you!

That's why I wasn't sure, because I remembered the scene where he examined her injure, but I couldn't say if he placed a shoe on her foot.


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Would You Rather #50

Would You Rather #50

by DaebakGrits

I don't want to choose either but if I really have to choose, I'll pick the latter. I base my selection on Vagabond and LND, since both drama pics were used above.

I rather a drama be as what it was advertised to be. Vagabond is not my favourite drama but I enjoyed it and storywise Vagabond was consistent: an action spy drama. I'm fine with the cliffhanger ending, I wanted a sequel because I want more Ki Tae Woong on screen and I kinda want to see more of Go Haeri, not so much Cha Dalgun though 🤣.

Meanwhile LND was advertised as romcom but it lacks both and recent eps went full melo. If I want to watch a melo drama I would pick a melo drama from the start 🥲.


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Would You Rather #50

Would You Rather #50

by DaebakGrits

But a romcom turning into a melodrama out of nowhere is too aggressive for me.


Same Chingu, same.


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Would You Rather #50

Would You Rather #50

by DaebakGrits

Well, this is easy *insert evil laugh here* I'll have a favourite drama end on a cliffhanger with no signs of a sequel, please. Any day. In fact I have experienced this before and lived to tell the tale ( Vagabond, I'm looking at you). Rom coms unexpectedly turning into melodramas happens all the time too, but the level of disorientation this gives is unprecedented in my opinion. It's like signing up to a yoga class only for it to turn into body pump halfway through. No, thank you.


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[Staff Spotlight] Get to know Starrygazer

[Staff Spotlight] Get to know Starrygazer

by starrygazer

@enriquequierecagar HAHA I forgot. I haven't watched anything scary in a while, but yes! must watch on low volume at times. 😂


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Would You Rather #50

Would You Rather #50

by DaebakGrits

I'm an older person, so I know that life, no matter how rom-com-like it begins, always always swerves into melo territory at some point- If it gets back on an even keel, fabulous, you're lucky!! So yes, a kdrama throwing curveballs is something I'm totally on board with, even if I might hate it while it happens. Looking at you, LND.
A cliffhanger? F* no! Full disclosure, I'm also a person who sort of skims lightly the end of a book to see how things turn out, good or bad doesn't matter, but I just need to know LOL. So, an open ending is literally hell on Earth for me :P


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