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Witch Amusement: Episode 4

Witch Amusement: Episode 4

by javabeans

where did you the song for witch yoo hee?
i've been looking for it!
can you send me the download link or something
my email is


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by javabeans

Im an Indian... its great to know that TV is watched with so much enthusiasm as it is done in India... we have lotsa soaps here... I'd like to know more about what kind of soaps do you have in Korea...

Btw, in India we kdramas too... but here that means... the shows starting with the letter "K".... which here are more famous than other shows which are named with other letters :P
Kind of strange... I know... but K does play a huge part in every TV loving Indian here :)



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Witch Amusement: Episode 3

Witch Amusement: Episode 3

by javabeans

reading ur summary is like watching that's all good and details..
can't wait for subbin to b out..


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Witch Amusement: Episode 4

Witch Amusement: Episode 4

by javabeans

OMG. i love ur summaries! makes me understand the show alot better!!!!!!!!!!!


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Witch Amusement: Episode 4

Witch Amusement: Episode 4

by javabeans

Aaah your awesome summary is helping me tide it over til this episode comes out on tudou... By the way, it's really cool but after reading your explanation on 'aegisshi', I watched ep.16 of Dalja's Spring on KBS world, and realised that when Taebong's mum met Kang tim-jang at the office, she called her aegisshi! It's so weird to imagine the stern tim-jang being the 'aegisshi' at home... unfortunately the subtitles showed them calling each other by their names, which makes it weird for Dalja to conclude by the exchange that they were sisters-in-law. OK that was random thanks again for the summary!


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Witch Amusement: Episode 4

Witch Amusement: Episode 4

by javabeans

Ahhhh thanks for ep 4 summary! I really enjoyed reading your summary before watching the video. Thanks again! *hugs*


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Witch Amusement: Episode 3

Witch Amusement: Episode 3

by javabeans

Fabulous summary as always!! Really appreciate your effort..


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Witch Amusement: Episode 4

Witch Amusement: Episode 4

by javabeans

You know, i'm not sure about Johnny. I got the feeling he was being too harsh on Mu-ryong too, although I'm not sure how much of that is an acting issue. I think it's partially because Mu-ryong is so persistent, because the first time he asked, Johnny tried to be firm but nice, and Mu-ryong kept coming back for more. Plus he just keeps wandering into his kitchen, which is Johnny's domain.

Personally, I don't think it's professional (or personal) jealousy, because I think Johnny started out underestimating Mu-ryong's talent -- he wrote him off, and was surprised to see that Mu-ryong was actually pretty good. And I think he might like him on a friendly level (with the soju conversation). But business is a different thing.

But in spite of that, I do think it's partly the acting. If his lines were spoken by an actor who understood the language fully, they'd probably be delivered less hard and mean. I find Dennis' acting in Korean really weird so it doesn't really register on me, but his brief English bits are fine, so when the only English words he speaks are "SHUT UP!" it's like that's all I remember.


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Witch Amusement: Episode 4

Witch Amusement: Episode 4

by javabeans

I agree with about the spark being gone, just the caring kind. I think some people can work with a relationship like that that everything is complacent or just not too much spontaneity. But for MR case, i think it started of the platonic way really and comfortability of having her around and her knowing how to deal with him etc. As others have mentioned on the thread, MR seems to be cheating. For me, not really because yes MR has debts to pay. But about the NYC thing. He should have mentioned it to SM.


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Witch Amusement: Episode 4

Witch Amusement: Episode 4

by javabeans

Thanks for the summary!! im really loving yoo hee right now. The story and characters have got me hooked on it. :) sarah, from the summary i just want a bit of insight on dennis' character. im wondering why does johnny seem to dislike MR so much? in mean to not even let him be his apprentice and help out? when MR is good at cooking and seems like someone who'd learn from him and willing to be a good protege. is it because his ego wont let him or is there an underlying jealousy? i thought based on the char description he was supposed to help MR? but maybe not now? just curious abt his motivations. im a JH lover and im sad to see him being treated like that by Johnny. I have much more to say about joonha but i will refrain because then id hafta duck flying objects. hahhaa


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