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A Bit of Trivia: Hello! Miss

A Bit of Trivia: Hello! Miss

by javabeans

I so love H!M~ I've been a fan of both LJH and LDH eversince GOD-KNOWS-WHEN and this drama is like a dream-come-true to me~ I feel somehow disappointed about the ratings though (as someone who faithfully watches the series), but who cares about the ratings anyway~ at least we all know that a lot of people are getting hooked up with this wonderful series~ Go egissi! Go WithS2 =D


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Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

by javabeans

hmm...varying, interesting opinions....javabeans u've definitely helped in triggering a great conversation :)
I myself have decided that I'm angry at ES's character change in both situations--1. she really did kiss TJ honestly, because that conflicts with her being a strong woman who's not going to just take crap, she stood up to him before, right?
2. she was playing him...because she hasn't been that kind of person...sure people develop streaks suddenly, but like I said before I find it really hard that a woman who has been assaulted (and not in a small way, based on the script and the screenshots), would just swallow her fear and be able to think clearly enough to play the guy. I mean I'd think the first reaction would be to run away, as far as possible. I'm sure such a scene would hurt the sentiments of those unfortunate individuals who've been in such a situation...and though entertainment is supposed to test out comfort levels and bring up moral and ethical questions to incite our thoughts, I also feel the industry has a responsibility to not glamorize or put a shiny coating on something thats terrible, lowly in the first place. They have a large audience of teenage girls and even older women who are often misled by ideas of "rough love" or how romantic it is "to be taken by force." And the truth is, that its morally and legally wrong.
Anyway, just my ranting! But I'm really looking forward to Ep 10 nevertheless, even if I'm afraid I'll end up getting angrier at ES and TJ and at the writer/director....I'm curious to see where they take it!

BTW, are subs for Ep 9 out?? I couldn't find them anywhere....Itsme, you said you saw it with eng subs? Can you tell me from where?


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

by javabeans

thank you for your episode summaries they are really enjoyable to read!!! Well personally I am much more drawn to QSS after this episode. It is different to your run of the mill korean romantic drama. QSS is a pleasant change. I do think that the proposal to Eun Soo by Joon Hyuk was rather sudden---they haven't even been dating that long! I can't wait for the next episode...


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song index

song index

by javabeans

hi, nice collection. i can dl all music... i love music...



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Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

by javabeans

The nearly rape scene is certainly creating lot of commotion! In my view, i think he has been holding back his feelings for her, by convincing himself tat he is only trying to help her as a friend. As he has never really been in love with anyone before, sub consciously he refuses to bow down to his own feelings. After being miserable for a while, he could no longer control his feelings. So it exploded into that act (almost!!!). the thing is, did he stop himself on his own accord or becos he sensed that Hye Bin (is that how her name is spelt) standing at the doorway? Cant wait for the next episode. In fact, I think the drama may go the tragic way like What Happened in Bali. The scene in the bar got me thinking about Jo In Sung when he was obsessed over the female lead. He had the same heartbreaking reaction. This vibe resonates in this drama which I think will end up in tragedy.Cant wait for ep10. Thanks for the summary. It was consise and insightful and certainly got me thinking.


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Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

by javabeans

does anyone know where to watch ep 8 and 9 with english or chinese subs??


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Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

by javabeans

oh, one more thing....from what i saw, i don't think she believed him when he told her "I love you."

i think she probably believes it is another way of him teasing her, as he has done throughout the drama...and then after what he did, i dont think she is stupid enough to believe least i hope not...

ok, i will stop my rambling...

Love your blog!!! :D


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Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

by javabeans

ok...i made up my mind. I just saw the 9th episode (w/ eng subs though) and i can almost be certain that ES kissed him out of revenge, to toy with him the same way he toyed with her in ep 3. I have concluded this because when TJ told her "I love you" he was still holding her hand (by the wrist), and then when he said it a second time, ES slid her wrist off his hand in a daze and walked away, as he followed her asking where she was going and calling her name...she was still in a daze and out of nowhere, BAM! she turns around and kisses him. I predict that in ep 10, after they finish kissing, she will tell him something like "you were right, kissing others without any feelings is fun" and then walk away leaving him standing alone in the rain...i dunno, something in those lines...

i just think that we are still half way in the drama and therefore it is too soon for them to get together...i think there will be more drama before that happens, and this almost-rape incident will be another bump..or rather MOUNTAIN...on the road :D


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Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

by javabeans

Javabeans! Thanks so much for translating the script for us!

I liked the resulting interpretation of script by the director and the actors. I think Eric toned down the *rape* scene, which obviously can offend viewers. Still, some parts, like so many of you brilliant commenters (teehee) were more violent than the script. I was pretty shocked when TJ slapped HR, because there's no excuse for that. Still, I don't necessarily mean that TJ is a bad person, because hardly anyone is completely good or bad in the first place (unless it's in a very very typical k drama) I am happy to know that he did realize what he was doing to EunSoo before it escalated into..well...rape.

I am going to be upset if ES does forgive TJ so easily. Like you said, it glosses the whole incident and I don't think such a serious matter should be romanticized, because it's certainly not like that in real life. (Plus, what will happen to JH!?!? As much as I want TJ and ES to end up together...I dont want ES to get out of that relationship this way. I guess there's no way for any of the 4 characters from being hurt now eh?)I really like the writer and the director. By showing JH buying the golden bracelet for ES while the whole incident is going serves as contrast and makes the whole event that much more

I also wonder about HR a little bit. Did she know that TJ forced himself on ES? If she does, then her reaction should be renounced as well (though I don't think she deserved the slap from's not like he's so righteous in the first place). How can she attack ES when ES was the victim? I guess jealousy blinds all eyes.

Still this scene has certainly grabbed everyone's attention! I can't wait for the next episode :D


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Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

by javabeans

im glad, the scene where tj starts to undress es was cut cause i don't know if i will be able to take much more shock. i felt es was way too vulnerable at that point of time. i have been fighting myself over this particular scene where tj stops kissing es on the bed & turns around to see hr behind them. i had always thought tj stopped doing what he was doing cause he heard hr or someone walk in, or he stopped cause he came to his senses but i have every reason to believe the former cause the first thing tj did was to turn back as if he knows someone is there. as read from a spoiler that as user posted in soompi, it seems es will pay pack tj at his own game, by kissing then saying its for fun (flashback to the lift trapped scene). what i want to know is whether es still loves tj or has started to accept jh. by the way, when did jh & es started dating? from the party/at home after that when they kissed? & when did es become jh's fiance when she has not accepted his proposal yet, i rem hearing her say that she will think abt it? and thanks so much javabeans for the excerpts.


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