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Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

by javabeans

im glad, the scene where tj starts to undress es was cut cause i don't know if i will be able to take much more shock. i felt es was way too vulnerable at that point of time. i have been fighting myself over this particular scene where tj stops kissing es on the bed & turns around to see hr behind them. i had always thought tj stopped doing what he was doing cause he heard hr or someone walk in, or he stopped cause he came to his senses but i have every reason to believe the former cause the first thing tj did was to turn back as if he knows someone is there. as read from a spoiler that as user posted in soompi, it seems es will pay pack tj at his own game, by kissing then saying its for fun (flashback to the lift trapped scene). what i want to know is whether es still loves tj or has started to accept jh. by the way, when did jh & es started dating? from the party/at home after that when they kissed? & when did es become jh's fiance when she has not accepted his proposal yet, i rem hearing her say that she will think abt it? and thanks so much javabeans for the excerpts.


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Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

by javabeans

haha...i agree with Ter...what he said to HR was strangely funny...

and about this whole almost-rape-and-then-kiss-scene, we are not going to be able to know what ES was really thinking until ep 10 comes out. Who knows, the writers might have done that kiss intentionally to have ppl talking, like WE are, and then watch it turn out that ES did it out of revenge or something....The script says that it was as though her "spirit left her", and so maybe she proceeded to kiss him out of revenge, which is something she would not have done earlier in the drama (remember she claimed she is not the type to kiss someone without any feelings unlike TJ?). If i am not mistaken (i have not watched the episode yet) the episoded ended with them still kissing, right? That means we have to wait for epi 10 to see what ES will say to it "i love you too" ?? or something else like..."too bad, i am marrying the other guy!" hahaha! :D

who knows....but you have to hand it to the writers because if their purpose was to keep us bitting our fingertips and going crazy for the next episode...CLEARLY they have succeeded :D

thank you for this! i am so addicted to your blog :D


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Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

by javabeans

^Oh, on a side note, admidst all this angst and serious stuffs, I found it darkly humorous when Tae Joo yells at Hye Rin, "Are you crazy? What the hell are you doing!?!?!" Did TAE JOO, of all people, just ask that question? Mr.-I-just-climbed-on-top-of-a-woman-and-may-or-may-not-have-been-considering-raping-her?


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Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

by javabeans

I agree with a previous poster-- the script seems more violent and even worse than what actually happened. Although those screenshots of what Tae Joo's doing to Hye Rin is pretty brutal. The way her hair is kind of covering everything in that one shot makes it look like he's punching her straight in the face really really freakin hard!

I can take what Tae Joo did, and its not him or his actions that turn me off the show. Instead, I'm extremely annoyed at the writers, who seem to be romanticizing this whole incident by the end. When Eun Soo kisses Tae Joo right after he pushes himself on top of her (scaring her and making her cry in the process), it seems as if the writers are implicity saying doing that to a woman is excusable (whether they actually mean to or not). As I said before, Tae Joo even seems to get REWARDED for his action, and that just doesn't relay a very good message.


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Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

by javabeans

no mangoicy, you're not alone! because i think Tae Joo's confession is definitely significant. I just hesitate to attribute Eun Soo's reaction to one of softening in affection or love, because that puts a romantic slant on Tae Joo's use of force that I personally am uncomfortable with. (I recognize that others have fewer qualms with it, or more.)

But I'll also point out another thing, which is that in the script, two recurring phrases pop out at me in describing Eun Soo in the last scene. She's described as acting in this way: "정신 없는 듯" (jungshin obneun deut) or as though mindless, and "넋이 나간 채" (neoksi nagahn chae) or as though her spirit/soul has left her. That indicates, to me, that Eun Soo's not in her right mind -- and although that's not an *excuse* for her behavior, that does explain why she would act out of character. Because she's literally lost herself -- it's flown away in this instant -- prompting her to perhaps act with only her body, because once her mind and spirit are gone, only her body remains.

This is just my interpretation, so take it or leave it as you will...


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Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

by javabeans

Maybe i'm the only one, but i think we are leaving out an extremely significant scene, in between the "almost rape" scene and the "kiss in the rain" scene, in our discussion here. *wow, look at how limited my vocabulary is..... anyways*

Don't you think that TaeJoo's confession IS the reason why she kissed him even after what he did? *assuming that she truly meant it*... In that split second, she could see through him. She knew it was pure honesty, and for that reason, the wrong he did just minutes ago just flew away from her mind. Doesn't it happen a lot of times in our own lives? Sometimes it only take one word to forgive and forget.

But then again, I have no idea what occupied the mind of the writers. Until we know her real motive, all we can come up with are only assumptions.


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Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

by javabeans

i have a feeling that one of eun soo's intentions on kissing tae joo was to get back.. u noe kinda like karma from episode 3... although i think she does like him.. she has her doubts so i feel that she is not ready to give in just yet.. also i really dnt think it was rape in tae joos case because i feel as if it is something his character would do.. his desperation shows because hes never experienced this typpe of conflict before.. where he actually starts to have lingering feelings for a girl... he did this out of desperation and after reading this i could understand now that before it got out of hand he finally got his feelings in control and stopped himself... as for the hye rn getting hit i find that believabe too becaue it kind of reminded me when he threw the drink in her face and pushed her down in ealrier episodes...

either way i think the scenes kind of take this drama to whole new level.. a level where its not a typical kdrama.. nd i think thats the message the directers and writers are trying to get across.. that this isnt something where its cute and just funny.. its reality and deals with realistic issues... i think it was rite for them to kind of include something so contreversial...

well ive said enough lol...

love ur summeries! keep it up
looking forward for more...


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Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

by javabeans

That's super hot!
i cant wait for next episode


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Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

by javabeans

i KNEW ES would do that. cmon now she really did like TJ it wuz bound to happen. i thiink the almost rapin part wasnt too much. i mean not every drama is picture perfect. but anyways ES+TJ forever!! lol..
i havent even seen episodes 8 and 9 yet but yah.. the more i wanna see them!!!! so PLZ for the billionth time sombody send me the episodes or let me know where to watch them. PLZ!! email:


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Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

by javabeans

Ter -- I had the same thought. I almost laughed aloud, although I was too caught up in the scene to actually do that. It was just so absurd.


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