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Flowers For My Life: Episode 8

Flowers For My Life: Episode 8

by javabeans

Wow. I was brought to tears by the tiniest of details and change of vocal tones during some of the dialogues. And I don't even understand Korean. That's how great these actors are.
I, too, must echo Javabeans, Watch This Show. It's simply marvelous.
Thanks for the summary!


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Air City: Episode 8

Air City: Episode 8

by javabeans

Sarah, lol! I love your 'talking in code' version.. HAHAHA...
"It's really warm today, it probably won't SNOW. I wish the wind would BLOW. What a nice WHITE POWDERY bait you're using. I'd like some COKE but all I have is Pepsi. Excuse the SNORTING, I have a frog in my throat. Got a mirror?"
*chuckles* and oh, I WISH they crank up the volume a bit when LJJ was talking in English. Hmph!

Also the Lindsey Lohan part...hahaha... LOL!
My goodness, I always have a great time here reading your summary... ^_______^


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Bad Couple: Episodes 3 & 4

Bad Couple: Episodes 3 & 4

by javabeans

I'm trying to resist from reading the entire thing because this is definitely a drama that I want to watch.


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Air City: Episode 8

Air City: Episode 8

by javabeans

This is a perfect example of good-plots-gone-wrong. They can't even convince a kindergarten with this kind of scenarios. Seriously, who are they kidding? I hope they'll get their act together in the upcoming episodes, coz I just can't stand to see such great talents like LJJ gone to waste.


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Air City: Episode 8

Air City: Episode 8

by javabeans

I am very interested in what is Fan Culture for these K-dramas....

=) is a pity that after reading this entire summary of the story..that one comment about fan culture interest me more. =)

oh..and Hong Kong. I am so dissapointed with how they use HK in the script. sigh. That was one of the reason I was looking forward to AC. I wish they didn't even film in HK.


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i agree with you 100%, the media outcry was ridiculous but (hopefully) i think most koreans understood it as just a joke. Also, did you see colbert's reply to the korean media? That was funny too, go check it out .


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accusations of Korean "oversensitivity" on certain issues should perhaps be tempered with some understanding of their history, both recent and not. I'm not saying that the reactions such incidents provoke are always proper or positive, but they are understandable and comprehensible in context. And some of the matters are not inconsequential, especially to the parties involved.
besides, as the reaction (or in reality, non reaction) demonstrates, an initial surge of complaint turned into a trickle of discontent. And netizens are not exactly a representative group or majority opinion - simply a vocal set of internet users. Would you like the US judged on what its internet users say in chat forums? I've heard hardly any reaction at all from people here, and when I have it's been mildly positive.
that said, humor is very culturally based, and what's hilarious to Americans is incomprehensible to Koreans sometimes (and vice versa ) so while yes, the reaction reported in the Korean press seems inappropriate to us we should perhaps not be surprised that the exact meaning of a foreign comic utilizing a style of humor seldom seen in Korea could be misunderstood.
once again, not to say that the reported reaction was justified. And finally, Colbert was hilarious. And that's no bulgogi!


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Air City: Episode 8

Air City: Episode 8

by javabeans

Super Thx for your summary...I also agree about sisterly relationship was solved too easy , which is weak point of this series, it should use conflict of the sisters continue and solve step by step...

ANYWAY, I DO LOVE THIS DRAMA and I'll watch it till end of the story...

Coz I love CJW, LJJ, LJW and your review..javabeans!! ^^


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Air City: Episode 8

Air City: Episode 8

by javabeans

i swear sarah, you should write a book or something. it would be like a bestseller. i like ur version waaaaaaaaaaay better. i laughed so hard at the fact that LJJ is bleeding on a plane. plus expression on LJJ's face watching LJW pretend to be a bad ass secret service agent. its amusing at some level. lol. i wish they'd be more creative are they like saving up for something? at some point id like to be moved by the actions too. but nonetheless, merci, arigato, gomawo, graci, muchos gracias, thank you for the summary :D


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Air City: Episode 7

Air City: Episode 7

by javabeans

hey sarah!! well its a decent episode to say the most. but i couldnt help laugh out loud after those semi-sarcastic comments about the sweater and HJ messing up the opeartion. thanks for this! :) i know why you arent so keen on continuing at times, im a huge alias fan and im sad it ended too. so i know where you are going, plus i think they are a bit underutilizing CJW and LJJ in some parts.


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