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Flowers For My Life: Episode 5

Flowers For My Life: Episode 5

by javabeans

oh my god, this drama is awesome with it's subtlety and hint of romance that is indescribably addictive without being overly cheesy but this summary shows that this drama has more than most people are able to see on the surface and you are right about mother type story lines being moving and tear ful. i was wondering how the ratings were doing but ratings don't always indicate the worth of a drama, thanks for your hard work summarizing i had watched the subbed episodes upto 4 but i just couldn't wait and had to read your summaries as they are also wonderful but this drama is worth watching! thanks again


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Air City: Episode 8

Air City: Episode 8

by javabeans

That's interesting to hear about staff changes... I wonder if they must really have had issues for them to change so far into the production. Hopefully the changes are for the better; the Korean fans have definitely taken note of the writing faults, so I'm glad to hear the writers can acknowledge it. And ellabel, yes i am a writer. ;) I try not to go into writer mode too much when enjoying a drama, because it's more fun just to be a fan, but I can't ignore it with Air City, for some reason. The series just feels like such a squandered opportunity.


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Air City: Episode 8

Air City: Episode 8

by javabeans

I love reading your summaries javabeans. They are clear, detailed and entertaining, for lack of a better word. All those innuendos and side comments make me chuckle. Thanks for making me laugh in this dreary day of mine.

Short of thinking you were a living witness to drug trades, lol.... those dialogs between the buyer and seller were amazingly ingenious. I also love the made-up scene bet. DK and Yi Kyung. Are you by any chance a movie or drama writer? ;-P

I wud really feel sad if you wud stop your AC summaries.... i will lose one source of fun. Gomawa-yo.


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Air City: Episode 3

Air City: Episode 3

by javabeans

Cant wait to see this drama! anyways.thanks for the summary


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SBS’s Bad Couple / 불량커플

SBS’s Bad Couple / 불량커플

by javabeans

First of all - thanks for the summary!
Now.. in order for me to jump on the bandwagon and watch it.. I would like to request this drama's Chinese title (streaming off of Chinese sites but do not read it fluently yet)
Thanks ^^


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Bad Couple: Episodes 3 & 4

Bad Couple: Episodes 3 & 4

by javabeans

Like all of the others.. I want to THANK YOU for your summary
Looks like a killer script and the actors look like they know what they are doing!
I loved this.. "You know who's not happy about the year delay? His mistress Sae Yeon. You know who doesn't care? Me."
Faithfully reading,
Your devoted fan ^^


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Flowers For My Life: Episode 8

Flowers For My Life: Episode 8

by javabeans

Thanks for the summary yet again, javabeans!

I am one of your readers who turned to watch the show because of your recaps.... haha. Your first episode recap of this show was very funny that I had to watch the real thing :P And I was not disappointed! Thanks again!

This episode is probably the most moving episode so far, and I'm really impressed by the actors, they did such great jobs!
Apart from Ho Sang's farewell with Hana, I thought Madam Gong's "returning daughter" scenes were very sad too...
I was pleasantly surprised that the writers went this deep for this Madam Gong's character.

But of course, another reason I found to continue watching this series, is Eun Tak,... heh.
Is it even possible for a man to look sexier with each episode? Haha.
I was laughing away when he was at the scene's background, watching the cancer show on TV with Ho Sang. He didn't even try to look cool!

There is so much to appreciate in the series, i.e. the well-written script, the actors, the "unusual" family background, and a few eye candies :P.
So, I'm going to jump in your boat, javabeans, and ask everybody to watch the show as well :)
Thanks again for the wonderful summary, as always!


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Flowers For My Life: Episode 8

Flowers For My Life: Episode 8

by javabeans

@tsunamiblues: Ho Sang really has an illness, but he doesn't know about it.

Ha Na knows though because she overheard the head nurse talk about it.


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Air City: Episode 8

Air City: Episode 8

by javabeans

Thanks Javabeans for not giving up yet. I do enjoy reading your criticism!


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Air City: Episode 8

Air City: Episode 8

by javabeans

Thank you so much javabeans...
Hehe...I laughed so much about the code as well...hehe...that's the best part...
I didn't remember having this much fun watching episode 8 but after reading this entry...Air City suddenly seems so fun...hehe...

And thanks for the "sister reunion" bonus...hehe...loved it.
I heard MBC is making some changes to their staffs...maybe it's good news.


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