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Bad Couple: Episodes 3 & 4

Bad Couple: Episodes 3 & 4

by javabeans

Thank you so much for the summaries!!


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Air City: Episode 7

Air City: Episode 7

by javabeans

Thanks JavaBeans for the translations. I'm sorry hearing that you're getting bore with AC. I just think that the directors are trying to show different cases/stories that could happen at the airport and a continuation of JS old case. It's like in FBI, things take time for getting the clue. I just believe that people tend to like to see things happens with beginning and end quickly within a short time frame. I personally like intrigue stories but do agree with you that in some episodes I wasn't able to understand the story. Again, since I'm not Korean, and this is the 1st time I follow the drama this way coz I usually wait and buy the DVD with English translation and watch it. It is hard to watch first without able to understand the language.

Anyway hope you would still hanging on with this drama for us, the Non-Korean people. Thanks!


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SBS’s Bad Couple / 불량커플

SBS’s Bad Couple / 불량커플

by javabeans

This drama is GREAT!~
I started to watch the first 2 episodes, and I was hooked!~
I watched episodes 3 and 4 without subtitles eventhough I can't understand a thing!~ haha...
Things I like about this drama are:
I like how the actors imagination are acted out in a funny cartoonish way
I like how there are different subplots in the drama (ie. cheating husband)


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Bad Couple: Episodes 3 & 4

Bad Couple: Episodes 3 & 4

by javabeans

Wow...Thank you so much for the summaries javabeans.
I love this drama...can't wait until next week.
The story is so interesting & refreshing.


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Bad Couple: Episodes 3 & 4

Bad Couple: Episodes 3 & 4

by javabeans

Oh so many good things to mention about this drama, thanks so much Sarah for the summary... you rock as always! muah~

I can't stop telling myself how good RSY as Gi Chan is, and how I'm SO GLAD Lee Dong Wook backed out of this lol. Watching RSY again makes me all warm and fuzzy and almost wanted to rewatch his 18vs29 heheh.. his last drama I watched before BC. Gi Chan is just soooo sweet and for sure, from now on, he'll be the perfect prince charming for DJ. She just doesn't realize it yet, but she will.. soon and very soon.
And since this is the "Bad.. " series, knowing the last two installments have super nice satisfying ending, I'm so looking forward to see this one.
Quite a competition Air City has with this one on the same slot hehe.. but my heart is still with AC no matter what, BC just adds some spices to my weekend hehe!


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Behind the K-Drama Scenes

Behind the K-Drama Scenes

by javabeans

Yup, thanks a lot for posting this article with translation .it tells me a lot more stuff about fantasy couple behind e scence n directors view.Like it so much but wouldn't it be better if this show is longer than 16 episodes.


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Air City: Episode 7

Air City: Episode 7

by javabeans

hi javabeans. 1st time writing to u.
i'm a romantic gal at heart, so action movies/dramas are def not for me.
but i've been faithfully following air city cos i adore JW ever since Mr Duke.
lets just say..i'm biased when it comes to her...hehe
THANK U SO MUCH for your summary, that i understand the show better...and can now say i take interest in LJJ & LJW other checking up on their prev projects.
the thing that bothers me most is...its already epi 7...where's the romance, PD?!

tks again for the wonderful job, javabeans!


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Bad Couple: Episodes 3 & 4

Bad Couple: Episodes 3 & 4

by javabeans

Hi Sarah,

Thanks for your summaries. It is awesome! I can't wait for the subtitles for this show to be released. Your summaries are so great that I prefer to read them instead of watching it!

Keep up the great work!


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Bad Couple: Episodes 3 & 4

Bad Couple: Episodes 3 & 4

by javabeans

i like the main guy in this even though i didnt like him in other dramas. hes so cute here. but the friend's story pisses me off because of her jackass husband. irritating.
still, hope this gets more exciting.


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Air City: Episode 7

Air City: Episode 7

by javabeans

I feel that they could've just made this all in Korea......

Why bother to include other nationalities i.e Singapore, Hong Kong, China....when all we have are "international baddies"? Am I supposed to believe that because the location is the airport, the criminals are all from "other" countries? Everybody from the airport/korea is heavenly and righteous? It just seems to me that the point of including other countries is just to show the main characters in a more glamorous criminal-busting plot rather than serving the plot.


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