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Air City: Episode 7

Air City: Episode 7

by javabeans

i love you. please note that =P


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where to watch

where to watch

by javabeans

Do you know where I can watch Kdramas online for free?


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Dal Ja’s Spring

Dal Ja’s Spring

by javabeans

When I started watching DJS it took a few days before I was able to finish the first episode but when I finally did, my sleepless nights or rather days (since I work at night) began. :)


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Air City: Episode 7

Air City: Episode 7

by javabeans

This is my 1st time posting here, but I've been checking out your blogs every week for updates! And I gotta say your funny insights and detailed descriptions of every episodes is very very good indeed! Thank you!


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A Bit of Trivia: Hello! Miss

A Bit of Trivia: Hello! Miss

by javabeans

Thx a lot, Thay!!!
I have been searching for that ringtones for days, but cant seem to find it!! So happened that you just uploaded it!!! Thx!!!!



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sorry "jonstewart," i saw the colbert post above yours and assumed they were both yours. (you have to admit the timing and naming was suspicious.) but the ip addresses show otherwise. your post wasn't racist.


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Facts aren't racist.

If you'd like an encyclopedia of links proving #1, let me know. #2 is obvious to anyone that's spent any time in Korea, and is further proven by the reaction to Colbert. #3 seems obvious by the presence of all the sensational headlines you see in the Korean media trumpeting every "insult" to Korean "pride," such as a CIA website daring to use Sea of Japan, or Jay Leno telling a joke about a dog, or Wikipedia daring to use Takeshima instead of Dokdo, or any countless other examples of over-sensitivity followed by claims of wounded pride for generally trivial and inconsequential matters.

You wrote a good summary of the situation. Don't ruin that by crying racism at those that point out the obvious. I didn't make crude remarks about Koreans being dumb. I simply pointed out what led to this being a story in the first place.


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by javabeans

jxbeaucp, sorry to say Soulmate 2 won't be happening. I'd be much sadder if I didn't feel the first season was wonderful as it is, but I'm satisfied with the ending so I can live with that.

Mohamed, it's just an online handle i've been using, completely unaware of (or forgetting) the computer programming suggestion.

cacs and everyone, i'm glad you like the site! thanks for all the support.


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Flowers For My Life: Episode 8

Flowers For My Life: Episode 8

by javabeans

Bwitched, I don't mind at all. Have fun ps'ing!


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"SteveColbert" and "jonstewart," you can be as ignorantly racist as you want, but Colbert and Stewart would be ashamed to have their names attached to opinions like yours.

As for the "farce" of the story, take a look at the post dates of all these reports. Koreans were upset, mostly got informed as to the error of their initial reaction, and calmed down. They're over it.


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