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by javabeans

jxbeaucp, sorry to say Soulmate 2 won't be happening. I'd be much sadder if I didn't feel the first season was wonderful as it is, but I'm satisfied with the ending so I can live with that.

Mohamed, it's just an online handle i've been using, completely unaware of (or forgetting) the computer programming suggestion.

cacs and everyone, i'm glad you like the site! thanks for all the support.


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Flowers For My Life: Episode 8

Flowers For My Life: Episode 8

by javabeans

Bwitched, I don't mind at all. Have fun ps'ing!


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"SteveColbert" and "jonstewart," you can be as ignorantly racist as you want, but Colbert and Stewart would be ashamed to have their names attached to opinions like yours.

As for the "farce" of the story, take a look at the post dates of all these reports. Koreans were upset, mostly got informed as to the error of their initial reaction, and calmed down. They're over it.


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1. The Korean media is a giant, unprofessional joke. They make the National Enquirer look like the Wall Street Journal. As a whole, they're constantly searching for any instance or event that they feel is an "insult" to the country or people, and they're more than willing to misinterpret, misrepresent, or flat-out lie in order to guarantee coverage of yet another "Koreans as victims" story.

2. Koreans in general don't understand sarcasm, parody, self-deprecation, irony, or satire.

3. The Korean public eats up the victimhood stories like side-dishes, so the press keeps dishing them up, regardless of whether they're true or bullshit.

1 + 2 + 3 = The ridiculous farce of a "story" this has become.


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Koreans are a very dumb people. Too bad the japanese lost the war. Koera would be nice.


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Flowers For My Life: Episode 8

Flowers For My Life: Episode 8

by javabeans

i really like this drama i hope all the english subs will be out soon so i can enjoy and observe all the major details that you write out so detailed.... thanks


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by javabeans

hi! i've a number of things to tell you but let me start with your name... JAVABEANS... it caught my attention simply because I love jelly belly beans!

I discovered your website just last night when I was searching for episode artworks of DJS. After I was done copying the artworks I read your posts about Dal Ja's and really, I was so impressed with all the works that you've put in to do a review of the said series. I am a die-hard fan of Dal Ja's Spring and I even reached the point where I'm trying to immitate DJ's looks. :) What I did last night was added your site to My Favorites list because I want to read more about your works.

This afternoon when I woke up I opened your site again and voila! I found out that you're not only doing reviews/recap of DJS but also of other K-series. Now I'm really, really awed by your dedication and energy in doing these things. :)

Just before I did this comment I was reading your review about "Flowers for my..." and I immediately decided to start watching the series... while I'm waiting for upcoming episodes of RRLY. :)

Javabeans, You simply rock! ^_^


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Flowers For My Life: Episode 8

Flowers For My Life: Episode 8

by javabeans

Yeah. I admit that I read your blog instead of watching the show but that's cause I'm waiting for the subs. Whenever I read your blogs, I'm so deeply touch and really tear up. I just can't imagine how it is to actually watch these scenes! I am DEFINITELY watching it when more subs come out! I truly love this episode... and the last scene scares me.. I hope CTH doesn't die in the end.


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Air City: Episode 6

Air City: Episode 6

by javabeans

Thanks a lot for the summary! I really love the plot of this drama!!! Like there's a connection on every episode and the writer's are not dragging the drama too long... I realy love the STORY and this drama! And Choi Ji Woo! She's an awesome actor! Thanks again!


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Flowers For My Life: Episode 8

Flowers For My Life: Episode 8

by javabeans

hehehe...jessica. False hope!!..the photo is too cute. I'm gonna do something with it..

sarah, I hope u won't mind me taking the caps from ur entry. I haven't finished dl with mine to take the snapshots.

I had already took one from here n ps'ed it a little. This one..Please don't be mad at me ^_^


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