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Behind the K-Drama Scenes

Behind the K-Drama Scenes

by javabeans

Yup, thanks a lot for posting this article with translation .it tells me a lot more stuff about fantasy couple behind e scence n directors view.Like it so much but wouldn't it be better if this show is longer than 16 episodes.


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Air City: Episode 7

Air City: Episode 7

by javabeans

hi javabeans. 1st time writing to u.
i'm a romantic gal at heart, so action movies/dramas are def not for me.
but i've been faithfully following air city cos i adore JW ever since Mr Duke.
lets just say..i'm biased when it comes to her...hehe
THANK U SO MUCH for your summary, that i understand the show better...and can now say i take interest in LJJ & LJW other checking up on their prev projects.
the thing that bothers me most is...its already epi 7...where's the romance, PD?!

tks again for the wonderful job, javabeans!


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Bad Couple: Episodes 3 & 4

Bad Couple: Episodes 3 & 4

by javabeans

Hi Sarah,

Thanks for your summaries. It is awesome! I can't wait for the subtitles for this show to be released. Your summaries are so great that I prefer to read them instead of watching it!

Keep up the great work!


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Bad Couple: Episodes 3 & 4

Bad Couple: Episodes 3 & 4

by javabeans

i like the main guy in this even though i didnt like him in other dramas. hes so cute here. but the friend's story pisses me off because of her jackass husband. irritating.
still, hope this gets more exciting.


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Air City: Episode 7

Air City: Episode 7

by javabeans

I feel that they could've just made this all in Korea......

Why bother to include other nationalities i.e Singapore, Hong Kong, China....when all we have are "international baddies"? Am I supposed to believe that because the location is the airport, the criminals are all from "other" countries? Everybody from the airport/korea is heavenly and righteous? It just seems to me that the point of including other countries is just to show the main characters in a more glamorous criminal-busting plot rather than serving the plot.


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Bad Couple: Episodes 3 & 4

Bad Couple: Episodes 3 & 4

by javabeans







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Bad Couple: Episodes 3 & 4

Bad Couple: Episodes 3 & 4

by javabeans

Thank you so much Sarah!!!

I love this drama and it makes it so much better with your summary.

I love so many things about this episode....

1) Dang Ja!!! I love this character. Her insecurities and creativities really amaze me all the time. Her truckload of men, her 17th man, her constant imaginations about babies/ wonder she's in the creative...she's never out of ideas.

2) Gi Chan!!!
I melted when he said “I really want to make you happy, Dang Ja.”

He is not the usual kind of guy that I fall for...but awwww..the script is good. Whoever wrote his lines!!!! They did a good job.

3) Dang Ja and Gi Chan TOGETHER! Ah...those two are awesome as opposites!!!

This is a good drama to watch for a good laugh and some heartwarming "awwws" with the "Crazy couple". I don't care for the adultery storyline either.

Thank you Sarah!!!!
I don't expect you to summarize this drama...just do it when you feel like it. =)
I like surprises like this too! =)


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SBS’s Bad Couple / 불량커플

SBS’s Bad Couple / 불량커플

by javabeans

The pizza conversation totally cracked me up because my friends and I recently had the exact conversation! Oh yeah, I'm an ajumma for sure (kids, married), but my 30-something friend and my early 40s friend, both who is so beautiful, but not married, refuse to respond to ajumma. My one friend is hilarious. She insists on being unni or emo, which is what my kids call her. Sooo funny! LOL So glad you are doing summaries. Now I can watch ahead of the subtitles.


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Bad Couple: Episodes 3 & 4

Bad Couple: Episodes 3 & 4

by javabeans

Omo, she's pregnant!

Thank you so much for the summaries as fans like me patiently wait for subtitles.

Gi Chan is getting so adorable as he tries to win her affections. I think I'm a bit in love with this naive guy now. I'm so glad they're getting right into the storyline instead of spending more episodes on Dang Ja trying to get Gi Chan into bed. I wonder how it'll all go now since they've finished the first story arc. I'm hoping there aren't any ridiculous love polygons.

This drama really puts a huge grin on my face. =D


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Air City: Episode 7

Air City: Episode 7

by javabeans

LOL javabeans...your header is too funny! I was thinking the same thing. The drama isn't the greatest, but dang the guys are hot. There is Ji Sung of course, but I'm totally in love with Ha Joon. He's the nice guy, with the right amount of cockiness. Re the lady dr, I agree with you completely. She had the exact same effect on me in Alone In Love- it is almost painful for me to watch her. There is something about her voice that is too perfect for me. I'm a fan of the daily dramas, but I don't think I would like her any better there. Thanks javabeans!


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