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Dal Ja’s Spring: Episode 5

Dal Ja’s Spring: Episode 5

by javabeans

>He's simultaneously her spare tire,
> her source of comfort, and her
> moral compass. Someone tell me
> where they sell Tae Bongs. I'll take two.

Heh heh :) Sign me up for some!


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Witch Yoo Hee (Witch Amusement)

Witch Yoo Hee (Witch Amusement)

by javabeans

i QSS is much better than witch yoo hee.....i hope ERIC is the leading man of han ga in....LOL


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Flowers For My Life: Episode 9

Flowers For My Life: Episode 9

by javabeans

Im making a MV for Flowers for my life and im going to dedicate it to you Javabeans for ur awesome summarys and all of your great comments!!

I will be finished with it maybe Friday and will upload it and give you the link to it, but i hope you will like it!!



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Summary: Dal Ja’s Spring, Episode 1

Summary: Dal Ja’s Spring, Episode 1

by javabeans

I'm looking through you're archives and it's nice to see your reviews on this :)

It's interesting how this is somewhat similar to Bad Couple's "Career Women" theme. Maybe Korea is starting to finally acknowledge this?


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 5

Que Sera Sera: Episode 5

by javabeans

awww. thankssomuch for your kickass summaries and commentaries. i really like que sera sera for the fact that it's different from all the other dramas i've watched. it's cool, sexy, real. but for the same reason i like it-- it dosen't hit you over the head with obvious plot turns and plain-to-view emotions-- i miss all the subtle elements that make it great.

you're really just too good at catching all the emotions of the characters and even the emotions given to you by the scenery,
the camera angle, or the symbolism.

javabeans, you rock :D


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WOW. thank you so much for your brilliant synopses. i really enjoyed reading them. :D i especially appreciate your in depth analysis on the more important aspects of the series: the subtleties of man-love, the symbolism of a melting ice cream, the comedic value of a car crash or a heart attack..
hahaha. i LOVE your blogging. now, i can contently move on to another series.. que sera sera, flowers for my life (whatever you've suggested :D), and follow along with your blogging of course.


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Flowers For My Life: Episode 9

Flowers For My Life: Episode 9

by javabeans

ahhhh... *clutches chest* this episode... ahhhh. so good... *sigh*

kamsahamnida, javabeans.


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Flowers For My Life: Episode 5

Flowers For My Life: Episode 5

by javabeans

i enjoy watching this drama, its amusing to watch this korean drama and im glad i was able to watch it from the start.

the show was good primarily because its refreshing to see a very innocent gold digger for a change (hehe, its the first time that i saw a show where the lead is a gold digger and as innocent as hana).

im excited to know the bigger issues of the show such as the secret behind the characters of Eun Tak and Nam Kyung...

I hope the story won't get boring or predictable like the last chapter of dalja's Spring (god, i love that show except for the ending!!!)


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Flowers For My Life: Episode 9

Flowers For My Life: Episode 9

by javabeans

so doea ho sang really have cancer or is he gonna die....?


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Witch Amusement: Episode 14

Witch Amusement: Episode 14

by javabeans

thanks a bunch for writing such cool summaries! i lost interest awhile ago (and still kept watching till it became painful), so i'm just reading your summaries-- which are 104801920921 times more fun reading hilarious than actually watching the show.


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