Also, Puppy needs to take that anger down a notch or a couple more. Why is he so mean? I get it you hate sick people because your mom but that’s just poor writing from the comic Writer… Why is he still mean in shadows?


    His stage self trickles down to his shadowy self 😭😭 the preview looks promising though! Of his character change? Or do I just want to be delusional?


      It seems like from the two characters that have become self-aware (other than uri couple and Fairy), their stage self and shadow self are pretty much identical. I mean, DoHwa is a cinnamon roll both on stage and shadow… Oh, I do hope his character will change otherwise it’s just a shame to waste this puppy with all this violent anger 😔


        Agree, writer let’s not waste puppies. We take care of them, not let them roll by themselves.


    The comic writer IS bad. Dan Oh even called it “sloppy writing”. XD

    But as you ask – why is he still mean in the Shadow? That’s the drama writers’ job to explain, and so far they’ve thrown us more questions than answers. Plus getting Stage and Shadow blurred makes it harder for me to keep up with the twists and turns.

    I just wanted Haru and Kyung to be friends. Is that so hard Writers? *cries*.


      The comic writer’s writing is old fashion too haha

      I’m in pain with all these questions but no answers D:

      I want them to be friends too! I think Haru really cares about Kyung’s well-being (ie. last episode) but I think Kyung was being even more of a prick this time that Haru had to throw him in to pacify him


      Yes please. Let them be friends.


    Poor writing.


    I think he is mean because he’s hurting, and being mean gives him the illusion that he has some control. Hence the abusive boyfriend tactics he’s been using on Dan-Oh and the fact that he can’t stand to see her with another guy. The little bit of dependable information he had, the one thing he could reliably manipulate to his advantage is slipping away from him and that, compounded with the realization that he has essentially no free will has got to be terrifying. And since the writer has apparently not equipped him with a lot of compassion and social graces, well, I think he’s going to turn into the main villain of the story. (I kinda can’t wait for Lee Jae Wook to go full bad honestly. I think he’s going to be verrrrry good at it)
    I also have a theory that it is difficult for more prominent characters to develop a shadow personality that is different from their off-stage personality. Baek Kyung and Do Hwa are both more important characters than Dan-Oh, which means the writer probably spent more time working on them, their background, their personality traits, their struggles, etc. which would explain why they are staying somewhat true to themselves even after they’ve awoken. Meanwhile, Dan-Oh was just a sick girl with a crush, without much more to her character, which made her basically a blank page, allowing for shadow-Dan-Oh to develop more of a backbone than stage-Dan-Oh. But my imagination is running wild with that show, so take every thing I say with a grain of salt.


    He’s literally everything that’s wrong with young men. All rage and entitlement, no empathy or self-reflection.
