Strangers from Hell feels less like a K-drama and more like a Korean thriller movie in its gritty and unflinching portrayal of violence. Hard to watch but vv compelling and having just binge-watched S2 Mindhunter – it seems like the perfect show to continue, esp given the policewoman’s sleuthing for serial killers based on patterns. If the show keeps this up, it’s going to be a great ride.

Also, spoiler for ep 2, look away, but LDW fits the psychopathic killer role so well XD


    After Trap, it’s the second drama from ocn’s cinematic projects. Hence the movie vibes 🙂

    Maybe it’s because I’m used to Korean thrillers, I don’t find it that violent, well physically speaking. I like that it’s focusing on the atmosphere and less on the graphic violent bloody scene (for now).


      Ahh! I find it very hard to watch Korean thrillers even though they’re so well made. I have to take multiple breaks. Something about them cuts to the core even if they’re not that gory.

      Yeahhh, the creepy atmosphere-setting has been 💯/💯

      Have you checked out the web-toon for this? Do you have plans to?


        I only took a look at the first chapter before the premier. I will wait for the drama to end before reading it.
