YaYa for the win! You tell him, lady! #GoGoSquid #Guncontinuesbeingdumb #butIthinktheremightbehopeforhim


    Li Xian is such a great actor. He’s able to deliver such great performance of a guy pining for a woman when she’s not looking, but completely rejects when she’s around. That scene at the airport; I want to hate Gun so much, but the look he gives as he watches from afar making sure she gets on the right taxi was so painfully good.

    And that escalator scene. Auugh. He is not okay because he is so stupid, but I ache for him. A lot.

    Li Xian play Gun really good.


      I LOVED that elevator scene. What a great way to visually show what’s going on inside his head. He’s such a MALE, hahaha!
