Dear Beanies,

Hello! It’s been too long, I think over six months (gasp), since I’ve been on the wall. Don’t worry, I’ve been lurking on the site now and then. Life got really crazy. It’s still crazy, but I’ve gotten to a point where I have make a point to getaway to my happy place to get away from real life (Yes, Beanieland is one of my happy places). I thought maybe once I had gotten everything in order, I’d ease back into beanie life but it’s six months later and life shows no hints of slowing down.

Basically in the last six months, we have moved, settled into a new place, tried to unpack, failed to unpack, tried to take care of things that magically started breaking after we moved in, succeeded in some of the fixing of the things, spectacularly failed in others, attempted at spring cleaning, kept up with work, *tried* to workout and keep a healthy lifestyle, continued with part time masters, attempted at building a dining table (another story, another time), tackled dance classes that continue to kick my butt among other things. I still have boxes lined up against wall that I’m living out of, yet I have rooms that are practically empty. There are times I find my self lying awake at night going through the ever growing to-do list. I’ve added weeding/planting to that list recently. Will it ever stop? Will there ever come a time when I’ll find myself just sitting on the couch without feeling guilty about all the unfinished tasks (because I’ve miraculously finished them)? If anyone has the answers, I’m willing to pay for the answers with baked goods.

I’m was my wits end. So much so that Mr. Spicykimchi had to intervene and say “why don’t you watch a drama?” I haven’t watched many dramas since my last post on here. I finished Mr. Sunshine and Life on Mars. I tried watching Memories of the Alhambra, couldn’t go past episode 2. That’s when I started Romance Is A Bonus Book. It’s a fluff, put-your-brain-aside-and-just-enjoy-the-cuteness drama.. But I think I needed it. It gave me an hour away from real life every now and then. After I finished it, Mr. Spicykimchi go worried again (he’s a dear). I think it’s mainly because I put him to work as well. I’ve been making a conscious effort to not be on go-go-go mode recently. I’ve read a couple of books, and that helped too. I figured maybe it was time to come back to Dramabeans and be active here again. Reconnect with old beanies, and meet some new ones. I didn’t realize how much you guys help in keeping me sane (relative term, really).

So essentially, with this really long rambling post what I’m trying to say is: Hi guys! How’s it going? How have you all been?

P.S: What have I missed out on? What should I catch up on? What should I avoid at all cost?

*finger hearts*


    welcome back! <3


    Awwww *sending warm happy vibes and hugs to you*
    Also hello! Hope you get some comfort from dramaland and beanieland!

    I am currently watching “Her Private Life” and apart from some/many problems with the fangirl life shown there, the fluff really is adorable!
    The other show I am watching is “He is Psychometric” and it’s in it’s finale week so maybe you can see the beanie reaction before starting it. It is an interesting show. I went in thinking it will be fluffy but it turned out to be a much deeper murder mystery!
    Also beanies have been collectively fangirling over a C-drama called “Put your head on my shoulders”… I haven’t checked it out yet but beanies seem to love it!

    P.S. Mr. Spicykimchi sounds like the best hubby ever!


      HI! I’ve been seeing beanies squee over Her Private Life and I think I might have to join the madness! It looks just the thing I could use right now. Let me know your overall thoughts on He is Psychometric and I’ll check it out based on the recs! I STARTED THE C-DRAMA. Beanies are the best influence. I can’t stop watching it! I’m 6 episodes in already 😀
      And thank you! Mr. Spickykimchi is the best <3


    Your husband sounds so sweet. I agree with Muchie. Psychometric is really good so far. Although you might want to wait until it finishes tomorrow to see if it is good until the end. Also, Psychometric was fun at first but it got pretty intense towards the end. If you’re looking for cute and fluffy, Put Your Head on My Shoulder (on Youtube) is perfect.


      Hello my Captain!
      Aww thank you 🙂 Mr. Spicykimchi has been blushing with all the good things y’all have been saying lol. I’ll check out Psychometric based on you guys’ overall thoughts but I started Put Your Head on My Shoulder! I’m already 6 episodes in – and I’m obsessed. It’s bad. How are you doing with the Korean practices?


        I gave up “studying” during the Burning Sun scandal. That whole thing was mentally exhausting and I just couldn’t find the energy to study. But I have been subbing for Viki and I’m trying to read some kid’s books in Korean so I’m still making some progress.


    Welcome back!!! Have fun picking and watching dramas ahaha ☺


    Welcome back, Beanie spicykimchi! Mr Spicykimchi sounds like a really great guy. Your last six months sounds exhausting and I wish you luck and energy for dealing with everything. I hear that there are people who actually get everything done but in my house it’s more like, hope for the best and jettison things that aren’t imperative. Dramas, of course, are necessary. 😉


      Thank you! Haha, he’s pretty great. I think I just needed to vent it out. I always feel like I’m not getting enough done. I always look at our parents and wonder how they managed everything like a boss! Sometimes I just want a week off from work so that I can get all the house work that’s been piling up. That’s when Mr.S intervenes and suggests an episode or two of a drama 😂


    Welcome back, @spicykimchi !

    Life and adulting have a way of getting in the way, huh… Sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do! And as your awesome hubby Mr. SpicyKimchi suggested, intentionally going into your happy worry-free place for a breather is necessary.

    What to avoid: a burnout.

    Stay well !


      Adulting is hard! Agreed, sometimes you gotta pencil in a relaxing hour or so in the calendar 😂 Ugh so close to a burnout. But I’m backing off and just taking it easy for now.


    Welcome back!
