The Atypical Family What is that confusing mess! My head is going around in circles.


    What part did you find confusing?


      The theory of Gwi-ju dying while saving Da-hae and how though she is alive now, she might die if he doesn’t go and save her. It is the timetravel thing that I find confusing. I can understand what they are implyimg but I think it is too complicated.
      We finally got Gwi-ju and I-na’s relationship repaired. So, why this twist now?


        Ah, I see what you mean. It’s the inevitable home stretch angst, isn’t it?

        The show has an interesting take on time travel. It has only one timeline in which the present (Gwi-ju) is fated to go back to the past (Da-hae) as predicted in the future (Mother Bok), sort of a closed, inevitable loop.

        I might not be right and I’m probably doing a poor job explaining. 😅 Let’s see what other Beanies say.


          You are right. But the problem is that one can understand and not understand the drama at the same time😂😂😂😂


        It is presented to us as if Gwi-ju will die when he goes to save her. And probably he can’t not do it, and definitely he WILL do it.
        But notice that his mother hasn’t seen him die. She only saw that he “wouldn’t have time” to get out.
        Well, first: You know how he disappears, right? He doesn’t really need time, he just stops being there. But apart from that, you know he has been doing all his best to come back and help at that fire, and has just been watching helplessly every time.
        BECAUSE Dong-hee wasn’t there to help him! 100 to 1 Da-hae will finally be saved by a cooperating team of back-in-time-travellers, his flying scissor, and his mindreading daughter. And maybe his kind father, and of course those sauna people except scary mum.


          That is a possible theory indeed.


          I’ve read this theory and I LOVE it (they’re working together to pull off the ultimate con: conning fate!) But I don’t know how they could go back in time with Gwi-ju. Unless maybe he’s gonna get their past selves to help him, that could be it.

          The time travel thing is confusing but that’s just how time travel works. As long as Da-hae isn’t vanishing, it means Gwi-ju went back in time and saved her.


    RIght from the first episode I had the feeling this story was being told backwards. And it is. Just accept that you will always only understand what is happening somewhat later.
    It is probably a drama worth seeing again, when you have seen the final episode. 🙂


      Yeah! You are right. Everything will be cleared next week but those complicated rules were more annoying than intriguing.


        Thr rules are:
        1)Gwi-ju can only travel back in time.
        That means that whatever he does, he has already done. He just doesn’t know until he goes back in time and does it. Or Da-hae can tell him. It can have happened 2 minutes ago, or thirteen years.
        2) He can only touch things that has something to do with Da-hae. And only Da-hae can see him. The mirror can’t “see” him, either.
        3) He cannot always control when. For a long time, he left all the time, and he couldn’t help it. That’s how he lost his wife.
        4) Man-heuk dreams of the future. She has not yet been able to prevent anything that she has dreamt would happen.
        5) What she sees is like in a dream; it is not made very clear what is going on.
        6) That means that if she dreams a car lay smashed up at the side of the road with you in it, best thing you can do is to smash a car and sit in it a bit. 😉
        Her vision will have come true, but you will not be dead.
        She draws hastened conclusions. Lottery tickets are simple. But she has interpreted the ring on Da-hae’s finger in three different ways already. She says Gwi-ju will die, but really, she doesn’t know that. And the “not having time” part is nonsense. She has seen the explosion, I guess, and an empty casket at a funeral.
        The rules as regards to her dreams is a bit like in some kinds of fan fic, where everything important happens in the scenes between the “official” scenes, but at best so that in glimpses, it fits exactly with the official version.


          Thank you so much for taking time and giving us this detailed explanation. Much appreciated😊😊
          Yeah Man-heum’s visions aren’t that reliable so let’s hope her conclusion was wrong


          That thought just occured to me. What if the time travel was only limited to reliving happy moments and no saving is included. And instead give time to character dev that is barely here 😂😂 But again since when dramas followed the path we wish😂


          So I actually think Gwi-ju CAN control it (like this latest ep when he went back to see that actress in that movie), but it can also happen outside of his control.


            Oh, I just saw that you said “always” so you already said that. Sorry! Also, I agree that he didn’t really die. Mama Bok isn’t seeing the full picture.


      I remember you saying this in the comments on ep 1 or 2, and you were so right! How clever and insightful of you to see it even early on.
