Day 8 – The character who most screams for mental health care

My choice has to be Han Yura, the FL’s younger sister in Perfect Marriage Revenge. Yura started off the series as the favored child who is spoiled rotten. Due to the course of the show, everything she was lead to believe on who she was turned out to be a lie. She must be suffering from immense inferiority complex, anger issues and maybe even PTSD. When the show ended, she was lashing out and desperately using her unborn child to latch onto a man who does not love her. I hope she can seek professional help to break the vicious cycle so her child can grow up surrounded by decent parents.



    It would be wonderful and would turn her world around if she broke her cycle of toxicity for her child.


    I haven’t watched the show, but I hope to see Jin Ji-hee in more dramas. She is one of the child actors I miss.


      She is good as Yura. It would be interesting to see her play other roles. She managed to make you like to hate the character and pity her at the same time.


        Thank you!
        She can carry a sageuk if someone would cast her.
