Day 4 – The drama you loved and Beanies hated / The drama you hated and Beanies loved

💭 Dramas Beanies Loved but I Hated
My Dearest Part2 – I didn’t like the narrative choices for the lead couple but I liked the historical parts.
Destined With You – I ended dropping this early. I didnt like it as much as other beanies.
Castaway Diva – I liked the beginning but got too depressing in the middle.
King the Land – too much fluff can be a bad thing.

⭐️Dramas I Loved but Beanies hated

Evilive– I started this when the show was about to end so I can binge watch it. There was very little buzz about the show in the recaps and fanwalls despite that it has been in my radar because of the leads.
I thoroughly enjoyed the show since its very different from the other kdramas I was watching at the time. Kim Young Kwang and Shin Ha Kyun were amazing in their roles.



    I won’t say Evilive was “hated”, just ignored or rather got very little love. Lack of availability was also an issue. I too binged it towards the end of airing. The leads needless to say are mesmerizing.


      Lack of availability can be annoying. Other factors may also be into play since it also didnt too well in domestic ratings. Hopefully it will be available in one of the bigger streaming apps so more people can appreciate it.
