Would You Rather #52

In dramaland, leading ladies often find themselves torn between the love of two equally attractive men — a choice none of us would want to make! But what if you did have to pick between the frustrating lawyer and the adorkable police officer? In this feature, we ask you to make the difficult decisions — and we aren’t limiting our options to dreamy oppas.

Vote via the poll and feel free to use the comments to explain exactly how you were able to choose! So, Beanies:


If I had to make a guess based on these poll results, I’d say quite a few of you have dated someone who has snapped a picture of you just as you opened your mouth to take a big bite of your panini sandwich. @bomibeans certainly knows the pain of being on the other side of inept photographer’s camera, enough that she’d be set for life if she received a penny for every bad photo — which is why she was among the majority of those who picked the option of having a significant other who knows all your best angles.

Cameras can be quite unforgiving, and if you’re anything like @darkcc, simply being in front of them can cause your face to freeze in “abject horror” — an expression that doesn’t make for the best headshots. But, like @asianromance mentioned, the awkwardness of being in front of a camera can be alleviated by a trusted individual who can remind you to straighten your spine and angle your face towards the light in a flattering manner. Plus, if your S.O. possess the attentiveness required to find your best angles, then that means that they are either a really good photographer, or, as @mreverything suggested, someone who really cares about you to notice and appreciate when you look the most attractive.

As for the whole being serenaded option? Well, a few Beanies, like @gikata and @ahjummaaa, really loved the idea of having someone — ideally musically gifted, of course — sing to them. However, in the comments section, they were decidedly in the minority because an overwhelming number of Beanies found the idea of being serenaded by their significant other downright cringe. @enriquequierecagar and @vienibenmio, I’m right there with you in feeling extremely awkward while waiting on people to wrap up the Happy Birthday song.




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I'd rather sell those toys please.

Looking at the bright side of it, I'll be making buyers happy either way - both will be happy and inclined to whip out thier cards. So why not the happiness that's intrinsically essential🤷🏽.


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Both are sales jobs, one direct the other indirect.
I once heard this: a good salesman can sell anything. There was a guy I knew who started off selling radio ads, then sold cars, then industrial chemicals, all very successfully.
In this poll, I went with being responsible for placing PPL in dramas which I presume is creatively helping incorporate the product into the story.


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My Y chromosome probably makes me unsuitable for one of those jobs.

But if I'm responsible for PPL, do I have some freedom to pick which interesting products we try to make deals with? Any possibilities for subtle revenge against the idiots who assigned me that job? Sex-toy PPL on a children's show? Happy children's toy PPL before an after the funeral scene? Auto PPL showing white trucks in almost any show? Etc. What other possibilities can anyone think of?


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Does placing ppl mean I get to fight with PDs who take good actors and a good script and ruin it by putting a serial killer in at the end? Does it mean I get to make actors do funny and cringe stuff like drive a vw bug into the ocean? Hmm... this is making me seem like a bad person.


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I've seen Be Melodramatic and the first episode of Because This Is My First Life - getting PPL into a drama is harder and I don't think I can handle being side-eyed and yelled at from all sides because we need to get some product onto the screen before the drama ends - from the writers, the directors, the actors, the audience, supervisors/managers from the production offices, the product vendors, etc. And of course, bloggers, blog commenters...beanies!... who will also side-eye my work of inserting yet another Kahi stick moment.

With the pandemic and into post-pandemic - sex toys have gained more acceptance - I'd rather sell sex toys and lingerie. In the last few weeks, we've had a kdrama featuring a guy using dildos as weapons and a drama about selling lingerie and sex toys. It'll be nice to help women feel beautiful and take their own pleasure into their own hands. Also, not all sex toys are 7-inch dildos, handcuffs, and collars. There is a lot of cute, discreet stuff out there.


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I'd rather never work in sales/advertising again altogether, tyvm. See ya in the next poll.


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I could imagine I would have fun finding absurd reasons why everybody would want to suck a little plastic bag and cry out: "MMh! I feel so energized now!!!"
I would be sad to do that to any drama that I actually liked.
And even without that, selling stuff openly aligns better with my personal moral principles than sneaking in products in cultural products.
So I'd go with the underwear and toy thing.


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My education is a degree in Communications (focusing on Marketing), so I can think of ways to market and sell the things, but not actually be in customer service to sell the thing. Nope lol 😂


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I think the best ppl is placed creatively or makes me laugh out loud when I see it. I think that aspect of it could be fun, to subtly involve it or make a laugh about it. As long as I don’t have to do Subway or that coffee candy. I wouldn’t mind doing massage chairs; I feel like they are used more creatively or hilariously. You also would hopefully get to sit in them.
Be melodramatic had the most ridiculous massage chair scene on purpose. Due to the fact that the show had a character that did ppl placement and its tongue-in-cheek self-awareness, the show had hilarious ppl scenes.


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I can imagine all the fun and laughter on set while doing PPLs! It's always so cheeky and a little bit awkward, like a joke everybody's in on.

It's a creative challenge I'd love to take on, so PPLs it is for me.


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I know I will do better in incorporating PPL in dramas than sell the first option.


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This is tricky because both require some level of persuasion.

I feel like selling sex toys and lingerie could be done almost like a hobby. It's a bit risque and you wouldn't necessarily want certain folks but know but that's part of the thrill.

Being responsible for PPL seems like a headache. There are higher ups berating and pressuring you about getting a certain brand or amount by a certain time or EVERYONE is screwed and it's because if you.
Then I imagine there's legalese and negotiations about the specifics of how the PPL is done.

While I understand selling sex toys and lingerie would also be considered work and it would/could be hard to do, I think there's a skotch more freedom to it and if you're a charismatic person, this could be easy. That's why I would choose that option.


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I choose being responsible for product placement in dramas.
Firstly, because I have a bachelor's degree in Advertising, so that's my thing, I guess. I think I would be able to find less annoying ways to insert PPL in dramas.

Secondly, because I'm too shy to sell sex toys and lingerie and I have no idea about that kind of things. I would have to act as if I were another person to sell them.


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😂 I just realized how very bad I’d be at both of these jobs! Anything sales related is definitely not my thing (though I had a side job in retail aeons ago - but since it was a specialized shop, I didn’t have to do anything to sell other than ring the till... 🤔 Anyways!). I guess I’d be forcefully removed from drama sets because I’d just be creeping about uncertainly while looking suspicious, not knowing who to talk to to get the better angled shot of that Avolon Pizza. Though thinking of scenes to place products unexpectedly would be so much fun!!!
Selling sex toys would be worse though. Must pull a Darcy there: „I don’t have this talent which some people possess of conversing easily with strangers.“ It would be an epic fail. 😂


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LOLOL at every word!! 🤣🤣🤣


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