[Drama Chat] Drama slumps and their causes

Like it or not, you’ve probably experienced that strange phenomenon of… the drama slump. We talked about how to get out of a drama slump before, but the question I pose today is a different one. And maybe it’s more than one question, too.

To start, do you find that the more dramas there are out there, the easier it is to slump? For some reason, I think this embarrassment of riches does just that for me. Rather than navigate the broadcast dramas and the dozen (or two dozen?) streaming services out there now, I find myself longing for simpler days.*

If you’re like me, and you slumpify with the plethora of choices, how do you hone your selection criteria? And if you’re the opposite, and are enjoying the multitudinous nature of dramas these days, do you get into a slump after a string of disappointments? Or after a great drama that nothing else seems to measure up to?

Drama slumps have many causes, and overabundance just might be one of them. Thoughts?

*Simpler days = When there were “the big 3” — MBC, SBS, and KBS — and the two cable upstarts tvN and JTBC.



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I am in a drama slump right now. The dramas I want to watch are not available to me. I am not interested in the dramas that are available. I like quality sageuks, but the last one I watched was Knight Flower back in February.


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I feel the same way; nothing seems to stick, but I will finish "What Comes After Love" for the bean.
My hope for quality sageuks is on MBC.


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The saguek slump has made me sad as well, and while I understand the economics of the decision, I wish Korea still made the occasional long old-school historical show. I've had to turn to China to get my fix for good, epic period pieces.


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I also miss the long sageuks, especially during the holidays. I'm sad that we didn't have a single sageuk during Chuseok. Due to the lack of long/epic sageuks, I'm also watching more C-dramas.


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It is really disheartening for me that the reason I opt for kdramas - sagueks - are just so hard to find, and the available ones are hardly worth my while. Plus, that sword choreography that I do sorely miss. Now we only have just so little fight scenes that don't take up to an hour in a totality of 16-20 hours. I miss my Jumong, Dae Joyoung, Gwanggaeto the Great Conqueror, Iron Empress and Queen Seondeok days.

If I could get access to the sagueks of '00s to '10s, I'll watch them to have my fill of sword play and some good politics thriller.

Sejak sure was a political thriller for me for most of its run, but I greatly wished it had some more swordfighting screentime. Goryeo-Khitan War did try to make up the sword fight drought. Ah! And the part 1 of My Dearest.


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I’m exactly the same as you are, @missvictrix, I’m easily overwhelmed by the too-much-ness of things, be it food in the refrigerator, or references I have to read for my research question, or choices of available dramas to watch,… When it happens, I may stop functioning (mentally) for a while. I haven’t watched anything new for quite a while now. I think the last show I watched live then dropped halfway was No Gain No Love. The minor reason is increasing real life workload, but whenever I have some free time, I just don’t know what show to watch out of many options out there.

At times I wanted to pick up What Comes After Love, but then decided against it because I believed I wasn’t in the right mood (yet) and that show requires the right mood. Nothing else really grabs my interest. One reason for such lack of interest, which is mentioned up there in the article, is that after finishing a show that was so emotionally fulfilling, I don’t feel like I would be able to reach that state again with the current live dramas. I recently finished my rewatch of Happiness and The Worst of Evil, two captivating shows that captured all my attention, and I’m not very eager to start anything new atm. Nothing feels like it would measure up to them. Talking about these two shows, I want to say again that I believe 12 ep should be the norm. I would have watched, say Queen of Tears, out of curiosity, if it was 12 ep long, 1 hour per ep. So can I say long episodes with dragging and filler plotlines should be considered another reason for a drama slump? One doesn’t want to start something they are not sure if they can finish, due to lack of time and interest. And if that happens several times in a row, they will feel burned out and a slump is very likely?

When in a slump, I often picked up a past show and watch it slowly every now and then. It doesn’t need to be a widely well-received show, it just needs to have one or two things that catch my interest, for example TKEM with Woo Dohwan and Kim Goeun (and amazing soundtracks, that was a nice surprise).

And then I’m just patiently waiting for coming shows that I believe will cure my slump: Mr. Plankton (Woo Dohwan), Gangnam B Side (Ji Changwook) and Brewing Love (Lee Jongwon and Kim Sejeong).

So I think the treatment for me is to see my favourite actors back on screen with a story that doesn’t need to be extraordinary but just needs to make sense. But the acting is expectedly stellar.


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“ after finishing a show that was so emotionally fulfilling, I don’t feel like I would be able to reach that state again with the current live dramas. ”

This expresses it perfectly. We get on this high, and then go through a few mediocre shows to find another good one.
I find recommendations from beanies that I watch similar shows with the only way to get back on track.
And luckily I have enough winner shows that I watch over and over to get me through until something else comes along 💜


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*Rest in peace, OCN 😭


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I’ve only completed 4 new dramas this year: Doctor Slump, Queen of Tears, Gyeongseong Creature, and Love Next Door (I also dropped some other dramas and now currently watching only Jeongnyeon) and it’s the fewest since I started watching 9 years ago.

These days, I usually just watch the new stuff only if one of my favorite lead actors are in it or else I’d probably pass even if the story is promising. One example this year is Lovely Runner. Everyone really loves it but I didn’t bother picking it up because I’m not really hyped with the leads. Gone are the days where I literally watch as many as I can (the only thing I miss during the COVID lockdown), even if I went in blind.


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Similarly, looking back at my MDL (where I keep a record of dramas watched), I’m only on my 8th drama of 2024 (how is there only 2 months left in the year?? 🤯).

My slumps usually come for a few reasons:

1. I am subconsciously overwhelmed my all the choices
2. Not all the choices are my cuppa tea
3. The dramas I’ve already watched have a chokehold on me because they’re dramas I will always be in the mood to re-watch, whereas I’m not always in the mood to start a new drama, whatever the premise and genre it may be. For new dramas, I think I dread starting one because getting past the initial setup episodes is always the hardest for me, it’s like a chore


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It's my second big kdrama slump currently, so I have some experience to make conclusion from - in short, it's not me, it's dramaland *sticks the tongue out mischievously* No, for real: I admit that I'm picky and have odd taste, but when for more than a year there was NOTHING to grab me even a moderately, it means that problem is not on my side alone. Now, what do we do with kdramaland having a slump... idk, I'm hoping to wait it out like the last time this happened.

Having a slump from TOO MANY good offers sounds ridiculous, sorry. That means you can pick one of them randomly and leave the rest for later, drier days - what's there to be unhappy about? Perhaps I'm just a simple person - I know early on when I love (or hate) something. It's the murky waters in between that I mostly struggle with, because you know this feeling of WANTING to like a show more than you do? Yep, guilty as charged))) But when things click, they just do, and it's always a happy moment. Idk about yall, but life is not all that great over here for me to be ungrateful for any little crumb of joy I can get.


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When I stopped watching dramas years ago it was due to just to much of the same stuff and I got sick of it. It's funny because I remember when I was just done and it was Playful Kiss (I think that's what it was called). Oh my god, I genuinely did not understand why girls/women liked these dramas. The more he insults me, the more I like him!!! He's so dreamy when he's calling me an idiot😍

Recently, it's been a slump of sorts because nothing is particularly appealing. Even if the premise is initally interesting, the execution falls flat (for me that would be Love Next Door, which I didn't even finish the final 2 episodes or Miss Day & Night when I watched exactly half of).

I feel like I need a certain sweet spot to enjoy shows.


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For me, slumps usually have more to do with what's going on in real life rather than what's going on in dramaland. Once I've been pulled out of watching regularly for one reason or another, it can feel a bit daunting to catch up on what I've missed.


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When I'm sad, I watch a lot of dramas. If I'm too sad, I can't even watch dramas. If I'm happy enough to do other things, or really busy with real life, I might watch just one or two. The quality of the dramas is only a part of the story. Am I into my other hobbies? Am I so miserable I can't stand anything?

Also, to be honest, I was always a rereader of books when I was a kid. It was a form of emotional regulation, but I didn't realize that. Now that a person can rewatch things almost whenever you'd like, it's tempting to rewatch just the best scenes of something. For many years I used to reread my favorite parts of the book A Suitable Boy. Then I would get sucked back into the book and keep going. It's one of the longest books published in a single volume in English! (Also it's really, really good, Vikram Seth apparently fleshed out every character in his mind. Nothing is flat and it feels very real.) Before that it was Lord of the Rings or Alice in Wonderland--whatever, books are our friends.

But here's the thing: You can watch your favorite part of Thirty Yet Seventeen online any day. If you click on drama excerpts on Youtube, the algorithm will keep sending you excerpts. Sometimes if the dramas that are airing aren't my cup of tea, older ones are.

Anyway. I myself am the drama slump.


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Thanks for this interesting observation that rereading or rewatching is a form of emotional regulation, I always reread as a kid and it did make me feel better.


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I suspect a lot of us watching k-dramas and reading subtitles have some kind of positive response to the act of reading. Decoding, imagining, learning words (word-banking Korean!) thinking about more than one thing at once...it's all profoundly soothing.

What is your favorite reread? Do you have a tendency to reread cookbooks or catalogs?


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I simply have to rewatch a few of my favorite shows after every few new shows. I just can't go on and on watching only new shows. I might start hating everything if I don't frequently go back to my rewatches and breathe contentedly.


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This is such a great observation... there's so much comfort in rereading and rewatching, particularly in more stressful times. The comfort is in the familiarity for me. I think my must frequent reread is Chalice by Robin McKinley.


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My favorite reread is all the Jane Austen books, or anything in the Jeeves books. I used to have to take mental health days from work to read PG Wodehouse (didn’t know that’s what they were called back the !)


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It's weird how many times I reread Mansfield Park. I don't even like that one. Persuasion or Northanger Abbey are both better, but I for sure reread Mansfield Park the most times.


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I'm actually in a mini-slump right now. Different slumps have different causes (i.e., I'm too busy with life to have time for watching; not enough emotional bandwidth to get emotionally invested in shows), but the cause I'm dealing with right now is a new one: genre fatigue. The genre that got me into dramaland, and my very favorite genre, is the romantic comedy. But 2024 has brought SO MANY rom-coms, and I live-watched most of them, that I just can't muster up the energy for any more. My drama watching really tapered off for a while, but I think I'm bouncing back thanks to a combo of NOT rom-com watches. I'm gravitating toward mystery/action/comedies, and am enjoying more of these now (i.e., I'm watching Dog Knows Everything and Seoul Busters, along with Cafe Minamdang and Designated Survivor: 60 Days, and Strange Tales of Tang Dynasty I and II). I'm not sure when I'll be over my rom-com fatigue, but for now, I'm saving them for an unspecified "later."


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I have also found mixing up genres tends to keep things fresh. If I watch too much of any type of show in a row, everything starts to blur together and feel repetitive.


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I feel the same way! I like to watch a mix of genres at the same time. I think that's also why I'm losing energy for live watching - the right mix of dramas I want to watch is usually not airing at the same time, haha 😆


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Very true.


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I love a good drama troupe, but many contribute to my drama slumps. This past year, in particular, seems to be the year of the devil moms and women. As soon as I see a mom screech at their child- especially an adult- or hit their child, I’m done. As a women and a mother I find this degrading and disparaging. And it seems to be getting more prevalent in todays shows.
This is when I head back to my old shows, until I can find something that will make my soul happy


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When I don't want to watch any of the current dramas and have also watched my fill of rewatches, I go to the Dramawiki section of dramas aired in a year by network, and check the titles one by one to see which ones I haven't seen, and the overall feel of the genre. I mostly try not to read much about the synopsis and go in blind.
This is how I discovered my new favorite Please Don't Date Him.


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I have not experienced a drama slump yet. Maybe because I have been watching Asian dramas (not counting animes) only for three years, so it's too early too feel I don't want to watch anything.
I don't mind how many dramas are airing, I'm not interested in all of them, and I will probably save some for binge-watching later.

And my list of old dramas to watch is so long that it's impossible to be in a drama slump.


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I've had my fair share of drama slumps. And sometimes, it makes it hard to start something new unless I actively find that something new.

I could have commitments and still have time for kdramas. My friends and acquaintances had a hard time getting used to that person cause it didn't make sense to them. Everything could be burning but I'm gonna make out time to watch my series in the midst of chaos, weekly.

Despite having this sort of disposition I realize that I equally fall into a drama slump. Formerly, a drama slump meant that I was watching only one or two dramas because I had to give optimum attention to a situation. And, I vividly remember two occasions when they happened. The first, I was watching only Hospital Playlist 2 and Monthly Magazine Home(which is why MMH never goes wrong in my books, no matter how angry I am at the ending). The second is Tell Me That You Love Me. So for me, a drama slump initially meant I had to take a pause from kdrama and face my life squarely for the meantime.

In-between and after these two occasions, I also noticed that my definition of drama slump has changed. Even in a plethora or drought of dramas, I find myself not watching so much. I figured that the stories told weren't just for me. And, not even my favorite cast attached to a script is enough to draw me into watching a drama again - which makes getting out of the slump even worse cause the one major remedy ain't working again. Case in point, Doctor Slump, Cinderella at 2PM and Lee Chung-ah. Both had the Yoon Park draw in which always gets me. At the end of the day, I never picked up Doctor Slump and I'm yet to press play on Cinderella EP 3. I've been unable to watch Lee Chung-ah's pieces post-One Dollar Lawyer and My Dearest, despite she entering my books as a must watch after her special appearance in ODL. And the names can still go on being listed. Bottomline, my slump has gotten quite so bad.

Now, I ensure I don't get too busy that I forget to catch up cause once I don't, it is the beginning of a slump. My ongoing slump began in August and I dropped 9 shows without looking back by the end of August. Between September till now, I've started and dropped quite a number of shows as well. Just two dramas are sure of being watched when I find the mood - Doubt and The Good Bad Seo Dong-jae. Iron Family is holding up pretty well. Dear Hyeri is this close to messing up if not already. I guess I'm still in the slump. After Iron Family, I'm afraid I'll have nothing to watch.


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I don't think 2024 was a very good year. There were good ideas, stories, actors, etc but everytime something was missing to make it really good.


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