Premiere Watch: Love Next Door

Time slot: Saturday-Sunday
Broadcaster: tvN
Genre: Rom-com
Episode count: 16
Global Streamer: Netflix

Reasons to watch: The buzziest show of the summer is here, and I don’t mind saying that the expectations are sky-high, especially mine. Our childhood-friends-to-lovers tale is led by Jung Hae-in and Jung So-min, but the supporting cast is so exciting it’s hard not to list everyone involved. To spare you that list, I’ll just shamelessly highlight a few personal favorites like Jeon Suk-ho, Jang Young-nam, and Jo Han-chul.

As if the ensemble cast and hometown goodness weren’t enough, we have the PD who brought us Crash Course in Romance and Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha (among some other favorites), and if there is one thing I love about this PD it’s the feeling of his dramas being real places inhabited by real people. Further upping the excitement, our screenwriter here also worked with our PD on Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha, so the resemblance isn’t uncanny — it’s a vibe, Beanies.

Worth noting: Everybody’s favorite wingman bestie from Lovely Runner (Lee Seung-hyub as Baek In-hyuk) is also in a supporting role here playing Jung So-min’s brother, which is *chef’s kiss*

TL;DR: I’m just going to call it now and say this is going to be the next “big” drama since Queen of Tears to earn a place in the K-drama annals.


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The director and scriptwriter duo is the main reason I am adding this drama to my list, as these duo produce the two romcoms that I can tolerate. I think I will watch this drama during the weekdays.


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I just know Jung Hae-in and Jung So-min will be my favorite OTP of the year. They look so good together, and their age difference is perfect. I love them both so much.


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I am ready!!! It’s finally here.


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I love both leads, and I'm very curious about this, but I don't really care about the hype though. I'd rather have a good show that doesn't have a lot of buzz than a disappointing show that gets lots of it. And I haven't exactly been a big fan of the previous dramas that got lots of hype this year (except MMH), so here's hoping this one doesn't follow that track record.

Anyway, what I really wanna say is: please be good.


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I second “Please be good” 🙏🏾


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🤪🤪🤪, me excited about this. I hope it is good and there is no murder mystery.


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I sure hope this is good.


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It looks like between the romance and the humor, this drama will focus a lot on family. It makes me very curious!


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May the good drama vibes be with us all. Hwaiting, show!


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Since Studio Dragon is the production studio, my hopes are very high for this one, not only because of favorite cast members, but I'm also a sucker for frenimies to lovers rom-com. The childhood angle is usually a negative for me but in this drama, the dynamics with the parents also appears to be a big feature.

I haven't risen this early from bed on a Saturday morning since. . . . . Queen of Tears.

Side note: I've mentioned before, but hubby and I will be in Korea while this drama is airing and I hope to catch it a couple of times in Korean (no English subs) while there. I'll have to read the DB re-cap a few days later to understand what was really said, lol.


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Going to watch it without any expectations after being burnt by QOT. And because who doesn't love a neighbour?😄🤪


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First episode was exactly what I wanted. So it is up to a good start, let's hope the rest delivers.


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Quite excited about this one! Great cast and production crew hopefully means a great drama to be unveiled.


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Solid first episode provided “The Hook” so many dramas have lacked lately. The leads have inviting chemistry and their acting abilities and experience are evident in their timing and delivery. Both are naturally attractive and comfortably relatable.
This fan is grateful for a drama that looks like it will not disappoint as so many recent offerings have.
Here’s hoping future episodes are well done. memorable, entertaining and maybe have some lovely kisses!💖


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Spoilers ahead.

The violence, SO. MUCH. violence, I almost dropped it.

How is this normal in this day and age?!! Is so much parental abuse a thing in Korea, or do shows overdo things in the name of drama? It's physically repulsive to me, how they play it for laughs. I had higher hopes for the writer.

I love Jung Hae In, so continue to hope the script is good, for his sake. His character is a bit opaque and stiff at the moment, but I guess he'll loosen up later.

I didn't much like Because This is my First Life, but Jung So Min is really good in this one... I like her friendship with the 2FL and the quirky banter with ML. Though if I was her, I'd have b*chslapped her mum back- how can a mature woman, who's lived abroad and made her own successful way in life, even stand that nonsense behaviour, mother or not!!! No matter the problem, no amount of hitting or verbal abuse of an adult offspring (or child) is acceptable to me. Same thing happened in Welcome to Samdalri, which I dropped for the same reason.

It hits close, because my mum and I had a tumultuous relationship... Until one day, in my late teens, I turned around and lashed back at her, and told her that if she ever treated me like that again, it would be the last she'd ever see me. It worked. We talked our way back to each other over the years, and couldn't be closer now.

I am very angry at this show, as you can see 😂😂 Fingers crossed it gets better for me.


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Can't help but agree with you. The way it is played for laughs (or at least normalized) and she's not called out for it makes it worse. Sigh. Dramaland can at times really hit where it hurts. 🤕


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Finally, can watch Jung so min drama. She is the goddess and talented lady. Wishing for her to find love ❤️ and happiness.


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Episode 1 is boring. Skip.


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Jung so min my fav ❤️💕


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Episode 1 is quite boring, and i keep on fast forward when the mad mom appeared. Episode 2 is better, but still I hate the mom; she reminds me of my own mother and every Asian mom's. Most people said it is violence but unfortunately some Asian children grow up into adulthood and still having a violence parent like the mom in this drama.


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