[Beanie Review] Connection

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Of all the dramas in 2024, Connection is definitely one of the well-written, well-acted and well-directed dramas. From the production crew to the cast, the drama is brought to life via the hands of people who have experiences in acting and/or people who are well-versed in the crime-thriller. I don't know if I will ever get to watch such a drama this year again, but I am sure going to miss everyone (especially) Ji Sung, Mi Do,Kwon Yul. Last but not least, I hope the cast and production at the SBS Drama Awards 2024, for their amazing effort in making this drama such a memorable watching experience for me and the fans of Connection.


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Easily one of the best dramas in 2024!

While I still need to wrap around my head to sequence all the plots and intrigues, there are no apparent major plot holes with a well calibrated pacing to disclose enough as we move along each episode - a commendable feat of the PD team.

The acting is all rounded good. The characters are not one note cookie cutter types. You do feel for those characters even the villain ones, underscored by who they are and what shapes them, especially those in the lower or outer echelons of that friendship group. In the case of the top baddie, he’s got the best brain and smart - Kwon Yul is so praise-worthy here. He does evil so well, from so well under control to losing it in just a handful scenes is quite something. Ji Sung is of course amazing and stressing us out (as noted by Beanies) for what he went through. I love how our FL played by Jeon Do Mi is written as not a pure fairy kind soul but weary, realistic but still with a heart.

Connection has successfully delivered a complicated story about friendships, betrayals, greeds and murders but without losing sight of basic human decency and what true friendship means. All script writers should take note of how best to use and pace the last two episodes which is very well done in Connection in wrapping up the story and characters.


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Amen! I love your comments and agree. It is soooooooooooooooo good and well written and the actors really made me believe the story AND yes, I caught myself sympathizing with the baddies too cause they were human and struggled with morals and what they believed to be the way to go. Its so good when you can see both sides or many sides of each characters' lives and how things might play out if things were different. Hope that makes sense. I just loved it and hope to see Ji Sung again SOON!


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This was a solid thriller with tight pacing. A top drama this year for me.
I liked how they revealed a little each episode and the pacing made sure there was no moment of lull. Also, casting was excellent. Even the bad guys had depth and were not one note. All the relationships had depth. Unit chief was such an amazing leader. Loved her chemistry with Jang Jae Kyung.

Ji Sung was perfect as Jang Hae Kyung. Watching him act was such a pleasure. His entire body acts!! Every time he runs it’s different depending on the situation or what his physical state is based on when he took the drug last.

Kwon Hul was terrifying when he turns on the villain mode. Cha Yeob as Oh Chi Yeon was wonderful.

I look forward to rewatching the show in one sitting!!

For thriller lovers, this is highly recommended.


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Loved your description of Ji Sung's acting EVEN things like his running being different given the situation he is in. THAT is an excellent description of an excellent actor!


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Agree. It's fantastic in every which way you see.

That little scene where his hand shakes before shooting and he then ties a rope to stabilise it - his expressions of frustration are so tangible.

It's a master class in emoting in what could have been a run of the mill scene with any other actor.


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YES! That shooting scene was amazing!

Ji Sung's acting is always phenomenal, but I agree that in Connection he was a notch above even himself, because of that undercurrent of addiction in his acting!


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In one sense, this was not a police procedural or murder mystery, but a nostalgic, rusty roller coaster ride without any safety equipment of old friendships, greed, betrayals all set in motion by Joon-Seo's sentimental attachment to his high school club days after his adult life fell a part.

It was a very complex structured story line that leap frogged to the finish line. It was well acted and directed with a fast pace of twists and cliffhangers. The theme of investigating what "friendship" actually means in class conscious Korean culture was the core to character motivations. I would recommend the series to anyone who likes fast paced action entertainment where even the good guys have bad secrets.


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I binged watched it. Fourteen hours squished in and worth every minute.

This drama reaffirmed the reason I love K-dramas - the deep philosophical takeaways they offer, irrespective of genre. "Connection" is no different. What initially appears to be a classic whodunit or a straightforward revenge story is actually a deep exploration of friendship - when avarice and capriciousness enter a friendship, it becomes a mere connection. Connection showed that often, much like real life, motivations are often driven not by logic but by emotions. Well meaning revenge can be twisted, obeisance can be misplaced, greed is a poisonous weed, arrogance is a blade that severes your achilles tendon, and neediness can erode your soul.

Deftly crafted, superbly written and brilliantly acted, Connection has everything that makes a good thriller into a great one. It's amazing how the end game was satisfying not because of the reveal, but what came out of it. Kudos to the writer for holding all the threads together and weaving them without fraying a single one of them. Every character had a motivation and a complete arc.

On the acting front, I was blown away by Ji-Sung, but I am also amazed how ably supported he was by every single actor. It was like the roles were written for them.

In the end, I absolutely loved how moving on, forgiveness and self-realisation also became a big part of the picture.

If you have not watched it, please do.


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So happy to read your comments on this Minnie. Came here to see if this would be a good watch because of Ji-Sung. Looks like the answer is yes.
@claire2009. Maybe this is the drama we are looking for
2025 CW🤣🤣🤣


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I absolutely would not mind rewatching it. The plot turns so fast that honestly I did miss some of the 'connections' more so from lack of retaining certain plot lines than loop holes.


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I have basically rewatched it already because I rewinded and replayed nearly every scene! Sometimes more than once!


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This has a spoiler question so please avoid if you have not watched it

I really want to know - why did that murderous quartet go to that kid's house? I completely missed the cue and too into it to rewatch to know the reason. But why did they beat that kid in the first place? Was Chae Kyung-Tae bullying Jeong Sang-ui?


I'm with you. I actually have more questions, I posted them under the final recap.


I'm in 😉


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