[OST Corner] If Spring Comes

Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People is one of my favorite K-drama soundtracks of all time. Unlike most K-drama OSTs, where typically only one or two songs stick with me, this entire soundtrack is as epic and memorable as the show itself.

And I think a big part of that has to do with how the songs featured in the story. Rebel wasn’t a musical by any means, but that didn’t stop the characters from breaking into song when the situation called for it — which was fairly often and always meaningful. I still get chills thinking about the ragtag group of rebels defiantly singing “Spring of Ikhwari” together while under siege.

Beyond putting these beautiful songs into the mouths of the characters, though, I’d argue that much of the real magic behind the Rebel music comes directly from Ahn Ye-eun, who wrote and sang many of the songs herself. From the heartbreaking “Magic Lily” to the inspiring “New Day,” her unique voice and style is a perfect match for the story it accompanies. Which makes sense — and yet seems even more amazing — considering she actually wrote some of the songs before being asked to work on the OST!

But if I had to pick one song that represents the entirety of Rebel for me, it would probably be “If Spring Comes” (with the aforementioned “Spring of Ikhwari” as a close second choice). It’s as exhilarating as many of the other songs are sad, but I think that’s what gives it its own magic. Because Rebel may have taken its characters down to the very depths of despair at times, but it was also a story of hope and of standing up against seemingly insurmountable odds. And the joyous shouting of “Manse!” in this song’s chorus feels so earned in light of all the tears we shed along the way.




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@mistyisles. Thanks for the discussion of this OST. Forgive my ignorance, but would this be considered (primarily) trot? It sounds like it to me, given the beat and instrumentation, but as I say, I am totally ignorant of this style.


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I'm not terribly familiar with trot myself, but from what I do know it sounds similar to me, too!


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Yes! This drama has one of my favorite OSTs and When Spring Comes is one of the highlights. I also like the the use of traditional music in the drama. The instrumentals are great too. A must listen!


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I also love Drench by Jambinai, so hauntingly beautiful.


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Rare case when the whole OST is a masterpiece, and "If Spring Comes" (both versions) is definitely its highlight. We need MORE Ahn Ye Eun's songs in sageuks (instead of webtoons she's been working for lately), she did a few more after REBEL but none of the equal impact. Her regular stuff is still top-notch tho, totally recommend.


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I love this drama!


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I love this OST so much too! I loved and cried so hard in many scenes. It reminds me, time to rewatch this again. ^^

I was looking so much for a missing instrumental song and couldn’t find it everywhere.

Maybe somebody here can help with the titel?

Ep 9 / 00:20 and 1:23

But you can hear it in many ep after. I looked 6 years ago so hard but nothing.


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