Family: The Unbreakable Bond: Episodes 1-12 (Drama Hangout)

Welcome to the Drama Hangout for tvN’s Family: The Unbreakable Bond, featuring the ever-wonderful pairing of Jang Hyuk + Jang Nara.

This is your place to chat about the drama, but beware of spoilers! This thread is for discussing the entire series.


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Episodes 3 & 4

Hello beanies, I hope you’ve found the subs much better this week - I waited a couple of days to start ep 3, and it seems there’s been a noticeable improvement from last week’s initial subs. I think there’s still some weirdness with the correct attribution of titles and subjects in a sentence sometimes, but it has been much easier to follow! Thank you kind subbers! I appreciate your speedy and hard work!🙏

I think the sheen is wearing off for me too, because there were a number of things I didn’t like about these two episodes.

Last week, I was not that put off by Min Seo and Bo Seok’s ‘loveline’ but I found it so much worse this week. It was very cringey (plus, a little girl played a character called Lolita in the play).🥴 I guess I don’t really see the value of including this particular side story… I hope we don’t get too much more of it.

I’m glad they moved on from the implication that Director Oh was having an affair with the ML fairly quickly. That was also a weird and unnecessary side story (with a ridiculous amount of drinking involved). But unrelatedly, I’m really happy they made a big deal about how beautiful Director Oh is because I recently watched the Coffee Prince reunion (from 2020), and I felt as though the actress was nostalgic for her youthful beauty when she is still stunning!! I hope she knows! (I suppose it’s not uncommon to look back and realise that we judged ourselves too harshly, yet still struggle to be kind to ourselves in the present.)

Anyway, back to the show, the main issue I have at the moment is that I’m not entirely convinced the two very different genres are meshing that well, and the various elements of this drama feel very piecemeal. On the one hand, I get that the over-the-top, shouty madness that is their family life has to do with how stressful his work is. It seems like he covers up his true feelings by being loud and exaggerated, so I kind of see that as a bridge between the two. But to make the family drama side of things work, they need to have invested enough time to make us like the characters, and for me, they haven’t quite managed. I’m not particularly fond of the sister-in-law, Min Seo, or harabeoji yet. It meant that I didn’t care about their family disagreement over whether their late mother wanted their father to find love again, and it didn’t help that it was drawn out for as long as it was. It also seems like the show wants to walk the line between the comedic and emotional, but that’s really hard to pull off. Jang Hyuk’s acting sold his emotional moment in the car, but it didn’t quite fit in with the rest of this drama. And don’t even get me started with the family visit to the noraebang…😓

I have quite a few questions about the spy storyline and I think the names and code names confused me. I’ll include those questions (that I already posted in the episodes 1-2 first impressions recap) as a reply to this already very long comment.

I’ll keep watching as...


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I’ll keep watching as we are going to find out about Yu Ra’s secret next week, and I hope they explore the toll/consequences of a double life - how can someone do that kind of work and also have a ‘normal’ family life. The weight of keeping so many secrets alone, plus the risk to your loved ones without them even knowing…it’s a life choice that I find hard to fathom so how did they both get here?


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Re: the spy storyline:

There are a lot of people being killed and I just can’t seem to follow why, or which organisation the targets are from, and who is on whose side!😅 There was the delivery guy with the tattoo, but now there are also people with scars vaguely in the shape of that tattoo - are they part of the same underworld organisation (in which case, isn’t it a bit weird to have a tattoo that identifies you? Surely you’d want to be incognito, rather than wearing your team jersey around?!)? Or are the people with the scar from some other group of spies/criminals? Or is the scar an indication that you’ve cut ties with the tattoo organisation? As you can tell, I am very confused!😵‍💫 Either way, isn’t having that scar on the neck a bit too obvious?!?

Also, there are probably very good reasons not to share all your intel right away, but isn’t keeping teammates partially in the dark in the middle of an operation a very bad idea? I liked that we learned a bit more about our ML, though, and his cautious approach to the work. Can’t say I’m keen on Director Oh’s approach as much, but I’m sure we’ll find out more. Anyhow, any help or insights would be greatly appreciated!!


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I am so glad to hear that they sorted the subs this week but I wonder if it’s too late for the vast majority of viewers who felt like they were doing a cryptic crossword trying to make sense of week one’s subtitles. The first couple of episodes are crucial for selling the story as a worthwhile investment of our precious time so if the story is confusing or characters unlikeable it’s going to be a hard sell. It seems like both these factors were at work and remain present up to the four episode decision to stay or go mark. I hope that somewhere in beanie land there is someone who can answer your questions.😊


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1. Oh, the whole thing with the kids was so creepy for me. I just kept thinking "so this is how you raise people to become stalkers one day", they never teach her what boundaries/rules are or to respect someone's opinions and decisions.
When they followed the kid home/kidnapped him... Jesus.

2. "I’m not entirely convinced the two very different genres are meshing that well". Same. I was expecting something like Terius Behind Me, but I feel like all the things that made that show work are being missed here.

3. Heck yeah, Chae Jung Ah is gorgeous.


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I stopped watching ep 1 because I couldn’t make sense of the subtitles. Guess I’m not the only one 😂. Does anyone know whether the subs for the 1st ep will be revised ?


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The subs were revised where I watched the show, so it’s worth checking back.😊

I hope I won’t be all alone here in this hangout - I need help understanding the spy storyline! And someone who speaks German needs to let me know what they think of Jang Hyuk’s German!😁


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He speaks German?! I gotta watch this. If only there were legal ways of streaming this. But alas, the Jangs are hopefully worth it this time.


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Yes, he speaks a little bit of German with a friend!! It’s always fun to hear actors attempt dialogue in different languages (and I admire the effort), so I’m keen to hear what native speakers think! The show is a bit of a mess, to be honest, but I’m sticking with it.😅


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I just watched the scene. If I hadn't known he spoke German, I probably wouldn't have noticed. I had to concentrate quite hard to understand what he was saying.
But he probably still speaks better German than I do Korean 🤣


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Ah, thank you for watching it and satisfying my curiosity!😊 I’ll give him full points for trying, as that is where I personally always fail. Practicing speaking a new language tends to take more courage than I have - I wish I didn’t find it so scary and mortifying!


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When this first came out, I started watching right away for my love of the two Jangs - but fell asleep 20 min in. After the long wait, it’s heartbreakingly bad…..but thanks to those who keep ploughing on. I will check out the comments to decide if continuing or not. Thanks @mellowarmadillo


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I’m so sad that the reunion of the two Jangs, whom I adore together and individually, has been a bit disappointing.😭 I can’t wholeheartedly recommend it right now (after 4 eps), but I’m going to try and stay the course and hope for a miraculous turnaround.


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I liked what I could understand but the subtitles situation is too much. I'm still invested and I want to keep watching, but where do I have to go and how long I should wait each week to get reasonable subs? honestly, not even in our time pre-streaming we had a similar situation to a prime time drama. back then we might have a hard time with more ""ïndie""" dramas or the weekend ones bcs they're not usually that popular overseas, but a prime time series would get reasonable subs. the whole streaming thing changed the game and I think we just lost a lot of the hard work people who used to sub things for us.

I couldn't find this anywhere so if someone can help me here.... do we know where and when disney+ is going to release this drama? I know some people are trying to improve the subs in non-legal sites, but I checked ep 3 and it is still to hard to understand and watch this story comfortably.


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I’m so sorry to hear that the subs are still awful for you.😔 I think it’s a mystery to all of us what D+ is doing.🤷🏻‍♀️ Is HiTV an option for you?


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I dont have hitv here. it would be good if disney+ had a post or something listing where they are broadcast a specific drama bcs this whole thing is super confusing.


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Have you been able to access this show through Disney+ now?🤞 I think some people in Asia have been able to watch the first 6 episodes all in one go!


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I'm in south america and its not showing in my disney+ here =/


@mellowarmadillo Are you still watching? I’m currently in Seoul and watched Ep 6 live (without sub of course). It was intriguing with 3 or 4 genres in just one single episode. I can’t quite make sense of what I saw but it’s interesting. Perhaps Jang Nara’s secret is now out that relates to one of my favorite actors, Kim Nam-hee. There’s also another actress that I like - Lee Mi-sook - playing a mysterious type figure.

Just want to hear your latest thought. And the family does look and act like a family in this episode.


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I *am* still watching and I’m so happy you are, too!😁 Decent subs were up for episode 5 already, so I’m keen to catch up to episode 6 tomorrow. I found episode 5 better than the previous episodes, and am relieved that there was a little less of the family antics (may the trend continue). I’m enjoying the spy activities, as well as getting a glimpse of Jang Na Ra’s secret. It’s not what I expected, and I’m not sure I fully understand yet. Did you see episode 5 as well? I have questions about Wolf!!

But can I just say WHEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! You’re in Seoul right now? And watched a show live without subs?! How cool is that!?!😎 I am ridiculously vicariously excited!😁 Please share anything you’re happy to share about your trip!


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I only watched part of Ep 2 and Ep 6. It’s this latest episode makes it intriguing for me. Let’s see….

I’m here for a few days holiday but got sick almost right away as it’s colder than I thought. Managed to watch a few dramas including Dr Kim, The Real Has Come. Not bad. Didn’t manage to see anything else, except visiting my favorite Garden of Morning Calm.


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I’m so sorry to hear that you got sick! I hope you’re getting to enjoy being in Seoul in the ways that you can.💗

Oh I see - if you’ve only seen eps 2 and 6 then there will be some gaps (although you’ve missed some filler as well!😅). I’m definitely enjoying these recent episodes a lot more so I think sticking around won’t be as hard as I had feared. I bemoan the weird family drama element, but actually, it’s probably reassuring me that nothing terrible will happen to our leads (hopefully!).

If you have any specific questions about what happened in ep 6, let me know! I don’t understand the spy storyline fully but I’m starting to get bits and pieces. I’m going to write a more general comment about eps 5 and 6 below, in case there are any others still hanging on!🤣


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Hi all, if you still interested to watch this the Disney in my region in South East Asia has indicated they releasing this on their platform on May 05. Hopefully, no changes to this plan and I wish my friends in other regions will receive it sooner than later.


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I can't believe I have dropped a Jang Na Ra drama 20 minutes into episode 1. I never though that this day would come. Nothing worked me. It takes special talent to make Jang - Jang pairing unwatchable.


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Episodes 5 & 6

Well colour me intrigued! The end of episode 4 left us with a glimpse of Jang Na Ra’s secret (I’ll start referring to her by her character’s name: Kang Yu Ra) and episodes 5 and 6 have given us a bit more information. The cliffhanger at the end of Ep 6 is actually defused by the preview for next week, but the preview itself ups the ante - the one thing Yu Ra lives to protect (her family) is now in danger.

The OTT family antics have toned down a bit (although there’s still too much of it for my taste). Harabeoji seems to be quite an athlete himself, so I wonder if the comic segments with him showing off his athleticism are meant to allude to his past as a spy himself? Who knows?

The best part of these two episodes has been the introduction of new characters, and the fact that it’s grown increasingly hard to tell who is a goodie or baddie. In fact, it’s starting to look like there are no goodies or baddies at all, just a bunch of people killing each other for reasons.

I can’t believe we’re at the halfway point, to be honest - it feels like things have only just got underway. I’m going to set out what I think is happening below by character, so beware of spoilers. If you are watching, please chime in and let me know what you think because I suspect I’ve misunderstood quite a lot of it!


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So first off, Wolfe (codename: Dominic)! I really enjoyed the intrigue of this brief storyline, maybe because he was a wolf in sheep’s clothing and managed to infiltrate our leads’ home in a benign way? Assassins are just like us - they have friends they visit whilst they travel for work!😅 His explanation of the lamp to Yu Ra was intriguing because it so clearly pressed her buttons - did he do that intentionally? He had just killed the priest with the tattoo, so would his next target have been Yu Ra? But if so, it doesn’t make sense that he would warn her by letting her know how close the net was closing in…so my guess is that Wolfe didn’t know Yu Ra’s or Do Hoon’s (Jang Hyuk’s) secret identities.

Wolfe’s death and Director Oh’s cageyness about the circumstances surrounding it has set Do Hoon on a bit of a warpath. Previously, we saw how cautious, moral and measured Do Hoon is by nature (even escorting Wolfe out of his home calmly as a friend, after finding out that Wolfe was the one who had shot Jae Yul), but the more he was kept in the dark, the more rogue he went. I was disappointed to see how easy it was for him to torture Gu In Bo for information.😔 Did anyone see whether Gu In Bo had the tattoo as well? All we know is that he’s somehow connected to Director Oh (and maybe Butterfly as well?), and that Director Oh ordered his assassination whilst he was being held by Do Hoon in secret.

Codename: Butterfly (played by Lee Mi Sook) - I’m not actually sure if this is her name, or whether my understanding of her storyline is correct, but let’s go with it. So I *think* that Butterfly may have killed an assassin called Bullet back in her day as an active agent/assassin. But Director Oh knows that Bullet killed Wolfe (the bullet Yu Ra used must have given her away), which means the wrong person was killed back then (ostensibly, murdered). This seems to imply that both Butterfly and Director Oh are in trouble, because whoever was killed was killed illegitimately. Butterfly also has a daughter and granddaughter she wants to protect, so Director Oh is using that as leverage to lure her back from retirement to kill Bullet.


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Jae Yul’s ex-wife Chae Ri (played by Lee Chae Young) - we don’t know much about her, but we were led to believe that she was a comedic side story. However, she asked Jae Yul to kill someone for her and the episode previews show her looking at a file about Jo Tae Goo (our SML)…so there’s more of Chae Ri to come, and our second male lead has finally arrived!!

Jo Tae Goo (played by Kim Nam Hee), like Yu Ra, was trained from childhood to become an assassin. In the flashbacks, we see Yu Ra was an excellent shot, even as a child, and was the one to give him the scar on his temple. It seems they were both part of this rogue assassin-training, tattoo-bearing organisation, but whilst Yu Ra left that life behind, Tae Goo is still very active. If the previews are accurate (they have been so far) then we will see him pose as Yu Ra’s brother and abduct Min Seo in the next episodes, so that he can force Yu Ra to kill for him again. I’m wondering whether this is when the Bo Seok storyline can finally be useful (rather than annoying and icky)? Are Bo Seok’s parents also in the business, and will they help the leads save Min Seo?

The last couple of things I wanted to mention is the interesting relationship between Do Hoon and Director Oh. It seems she saved his life in the past, and he explicitly acknowledges that he owes her a life and is willing to help her, even as both of them lie to each other about what they’re doing. So there’s a lot of loyalty between them, if not trust. But honestly, how do people survive in an environment where you can’t truly trust anyone?!

Also Do Hoon was injured in his fight with Gu In Bo, and it seems that a national spy agency doesn’t have its own doctors!! They have cleaners who can make deaths disappear, but when there are injuries, the agents sew each other up!🤷🏻‍♀️ I wonder how Do Hoon explains his injuries and scars to his family? They are clearly not papercuts!


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Episodes 7 & 8

I am all alone in this hangout, but I shall continue, just in case someone else wanders by at some point and likes the show as well!😅

I am thoroughly enjoying it now!😊 The crazy family antics are still afoot but it’s been dialled down to a tolerable 6 or 7 out of 10, and the madness actually came into its own as a setting for Tae Goo’s fish-out-of-water experience. In fact, the contrast of his threatening existence against Yu Ra’s chaotic family life was extremely effective, and it made me like Tae Goo (and feel sorry and happy for him at the same time!). He’s not just a ruthless, unfeeling baddie after all - scary, yes, deadly, yes, but this is where the traumatic childhood background is rather convincing as a much-needed facet of this character, making him more than just a caricature.

Even Min Seo, whose precociousness often finds itself on the wrong side of OTT, was a delight at certain points. She is her own person, and I like that the show emphasises that. She is also quite caring, and whilst it’s predictable and tropey to have the baddie softened by his interactions with a child who accepts and embraces him fully, it worked for me.

One of the scenes that surprised me, apart from all the revelations about the past and how all our characters are connected, was the one where Do Hoon steps out of the lift and senses that Tae Goo might be a threat to his family. He immediately goes into beast mode in front of Yu Ra and Min Seo, which I found a bit unexpected. Has Yu Ra seen this side of him before? That line between professional sniper Do Hoon and jolly family man Do Hoon is much finer than I had thought, but it makes sense given the risks of his job and the fact that unfinished business might follow him home (as it did with Gu In Bo). So I thought the scene worked well to signal the coming together of the secret lives with the family life.

There are only 2 weeks to go, so these final 4 episodes will be quite action-packed.


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I am blocking out how awful the training camp in the backstory is. It seems to be a proper Lord of the Flies sort of set up in the name of national security(?!?). I don’t get it (because why would you train your agents to brutally beat each other, rather than work as a team and trust each other?), but I don’t watch a lot of shows of this genre, so I’m not sure if I’m just daft and naïve, or if the show is a bit lazy on the rationale behind the backstory.

I really enjoyed seeing how almost everyone is connected. It’s a rather tangled and densely populated web! There seems to be 3 generations/intakes at this camp - the trainers, the older kids, and the youngest kids, and Tae Goo from the latter vintage seems to be on a mission to kill everyone who was at that camp except Yu Ra (although she might just be last on the list). Is it revenge? Is it a desire to stop the atrocity of such a training camp from ever happening again? Do we know yet?

Perhaps the biggest reveal was that Director Oh was one of the ruthless older kids (codename: Wind). She seems to be the only one who is officially working for the government, but even she is under orders from someone higher up. I thought she had gone rogue but it seems she was following orders for the most part. I still don’t quite understand why she kept so much from Do Hoon - was it to protect him?

The other big clarification for me was that Yu Ra is not Bullet, but his protégé. I thought they had killed the wrong person thinking a man was Bullet, but they just have similar methods (because he trained her), and she continues to use his bullets. Episode 8 clarified how desperate Yu Ra was to leave the sniper/assassin life behind, and for me, it explains why she is such a great daughter-in-law (acting as the family lynchpin), and also puts up with Do Hoon’s lack of predictable presence at special occasions. All she wants is a safe and loving family life.😢


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Still more SPOILERS

I think what stands out to me so far is how little teamwork there is. Almost everyone has started splintering off on their own in terms of their decisions and actions. I think now that Yu Ra and Do Hoon have learned of each other’s secret identities, this will be a key turning point - we need some of the characters to start working together.

Also, is it just me, or are Min Seo and Tae Goo’s interactions foreshadowing his death? It seems to me that despite his using Min Seo to control Yu Ra, he will ultimately put his life at risk (or sacrifice it) for her. But I honestly don’t know what other kind of ending is possible for him, and indeed, who might be left standing at the end of all this. Everyone’s hands are dirtied now.

I like that the show is quite morally ambiguous. I cheer for the characters I like even though I have no idea whether they are good, bad or grey. With Butterfly dead, only Director Oh, Tae Goo and Yu Ra remain of those who were at the training camp. What is the end game? And who is giving Director Oh orders?


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Thanks @mellowarmadillo. The plots are getting intriguing and “The Unbreakable Bond” makes total sense now.

It’s so unfortunate that the drama title and its trailers set up the ‘wrong’ expectations of this drama. Everyone thought it’s a sweet comedy of sort and got frustrated that it’s not. Viewers had no idea of what’s to come and dropped it like hot potatoes. It was only into these latest episodes that the true story is revealed - which in fact is a very interesting story. Can’t really recall another similar k-drama.

Having seen the latest clips here and there, I’ll dive in probably from ep 5 and pretend the previous episodes didn’t exist.


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Yay! I hope you’ll get some enjoyment from this show @epyc2010! I’m now a bit worried that I’m just a weirdo for enjoying it, but you can always abandon ship if it isn’t ultimately to your taste!😁

I think starting from episode 5 is a great idea. The main point of those episodes was to establish the family (personalities and dynamics), and I wish they’d spent less time doing that and didn’t go quite so far out on the ‘we’re wacky’ limb!🤣 Anyhow, that seems to be behind us now. Let me know if you have any questions about the characters and their relationships along the way - there might be some bits that happened in those first episodes (like Wolfe’s storyline).

You are so right that the way this show advertised itself really did it no favours. Such a shame! And combined with those initial AI-generated subs, it looked like a stinker! But for me, I’m glad I stuck around thanks to my love for Jang Na Ra and Jang Hyuk! Since I don’t watch any spy shows normally, this is quite a unique storyline for me!😊


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So I’ve watched the first two episodes and it was indeed underwhelming, but having one of my favourite pairings in kdramaland reunite is still worthy of wasting hours of my life. Could I use my time on more useful pursuits?
Yes definitely.
But am I going to?

Anyway I’m liking the quirky slapstick dancing in the openings. And Jang Hyuk is probably be the only one who can pull off such an overcompensating character without being too irritating. His laugh is also annoyingly infectious. Honestly would love to see him play a campy villain one day. Can you imagine him as Jin Mu in Alchemy of Souls? Dude would’ve killed it, he has enough experience and charm to override the Hong Sisters lacklustre villain writing.

That said, show we have a married couple and while there are obviously secrets between them, having the husband constantly try to ‘forcefully’ seduce his wife is not funny. I don’t understand why they both can’t be into it, and talk about sex openly?


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@mellowarmadillo I just posted my brief thoughts at the drama review page: https://www.dramabeans.com/2023/05/beanie-review-family/#comment-4090108

I ended up enjoying the watch and like the family. Wish they could expand more of the back story in Thailand, especially how the two Jang’s met is quite lovely.

SPOILER ahead…

As I only watched in full from Ep 5, is there any back story about Kim Nam Hee’s marriage or daughter?


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Yay! I’m so glad you enjoyed it! I was a bit underwhelmed with the ending, to be honest, as it felt a bit incomplete to me!😢 But I thoroughly enjoyed it from about ep 5 onwards and am glad I stuck with it! I’ll write a review too!🤓


We actually know nothing more about his family or marriage. It’s so sad and weird - like things must have been cut!😔


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I’m with you about the ‘incomplete’ ending. It seems to pave some ground for another season because there are still stories to tell. So sad, Taegu’s story didn’t get told because he is definitely not a villain to me and his arc with Mienso is simply lovely.

It’s an opportunity-missed drama! It could be much much better.


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Yes, I would have loved more time devoted to Tae Goo’s story! I liked the moral ambiguity of someone trying to survive in a context that made doing the right thing almost impossible (i.e. can you be a moral assassin?!). And his arc with Min Seo was just lovely! It was the fact that she grasped that he was often misunderstood because he stayed silent that meant he survived the encounter with Mo Tae Il. Ahh, I wish we could have had more episodes!😅


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So… I got back to this drama after I’d given up on it during ep 1… but at that time I couldn’t make sense of it due to the issue with the subtitles.
Getting back to it I actually binged it over the previous weekend, I actually thoroughly enjoyed it! I didn’t like everything about the ending though but maybe they’re setting up for a new season ?


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@mellowarmadillo, I finally finished this drama! I took your advice and skipped to episode 5 and it was much better. But because I binge watched, my thoughts are jumbled, but here are my first impressions:
The storyline reminds me a bit of the NCIS episode called “Endgame.” It’s an episode from Season 7 about a woman who was trained as a child by the North Koreans to be an assassin. Now, as an adult, she’s after those men who were responsible for running the camp and ruining her life. But, while I understand the motivation of the woman in the NCIS episode, I had difficulty understanding many of the motivations of the MGD survivors or what they were trying to accomplish. Same for Mo Tae-il. What was with all the bluster about his pride?
As to the family, it’s clear why Dohoon’s family means so much to Yura, but I found Jihoon and Mirim annoying and immature. Grandpa is cute but a player. Little Minseo is adorable but needs discipline and boundaries. And why is there no supervision about who picks up the kids from school?!
Didn’t Jang Nara look like Kim Mi-young in those flashback scenes of her life in Thailand? The scenes where Yura and Dohoon met could have been scenes from Fated to Love You.
I loved Chaeri! She was one of my favorite characters as she was fun and resourceful.
Yes, wish we knew more about Taegu. My heart went out to him.
My favorite scene: when Yura took down all those guys at the NIS office and Dohoon looks back at her with respect. Yeah, Dohoon, your wife’s a badass.


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Samchoon :(


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