Glitch: Episode 1 (First Impressions)

“Unsettling” is the word I’d use to describe Glitch — and I mean it as a compliment. With its offbeat humor and its glorious commitment to weirdness, this first episode was certainly entertaining. Our heroine, stuck in a dead-end relationship and an uneasy dynamic with her parents, fights to hide what she thinks are hallucinations. However, when she starts seeing aliens all around her, she knows she can’t go on ignoring her fears — especially when her visions turn out to be the key to a much darker mystery.

Editor’s note: Coverage will continue with a second comprehensive review, so please refrain from discussing any plot points beyond Episode 1 in this post.


Glitch: Episode 1 (First Impressions)

Our heroine, HONG JI-HYO (Jeon Yeo-bin), blends classic mid-twenties malaise with some unusual neuroses all her own. On the face of it, she’s your average Joe: a quiet, bespectacled office worker with a modest career (courtesy of her father), and a boyfriend of four years. Her best friend, OH SE-HEE (Choi Soo-im), is deeply enamored by the thought of Ji-hyo and her picture-perfect life. She’s prone to getting tipsy and touchy-feely, whilst waxing rhapsodic over Ji-hyo’s beauty, coolness and overall success — and bemoaning her own single status.

Despite having successfully filled every check box for the conventional life her friends covet (career: check; boyfriend and future husband: check; no-nonsense approach to giving out tech support: check), Ji-hyo can’t seem to muster much enthusiasm. At least, not without taking regular breaks from the perfectness of it all in order to spend time vaping sadly in the corner. She makes it through the day with the disassociative resolve of a shell-shocked soldier approaching a battlefield. She stays in control. She doesn’t drink. Each morning, she begins with an unusual mantra: Hong Ji-hyo is rational. Hong Ji-hyo is sensible. Hong Ji-hyo does not believe in anything that has no scientific substance.

Glitch: Episode 1 (First Impressions) Glitch: Episode 1 (First Impressions)

On balance, this is probably to do with the aliens she sees on a regular basis. As a child, she witnessed something inexplicable: the bright light of a spacecraft emerging from the night sky. Ever since, she’s been haunted by inexplicable visions — and it’s getting worse. In the grocery store, she’s stopped short by the appearance of a gloriously cliché CGI alien: all squat, gray body, huge black eyes, and incongruous green helmet. Gritting her teeth, she ignores it.

What’s harder to ignore is the unsettling behavior of her laptop. Back at the office, as she works into the night, the screen flickers oddly, tuning in to a baseball game with the Hyundai Unicorns. Then, it fizzles of its own accord onto a cloyingly cheerful children’s show. Then, a public speech about how we must all face the truth. A nature program. The wide-eyed stare of an alien. As she slams the laptop shut, every computer in the room flares into life, blaring brightly-colored nonsense as she staggers in disorientation. It’s deliciously trippy — the perfect mood for light psychological horror.

Glitch: Episode 1 (First Impressions)

Ji-hyo’s extraterrestrial woes are juxtaposed by her relationship with the most boring man alive, LEE SHI-GUK (Lee Dong-hwi). In a belated manner that’s neatly representative of his status as an afterthought in her life, he is introduced halfway through the episode, in a sex scene that… truly has to be seen to be believed. Ji-hyo lies vacant and perfectly still — too apathetic to even register annoyance — as Shi-guk approaches his task with all the enthusiasm and ardor of a man working a toilet plunger. Very memorable. Also, excruciating.

One wonders whether they are both under the impression that a normal relationship entails flat indifference. However, even Shi-guk is taken aback by Ji-hyo’s utterly noncommittal response when he asks her to move in with him. To be fair, he doesn’t ask so much as treat it as a fait accompli… but then, to be even fairer, Ji-hyo is preoccupied with working out why she would have hallucinated an entire pro baseball team. Ultimately, though, she knows what her answer must be. She’s decided her father and stepmother prioritize normalcy over her happiness. Marriage and children are just part and parcel of those expectations. As they meet the couple over dinner, her family alludes to her strange behavior as a child — behavior they are glad she has seemingly put behind her.

Glitch: Episode 1 (First Impressions) Glitch: Episode 1 (First Impressions)

Ji-hyo abruptly nopes out of dinner in order to brood. She’s interrupted by a horrific sight. There on the street, invisible to all bystanders, is a gigantic version of the alien she saw before: tall as a skyscraper, and groping towards her. She runs. As she evades the enormous arm, she finds herself not in the city, but in a crop field, approaching a van. Inside, female voices overlap and giggle. It’s a memory from childhood. As she approaches the door, she is blown back — appearing atop a tall building, feet poised on the very edge of the roof.

According to KIM BYUNG-JO (Ryu Kyung-soo), a cheerful police officer who helps track her by CCTV, she never left the city. Instead, she ran towards the building and paused, as if in deep thought. When he threatens her with prosecution, she dissolves into tears — rubbing her cheeks, as if surprised at her own emotional capacity. Backpedaling, Byung-jo gives her an ineffectual yet heartfelt pep talk, attempting to dissuade her from suicide. Shi-guk, when he catches up, issues a far less endearing admonishment. Without a fraction of a clue how to handle each other’s emotions, they snipe at each other sadly.

Glitch: Episode 1 (First Impressions) Glitch: Episode 1 (First Impressions)

It’s all too much for our heroine. Why is she seeing aliens again? And, less pertinent, but no less confusingly — where do the Unicorns fit in with all of this? A terse conversation with her stepmother, followed by a reproachful lecture from her father, act as two swift emotional kicks to someone who’s already down. It’s no wonder she ends up collapsed in a bar, knocked flat by a single bottle of soju. Here, Shi-guk discovers her.

Drunk and resigned, she realizes she has no hope of making him understand. She tries, though. She asks him if he’d still want to move in with her if she was crazy. You’re not, though, he replies. Yes, she says, but what if I was. Hypothetically. He pauses. Considers. You’re not, though, he says. Having cycled through this twice, she suggests they break up. Then, for good measure, she says it again.

Glitch: Episode 1 (First Impressions)

Shi-guk wanders the streets alone, pausing to morosely contemplate his digital watch. It tells him he’s reached his recommended amount of steps for the day. It’s mark of how good this drama is at capturing mundane moments of tragicomedy that this is an act of considerable pathos.

As he mopes, he notices a bright light coming from the sky. It intensifies. Standing, he moves for a clearer view, only for the light to overwhelm him. Wind whips through his hair as he brings out his phone camera — only for the screen to blank at the glare. The phone drops. Shi-guk disappears.

Glitch: Episode 1 (First Impressions)

The first episode’s final blow is a brief, post-credit segment flickering into action: the voice of our co-star, Nana. She’s telling us to like and subscribe to her alien-spotting Youtube channel… Moonhole TV.

That’s it for Episode 1! I’m officially intrigued. Jeon Yeo-bin’s understated yet precise acting is a delight to watch. Despite — or because of — her contained air of repression, Ji-hyo is a compelling character. Fearing her family’s judgement, she’s been hiding a vast amount of suffering and anxiety. It’s no wonder she looks on everyday life as a high-stakes performance: one in which she must score full marks, or face humiliation.

Glitch: Episode 1 (First Impressions) Glitch: Episode 1 (First Impressions)

This first episode was one of gradual build, but it never felt boring. It doesn’t feel generically Netflixy in its narrative beats; to me, it feels like genuine experimentation. I’m already fond of its subtle, slightly twisted sense of humor. The awkward, nineties-inspired alien design; the deadpan take on Ji-hyo’s stultifying relationship with Shi-guk; the slightly offbeat dialogue… it all makes for an entertaining start. Here’s hoping it gains a little momentum as it goes, though — I’m more than ready for things to speed up.

I’m also pretty excited by this show’s vague queer undertones. Se-hee’s friendship with Ji-hyo is fascinating; according to the latter, the former acts like an “ex-girlfriend” around her. Ji-hyo, whether she is straight or not, represents a square peg in the round hole of compulsory heterosexuality. She clearly chafes against the need to conform as a future wife and mother. Netflix, meanwhile, categorizes this show mystifyingly as “Offbeat,” “Sci-Fi,” and “Gal Pals” — the last of which carries a wealth of implications! I can’t wait to see Ji-hyo and Nana’s character interact. At minimum, I suspect this is going to be a show about complex relationships between women… perhaps the female equivalent of bromance?

Glitch: Episode 1 (First Impressions)

If there’s one thing I love, it’s a drama that makes its characters feel believably weird, in ways that highlight their humanity. Ji-hyo is this to a T. Shi-guk is so boring as to feel quite sympathetic — in a way, his very dullness loops straight back around into making him interesting. What little we saw of Byung-jo confirmed that he is also pretty strange. That awkward monologue in which he tried to console Ji-hyo — and her puzzled indifference — had me giggling. The only characters who feel a little flat are Ji-hyo’s parents, both of whom feel more like stock characters than human beings. If this is deliberate, it needs to be more exaggerated; if not, they could use some development. Still, with nine whole episodes to go, I can’t judge the first one too harshly.

Overall, I’m delighted to get the chance to binge-watch this drama over the next few days! Whether or not the series lives up to its initial potential, I’m betting it’ll be a fun ride.

Glitch: Episode 1 (First Impressions)

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I'm on the fifth episode and I'm loving it so much! The first episode was slow but I could appreciate that it was setting up for the rest of the show. Really need more dramas with co-leads. Jeon Yeo-bin and Nana is a pairing I didn't know I needed until it happened!


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Thanks @alathe for the recap. I agree with a lot of your points.

I didn't find the first episode slow at all. If anything, the pacing reflects Hong Jihyo's existence - contained and even. The tone of the show is quirky and indie - different from Netflix's usual kdrama servings.

Hong Jihyo reminds me a bit of Mijeong from My Liberation Notes. Both characters exist in a state of existential depression, observe the world around them detachedly, and are bemused by other people's "normal" lives. The difference is that Jihyo is more sarcastic and deadpan than Mijeong ever was.

The relationship between Jihyo and her boyfriend is so (intentionally) bad it's funny. That sex scene was a sight to behold. As bad as the relationship is, I love the dynamic between her and the bf because it is absurd comedy on full display.

Jeon Yeobeen is a chameleon. I've seen many of her works and her character here is wholly distinct from her previous characters, right down to speech pattern.


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I didn't find it slow either. I found the first three episodes completely gripping. I loved the existential questions raised and the production was top notch.

The extent to which I completely *feel* Jihyo is almost disturbing. Although I doubt it's what the show is about (and I'm only up to episode 4), it gave me real Covid/climate change vibes. Like you're the person walking through life pretending to be normal while dodging the completely insane and having to act as though the elephant isn't in the room at all times.
Are you crazy or is everybody else blind?

As I said, I'm sure that's not what it's about but let's just say I identified with her character to the point where it was uncomfortable.


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Thanks, @songxrising! Totally agree about our stunning lead -- chameleon is exactly the right word for it!


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I found the first (and second) episode okay. Not mindblowing, but interesting enough to keep watching. From episode 4 at the latest, the pace picks up considerably.

I like the fact that the massive filters were avoided here. You can actually see that the actors' skin is not as perfect as we are led to believe in other dramas.


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I came here to appreciate Jeon Yeo-bin, I did not recognize her here. When I showed my husband , he could not believe she was Hong Cha Young from Vincenzo. To me a mark of a very good actress is the ability to inhabit the character completely devoid of her past characters. Nana is doinh a good job, too but this is clearly a Jeon Yeo-bin show.


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You'd never guess that she's the same actress from Vincenzo. She looks completely different and acts completely different. I'm impressed.


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alathe, thanks for the recap. I am enjoying it . If I had a complaint, 45 minutes goes by so fast !


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Thanks -- glad you're enjoying the show! :D


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Just a comment and a compliment to Alathe. I love your writing style!

. . . "in a sex scene that… truly has to be seen to be believed. Ji-hyo lies vacant and perfectly still — too apathetic to even register annoyance — as Shi-kook approaches his task with all the enthusiasm and ardor of a man working a toilet plunger.

🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for tonight's laugh!


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Haha, thank you! I'd be lying if I said I didn't giggle a little to myself when I wrote that one... :P


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Sometimes, I read weecaps because I want to know what is happening from a safe distance. Sometimes, I read comments because it’s interesting to see the Beanies responding to dramas I am not watching. Sometimes, a comment quotes a weecap I have not read because the drama is too far from my comfort zone but that quote alone makes me want to risk the impact of even fast forwarded scenes because I have to watch that scene for myself. In this case though, I know the description will have to suffice, as the scene out of context could never evoke the same response.

The quote that had me laughing out loud with zero context but all the visuals…👇🏾

‘In a belated manner that’s neatly representative of his status as an afterthought in her life, he is introduced halfway through the episode, in a sex scene that… truly has to be seen to be believed. Ji-hyo lies vacant and perfectly still — too apathetic to even register annoyance — as Shi-kook approaches his task with all the enthusiasm and ardor of a man working a toilet plunger.’

I am gutted that @alathe you cover the dramas I can’t watch as your writing style is on point👏


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Aww, thanks so much, @reply1988! Fingers crossed that next time I end up recapping one you can watch...! :D


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I liked this first episode (I've only managed to find time for the first two at this point, but hoping to pick up the pace soon!), but I think mostly because I thought it was so effective. I think I was supposed to feel what Jihyo feels, which is a bit suffocated and a touch disoriented, and I absolutely felt that. So glad there were some weirdly funny moments to lighten it a little! Obviously Jeon Yeo-bin is doing a phenomenal job here, but I also really like the cop so far and hope we get to know more about him later. Can't say I will miss Shi-kook though... being potentially sucked up into a beam of light seems like by far the most interesting thing he's ever allowed to happen to him.


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I thought the first episode was very good set-up, only concern might be that it is not all that indicative of the feel of the show going forward so some people might not give the rest a chance, the entire feel of the show really changes once Nana's Heo Bora character enters the frame, of course you need to see how Jihyo's life is going in order for Bora to shake it up and this episode does a nice job of that


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Now that I'm a little farther in, I agree. It's definitely a different tone and pace than the rest of the drama (so far), so I hope folks know they just need to set things up before they get to the main story! I would hate to see people watch one episode and give it up.


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