May It Please the Court: Episodes 1-2 (First Impressions)

May It Please the Court introduces us to our heroine – an ace attorney — in what feels like a slow-paced yet quick start to the drama. After she uncharacteristically does a good deed, our heroine attempts to find her footing as her world is suddenly turned upside down.

Editor’s note: Coverage will continue with weekly hangouts.

Like with most dramas, this first week is all about setup. The show opens on a somber, rainy day as a slew of black cars head to a cemetery. Stepping out from the cars are a number of important-looking people, who all rush to greet the Jangsan Law Firm’s chairman before they pay respect to his late father. Standing up front with the chairman is his family: his son, his wife, and someone who is mistaken to be his granddaughter. It’s our protagonist NOH CHAK-HEE (Jung Ryeo-won).

She’s often mistaken as the daughter of the chaebol family for her tender and close relationship with the chairman, who actually treats her as his own granddaughter. That doesn’t win her brownie points with the rest of this snobbish group at all, and she’s usually treated with condescension.

The next day, at Jangsan Law Firm, employees are tense as they wait for the “Dark Lord” — yup, they’re talking about Chak-hee, known for her cutthroat personality and strict work ethic. Everyone is holding their breath once she arrives, but she immediately leaves after receiving a call.

Working up towards being a law partner, she’s currently working on a case for Kangsung Pharmaceuticals regarding their birth control pills, after a former employee accused the company of producing and distributing the drug while knowing of its side effects. Chak-hee’s on the hunt for evidence she can use in her argument for the case.

But cutting her work short is some office drama. As the board discusses her promotion to partner, Jangsan CEO JANG KI-DO (Jung Jin-young) calls her back to defend herself.

As established earlier on, the people around her don’t like her very much, and it seems Ki-do’s wife OH HA-RAN (Kim Hye-eun) has it out for her, questioning the validity of Chak-hee’s logged hours at work. Well, after they watch the CCTV footage of her office, where she logged 124 hours for just one case, they couldn’t say anything against her promotion. After the meeting, Ki-do tells her to do a good job so she can get what she wants. I don’t trust him. He has that sus vibe.

Elsewhere, we finally meet our other lead JWA SHI-BAEK (Lee Kyu-hyung), who gets accused of not having a job after he pilfers an ice cream from a small store while not paying for it. But as it turns out, he does have a job as a lawyer. He just doesn’t get paid much for it because he’s a public defender.

Entering a pharmacy, he purchases Kangsung’s birth control pills… and even swallows a couple himself?! The clerk looks at him weirdly, but Shi-baek does have a reason for doing that: he’s investigating the pill’s side effects because he’s the lawyer of the former employee suing the company.

Upon returning to his office, he finds himself in a meeting with Chak-hee, who comes to offer a settlement before the case gets to court. As they trade barbs, we learn how notorious they both are, but on opposite sides of the spectrum. As an ace with a 92% win rate, Chak-hee is about to be promoted as a partner — but she’s also known as Jangsan’s dog, ready to bite anyone at her master’s order. In contrast, despite being at the top of his law school class, Shi-baek only has a 3% win rate and is known as a wacko for his eccentric ways.

Shi-baek rejects her settlement offer, but he does help her fix a crick in her neck, LOL. A wacko indeed. Off to a good yet not-so-good start!

Well, Shi-baek should probably have taken the offer for his client, because at court, Chak-hee ends up winning with a hidden card. She exposes the affair between the plaintiff and Kangsung’s CEO, earning her his ire and a slap in the face. Ouch. Well, she does get Jangsan’s chairman fussing over her — and an offer of his shares. Oh my, she’s really his favorite.

Later, Ki-do asks Chak-hee if she’s interested in the chairman’s shares. She vehemently denies it, but he encourages her to dream big, even praising her for a good job on the Kangsung case. (Why is this guy setting off so many alarms in my head?!)

He tells her to continue doing a good job, because Kangsung’s problems aren’t over yet. The side effects of the birth control pills really do exist: hallucinations and delirium. A woman even stabbed her husband because of the pill’s side effects. Chak-hee is tasked with resolving the case — find a motive, get a settlement, or do whatever she can as long as it doesn’t get too connected to the pills. But Chak-hee is conflicted, because the woman in the case is her childhood friend, who has helped her during hard times. Oof.

Work is work, so Chak-hee visits her friend as her attorney, presenting her solution: to encourage her friend to kill herself for the sake of her husband and kids. OMG?!? And her friend really tries to end her life. OMG?!

But not to worry, our protagonist does have some sort of conscience. In a flashback, we see Chak-hee admitting the pill’s side effects and what Kangsung’s plans are to hide it. And when Chak-hee visits her friend after her suicide attempt, our protagonist gives her free legal advice on what she can do to hold Kangsung accountable for the pills.

Outside, Shi-baek is waiting to confront Chak-hee after learning about the suicide attempt. He accuses her of being heartless and inhumane, promising to stop her at all costs. Chak-hee simply brushes him off and walks away.

Much later, a “drunk” Chak-hee calls him out to eat — and to give him an incriminating piece of evidence that proves the pill’s side effects. Shi-baek asks her why she’s giving it to him, knowing the risks, but she says by the time Jangsan finds out what she did, she’ll already have everything she wants, including being made partner.

The next day, Jangsan Law Firm holds a company-wide gathering to welcome her as partner. But just as she basks in the glory of her success, the police barge in to arrest her for instigating her friend’s suicide. Yikes!

When Shi-baek arrives to ask for some missing pages from the file, Chak-hee accuses him of turning her in. But it’s not Shi-baek. According to the detective, Ki-do ordered her arrest. And that’s only the beginning.

When she gets to her office, she sees people removing her stuff, because she’s essentially been fired. She begs for another chance, so Ki-do puts her on a year-long suspension and orders her to work as a public defender in the meantime.

So Chak-hee goes from the city to a small town, from a spacious penthouse to a rooftop room, from driving a car to taking the bus, and from a prestigious law firm to a cramped dusty office — with none other than Shi-baek.

After an awkward first day at work, Chak-hee is stuck waiting for the rain to stop. While she does attempt to goad Shi-baek for a ride, their rocky start prompts him to refuse. So, when the Kangsung CEO arrives to offer her a ride, she accepts. Unfortunately, this sleazy pervert has his own motives, planning to take her to a hotel and essentially sexually harasses her. What an ass! But Chak-hee isn’t a pushover. She butts her head with the pervert to fight him off… just as another car bumps into them. It’s Shi-baek to the rescue!

Seething and furious, Shi-baek nearly punches the pervert, but Chak-hee is able to stop him. Shi-baek takes her home, offering her a blanket, an apology, and some kind words. Chak-hee seems to just brush it off, even telling Shi-baek to use this incident against Kangsung. But Shi-baek refuses, not wanting to “create another victim.”

Even if she put up a strong front, once she gets home, Chak-hee seems pretty shaken, cursing out the pervert. And in the early hours of the morning, she gets woken up from her sleep by a call from the pervert, who’s moaning and screaming in pain. The sleazy CEO has his hands tied in a complicated knot and is being tortured to death by a mysterious guy in black wearing a fancy watch. The next morning, we cut to a similar complicated knot used as a keychain as a man with the same watch walks to his car. It’s none other than Shi-baek. Oh damn?!

This first week has a lot of setup happening, especially around our protagonist Chak-hee. We learn of her humble beginnings as an orphan, and then see her notorious success at the law firm. She takes the condescension and criticism of those above her silently while plotting her own rise to the top. She has accepted her place in the world, but that doesn’t mean she’s not ready to change it.

In contrast, we know nearly nothing about Shi-baek. We know he’s eccentric, and we know he takes on a variety of clients without asking them to pay money. And we know he’s a killer…? Not really, because it’s too early to tell. But the show does seem to be setting him up as some sort of vigilante — or it could all just be a red herring meant to distract us from the truth. But kudos to Lee Kyu-hyung for his phenomenal acting! I loved him in Hi Bye Mama as a devoted dad, but I also love him when he plays a crazy wacko (Smart Prison Living, yes?). It seems like he’s taking the crazy part to the other direction this time, but we’ll know more in future episodes.

Given the legal theme of the drama, it is more often than not a little dark, tackling anything from corrupt corporations to serial murders. So if you’re not ready to dive into another dark, edgy world, May It Please the Court might not be your cup of tea.

That being said, there are pockets of humor here and there, usually due to the dynamic of our two leads. Whenever they share a scene, things take a humorous turn with the combination of an ambitious, aggressive, no-nonsense lady and an eccentric, deadpan guy. Though a love line seems to be expected in future episodes, I actually hope there isn’t one — our leads are honestly more fun as friendly rivals working together to solve cases while bickering like kindergarteners. They might just be the reason I stick around to watch.


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After episode 1 I still had doubts because the drama started quite slowly and then was also different from what I expected, but at the latest after the end of episode 2 it is clear to me that I will continue watching.

If the ending is not deliberately misleading, I doubt that we will see a romance here, which is perfectly fine.


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In FoS, he was a prosecutor and a killer, so this time is a lawyer and a vigilante? He's clearly a little bit to violent and suspicious. But torturing is another level.

I'm not convinced yet. I will try the next episodes.


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And here it is...the first FML kdrama got me in a sad mood with this week.

I agree with you, Ki-do is red alarm blaring at every moment. He's a hypocrite but he's not ashamed about it or hiding it. I kind of gave a supportive nod when he told her to dream of inheriting Grandpa's shares if it was offered to her. Just a little clarification though @meryl , Ki-do is Chairman's Son-in-law while Oh Haran is the Chairman's daughter.

Shi-baek's landlord's puppy was quite a scene stealer. How do this puppies do it😊.

The neck resetting scene...Chak-hee's reaction when Shi-baek sauntered towards her that was well executed. What the😅.

Despite the killer them hovering in the horizon and I have to admit I was thrown off by it and the wish that it has to be a silly red herring, I have enough sweet reasons to sit in this one ride or die.


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I must've missed it; how did Shi Baek knows that the CEO is going to harass Chak Hee in his car? I thought at best, he'd assume Chak Hee & the CEO is having a discussion on how to win the trial.

And Chak Hee didn't ask Shi Baek how did he knows about what's happening in the car. Did I miss something 😅


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Shi-baek has/might have an history with the CEO although it could be indirect or the CEO doesn't remember. His count could be so much he doesn't remember his victims families anymore. Well, remember when Shi-baek mentioned at the cemetery that why was Chak-hee the granddaughter of the granny buried there. He also mentioned one Eun-soo whom Chak-hee also happens to know. I think Eun-soo's death has a connection to the slime hands CEO, and Shi-baek knows Eun-soo personally from a long time ago.
The CEO has a penchant for sexual harassment of which Shi-baek is well aware of. So it makes sense that he followed immediately he saw the Chak-hee enter his car.


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The first episode was giving me 'Why Her' vibes with the dodgy law firm and Gi Do, so I was very unsure, glad I went straight to the second episode which really got me interested. I wasn't expecting the ending and the implication that the ML is at least a vigilante, if not worse. And the leads are definitely sparking off each other which is entertaining. Definitely will back for more.


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You're not alone with the Why Her? vibes.


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I wanted to drop this after the 1st episode because of the similar plotline to "Why Her?", but ep 2 turned it around and got me invested. It certainly doesn't hurt that the leads have great chemistry which makes their banter enjoyable.


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Given how early it is, my bet is still on Shi-baek the vigilante lawyer as red herring. But he is clearly concealing something more intriguing underneath his wacko persona. There is this inexplicable glint of calculativeness(??) or something similar during the court scene that marked him as someone with more depth than he let on.

I really like the anti-heroine Chak-hee as our other lead. Her ruthlessness, endless scheming, and that hint of buried conscience made sense to me. It came out as original and genuine despite several other similar characters I've encountered before. She clearly needs to figure out how to be her own person instead of "a vicious and obedient hunting dog". It would be interesting to see how happy ending would look like to her at the end of this journey.


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I hope the ending is misleading and he is not the torturer/killer as that would throw a spanner into the romance. :D
I really liked their bickering and cannot wait for them to share an office and fight the bad guys together. Make her understand she does not have to side with the baddies to get the shares she wants (revenge plot? for what?).
Its obvious she wanted the grandpas shares for some reason as she talks to grandmas tombstone and "uncle and untie" (side note: need more information about her background and all the relationships and family ties).
Oh really looking forward to this! It is hitting all the good spots for me so far, suspense, crime, strong but quirky characters, bickering... really hope the underdogs win (after long and perilous journey full of personal growth of course) and hopefully there will be quirky romance.
Yes I know I am getting too excited too quickly but I just cannot help myself, I really need something to get addicted to again and this drama seems it might be it! So fingers crossed! (squealing in excitement!)


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This was the only one of the mid-week premieres that stuck with me (I tried all, and dropped the other two - Contract and Blossoms - like hot potatoes). The setup is jaded (orphan, chaebol, corruption, vigilante, murder, inheritance, etc.) but when in the hands of competent leads, the fun levels go up a notch or two. I'll be watching for a while longer. Let's hope the story makes it worth it for the leading cast.


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For some reason, the opening credits gave me a really strong Dexter vibe. (Upon reflection, it may be the roll of duct tape?)


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I really liked this one thanks to the talents of both leads and some of the unexpected humor (the neck crack!). I'm not getting romantic vibes at this point, but I could see that developing over time, although I'm fine either way as long as the snappy dialogue sticks around.

I like that the FL is flawed and very human, and clearly, the ML is going to be more than a valiant public defender. I like the shades of grey--or black--in both of their characters.

I admit that I'm not thinking too hard about the overarching plot as many of the elements of the show and the case are sensationalistic, but the writing is tight so I will pretty much accept whatever happens there.


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Tbh, that neck crack was what made me think it would be more likely that he's the vigilante.

To be able to diagnose and fix the crick on her neck that easily, he'd have to know the workings of the human body quite well. And he obviously has quite a bit of hands-on experience because it's one thing to read and understand how to "cure" a sprain, but it's another thing entirely to actually do that bit of adjustment that easily without hurting someone.

In any case, wouldn't a thorough understanding of the human body also be something you'd expect from someone who tortures people?


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That's a great point.


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By the way, is it just me or was Shi-baek's watch almost identical to the watch that the chaebol grandfather wore in Episode 1? The camera lingers on the grandfather's watch as he steps out of his car in the opening scenes at the cemetery. Shibaek's watch appears to have a gold rim while the grandfather's watch looks either silver or gold (can't tell exactly with the lighting), but the watch face sure looks the same to me.


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Another premiering drama that gave off rom-com vibes in the trailers but end up being darker (the other is Love in Contract). Is that the trend now? Along with the trend of dramas featuring law professions. (I'm guessing it's the most budget-friendly to do)

Took some time to get through the first episode, but the second episode flew by and the leads are interesting to watch, especially with that episode 2 cliffhanger. Chak-hee's "fear of low heights" - and that's why she needs to live in skyscrapers- cracked me up.


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Thank you for this recap!

What an intriguing start. I honestly didn’t expect this show to floor me as it did but I was thoroughly impressed by the first two episodes. Great chemistry (and snark!) between the two leads, a tight script, an interesting first case, and this absolute banger of a thrilling cliffhanger. What’s not to like?

While I wouldn’t mind Shi-baek having a darker, more violent side to him, I will assume that this was merely a misdirection to throw us off the scent of the real killer. Maybe the brother/husband of another woman suffering from the pill’s side effects? At this point, everything is possible. And yeah, murderer or not: I absolutely ship it. If you ask me, Lee Kyu-hyung looked extra fine with his wet, tousled hair and I’m just too shallow to be judgmental against handsome fictional maybe-killers.

Last but not least: Great to see Go Gyu-pil again. I already enjoyed watching him in “Crazy Love” and “From Now On, Showtime!”.


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