Crazy Love: Episodes 3-4 Open Thread

Ahh, revenge – a dish best served lukewarm, with onions. Our heroine fully commits to the role she’s invented for herself, determined to make sure she’s not the only one who has to suffer. But she’ll have to fool a lot more people than she initially bargained for…


For better or for worse, it seems Go-jin’s memory is completely gone. Like, can’t-remember-his-own-name gone. However, the doctors are hopeful it won’t be permanent, especially if his brain can be stimulated by memories. Luckily, his “fiancée” is here to do just that.

Infuriated that Go-jin is blissfully unaware of how he’s previously treated her, and coached by her actress friend, CHOO OK-HEE (Park Han-sol), Shin-ah plays the doting fiancée to the hilt, replete with massages, walking him to and from the bathroom, and making sure he gets to eat all his favorite foods.

…Except, she’s here for revenge, so she takes full advantage of the power she holds by sneakily making him as miserable as possible in the process (I kid you not, she stuffs every food item she feeds him with onions, even extracting the juice for him to drink!). There’s also a running gag about people accidentally bumping his injured leg, but I’m pretty sure – on Shin-ah’s part at least – it’s anything but accidental.

The longer it goes on, the more I can’t help feeling the tiniest bit sorry for Go-jin. The amnesia makes him jarringly soft-spoken and pleasant-mannered, with a patient smile and deadpan humor that comes out when you least expect it. And though he does question the wildly cheesy love story she makes up on the fly, she piles on detail after detail, making it increasingly harder for him to protest.

The longer they spend together, the more his fear of what she might do next grows – and with good reason. When he’s finally discharged from the hospital to his Seoul apartment, Shin-ah accompanies him, turning his evening into a full-on nightmare as she chops fish in the dark kitchen, getting blood and fish guts everywhere, and then chases him to the bedroom to innocently ask what’s wrong.

Meanwhile, other people in Go-jin’s life start to become aware of what’s happened. Shin-ah clearly didn’t anticipate having to keep up her lie in front of so many people (especially Se-gi, who gives her a huge case of the hiccups), but somehow she always just manages to skate by on luck. For example, speaking of Se-gi, he doesn’t buy it at all – until he remembers that Go-jin made an offhand (sarcastic) remark about having a date not too long ago. Then it’s suddenly plausible.

Interestingly, though, Se-gi later tells Shin-ah that he doesn’t really care if she’s telling the truth or not, because regardless she’s taking care of Go-jin right now.

Soo-young also learns of Go-jin’s accident and goes to visit him. At first, she thinks he’s faking just to spite her, but after she does a little digging and learns it’s real, she decides this must be fate giving them a second chance to fall in love again.

Shin-ah is so committed to her revenge plot that most of the time she forgets about her own health crisis. But when she does remember, it hits her hard, especially when she talks with her father or her little brother and can’t bring herself to tell them. In fact, she hasn’t told anyone, not even Ok-hee, who always manages to explain away Shin-ah’s little “Well, I’m dying anyway” comments as hyperbole.

Still, she’s not about to just sit down and accept her fate – not when she has the chance to take Go-jin down into misery with her. She moves her stuff into his apartment to make it seem like she’s stayed there frequently, and goes so far as to commission a gigantic bad-luck talisman to hang on his wall (which of course she tells him is to keep bad luck away).

But when Go-jin returns to work, things start to get a bit messier. The goal is to keep people from finding out about his amnesia (since that won’t exactly be good for business), but every time he encounters a new person, he plasters a big friendly smile on his face and greets them, then proceeds to rattle off a list of information he’s memorized about them.

He also comes right out and tells one employee that Shin-ah is his fiancée (also supposed to be a secret), and sends her a grin that looks almost too triumphant not to have been his own form of petty revenge.

One positive result of Shin-ah’s little acting gig is that it emboldens her to stand up to a senior employee named MA EUN-JUNG (Baek Joo-hee) who delights in belittling her. Turns out, Eun-jung previously tried to bully Shin-ah into leaking Go-jin’s private information (so she could report it to his rival Yang-tae), but Shin-ah refused, hence their enmity. Ever since, Eun-jung has taken every opportunity to kill Shin-ah’s dream of becoming an instructor and make her feel small.

This time, however, Shin-ah doesn’t just tuck tail and take the abuse – she throws a drink in Eun-jung’s face and all but dares Eun-jung to follow through on her threat to get Shin-ah kicked out of the education industry altogether.

But Shin-ah isn’t the only one keeping secrets. Disgruntled former instructor KANG MIN (Lee Shi-un) seems to be the actual hit-and-run perpetrator, and has spent the ensuing days hiding out and gambling.

He gets a tip that Go-jin has amnesia and goes to see for himself… but when they’re face-to-face, Go-jin’s whole demeanor changes. His pleasant, slightly sassy grin takes on a menacing edge as he jeers that people are so quick to believe amnesia is as common in real life as it is in dramas.

Oh, this’ll be fun – he’s faking, too.


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I am DELIGHTED that he is also faking it. I was beginning to doubt it because he’d been so blank up till then.

The evidence (badly photoshopped pictures of them together) of their relationship cracks me up every time, it is so clearly fake.


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He's a much better actor than me. If I were faking amnesiac, I don't think I could have kept a straight face looking at the badly photoshopped pics. And they did so many! Those girls were really pushing it!

I was like "look, girls, he lost his memory, not his intelligence!" but then weirdly, it looked like he fell for it..only for the reveal that he was faking!


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Hahaha, your line!!

I wanted to see the last photo so bad and tried to replay it. I couldn't see it well cuz Shin Ah hid it too fast. XD


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I tried to replay it too. All I noticed was that the photoshopping looked really bad in that one...like just cut and paste without much attempt to smooth things out.


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I laughed so so hard during these two episodes 🤣🤣 ohh Shin-ah with her little revenged hahah I also can't get over those fake photos and the mugs LOL and her portrait in his bedroom. I knew he was faking it but the end of ep 4 still got me like whoa that change in the eyes and expression shocked me.

Also did you all notice he started asking for juice all the time lol because he can't trust shin-ah with water or coffee anymore haha his eyes were so telling when she told him he loves lukewarm coffee. It's going to be fun when he starts his little revenge on her.

After ep 4, I had to watch ep 3 again because just confirming that he was faking it all along brings a whole different level of enjoyment to the previous episodes and you notice all those micro expressions he was doing.

Kim Jae Wook's acting is just top notch, so detailed and CL definitely showed his range.. going from narcissistic to cute back to narcissistic. I wonder if in the next episodes he will like constantly have to switch back and forth showing his narcissistic side when breaking the fourth wall maybe?

Krystal is so good in here too, love it when she messes with Go-Jin ahhaha she creeped me out during the mackerel scene lol! Although she is taking revenge on Go-Jin but really she is still helping him so much as a secretary and I feel like she'd take Go-Jin's side any day against Park Yang Tae. Girl just doesn't know it, she was so concerned when he had the panic attack or maybe shes just a good natured sweet heart overall.


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I'd been thinking he'd been faking it (the sudden sarcastic remarks such as at the reporter were too on point) but that last scene switch in personality was still masterful 👏.

I'm so glad because with both parties to the 'engagement' faking it, it can only get wackier from here on.


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Knowing that he is faking his amnesia makes watching these hilarious revenge schemes of Shin-ah even funnier. He is secretly assessing who his enemies are and what they are up to. Poor Shin-ah, I wonder how he will pay her back.

Se-gi mentioned a stalker, that must be Soo-young. What will she do, if she hears about Go-ji's engagement to Shin-ah. Love all the quirky twists. Can't wait till Monday!!


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I don't see Soo young as the stalker. She and Go ji were in a actual relationship, he even has a memory of them sitting together back in episode 1.

What was cold as hell on Go ji's part was playing her like that. It almost felt like straight up gaslighting and I get that he was keeping it up to suss out who is trying to kill him, but there is nothing about her character so far that shows why she deserved it.

Also, I think the 'stalker' is the work of those three former receptionists of Go-ji. They seem to have way too much time on their hands (seriously, to just be able to walk away from their current jobs when they hear info on Go ji) and a assist from the building maintenance woman. What is their end game since they have not worked for the company for a year or more. If their storyline does not progress, I am happy with them not being seen again.


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Yes, I remember the scene in episode 1, but cannot clearly remember the face of the lady, it might have been Soo-young. It still does not rule out that she did not become a stalker after the break up. In this drama I strongly suspect that a few more people are not what they seem to be.


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I suspect one of the secretaries being a stalker as well.. maybe the one who went to his vacation home that night.. their behaviour almost seem obsessive. I get they want revenge or whatever but if they don't like him, why would they act as though they are jealous that Shin-ah lasted over a year working for Go-Jin and even trying to get her in deep trouble?


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I love that he is faking it. It just makes everything much more interesting.
We know his motives for doing and it makes his scenes with Shinah more fun.
Next week will be a riot. I wonder when Shinah will be clued in that he is faking it and been putting up with her lies and revenge. Looking forward how she will react then.


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Okay, I am so glad Go-jin has been faking it this whole time because the amnesiac version of him felt so exaggerated that I was starting to doubt whether Jae-Wook was the right fit for this role... but now it all makes perfect sense!!! It felt like over done acting because it was!!!

Also I'm just loving Shin-ah's little breaks of the fourth wall, I find her cheeky glances at the audience as she's up to no good so adorable and cute <3


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The hint that he was faking it was when he expected Shin ah to get him fruit juice like the assistant that she is. The smile was there when he asked for it, but his eyes were not.


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Yes also with the reporter too in the beginning of ep 4


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The fourth wall breaks are awesome! It's like we're in on it too. It had a Jim from the Office feel to it.


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I wonder if the Doctor is in on this with Go ji. I can totally see that as a possibility at this point and encouraging Shin ah to stay around, at the request of Go ji as a another form of torture.

These two really might end up trying to kill one another. :)


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This show is both weirder and funnier than I thought it would be. The setup took a bit to get going, and I wasn't sure at first about Shin-ah breaking the 4th wall, but it totally works. And the reminders that she is terminally ill make her desperate scheme more plausible, which is still important even within the confines of an absurd plot like this one. Crystal is also killing her actress-acting-a-character-who-is-also-acting role, especially in those scenes with the cop. She's hilarious but also still sympathetic.

I love that Go-jin is faking, too! At first, I thought he might be, but wasn't sure why he would go that far. But as the episodes went on, and especially in his scenes with his "brother," it was clear something was up. His decision to do this to figure out who tried to kill him is also believable, so I'm enjoying watching how even in the midst of his performance as an amnesiac, his arrogance keeps shining through.

As before, it's still very hard for me to imagine these two falling in love for real, but that also adds to the fun.


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I thought it was weird how he sort of told -instead of asked- Shin-ah to get him juice. Turns out he was faking all along. Now I need to rewatch the episode with that in mind.

I feel sort of bad for Shin-ah that he's faking, because now he has the upper hand, like always. I mean, I guess the good thing is that he remembered her slapping him in the face with the papers and he isn't blissfully happy right now. She was really bummed out about that.

Go-jin has to remain in character of amnesiac-guy and endure Shin-ah's revenge, until he can track down the attempted killer. I wonder how much he can endure. And will he start retaliating? I guess he really has started retaliating because now Shin-ah's got to figure out how to keep up her own lie with a whole bunch of people. Nervous for our terminally ill Shin-ah!


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Yay he was faking it 🥳

I can tell both Krystal and Kim Jae wook are having so much fun with their characters and it shows in their acting.

I’m loving the new plot progression and the hilarious trolling from Shin Ah and Go jin. I can tell we are in for a wild ride as they each try and get the upper hand.


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This is showing to be Krystal's strongest work. She should accept more comedic roles because she has great timing.

And Kim Jae wook, without fail, always elevated his female lead in the best way possible. He is never out there trying to hog the screen when they are together.


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Kim Jae Wook's acting in the last scene = WOW.
He looks so damn charismatic!

I was going along with the episode, accepted that he had amnesia.
I didn't suspect him at all. I thought it was interesting that he still knew his math and he fought the reporter despite his injuries... But I didn't think about those bits further. Well, I'm glad he is faking it! His sweet, kind eyes and smile when he was a patient.... whew. So believable.

It was funny that he would look and act innocent, but throw out those savage insults at the same time. I'm curious why he choose to fake his amnesia.

Shin Ah breaking the 4th wall was fun. The fish chopping at night scene was terrifying. XD

Last week, I thought Soo Young was nice and pleasant. Maybe too nice. However, now I'm turned off by the fact that she dug into Go Jin's private medical information. I totally rolled my eyes when she believed FATE was pretty much the reason she is getting another chance with Go Jin.


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Now I want to know why Go ji and Soo young broke up. He was thinking about her when he was by himself at home in ep 1.


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I'm curious too. Both of them still have lingering feelings.


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please tell me this gets better! i like kim jae-wook's acting, of course, but i have not warmed to the female lead i this at all. perhaps i will try one more episode. have a great day, fellow kdrama addicts :)


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