Now We Are Breaking Up: Episodes 1-2 Open Thread

Well, they have good chemistry — that’s a place to start. Now, We Are Breaking Up hit some good numbers for its premiere, but I can’t say it’s because the story was riveting. Beautiful leads, the high-stakes world of fashion, and sexual attraction a charming drama do not make.

Note: This is an opening week weecap only.


At first I told myself that I would write a nice neutral weecap for this drama, since it performed pretty well, and I know a lot of people will be enjoying it. But then I changed my mind. I didn’t like anything about the first episode — from the script, to the setup, to the over-played character dynamics. However, the second episode saw a minor improvement, since we got a little more of the characters and their stories.

But more characters means more tropes, and though I’m a devoted fan of the K-drama pattern, sometimes I do wish for something a little different. Or something a little less predictable? Having an overtly sexy drama doesn’t actually change the fact that the drama isn’t doing anything interesting.

As the drama opens we meet our fashion designer HA YOUNG-EUN (Song Hye-gyo). She’s drop-dead gorgeous, competent, and talented. We can tell she’s devoted to her work, well-connected in the fashion world, and isn’t too clingy or emotional. She’s also uninterested in love. Hence, her steamy one night stand with a random guy whose name she doesn’t even care to learn.

We’re only five minutes into the drama at this point, and I already agree with the Search WWW comparison — must be the career-focused woman who gets enchanted by a certain someone’s sexy gaze. At the risk of sounding like a granny, I’ll admit I really dislike stories that start with one-night stands. It’s just an uninteresting starting point for a romantic relationship for me, particularly in dramaland. I’d much rather watch a meet-cute and the genesis of a relationship that culminates in sex rather than one that starts with it. But that might just be me. Anyway, back to the plot.

For the duration of the first episode, we don’t really learn much about Young-eun, outside of seeing her in action. But as her character begins to fill in later, we learn more about what motivates her: she’s supporting her parents and all but lying to them about how much money she’s bringing in. But at the same time she’s devoted every ounce of herself to the job, and seems like a true artist.

She might be brilliant at what she does, but every day is an uphill battle, and half the time she’s left pulling the weight of her boss/friend DIRECTOR HWANG CHI-SOOK (Choi Hee-seo) leaves in her spoiled wake. Chi-sook is the daughter of the fashion company owner, and chases guys while Young-eun does all the work — and all the damage control.

In the middle of Fashion Week, Young-eun has a million responsibilities to deal with and she works herself to the bone. Later in a voiceover, she even says that she’s changed from her younger days, now that her fatigue has more power than her pheromones. But does it?

As drama fate would have it, Young-eun is thrown together with her one-night-stand man at least five times subsequently, and all by happenstance. He’s YOON JAE-KOOK (Jang Ki-yong), a brillllllliant photographer who we later learn is quite the star in the fashion photography world. He’s also wealthy and well-connected, which comes in handy later.

And thus, Young-eun and Jae-kook’s fate is unleashed. First they’re reunited when Young-eun acts as a stand-in for Chi-wook’s blind date… which is of course with Jae-kook. Their paths entangle several other times, as Jae-kook’s friend runs the PR agency with which Young-eun’s brand is working. So after their blind date (during which Young-eun works and ignores his existence), he helps her out with an emergency photo shoot, runs into her at an event, runs into her at the PR agency (more than once), and so on. You get the idea.

The more Jae-kook sees her, the more smitten he gets, and his character is so well-sandwiched into particular moments and scenes that he always happens to be lurking around the corner, hearing Young-eun say winning things. He sees how hard she works, he sees her integrity, he sees her desperate moments and is able to (secretly) help her out — and he’s not shy about his attraction to her either. He’s hitting on her the whole time, and she’s either ogling him from a distance, or coldly refusing to get involved with him.

When I don’t like a drama I always find myself with the same critique: it feels like it was written by a teenage girl. I say this from experience. Our drama presents a pie-in-the-sky and fan-servicey take on romance that I guess could be done well, but here (at least so far), just doesn’t resonate. Everyone feels like they’re acting. I don’t really like any of the characters, except Young-eun a little (her lunging for the bread basket was my favorite part of both episodes).

All of fate and present-day connection is not enough, though. The drama needs to be quite clear with us that these two are fated, or have a deep connection, and we get that in two additional ways.

The first is that Young-eun’s phone wallpaper is a photo of a photo she bought from a street vendor in Paris. She explains what she loves about it to Jae-kook, who says it’s trash. Of course, his eyes tell us that it’s actually his photo (and this is shortly confirmed via flashback).

Second, the two also have a tragic connection. We learn that Jae-kook had an older brother who’s been dead for ten years now; we don’t know much about him except that, in Jae-kook’s words, if his mother had let him marry the woman he loved, he would never have died. Well, that mystery lasts a good eight minutes before we learn that that woman was indeed Young-eun.

So, as our premiere week ends, we have everything in a nice tidy package: the love that cannot be between Jae-kook and Young-eun, his deep attraction to her, and her deeply hidden scars from that tragedy that keep her away from love. Yawn. Maybe next week will get better?


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Thank you, Missvictrix. Now how about telling us how you really feel? 😉 I want to like it, but I’m not feeling it yet. I esp agree with your line, “everyone feels like their acting”.


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Oops! Meant to say, “like they are acting”.


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Okay where to start. 1. I felt no chemistry and I really wanted to and it had nothing to do with the age-gap. I love noona romance. But sadly not this pairing. 2. Their "hot scene" left me cold. They really needed a 19+ for this? Also seeing them making out/having sex without having an attachment is kinda meh and has no impact imo. 3. Felt like WWW. Especially Jang`s character feelt like a second version of his WWW character. The relationship with the female character started even in the same way. 4. The writing is kinda meh and didn't pull me in. Was Misty good? Also a build-up for the romance would have been great. Felt a lot like instalove. 5. Yeah they both look good but that's it.


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I have a hard time forgiving them for casting JKY in a drama, filming a sex scene and then spending the majority of it on an extended french kiss and a reflection in a window.

The man’s got platinum-level bedroom eyes and they didn’t even look at each other. He has beautiful hands and amazing shoulders. Of all the places to film, “lip to lip” is my least favorite. There and hands and wrists and hips and waists and shoulders and napes of necks, you fools! ALL of which are more erotic when used correctly than “hint of tongue”.

I am more irritated by this “19+“ scene the longer I think of it. Directorial malpractice!


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Maybe the 19+ was for the ratings - hoping to draw more audience. Or they really thought it would be 19+ worthy. I would be more irritated, I think, if I actually felt chemistry between them and only got that scene. But yeah what they showed was low.


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I think they wanted to focus on the "gotcha" moment when we realise he's the man who slept with her and so they went with shots which don't actually show his face. An obviously dumb choice given his physique is hard to hide + everyone knows a kdrama FL cannot possibly sleep with anyone other than the ML 🙄 so not a single person was surprised.


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I literally never even considered that possibility. That’s hilarious.


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Haha what's you're saying reminds me why the bed scene in lovestruck in the city is my fav,it was raw passion which didn't feel like acting especially their gazes at eachother, the directing was also masterful. I also love the when the smile has left your eyes bed scene its not as hot as lovestruck in the city but it felt so genuine and poignant.


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Lovestruck in the City had some of the best romantic scenes. That car scene where Ji Chang Wook leans back in his seat and stares at Kim Ji Won? You could cut the sexual tension with a knife.


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Right? I felt like he was staring at me, it felt too private what a tease he was haha, I don't know how KJW's character was able to resist. The sexual tension and the angst was on point too I preferred that scene to the makeout ones (though I loved them too). Jcw and kjw done a wonderful job since they're both expressive actors, imagine their scenes with blank actors that can't emote lol it would've been cringy.


Hyena is another show with insane sexual tension, remembering those shows lol is a good palette cleanser from this mess.


I agree about the lack of chemistry. She already look her age and I feel uncomfortable of the love scene in a "pure" romance story. He is so boyish even for 29 years old. Some actresses her age already acting as mothers. I guess because she is famous. I don't dislike her but just feel it a misfit.


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Even though comparing it to Search: WWW is doing that show a disservice, the central romance started so similarly that it's hard to ignore it. Maybe that's why it felt like the actors were sleep-walking through their interactions?

Sadly nothing else is at the same level. If they wanted to portray SHK as a strong career woman, they shouldn't have had JKY swoop in to save her multiple times in the first week. Nor should the central focus of the show be how this super competent woman continues to withstand continuous humiliation for...a promotion? If she's so good at her job, she should move on.

The dialogue also really does feel like it's been written by a teenager imagining what adults talk about. The scene where SHK meets up with her friends was so cringe - apparently all 30-something women talk about is how old they are and how important or unimportant men are 🙄. And let's not talk about how every other character is a caricature esp. the parents.


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The older I get the more I resent the “competent younger man saving the day behind the scenes” trope. The last time a subordinate bailed me out, it was my right-hand woman, and that was RARE. And I knew what she was doing and helped her do it.

I spend the majority of my day blocking and tackling for my team, it’s literally what bosses do most of the time. The idea that we would get bailed out repeatedly and not know it is… unlikely.

I guess it’s understandable that drama writers don’t understand how the higher echelons of businesses actually work, since they’ve had no opportunity to experience it truly, but most of us are pretty terrifyingly competent and those of us who got through the glass ceiling to get here? Tend to notice EVERYTHING around us.


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I can't upvote your comment enough! It's so annoying to see this persistent portrayal of women in high-end jobs who never actually seem to be on top of anything and just run from one crisis to another until a man saves them.

The fact that she had no back-up plans in place for the influencer was so dumb. She was just standing around until the new celeb turned up and then introduced herself as if she had a huge hand in bringing the celeb there. And not a single question was asked about how this celeb turned up!


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And on the PJ scene at her house, she was mentioning her red finances while we see her high-ceiling apartment overlooking Hangang River. Uhmm, doesn't add up. So, we have a chaebol ML and a candy-esque FL in all sense of the word.


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This scene makes me rolled my eyes. When she grumpy about her tired from work and ‘miserable’ finance situation, i was thinking “yeah, could be saved by selling ten tops and three bags”. Geez, they must think we are stupid enough and won’t notice that the script and the walk in closet doesn’t add up.


Right?! Just last week I did a four-hour high-wire act in front of clients as no fewer than 8 colleagues scrambled around behind the scenes trying to piece things together. Why was I doing the high-wire act? Because they hadn’t succeeded in doing their prep, which I discovered 48 hours ahead of time and was STILL MANAGING on a backchannel while MC’ing a four-hour event. And I did all of this knowing there was still a high likelihood this would be a massive flop, and spent part of that 48 hours preparing higher-ups for that possibility. And then stood in the firing line for four hours anyway.

We do not get where we are coincidentally. And we do not get bailed out by underlings without full knowledge and likely direction of what’s happening. I get that there are some really crap execs who seem to have failed upwards, but the FL in this show isn’t meant to be one. You can’t BOTH be showing all the traits of a fails-upward exec and admired for being a great executive.


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Precisely. No organization is without fail-upward execs but we manage to get our jobs done despite them and get it done well - not lose market share because someone forgot to make sure the boss signed a form.


Wow I just realised yeah this trope is so prevalent in Kdrama but so unrelatable to me because I’ve literally never been bailed out by a younger male colleague lmao


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Well said, she has been working so many years in the industry, but he comes and saves her several times, plus working in such industry and she didn't recognize the famous photographer the whole world wants to hire, hm, ok


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Ditto on the dialogue! I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt since I'm just reading subtitles, but what happened to "show, don't tell"?


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I thought it was just meh for me as well but when I was pulling weeds later, the show came to mind and really got on my nerves! Like . . . 2 Korean people IN Korea meet and get along so well that they have sex immediately and yet the entire interaction is . . . in French 🤔 (and pretty bad French I’m guessing)(And don’t get me started on Monsieur Bangs le Designer). I hate her friend/boss, I don’t like his fashion PR friend, I don’t like the parents. And guess what, I looked it up and even the Chanel quote at the beginning is wrong 🤣 She actually said:
“I don’t do fashion, I AM fashion.”
“Fashion changes, but style endures.”
“Fashion fades, only style remains the same.”
And a number of other really witty things, you can look it up 😁


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I'm French, and their french is better than in Another Miss Oh. Pretty correct, just stange pacing at the end for JKY.
However, I lived 3 years in Paris, and the nice view is a montage. There are several places with street art vendors such as along the Seine river and in Monmartre hill, the place du Tertre. But the tour Eiffel is much smaller as it is on the other side of the city.
Well at least they had a monument of the city... unlike in K2 where nothing of gorgeous Barcelona was visible (except the pavement tiles allright).

I agree with other comments, nice photography does not make a drama.
Well, it is a busy month with a lot of new shows so...


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That’s good to know! 👏🏽 to them for getting the French right.


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The series is a PPL monster.

For a woman focused solely on her career, and secretly mourning her decade dead BF, hormonal one night stands lacks character depth from the writer. SHG's cold acting style does not help.


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I need to know if the earring was PPL. “Oh wow, things are getting so passionate that I should remove my stud earring” said no woman, ever.


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Yes. It was Chaumet PPL.


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Well, next time I hope it gets knocked into the thick pile of the hotel room carpet and we all learn an expensive lesson about putting tiny jewelry on flat surfaces.

(Also, what is his big move, nibbling ears so intensely he might accidentally devour an earring?!)


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The first feel....Youngeun is a cold hearted woman. She doesn't feel and leaves any feelings.
It's great if the character is cool. But cold is not cool. How do you like a drama if you don't like the character(s)?
Second, Song Hyekyo needs to learn from Han Sohee when it comes to bed scene. Cmon, production team, this is not how you do a sexy 19+ rating. You don't start with zoom in kisses and showing some muscular back.
Create a setting, start exchanges of smoldering gaze, slight but intimate touch THEN zoom in kisses follows by hot sexy bed scenes.
Nevertheless, a trainwreck that it is, at least do some much more believable hot scenes.
Jang Kiyong is a good kisser, but Song Hyekyo....*sigh*....
And why do I see she frowns all the time? I've been seing that from Boyfriend days.
The only interesting thing in first 2 episodes is the cutthroat fashion business depiction. And the outfits at the fashion show is supercool.


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re your 2nd pt: I think they weren't able to learn from Nevertheless because it is broadcasted on SBS lol - Nevertheless was broadcasted on JTBC and I think it was a Netflix exclusive (the latter I'm not 100% sure on, don't quote me on that). Bottom line, this show wasn't able to use the artistic flair like Nevertheless.

Nonetheless, my only fave bit are the outfits. Even Jang Ki Yong - his smoulder gazes and broad shoulders aren't luring me in this time, soz dude! I loved you in Search: WWW but you aren't doing it for me this time 😅

Don't even get me started on Song Hye Kyo - I swear she hasn't learnt to act in the past X amount of years she's been in the industry 😒

and then add them together? No chem whatsoever.


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Agreed re:Song Hye Kyo... The only drama of her that I have managed to watch was Full House in 2004. Since then, I avoid her dramas like pest. In the snippets that I have seen over the years and the reviews that I read, her acting has not improved at all....


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I do NOT understand why she is so highly (over) rated when she cannot act to save her life. Why???


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Yeah, this wasn’t it for me either. No sex scenes can cover up the fact that their interactions were depressingly clichéd and done a million times before in other dramas. Also, the scene didn’t need a 19+ rating at all. There was no real steaminess or chemistry there. Dal-li and Gamjatang had a much more exciting make-out/fade-to-black sex scene and I’m pretty sure there was no 19+ rating involved.

Maybe it’s time for dramaland to realize that women can be career-driven *and* interested in love. These traits aren’t mutually exclusive. Let our heroines get laid without adding in some weirdly-inserted trauma from another man. And while we’re at it, let them be competent without being needed to be rescued professionally every other minute. I’m so tired of this.


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I’m thinking it wasn’t just the fact they had sex, it was the fact they had anonymous sex. A one night stand.


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I don’t mind one-night stands in a story - if it serves the story well. Here, I just didn’t see how their sexual history added anything to the story. There was no special connection of any kind created from their encounter, nor do I see how the leads previously having sex affected their interactions later on. This, added with the fact that the scene itself was the opposite of sexy, was boring to me as a viewer.


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I'm surprised they even had a one-night stand given how she acts colder to him than the Artic freeze afterwards.


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Exactly! Like ok you dont want to know names but not even a hint of recognition later?


The fact that we all are thinking back to Dali and Gamjatang is telling. The way he put his hand at the small of her back and she melted into him; the way she teased him about taking it slow; the kids attack the morning after. All healthy ways to show attraction.

It was doable here. Show that they’re intoxicated with each other, that touch is electric. But shots of mouths kissing is borderline useless and shouldn’t be the focal point. There is so, so much more. Not porny! But more than… I don’t know, mouths.


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Watching a woman ignore a successful man is somehow a trope I don't get tired of watching. Plus, Young-eun being dismissive of J was enjoyable. I'm not sure how the 1st episode was 19+ because I recall Her Private Life having steamier make-out scenes and it wasn't.

Its interesting to see the hidden cost fallacy with Yong-eun's job, the President really appears to have shaped her into being the daughter's stooge. I wanted her to toss the papers back in the President's face. It would be satisfying to see her proceed to get a different job who wouldn't hold her back and make her clean up after her not-friend. But to her its the same thing she's been doing for over a decade. (It would be interesting if they show this habit get deconstructed.) Its funny that I'm realizing this is similar to a few c-dramas I've watched lately. Its like overtime & job loyalty PPL.

Song Hye-gyo and Jang Ki-yong also fit better together than I was expecting. His character didn't give me a red-flag alert which, yes this is a low bar, but it was a relief. I don't think he's smitten yet, just intrigued there is someone not falling over themselves to access him.


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To be honest, this drama last only 15 minutes before my eye——even Lovers of the Red Sky last longer then this. The Pusan Fashion Week is shot elegantly, people are beautiful, but what is the point for watching all these?

Honestly, unlike @missvictrix, I don't mind to have a one-night-stand at the beginning of the show. The problem is: what is the purpose of having this in the beginning? Sorry to be frank, if I want to see a sex scene just to arouse my animal instant, I will go straight to PornHub, not this K-drama.

In terms of telling a story through a sex scene, the best I watched so far is a 2007 movie called Lust, Caution. The movie has 3 sex scenes, and every time they make love, their relationship is getting more intimate, yet more painful, and that drive the story to the final climax. This is called a good sex scene in a story.

Song Hye-gyo is another person who offended me. No doubt she is beautiful, but she has only one facial expression (Gianna Jun in Jirisan is another good example of such acting). A beautiful face may be a plus, but not an excuse you can have bad acting. Park Eun-bin may not be stunningly beautiful, but every time I see her in a drama, I feel for her characters' highs and lows (in The King's Affection, and in Do You Like Brahms? which is an old drama I am visiting now). This is call ACTING.

For someone who like the drama, I may be too harsh, so I say sorry in advance. Obviously Now, We Are Breaking Up is not my cup of tea.


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Lust, Caution is a beautiful film. Good thing I didn't watch that movie with my parents back then. Those sex scenes were O_O.


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From those actresses considered as the standard of Korean beauty, SHK is one that seems to unwilling to explore and focus on her craft - acting. She just comes across as being fine with coasting as a CF star, hence the need to maintain the prettiness when acting on dramas or movies. Jun Ji Hyun, in her movies before and with Ashin seems to be trying, just not sure with her "local" drama choices. Kim Hee Sun and Kim Tae Hee, are actresses also known more for being pretty than taking acting seriously. But with their drama choices, they come across as wanting to break from the stereotype. SYJ, she has always been a good actress and doesn't shy away from various roles, same with LYA. Han Gain is also one of those only pretty actress, but she hasn't been active.


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I didn't watch Kim Hee-sun, Kim Tae-hee and Han Gain, although I did hear critics about their acting, so I have no comment here. Son Ye-jin and Lee Young-ae are both impressive actresses, and both dare to try different roles. Son's April Snow, Negotiation, and most amazing and memorable, The Last Princess are my favorites, as well her Something in the Rain and Crash Landing on You. Lee's most talked about may have been her Jewel in the Palace, but I love her more in JSA, Lady Vengeance and, currently on air, Inspector Koo.

About Gianna Jun Ji-hyun. I do criticize her acting in Jirisan, but I guess she may not be the whole problem. Her Assassination as well Kingdom are both great; but who knows, she may have been chosen roles fit her acting style, you can't tell, so I can't say for sure.


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Kim Hee Sun and Kim Tae Hee are still not considered as impressive actresses, but at least with their current drama choices (started with Angry Mom for KHS and Hi Bye Mama for KTH), you can see that they are trying to at least not just rely on their pretty faces. At least try. Personally, I would have respect for a less than impressive actor, but somehow with project choices I can see the effort to improve his/her craft. I can understand less popular and bankable actors, as they may not have tons of options or offers, hence the typecasting. But I doubt this is the case with SHK - with her popularity and connections. She and others of her status -they most likely get variety of offers on various roles and projects themes; and likely they have the first dibs. So for SHK to basically just accept a prototype character for basically all her drama characters for the past 5 years or so, it speaks more on her lack of desire to improve. And I have less respect for these kinds of actors.


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Totally agree with you, @akikisetsu, respecting their own career is an important value. If my memory is right, however, Song Hyekyo's next project is pair with Kim Eun-seok for her next drama. Kim has past her prime with the prove of her The King: Eternal Monarch (always think her Mr. Sunshine is her peak). This decision shows Song's lack of courage of challenging herself.

By the way, too bad I didn't watch Hi Bye Mom yet. I do embrace quite a lot of tragedies, but I don't know why I don't have the courage to watch that one ...


I thought KTH did a good job in Hi Bye Mama. In a post series interview, she said she only took the role because she was a mother in real life. In the same story, she admitted she felt guilty for taking the role because she was away from her family for too long. (The traditional Korean value that women need to give up careers when they start a family.)


I also don't like Jun Ji Hyun acting in LOTBS, she is seriously DULL there. Make me wonder how this is the same acctress who act so good in Berlin File and Assasination? it make me thinking she doesn't give her all in drama format.


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Gianna Jun Ji-hyun is someone I have always liked, but wasn't completely sold on her acting chops (comedy is hard, but she did it well in Legend) until she did Kingdom part II.


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And by the way, I guess an honourable mention must be given to late Lee Eun-joo, her performance in Taegukgi is pretty hard to forget.


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Song Hye Kyo is Good in DOTS... Might be not great, but she is good there... IMO. And she is awsome in That Winter The Wind Blows. So I quite surprise with her acting here. It's underwhelming compare to her previous roles. It's a pity, because I really like the way writers write her character in NWABU. Hopefully, she will improving soon.


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For some reason “Amy Foster” and “Stealing Beauty” both stick out in my memory as being good love scenes. Totally different in tone (though both films include Rachel Weisz?!), but they both rang somewhat true and meaningful to the story and characters.


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Someone else on the Internet summed up this drama pretty aptly using Aretha Franklin's iconic shade towards Taylor Swift: "Great gowns, beautiful gowns."

That's what this NWABU is. A whole lot of nice clothes, makeup, jewelry, visuals, and that's it. I think all the clothes and N19+ rating were to cover for the fact that there's nothing else to this drama.

Jang Kiyong has little to work with so he's just standing around looking nice.

Song Hyekyo. Man, where to even start? SHK has never been a strong actress, but she's never been this bad. Her scenes have me wondering if she is reading her lines off a teleprompter. She gives ZERO facial expression. Like lady, move your eyes, your mouth, your nose, move something! I don't know if she got too much Botox and she can't move her face, or she's unwilling to move her face. I really think she lost what little acting skills she had during her hiatus. Watching her is maddening.

Story is going nowhere. None of the supporting cast is appealing. I'm going to give this one more episode before I rage-quit.


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"...All the clothes and N19+ rating were to cover for the fact that there's nothing else to this drama."

Well said, mate.

I guess the only good thing out of this show is presenting the true nature of Song Hyekyo: Beautiful, but souless.

Talking about facial expression, I remember an example opposing Song: Kim Taeri, in a review (which I can't find it now) about her performance in Mr. Sunshine, the writer said, "You can even know what she feel just by watching her chin." I remember her moving her chin rebelliously in the drama twice, both when she described herself (or someone else talk about her) "knowing nothing". For me, this is pretty memorable.


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She's utterly blank.

I know many people praise SHK's looks, but I don't find her attractive because there's nothing else there. You need a mystique, an energy, an oomph to add some depth to the face (French actresses best exemplify the je ne sais quoi I'm speaking of).

Frankly, I find SHK's lack of effort almost offensive. It is really annoying when people try to coast off of #prettyprivilege.


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Yup, #prettyprivileges. I really have respect for actors who shows respect to their craft. We have actors who goes out there and chooses piece that would hone or challenge them, or avoids pigeonholing themselves into a prototype, or actors who are faithful to the character (still irks me when they are playing this supposedly simple character and they are deck in sparkles). And we have some actors and actress, who despite the variety of roles and projects offered to them, will just play it safe and choose projects that would allow them to retain their prettiness onscreen.


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And SHK is not one of those. She seems to be consciously picking projects that would allow her to protect her prettiness. And roles that would be safe for her range. Her acting issue seems to stem from the prettiness hang-ups.


“Like lady, move your eyes . . . something.” 🤣🤣🤣


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I find the supporting cast is quite good.


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I can get into a love story that starts with a one night stand, but this version I find challenging. I’m not a fan of one-night stands that are premised on the anonymity because honestly, I don’t find that sexy. Just mechanical.

There’s a difference between sex when you’re looking to satisfy yourself, and when you’re looking to satisfy someone else. And when one or both of the participants have already decided this is just about lust, it tends to get… technical. You deliberately don’t get curious about someone because you’ve already decided not to take this further. And that willful lack of curiosity creates a wall, where you are less connected to the person you’re involved with. The deliberate choice to not be curious translates into barely reading their cues and hints, and that in turn makes it less likely you’ll delight them.

This scene didn’t work for me because there was no connection, just lust (if that). They didn’t look at each other. They didn’t enjoy each other. There was no cause-and-effect of deliberate touch or hitched breath or meaningful pauses. It was barely a perfume commercial.

Qualified as 19+ as a technicality, I’d say. Probably contextually - basically, two strangers having sex? 19+! Even though it really wasn’t titillating at all.


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At least he did finally ask her name 🤣🤦🏼‍♀️


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You know what I’m consistently disappointed about in sex scenes? The lack of laughter.

It’s fun, you jerks! Even when it’s passionate, it’s fun! And sometimes the best kind is when it’s playful! Just PLEASE show someone so delighted to be with someone else that they can’t stop smiling and chuckling. Serious passion is nice and all but it’s also kind of exhausting to keep a straight face all the time. People do it because it feels good and it’s FUN.


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THIS!!! You’d think sex is a chore by the way dramas like to portray it. Such a waste of opportunity to show some fun chemistry. Are these people even enjoying it?


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Oh yeah, I can't agree with you more! it's fun allright! 😄😄
Dalli and Moohak was having a grand time the first time.
Goodness, I so love the couple.
Dramas should have more giggling couples in bed.


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The sad part was that there wasn’t even lust in the 19+ scene.


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hmmmm... jury's still out.


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It's cathartic reading all the comments. It also relieves me of having to say anything critical about SHG. That and the fact I was so irritated by Encounter tempered my reaction to her in this. It's terrible to say she/her character was so lacking in Encounter that she seems almost animated in this, still cold, but I'm sure she did smile a couple of times.

But what really bugged me was the character:
1. Her refusal to acknowledge him the morning after
2. Her refusal to be gracious about his standing in as a photographer
3. Her lack of recognition of him as a famous photographer in an industry she's in
4. Her being on the phone at the dinner table (how rude)
5. Her inability to thank him (and complete lack of curiosity) for arranging the stand-in celebrity
6. Her cold dismissals of him again and again
I know it's all underpinned by her self-protectiveness, but it's so damm rude and vulgar.

And this is not about the acting but the writing. If you want to convey a character who has closed off the possibility of a relationship with a man, is this the only way to show it?


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So what I really wanted to say was, who acts like that in real life? Are there people out there in professional roles who can afford to be so rudely aloof? It's hard to separate actor from character, and maybe she chooses characters with cold personalities because it seems to blend seamlessly with her personality. Or maybe she's stuck, but I'll always remember her in Full House as a delightful comic actress.


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The higher you move up in the corporate world, the more leeway you have to be an arsehole. Men have more leeway, but a few women leaders also have a bad rap.

I don't know if SHK is stuck so much as she doesn't have the capability or willingness to challenge herself.


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I couldn't pass the first 30 minutes. Shall I continue? Need advice here, Beanies...


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I am a Jang Ki-Yong fan so I had high hopes for him in this drama. Sorry to say I think his chemistry with SHG is negligible. I agree with a pervious poster that SHG is so blank most of the time. I must be getting used to her bland acting since I've seem most of her dramas.

On a side note I don't like her make-up on this show. The dark coloring ages her. Since she is a natural beauty, she doesn't need those dark eyebrows and lipstick. It was distracting to me.

Wish JKY had a better drama showing now that he's in the military. I'll just be patient and wait for his return when hopefully his next drama will be with an actress better known for her acting than her looks.


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I really like this drama so far. I think that people are having way too high of an expectation because its SHK first drama since Encounter and JKY first drama since his military service. However, I wasn't expecting anything different or special. I loved the opening scene especially the elevator scene was hilarious.. but I wasn't expecting anything extraordinary so I like the pace and things so far. JKY really is good looking by the way ( Ironically, he was offered the lead in REcord of Youth originally I hear). Speaking of which, I am getting more a Record of Youths vibes than WWW Search except its ROY the grownup version. I am actually looking forward to see the mystery unfold as well and what happened with his brother.

Now, my other thoughts. SHK is getting slammed a little on the message boards which is unfair. I think people wanted a Vincenzo style drama or something big because they are low key acting like she is in competition with her Ex husband and that annoys me. I even heard that she had to fight to get this role because they wanted to go with another actress. So I hope people stop that nonsense and unnecessary hate and just enjoy the drama... SHK Fighting!!


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It's JKY's last drama before enlisting.


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Well I knew it was something with the military.. 2 years is a long time.. hopefully they can get it cut down to 6 months


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I think they already did. It was 24 months and it will be 18 months soon.


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@candilane YES! And she's not getting slammed a little. She's getting slammed a LOT! And most of those haters I've seen are clearly SJK stans.

To be clear, when I say hate I'm NOT referring to criticisms about her acting, the drama, etc. That's fair and goes with the territory.

I'm referring to the downright hateful comments as if SHK killed their cats. Like praying for the drama ratings to flop so they can ridicule her more. Like blaming her for JKY'S mediocre acting in NWABU as if he was an acting powerhouse before this drama. Like making personal attacks about her looks, calling her ugly, plastic monster, etc. and so on. Really???

And someone up there saying she needs to learn sex scenes from HSH? As if SHK directed and coordinated that scene all by herself?

And that particularly nasty commenter doppelganger A.K.A. peanut gallery (and other usernames) has been going round the major drama forums like DB, Koalasplayground/Hatersplayground, Reddit, etc. and ripping SHK to shreds like she has a personal vendetta against the actress. She started her comment here with 'someone else on the internet summed up this drama' but that was her comment. You're not fooling anyone. All your comments are similar. At least, try to switch things up if you want to pretend to be different people.

Whatever happened between her and her ex-husband is THEIR business. They've both moved on. These kids need to grow the hell up and do the same. Good day!


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Excuse me but most sjk doesnt care enough to watch her drama so where do you get the haters are sjk fans? Ridiculous!
I’ve seen her being critized for her acting all over the place on all korean sites too, I wish sjk’s fans are that many!


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Wow. I am deeply impressed at your tracking and cross referencing skills across multiple websites and hundreds of comments. That is some serious dedication right there.

Well, if you've taken such effort and time to ID me, at least let me know what all of my apparently many doppelganger accounts (pun intended) are saying too so I can keep track.


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On my younger days I will get upset with this kind of comment. But I have long passed those years.
To produce high quality of acting, the actors have to cooperate with mainly, of course, script, director and co actor(s).
Sometimes we see one of them save the rest, but most of the time, it's just a flop.
Here, in this forum, we just state our opinions about a drama and everything involves in it. No insults intended. We can just agree to disagree.
Once again I state my opinion, in this drama, in so called 19+ rating episode, Song Hyekyo doesn't have what Han Sohee has when it comes to 19+ rating episode. But then, it's probably just me.


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Hatersplayground LOOLL 🤣 couldn't agree more!!


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I really liking the first 2 episode of Nwabu too.. SHK is not bad as people think. and I think her acting suit her character so far. And The female lead is supposed to be grey in personality... since this writers previous work also has grey female lead char, which I Like! this is just the first 2 episode, so SHK might be getting better in upcoming episode.


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You are the one dragging Song Joong Ki into this, nobody else did. Maybe deep down you feel the way you feel because you are rattled by her personal life. Song Hye Kyo has always been praised more for her beauty than her acting skills. I feel like this wasn't the best script to make a mark differently but its only 2 eoisodes in. Maybe it'll improve. I don't think she us helping things here with her okay acting but I'd probably place greater amount of burden of the reaction on the writing team.


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Did I say one negative thing about SJK? How am I " dragging him into it" what I can't say his name. who is he? Lord Voldermort.. ie he who shall not be named.. I mean people are being vicious and it does have a little to do with the divorce from SJK.. he wasn't attacked, as men rarely are.


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No one else brought him up until you did. You "dragged him into it," when everyone else was merely discussing SHK.


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I don't understand why he is relevant to this discussion. You can say his name 100 million times and that would hardly change that. I neither liked DOTS nor Vincenzo, by that logic I probably like very few actors others adore just cause I didn't like it....I didn't set my expectations for this show around whatever Song Koong Ki did or didn't do. Criticism =/= hate. Not everyone makes things into some pointless fan war.


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Absolutely no one:

Candilane: Y'all are just criticizing SHK and her drama because you like her ex-husband SJK and his drama!


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This comment made me laugh more than it should have….and the handle, perfect.
*here with my 🍿🍿🍿


I have nothing against a one stand night to start a drama but they should have showed us their strong attraction before and made a little more steamy than that... They rated the first episode 19+, there are so many hotter kiss scenes in dramas that weren't rated like that...

And why they spoke in French after? They both had a very strong accent, so cleary neither of them was French or French speaking...

SHG sounds and acts like her last dramas characters, there is nothing new and it's boring.

The story wasn't so bad. But at least, in WWW she didn't let people taking advantage of her. The SFL let her doing all the job when she's the boss...


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Echoing many people's comments here. The show's first 2 episodes were a pretty nothingburger and SHK's (non) acting deserves all the criticism she's been getting. She's playing the same character as she always plays, but with even less energy than before. At some point soon she needs to decide if she wants to keep acting because what's the point of you just stand there and recite lines?

I also think her character is coming off as rude, ungrateful, and incompetent despite the show trying to convince us she's a girlboss.

There was a lot of mediaplay over the 19+ rating and that scene was a total snoozefest. Nothing remotely hot about it.


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For me, the most strange thing in the opening scene wasn’t the faceless sex. It was both of them speaking French to each other after spending the night together. True, we weren't shown their faces, but THEY saw their sex partners just fine. They didn’t seem to be heavily intoxicated and there wasn’t a blockout in Paris that night. The first thing most Korean people who visit or work in foreign countries do, is to find out who else in the room is their own countrymen. And they are not shy about. I’ve witnessed it at work and at some gatherings. They simply don’t want to risk saying wrong things to the wrong people, if they must stick around the venue long enough, and can’t avoid conversations. Which is very understandable coming from a society with strict social and hierarchical rules. A higher society professional Korean woman having a one-night stand in France with Asian looking guy and not being cautious if he could be her countryman? The guy can later blackmail her or stalk her. She has too much to lose. Even if she is single. She could have had easily play safe by choosing some European or African partner. Or simply asking if he is Korean or, let’s say Japanese. They didn’t jump into bed without at least exchanging a few words, did they? As we all know from dramas, Korea is a very very very small country and the guy could have been her neighbor’s son. Or her former boyfriend’s younger brother. Oh, wait a minute. He is? Bummer.


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: D
only in Kdramas does one find out you slept with your ex's younger brother. now i'm trying to figure out just how old he was when that occurred in paris -- 19 years old?? how old is he supposed to be NOW, ten years later?? older than his real age of 29??? so then she was how old when she slept with a 19 year old student photographer, if that's what he was?

have said all that, i'm not sure why i even care... my jury's still out. but it seems to be going in a certain direction...


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Based on the skyline, it looked like Busan during Fashion week, not Paris.


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i'm so confused.... maybe i should drop it....
: D


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@Athena You are right. The FL and ML spent the night in Busan at what they called the First Korea Fashion week. I fast forwarded the episode so I thought they were in Paris.
Then it makes even less sense why they spoke to each other in broken French. The international guests at the festival spoke English. So why didn’t they say their morning good bye in English if they tried to pass as non-Korean speaking people?


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I think you have the timeline wrong?
She slept with him recently and he is 32
The only connection 10 years prior was she bought his photograph and was dating his brother (they never met before their ONS) which was only a few nights ago in the shows time line.


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ohh... but then why were they speaking french.... in busan............


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That scene was present-day, at Busan FW not Paris.


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so, she ignored him when she just slept with him...... ick?


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Yup. Because she’s cool like that. And also why they spoke french 😆


gosh, i'm so old, i don't understand that... if a man did that to a woman he just slept with, would that make him cool?
: |

okay, i'll let it go! i'm just too oldschool... : D


Omo…i was being sarcastic @spazmo I guess the tone was lost in text 😅


I am sorry to Kdrama fans I have to agree with this thread!
I just could not feel the first episodes yet. I really feel like actors are "just" acting.
I am watching Red sleeve cut at the same time too and I immediately feel the atmosphere and stories and the acting are "really" acting...What I meant is that they really immerse into the stories which I thought be be romantic only but unpredictably also very emotional, humorous, light, and charismatics! I will watch Red sleeve first, leaving Now we are breaking up behind and watch it later when I am bored. So sorry, this feeling happened to Song Hye Kyo previous dramas with Park Bo Geum too...It's just beautiful but I don't feel anything! What a pity! They are supposed to act, not to look awesome on screen! Maybe I expected from them a lot!


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My typo (Red Sleeve cuff)!
And to add: maybe I am not at the age to watch adult love story like Now we are breaking up. I am not the right audience!


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I was not planning to watch it but after a sleepless Saturday night, end up watching 2 episodes row. I was surprised that I did very much like it :) I am not a fun of SHK. I only watched Encounter and DOS and I didn't find her likable at both dramas. But She is amazing here :) My background was media and wow I have met so many women like her. She was so real! I still have friends like her . Working environment and pressure was exactly same that's why I quiet years ago. Plus I want everything that she was wearing there :) I also worked for magazines and this famous photographers were like pop stars then :) Looking forward to next episode .


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I gave a try, it has famous name on it, but the writing, the direction and the robotic acting is just not for me. There is nothing from this drama that makes me want to go back. I thought it was just the first episode that was bad. But then I could not bring myself to finish the second one. It is bad. There is no motion and emotion on it.


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I had fun watching the episodes.
Some things could be better (the rated scene, for example, as many beanies have already written) and the leads are a little stiff, but so far they work together (and I had my doubts about).
It was fun that she stayed at the blind date because she was hungry (and I'm glad the misunderstanding didn't last) and that, even if she seems to reject him, she is playing - and even enjoying - the same game (for example, sending the photo to him).


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Episode 1 began with the same anonymous sex which was the reason I dropped US shows years ago. No need to waste more of my time, I'm dropping this one.


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One night stands exists and is probably more common in SK than you think. Imo issue is here there was no build up, zero chemistry and you have 2 wooden actors that can barely emote. But in a way I agree with you that's why I also watch kdrama but once in a while it's refreshing to have a bold kdrama.


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Most people are piling on SHK's acting and rightly so. But I'm of the opinion that Jang ki young is damn bland in any romance drama's I've always seen him in, he's always the almost perfect hot shot guy chasing after an older woman who barely wants him. Even in his recent drama was hard carried by Hyeri thanks to her amazing comedic skills. Also the other male leads in his drama's are always more interesting such as lee jae wook in search www and the second lead guy in roommate gumiho. Maybe romance is not his thing, he can act as he's shown in my mister. Maybe a villian type role would suit him.


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I thoroughly enjoyed the first two episodes, and I think the criticism of the FL is unfair. People who are hurt protect themselves in different ways. Clearly, she has developed a way of dealing with life which isn't particularly attractive, but give her a break - it may not be "bad acting" - maybe that is how she manages to cope with the stresses and strains of the life she is leading. Anyway, I'm going along with that for the moment. I wasn't bored. I wasn't offended. I wanted to watch an intriguing drama with a good storyline and so far, so good. A one-night-stand is precisely that - an encounter with a stranger which begins and ends at a hotel door with no regrets. Move on!


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I didn't expect a whole lot going into this but still felt disappointed by the end. That surprised even me. I didn't exactly mind the opening with a casual night with some guy you barely know. But I LOL'd at the fact that they structured the first episode with the plot of male lead being her mystery one night stand as a big AHA moment as if audience is soft brained. My mind immediately went to Grey's Anatomy pilot where Derek and Meredith meet the same way. But then the elevator make-out happens. I actually think that attraction that makes your skin feel hot that you can't keep your hands off each other would have been better direction here for story. I just don't get the whole setup around casual sex where there are zero sparks. I mean for all the fireworks outside, the scene was PG13 at best and I cringed at it. I felt no heat. And the tropes aren't helping anything. Its a lot of cliche and lots of good Samaritan hero saving the ultra qualified heroine who should not be in need of saving however subtle that may be. I will tune in next week....I am hoping there's more to this than pretty faces with passable, bland acting.


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Dropped this show because of the rating 19+. If I want to watch 19+, I can find lots of US show that's rated 16+, to the point that I'm sick of it. The reason I'm switching to Kdrama is because it's subtleness; I love that most of kdrama's rom-coms are amazing to give strong feeling that makes my heart flutter, cry, feel strong jealousy that ache my heart or in so much excitement; all of these WITHOUT having to 19+ the content (or western show rate 16+)

But here I am dropping by just to read the storyline. Haha.


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So the show was dropped w/out being watched? Honestly the 19+ was prolly only 2 mins and apparently didn’t live up to most people’s 19+ (on DB at least).


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Yes, it got a 19+ rating, probably because it briefly showed kissing and short bed shots of a one night stand. Adults do have one night stands. It probably got the rating to discourage teens from viewing.
For many DB viewers this is obviously going to be a hate-watch drama. I don't understand watching a drama you aren't enjoying, but it does seem to be a habit with many beanies. I'll continue watching for the attractive actors, clothes and settings. The story also intrigues me so far.


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Was i the only one thinking they missed a gorgeous fireworks display?? 🤣
That wannabe influencer was so annoying i wanted to slap her..I dont get the issue with her not wanting to wear the clothes, dont they have contracts to follow?
Anyway ep 2 was definitely better so i’ll stick around for now.


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Aaah, missvictrix. You siphoned the words and sentiments straight from my brain.
An uninteresting storyline with an overwrought sense of drama. (No pun intended). The characters are shallow, materialistic, vain -- and vastly unimaginative.
I think this one is a hard pass.


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I had considered giving episode 2 a chance, thinking my critique was too harsh on episode 1 but it doesn't sound like it improves much. My biggest quip with the drama is everything feeling so over-the-top and shallow. Real soap material. The FL is cold, rude and self-important and the ML seems high in confidence but low on self-respect seeing the way he lets her treat him while still keep coming to her rescue. Their relationship is bound to be toxic so at least I get where the titular break up is coming from.


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Sorry but kinda bored with her stereotype character. Her facial expression is just the same...regardless of the great cinematograpy...bored watching this type of genre with her


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This feels like a kdrama from the 90's!


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@missvictrix This recap looks like it was written by old DB lords (Javabeans and girlfriday) because it is so snarky 😂😂😂


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It has been a while since I wrote, disappointed by some reviews that I found incorrect. And I am here now in spite of myself to defend SHK. You're killing her by telling her that she can't act and that she's cold. Now, I don't know her very well, I have seen her in DOTS and Encounter and I liked in both. She is not immobile, it'is called measured acting. Her mistake in this new Drama was to accept a model as a main lead, who does not have an expressive face and who in my opinion does not know how to act at all, a bit like the much celebrated Hyun Bin who in CLOY was literally held on by the talented Son Ye-Jin. Now, if SHK will be able to do the same with this young actor I don't know, I honestly doubt.
The script doesn't start well, with a useless sex scene that we K-drama fans find useless, we leave some ideas to the Americans.
The plot already seems obvious, and I don't know if I will continue to see it, but it will not be SHK's fault, whose only fault was for her haters to have separated from her husband.
If Kim Jin Hyuk will come back, maybe I could see this drama again, but no, he is engaged in the navy. 😆 Sorry for my English.


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I’m sorry but I really must come to the defence of Jang Ki Yong. After having watched over 130 kdramas over the past two years I can honestly say he’s an absolutely terrific actor when comparing him with other male leads. I’ve watched him in 5 dramas so far and he nails every character he plays 100%.
Not only that he is also drop dead gorgeous with a beautiful voice. His acting in Born Again is on another level. Maybe you should try this drama or Come and Hug Me where his performance is equally as good before you judge him so harshly. He acts the characters as they are supposed to be acted and his skill is such that he can be subtle when required to be but also extremely dramatic, passionate and emotional when needed. He is recognised as a great actor in the industry as can be seen by the awards he has received. He’s so much more than just a pretty face!


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Knowing how many men fell for SHK, I am not surprised the brother of her dead boyfriend has fallen for her, on serious note, I don't really think it was necessary to make male lead the brother of her previous love.


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I am so far disappointed in this drama. Love the chemistry between SHK and JKY but it is dragging and not so interesting storyline. I am fast forwarding through supporting cast scenes because they are rather annoying, boring and uninteresting. Wish this drama had better script!


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