Nevertheless: Episode 8 Open Thread

Our heroine finally makes an important decision about her love life, and attempts to stick to her guns. But in the face of internal and external pressures, will she be able to stay on course? And above all, did she truly make a decision she’s happy with?


We left off last week with Na-bi and Jae-un’s kiss interrupted by Do-hyuk’s phone call. Thank heavens, it’s enough to pull Na-bi out of Jae-un’s spell. She flees the scene, and by the look of distress on her face, clearly needs some time alone to figure out what just happened. Does she want to get back with Jae-un? Is she willing to go out on a limb for him? Does she want to stay broken up? Does she have any romantic interest in Do-hyuk?

But Na-bi doesn’t get a moment to think — Do-hyuk returns to the house, knowing instinctively that something is up, and sure enough, it’s another awkward encounter. If this were a different drama, the love triangle would have a little more entertainment factor, maybe? But here, it just feels like Na-bi is in a pressure chamber and approaching her breaking point soon. Jae-un is completely smug around Do-hyuk, as if he knows the power he has over Na-bi, and all I can think of is our infamous butterfly metaphor.

Do-hyuk knows it’s not good timing, but he’s already prepared his confession, complete with a fancy forest setup of fairy lights, and a beautiful bouquet, so he goes along with it anyway. It’s a little sad, since Na-bi is so distressed overall that she’s in tears, and Do-hyuk is trying to confess while caught between being disappointed and wanting to comfort her (he knows she’s not crying over him). Even though he’s been rejected, and Na-bi explains she isn’t in the right place for the sort of relationship he’s asking for right now, he offers her a comfort hug. I would have jumped on that (he’s so comforting!), but Na-bi heads home alone.

It’s hard for Na-bi to find refuge, though. She left Seoul for her aunt’s place to get away from everything, and the whole party followed her there. Now, even tucked away in her aunt’s studio, Jae-un follows her there. When she wakes up the next morning he is hanging out with her aunt. This can be read one of two ways: he’s genuinely interested in getting to know her and her family, or he’s ingratiating himself, forcing his way into her life, and pressuring her to keep him around. Read it as you will.

In my reading of this story, what Na-bi wants is to feel loved and emotionally safe with the man she’s with. We’ve seen how she eventually broke things off with Jae-un when she wasn’t getting what she needed, and even now, back at her apartment, she’s waiting-not-waiting for him to contact her first. As she notes, he never does.

The person that does call her that night, though, is Do-hyuk. He makes sure she got in okay, they make plans to meet up again soon when he’s back in Seoul, and it’s funny how even after he turned up at the bus depot with homemade brownies for her (and confession part 2), things aren’t awkward between them. But they aren’t exactly fiery hot, either.

Na-bi tries to keep her distance from Jae-un, but of course they’re much thrown together. He’s her assistant for her latest project; he’s the (open-shirted) model in her drawing class. She’s struggling — and he knows it. I don’t know who I blame more here: Na-bi who can’t seem to get a grip, or Jae-un who knows the power he has over her and doesn’t mind flexing it with his moody glances and “casual” skinship. To be honest, I’m tired of both of them.

Our other couples are also in a state of upset this week as well — for one, Bit-na and Kyu-hyun are still arguing about why they broke up and/or whether they did. This relationship is filled with a lot more communication than Na-bi and Jae-un’s, and I’m interested to see how the story handles it in comparison. (However, the drama is not making this easy. While Kim Min-gwi is still present in his scenes, because of his real-life scandal we don’t get any actual shots of him. We have the other party that’s talking to him, and his voice, and sometimes a blur of him or a profile shot, but gosh drama, way to draw attention to a thing.)

Even our tertiary couple of Sol and Ji-wan are in a state of upset this week as well. They do a lot of icing out and dancing around each other, until Ji-wan works up the courage to be honest, and say she doesn’t know how she feels yet — but seals their “some” relationship with a back hug.

Just when you thought perhaps Na-bi and Jae-un’s dance was drawing to a close, it only gets more so. Na-bi is doing what she thinks she should (staying closed off to Jae-un, getting closer to Do-hyuk), but some yearning in her still pulls her towards Jae-un.

One night, she finds herself alone in the alley next to the bar where she was with Jae-un the first night they met. She’s moody and silent — and then another moody and silent individual approaches: Jae-un. Is it fate? Is it true love that pulled them to the same place at the same time? The story could take us there if it wanted to, but instead, we’re left with Jae-un’s question to Na-bi: “Do you want to go see the butterflies?”

It’s a callback to their first meeting, but is it an honest confession, or is he just asking to sleep with her again? I’m with the latter. It’s too flirtatious and too suggestive for me to believe he wants to reassure her and commit to her. I can think of a dozen things I would have rather heard him say, and maybe even believed him when he did. But this, to me, just feels like another flex.


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Heavens please! The leads are getting boring! Close it up already!


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I really disliked that weasel Do-hyuk trying to emotionally blackmail Na-bi into being his girlfriend. 'Look at all the lights and balloons and flowers! If you say no after all this work you're a bad person!'
I believe if you look back to ep 1 or 2 I called it, that the series is going to end with a separation trope. Because Na-bi's monologues are always backward looking, as though she's speaking about the past. So apparently she goes to Paris, leaving both men behind. Then she comes back older and wiser, and only then we'll have to see how the series resolves itself.


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But she did not get accepted into the exchange programme.
Do-Hyuk did what every second lead usually does. Lol. If Na-Bi is rejecting all the good food she could eat for the rest of her life, that's her loss.


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I hope this comment meant to be sarcasm because how's dohyeok action interpreted as blackmail tho lolll


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Lol I think they used the wrong word and meant manipulate.


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“Look at all the lights and balloons and flowers! If you say no after all this work you're a bad person!”

Now those are some twisted thoughts.. Lol

Isn’t it normal that people want to make a love confession as sweet and memorable as possible?


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Hmm, this is getting tiring, and repetitive! On the other hand, Sol-Jiwan 'confession' finally happened! Sol looked extra pretty today! :) Super thankful for SK's semi-shirtless scene, boy's been hitting the gym quite regularly (infact, he claims to be a gym-rat).. would be a tragedy if we were denied of those abs, yum!

The beanie-dude edits were... weird. Jae-Eon continues to be as selectively-observing as ever; choosing to ignore Nabi's discomfort at the museum, AND proceeding to confess- what effectively implied- he stalked her since ep.1, but homegirl is too infatuated to notice cuz.. fate?
The plot-armor on Nabi is too strong. If a woman strolls into alleyways, gets stalked, gets followed into said-alleyways, falls for the same player again and again.... there is no way she's making past ep 3 IRL.


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A shadow creeps in the alley.....STAB! Na-Bi is flashbacking while dying.


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I was so bored by then I hoped someone would actually attack her and it'd turn out to be a vampire. Oh, wait. Vampires don't have shadows.


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They don't? Daebak. I learned something new today.


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Is Dracula a vampire? Yes, he is, isn't he? I watched Dracula the movie, and he doesn't have a reflection. Wait. Can he have a shadow if he doesn't have a reflection? Omo. Now I'm confusing myself.


@yyishere Is YY willing to watch Twilight for research purpose? :D


@dumplings & @yyishere, Yes count Dracula is a vampire. According to Google, Vampires do not have a reflection and sometimes do not cast a shadow, perhaps as a manifestation of the vampire's lack of a soul. In the twilight trilogy, they sparkle in the sunlight which is ridicolous. LOL


I only knew you need garlic to ward them off.
That glittering though. Lol. How many credits did Edward miss thanks to sun being out? The results never got announced. XD


In the Sol and Ji-wan confession scene, I balled my eyes out.


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I'm bored by the leads... It seems the writer chose the love at the first sight arc with Jae-Un knowing Na-Bi before the bar scene...

Do-hyuk should give up. Na-Bi needs to be alone and think about what she wants. The deception in her studies and Jae-Un are enough...

I should be happy for the progession between Sol and Ji-Wan but I don't really like Ji-Wan. Sol deserves better, someone who can take care of her too and not somone who takes her as her personnal sherpa...

The way they handled Kim Min-gwi's case was so ridiculous. A truck of DOM would have been better than this mascarade...


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It's clear that Nabi is not confused with her feelings. She knows where her heart is. There’s no 3rd party in this scenario except Nabi’s inner voice (she should consider counseling). She wants assurance from Jae-eon who happens to be not good at communication. They both need space to grow some more or if they really can't do that, they should both dive head first and see what happens. What's there to fear?

On the other hand, Potato boy is having a hard time grasping the word “No”. You can’t push something that is not there in the first place. That look he got when Jae-eon arrived, right there and then, he knows he already lost whatever he thinks he got, and yet he still push it and comes back with blackmailing while sending off Na-bi. The horror in her face was epic.

In the end, I want to see her in Paris with Jae-eon as they watch his mom perform when all things are finally settled.


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Btw, love the selective amnesia when it comes to our male protagonists....

Personally, I was shocked by PotatoBoys's attempt to proactively sabotage the relationship of Na-bi/Jae-eun with his bold face lies to Jae-eun. At the very least, it was massively manipulative, which is a huge red flag in my book.
He immediately dropped into the "no way in hell" date category.


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If Jae-eon opened the gate of hell for Na-bi, Potato guy seems to be the wolf in sheep's clothing walking out of that gate with that lies. (-‸ლ)


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A perfect analysis. The attraction is mind-blowing - if she runs she'll spend the rest of her life wondering. They are both extremely immature - let them do a bit of growing up together. If she settles for Potato boy that's a complete cop-out.


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When I heard the “Do you want to go see the butterflies?” the first thing that comes up to my mind was, he is asking Na-bi to see his butterfly sanctuary.


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Maybe that's what he means.


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The irony is Na-bi doesn't know that. I hear kids in Korea have switched from asking their dates 'Do you want to come up for some ramyun?' to 'Do you want to come up and see my butterfies?'


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We will know for sure this week what it really means :)


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So Na-bi wore the summer version of the dress she had worn when she had visited the museum/exhibition centre(?). And both the boys happened to see her first time/after long time in that museum.
Jae Un really likes showing his butterflies. Someone please count how many times he has said it in all the episodes. I wonder how Song Kang feels everytime he has to say this.
That Sunbae in that kitten scene totally saw her being like that to his future kids. Lol.
Somehow I am reminded of the ending of Scum's wish regarding this show. (The sex there was even more meaningless than here.) In the end the female lead envisions how she could have ended up with Dori Sakurada and that was okay with her. She chooses to not end up with him and that is okay with her too. I feel Na-Bi might be okay with either ending too.


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Two more episodes. Good grief. I can't take it anymore. This abject misery is getting on my nerves. Everybody is miserable. Everybody grumps around, or sits alone, sulking. So. Annoying. The only scenes I like are the food scenes. The noodle soup. Yum. The kimbabs. Yummyyy. The pizza. Drool. See? I find the chemistry so boring I compensate by swooning over food.


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I watched this episode in 5 minutes. Just main scenes.

I was wondering about this too. No one seems to be happy or just having fun. Isn't college life better than this? The song at the end was the only upbeat thing in this episode.

FOOOOOD * Heart Eyes*.


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As an artist myself, emotion plays a big role in everything. Personal issues+Work sometimes collide and affect more than you want it. Their endless sulking was on point given their age. Eventually, when they reach Nabi's Aunt age, they might be different. Calmer and confident and can actually separate personal & work.

But then again, they're fictional characters. So, my hope is zero. LOL :)


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In my college days it was all about talking mindless and stupid stuff about each other, professors and assignments and about bunking the class. I wish these light hearted aspects were covered as well. NaBi's Aunt is all I wish to be. Fingers crossed.

Your last line reminded me suddenly of how Harry, Hermoine and Ron and all were shown grown up in the end. I am finding that so bizarre now. Lol.


literally same, i just skipped through because the main plot basically didn’t happen until the end. they’re dragging it out so slowly and everyone is just in a weird depressing mess. realistic maybe, but very gloomy to watch as a “romance” drama


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So true.


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After assessing the situation in the last episode, the boys now go into battle.
Jae-un, emboldened by the kiss, invades Na-bi's home, her sanctuary and safe haven - and ends up with a bloody nose. Na-bi is not amused and tells him to get lost. Good for her. He retreats, trying to put a positive spin on it by claiming that he now has more time for his art work. Sounds suspiciously like sour grapes.

After the failure of his sweet, romantic, but badly timed confession, Do-hyuk digs in and goes for the siege. He recognizes that Na-bi is at a breaking point and tries to assure her that she has all the time in the world.

What Na-bi now feels towards Do-hyuk is mainly guilt. She worries about hurting his feelings, is trying to be as nice as possible whilst maintaining the distance. Will guilt turn into love? I am doubtful.

Despite being angry with him, Na-bi still has this connection with Jae-un and it is not only based on sex. She does respect him as an artist, by all accounts he is pretty good, even her aunt thinks so. My favourite scene is where Jae-un teaches her metal work. Here they are are close, creating an artwork and it is art again which brings them together after the disastrous workshop.

The bottom line is that Na-bi likes Jae-un. Will they end up together? Maybe briefly. My guess is that they all go their separate ways in the end.


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Yes, thank you for that good insight that Na-bi feels guilt towards Do-hyuk. She doesn't seem interested in him at all and he needs to back off. She told him she wasn't ready for a relationship very clearly. Can any of these guys respect her wishes?


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I am even more convinced that Na-Bi is the biggest red flag in this episode. Jae-on does try to talk to her when he comes over to her aunt's place, tells her he fell in love with her at first sight, even mentions about his mom. Na-bi calls him a coward when actually she's the coward here- running away at the first chance, refusing to speak in clear terms. She is not even clear about what she wants from her art and career and her senior points it out clearly to her.
Potato boy may be sweet but it is not like he exhibits much maturity and clarity either. Lying straight up to Jae-on about Na-Bi's feelings is not the best show. Quite frankly, beside the fact that he knew Na-Bi in his childhood and had a crush on her, he has no clue who she is now and has no reason for liking her either- apart from her looks maybe. Na-Bi tells that to him also that he does not know her. This show may even generally be a commentary on people in their 20s. Lack of clarity and communication regarding both romance and career. Who has not been there? Choosing romanticised ideas of mystery, ego/pride and sexual tension over clarity, communication and comfort in a relationship. Frustrating break-ups and makeups/makeouts. Career suffering meanwhile. People usually find their core later on, I am sure JaeBi and Do Hyuk will too.


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Jae Eon was being kind of a prick to Do Hyuk when he came back from taking Nabi home. I was like boy this was not necessary. You (should) know where her heart lies! But I guess Do Hyuk saying that Nabi said her time with Jae Eon did do a number on him...I think that is what made him start to pull back again after progressing slightly. He felt insecure and unsure about her feelings for him.

When Nabi told Do Hyuk that he is just romanticizing an idea of her or who she was before, I was like yes! A lot has changed since middle school, but I don't doubt that Do Hyuk would have probably still liked Nabi if they had kept in touch. I'm not sure how I feel about him continuing to pursue her despite Nabi saying she's not in the right state of mind to date.


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So we have done the I saw you first so it must be fate trope I see. This from both boys, sigh, how tedious. Na Bi needs to love herself and be alone. Do Hyuk needs to like a girl who likes him back, he is sweet enough for it. Ja Eun wants his cake and to eat it too. Sol deserves far far better than Ji Wan. The most interesting storyline they are sidelining because of a cheating scandal that is none of our business. At least it is only 10 episodes, lol.


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I was not expecting them to go the fell in love at first sight route with Jae Eon.


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Me neither, it is so random.


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"To be honest, I’m tired of both of them."

This line sums up my feelings. I need to watch each episode with the liberal use of the fast forward button.

For me the problem lies with the slow story development and the male lead. I think he's supposed to be mysterious, enigmatic and compelling (a la Seo In-Guk in A Hundred Million Stars from the Sky), but I'm just irritated whenever Song Kang appears on screen.

I can't believe this sparse content still has two more episodes to go. Can we just please fast forward all the staring/waiting-not-waiting? I think I'll have to pick up the webtoon after this drama ends so I can hopefully see what the artist intentionally wanted to do with her story.

Great premise, poor execution. I still love Do-hyuk though, and am glad that Ji-wan finally managed to muster up some honesty amid her confusion.


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The most excruciating, ploddy episode ever. It dragged and it was endless. Every character just wallowed in misery and it was like they were trying to fill it with more of the same thing and they failed. I was bored out of my mind.


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Agreed. This episode was slow. Probably the slowest one so far since everyone was basically just lost in their thoughts and trying to figure their life out. I guess this is part of the hyper reality? Haha. Slice of life dramas are supposed to be slower...and I guess it is pretty realistic?? I will also blame the slow pace on the fact that our leads are spending less time with each other


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The end scene is super creepy. It's like the long shadow of Dracula stretching across the floor toward her. "Do you want to go see the butterflies?"
@missvictrix I felt that it was an invitation to sleep with him. Maybe, if he hadn't used "butterflies", it wouldn't sound the way it did.

"Do you want to go and see the stars/moon/flowers/fireflies/traffic?"



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Lol. If any one of my friend had kept saying the same thing like Jae-Un does with his butterflies, they would have definitely gotten something done to them by me, a really degrading stare for starters.


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Hahaha, yes, that lengthening shadow scene was straight out of a horror movie!


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I thought it was an invitation to sleep with him too. It's a callback to the first episode, and in that one he was definitely trying to take her home. Was there another way to read it?


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in this episode, my understanding was, he's asking Na-bi to see his butterfly sanctuary. When the preview for the next episode show, it seems they went because they end up walking back to Na'bi's house and Jae-eon see Potato guy in the bush with his oversized brown bag. LOL. Or maybe not, and do it quickly anway in his place.


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The thing is I don't like this guy. I don't trust him. At first, I thought it was me. Then I went and asked around and someone said, "YY, you are not supposed to like him. That's the whole point." We had a debate going where we mulled, is it the writer's intention for us to find him disturbing but still attractive...ahem, nevertheless? Or was it unintentional, was the show too liberal with the dark touches, so much so the male lead started to grate on us? There was no answer. We just concluded that the guy was disturbing, creepy and slimy, the relationship was disturbing, her recoiling, and he forcing himself onto her space every scene.

But I still found it hard to digest, he's the male lead, sure he's flawed and dark, but how could you not like him?

And then, this ending scene confirmed it. That slow, encroaching shadow, like a darkness approaching, slowly but surely, to consume her, was just creepy. A foreshadowing of sorts. Watch out, or he'll swallow you. A departure from the slo-mo, snowflake-falling, dreamy, misty reconciliation scenes we have been conditioned to expect.

It shoulf be refreshing,but it's not. It's creepy as hell, and I am expecting an unhappy ending. Possibly a time leap to ten years later...they meet again, and they are drawn to each other all over again, and the cat-and-mouse game begins all over again.


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Is Na-Bi likeable? Are we supposed to like and root for her? Why? Since she is the narrator, we are almost intuitively doing that without thinking if she deserves us on her side.



Exactly what I thought. Na-Bi hasn't been likeable for many eps, none of these characters are nice people. They are selfish and confused and refuse to speak honestly to each other.


but the butterfly sanctuary is at his house! haha. I guess it could go any way.


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Yes and thats the beauty of it. We never know where the story is heading at this point. The writers/s give us enough days to rest before playing with our mind again. 😂


I am getting a little tired of the butterfly theme. The drama is titled Nevertheless or I know, but.... The director/writer seems to be obsessed with the butterflies and I am not sure it is such a great metaphor.


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I was curious about the “scandal” that has required an actor to appear faceless in the middle of a drama. It appears that a girlfriend claims that he cheated on her, and that’s enough for a career to be ruined. Having observed that two of the most recent scandals were started by people who never met the principal figures in these scandals, I hope Korea has sufficiently draconian libel and slander laws that punish the perpetrators. It seems that in Korea anyone who is hugely handsome/beautiful and talented as well is fair game and there are no limits to what anyone can write or say about them. Actors are human beings too - why must they behave like cardboard cut-outs, with no relationships, never putting a toe out of place, bowing and scraping to the fans? It’s unreal!


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If I'm totaly against their decision, she claimed he cheated and didn't respect COVID restrictions and he said the cheating part was true but not the COVID's one. So it wasn't a lie from her and for the COVID, it's shady... But his private life should stay private.


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I agree with this to a point, but Korea in general is extremely critical. They are all about honor, so if you do one little thing wrong that could affect many people, you are going to pay the consequences. The actor is also trash though for cheating on his gf several times over the course of their relationship, and I'm not really sure if I'd take his word on him not breakout covid protocols. That is a much bigger offense that could get him in trouble since he was diagnosed with covid so yeah

Hollywood has also done something similar to a lot of actors, but their offenses were much more severe involving domestic and sexual abuse. There have also been adultery scandals too and actors involved in those have sometimes been dropped from projects because of it.


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Jae Un is no prize so Nabi's confusion surrounding this guy who could potentially give her STD with all the fly like a butterfly stuff he isused to do, baffles me. I don't believe he can change and keeping him as is would be realistic. He probably wants sex again. Do Hyuk is sweet but truly needs to give up and move on. Sol and Jiwan is pretty much why I watch this show but I am scared that Ji Wan wouldn't have enough courage by the end.


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Something isn't translating across the screens to the audience. My guess is that the viewers are supposed to feel Na-bi's attraction and confusion (my head tells me no, but my heart says YESS!), but it's just not working out. Jae-un was utterly charming in the initial episodes and then it all fizzled out. They're now in a toxic relationship that has somehow even lost its chemistry.


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Song Kang isn't doing it for me. The first few episodes, he was very manipulative so that scenario translated well. But now the push and pull doesn't feel electric any more. It feels like a bon fire location after a heavy ran and everything is just dripping with rain water with plastics, left over soda and beer cans all around.


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Its a question whose going to give who STDs. Nabi-was sleeping with the philandering professor, after all. But then again, we've dipped back into 15 rated fare, K-dramas can't usually sustain the 19 rating past the first couple episodes.


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At the very start of the drama, there was a time jump to show how Nabi has broken up and is feeling better. Change of season kind of thing, its safe to say, she probably doesn't have one. However, Jae Eun was pretty much hitting on anything pretty that moved for a while and continued even while sleeping with Nabi so it more realistic to assume, he is more likely candidate now.


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song kang doesn't have the charm and range to portray this character imo. he's more like an actor to do that real-life manga type of character whose only personality is to be really pretty lol


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I really like Na-bi. I have compassion for her. @missvictrix writes, “Jae-un is completely smug around Do-hyuk, as if he knows the power he has over Na-bi.” Yes. This is a power game. It’s manipulative and somewhat abusive. And Na-bi is involved in it in a way that is difficult for her to make good decisions for herself. She doesn’t recognize her own power or agency. Her belief in her own inferiority is what gives Jae-un the power.

There is evidence for this when Do-hyuk confesses to Na-bi. She tells him ‘he’s a good person’. What’s implicit is that she feels she is not a good person. She feels like a bad person. And feels Jae-un is not a good person either. And so, she and Jae-un seem like a better match (given her feelings about herself).

Still, Na-bi’s rejection of Do-hyuk’s hug gave me a lot of respect for her. She’s strong enough to not run to someone else in trying to deal with her hurt feelings. She has enough respect for Do-hyuk to not use him in that way.


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Yeah, I am glad she rejected Do Hyuk's hug too. I felt like she was also trying to draw the line with him and not give him false hope. Also, was it just me who thought it was weird for him to be like can I give you a hug? Like, no, bro, she just rejected you stoppppp. I know he wanted to comfort her, but again, he is being tooooooo nice. Like burdensomely nice.


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Yes, it cannot have been easy for Na-bi to reject a much needed hug here. It showed how sincere she is, not wanting to hurt him by giving him false hope.


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totally agree. burdensomely nice.


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I didn't feel the request was weird. Do Hyuk was heart broken but was also visibly worried about Na Bi. It is a sign of good character that he didn't go ahead with it but asked respectfully. I am glad Nabi drew a line there firmly. She has no business dragging him into this while her own feelings are a tangled mess.


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I guess it was the wording that got me. He should have asked if she wanted a hug not if he could give her a hug.


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That's an interesting take! It's a pity how Na-bi feels about herself. It is telling how Do-hyuk is always impressed by her skills and her work, but she's always waving his compliments off. I wish she wouldn't be so hard on herself and channel more positive energy into her studies and her love life.


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That last scene, the way his shadow loomed over her from behind was creepy as hell. I thought that was done well, like a bird of prey approaching a warbler! No, this was no fate or destiny. My bet is he is stalking her :)

I agree in that he knows she is drawn to him and he seems to relish it. Even when do-Hyuk’s phone call interrupted their kissing he could have said so many thing but instead asked if it’s ok to be doing this. Clearly it doesn’t bother him that she is possibly dating the other guy, he wants her to come to him, when he wants to.

I agree. Are we done yet?. I am tired of this push and pull. girl, dump both men. Focus on your career. Clearly, you are not going anywhere. Focus. Focus. 😇


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True. True.


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(But, yknow, have a night of hot steamy nookie with both dudes before blowing them off. It's only fair.)


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Another slow episode...womp. The less time our leads spend together, the slower it feels!

I wish Jae Eon had secretly stumbled upon the sculpture Nabi made of him when he was at her aunt's workshop!

Do Hyuk saying Nabi said that she regrets her time with Jae Eon really affected Jae Eon, huh? He started pulling back from Nabi again and even more especially after she told him to forget about their kiss from the night before.

That modeling scene though. Thank you, director! Lol. Highlight of the episode for me.

Okay, so, JE saw Nabi at her ex's exhibit standing horrified in front of her sculpture, but he didnt know it was her at the time. Then he coincidentally met her at the bar (the encounter that made him think it was fate...but he doesn't believe it fate) and that is why he was doubly shocked to find out her name is Nabi because he realized the sculpture was of her? And we are also assuming that Do Hyuk saw the sculpture too and knew it was her from the get-go.

How dense is Nabi to not realize Jae Eon was talking about her when he said he fell in love with a girl at first sight at that museum during a private art showing. Lol girl...guess she was not really listening to him idk.


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All these callbacks to their previous encounters is interesting to me since it is definitely deliberate by the director as seen in the BTS videos of the episode 7. For those who have read the webtoon, did that happen in there too?

This next episode better be good. I am assuming Seol-A is leaving for the US again? Maybe she will be the one to finally clear up the misunderstandings between Nabi and Jae Eon. And it seems Do Hyuk is going to misinterpret Seol-A and Jae Eon meeting up/hugging and will tell Nabi...which will cause more misunderstandings...😂. That rain scene better bring it with the emotions and they better yell at each other and talk out their feelings! Sohee's expression in that scene looked really good. I was impressed with her crying scene with Do Hyuk too. Hope that rain scene delivers and we finally get a confession out of Jae Eon. We also better not get played with the "let's date" line that was included in the preview. I will be pissed if it was out of context. Please and thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. Lol


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Yes! I want to see them yell at each other!


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Me too then end up in bed again. 😂 😂😂


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I think she was so caught up with the bad memories of the place that when Jae-eon was talking about the girl he fell in love with, at first sight, she didn't pick it up easily that it was her he was talking. She sarcastically told him " I'm sure" and then followed it up with " I didn't ask". But her face was so puzzling as Jae-eon go differ in the story that made me wonder, Did Na-bi's get it this time? then Jae-eon told her that he didn't believe in fate. She did the smirk smile (the same in the first episode when she broke up with his x ) then she talks to herself again. (-‸ლ)


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That's not right.. remember after her heartbroken scene.. bitna told her that a junior has been asking about her since long.. in the drama itself also not much time has passed..

In summary when JE met nabi at the bar, he knew its Nabi from college, his senior.. and it was a chance for him because she didn't know him.. it was perfect setting


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He may or may not have known Nabi at the bar, but the bar scene was before Bitna told Nabi there was a junior who wanted to drink with her. Nabi's hair length is the indicator of this and her mentioning how she thinks some tattoos are pretty when Bitna is telling Nabi about her escapades. In the first part of the first episode, they go and forth between present and past quite a bit. I still think Jae Eon didn't know she went to the same school as him until after the bar though.


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No worse fate for a suitor than for the prospective girlfriend to have an ongoing internal monologue she doesn't share.


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You know... this drama continues to be simultaneously frustrating and so relatable at the same time... which makes me keep watching. This episode was one where I did feel like things got a bit long but I also am invested in seeing what happens for Na Bi and Jae Eon. Hoping the communication grows...

Thank you for the recap!!


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Yes, exactly! It is frustrating because it feels so real.


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Come on, show! What happened to the sexy(ish) sex? Beefcake arms? And character development?

I'm glad Do-hyuk grew a pair (finally), but it's so obvious Na-bi has zero interest in him that his whole existence is just so sad.

Bit-na's an idiot. She doesn't deserve Beefcake.

Na-bi is just... gimme a break... I don't even know where to begin. She's infuriating at this point. She should just use Jae-un for his hot bod or at least channel the sexual tension into her work - which has barely progressed in 8 eps. I'm starting to understand why Prof Jerkface is such a, well, jerkface.

Sol and Ji-wan are the most interesting couple, can ep 9 be their solo episode?


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I had said before that all Na-bi wants is to hear the usual 'pretty words'. If she can be seen to be in a 'normal' relationship with Jae-un she can then assure herself she's not like her mother. But then when Jae-un actually tried sweet-talking her she didn't hear him because the monologue in her head was drowning him out.


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we watch most of it from nabi's pov and understand things our way as the audience, so the chances of us misunderstanding jae eon is just really high right?
personally think it be fantastic if we can have a short 5min last ep finishing of Jae-eon's pov from the start


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Excellent suggestion! Though, honestly, I don't think it'll make a difference in how viewers fall out; team Na-bi, team Jae-un, potato boy, etc.

I've decided the show is really about tripping us up on our unconscious biases and how they color our world view.


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You are right, we do not know what Jae-un is really thinking and maybe struggling with. That is the set-up here.

We as viewers are in a similar position to Na-bi who is trying to guess what kind of guy he really is, what is in his mind and where she really stands with him. We actually know just a little bit more, because we were shown the meeting with his mother and his chats with beanie dude, but it is all very sketchy. This encourages all the speculations here!


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My level of irritation with Na-bi just rises and rises. I'm going to have to see Han So-hee in something else to work out if it's her acting or her character. Her hesitancy makes her seem really, really dumb. Like seriously dumb. She has zero presence. Then combined with what little she's actually done on her sculpture, I thoroughly understand why she missed out on the exchange. I actually caught myself thinking, "OMG, she's a zombie" as she walked away having received the notification that she missed out on selection. I also guiltily found myself thinking, "she hasn't majored in art, but in s**". Then when Jae-un asked her to see the butterflies every drama nerve in me screamed, "Noooo, he really is a serial killer." Writer is this how you want me to see it???


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And then I thought some more. She's being used; first by her ex and now by Jae-un. Only with Jae-un, it's what she has been most suspicious of because of the first experience and because of his reputation. What Na-bi most fears has come upon her. She walked right into it. She keeps going back to it. And it makes her feel bad about herself.


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That is a bit harsh. I know plenty of people who find it difficult to make decisions about less complex things than relationships, choosing a car (and what colour), flat or other. Being hesitant is not necessarily dumb, it can be the right thing to do as well.


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I don't like how everyone is putting pressure and being rude, y'all are so used to fairytale kdrama like relationship are not like that, i love how this drama shows the real struggles of relationship, Jae-eon is just scary to express his feelings&nabi don't really understand him and can't have a real conversation, to be honest doyheok is manipulative if a girl tell you “no”respect that and just be friends but doyheok don't respect that and just romanticize her if he wasn't cute many people would've hate it him but people ignore that and keep hating Jae-eon like always,dohyeok is a little obsessed with nabi& he lies to jae-eon.(Just imagine that was you a guy have a crush on you but you don't like him and he kept embarrassed you saying everyone how he like you, and ur actual crush was here you will try to put him in his place bc u getting annoyed) i feel bad for that cast, producer imagine trying all your best to make this and it rate so low, the drama is not boring y'all are just not happy to see what u wanted, i hoped someone finally open their eyes and make a vid Abt it so y'all can stop.


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@missvictrix Thank you for another great weecap! You've summed up so well how Na-bi is feeling.

I thought this episode showed some emotional growth for Na-bi, where she knows that Jae-eon is not the "right" choice for her and, yet, she is aware of how powerfully attracted to him she is. She tells Do-hyuk as much after his bittersweet confession to her. I feel for her and wish that she had gotten into the study abroad program in order to get some distance from Jae-eon.

Jae-eon displayed how possessive he is over Na-bi, especially now that he sees that he has a rival in Do-hyuk. He was more threatened by him than he let on after he was so smug to him at the guest house. He is not willing to let her go. She told him she was done and broke off their kiss and he even goes over to her aunt's house, pursuing her. By the way, her aunt? What is she thinking? This is not good for Na-bi!

I still don't hate him. He's not a character that is easy to judge and I think if he were a woman, we would be viewing him in a different light. He keeps see-sawing between aggressor and cold-distance. He seems like he really cares for Na-bi but doesn't understand that there is a difference between possession and being there for someone. Do-hyuk is a perfect foil for him. Do-hyuk comforts Na-bi, even as she is crying over another man. But is Na-bi attracted to him? It doesn't seem like it. Do-hyk is what she needs but not what she wants. Jae-eon is what she wants, but not what she needs.

Na-bi knows at this point that what Jae-eon and her have is not healthy. However, he is what she wants, but he can't give her what she needs. Na-bi, you need to be ALONE for a while, just as you told Do-hyuk. Get some distance from these boys (including Do-hyuk, he also needs to give her some space!) and figure out what you need and want. That way, the next time she enters into a relationship, she will get both what she needs and wants. Don't flit from man to man like your mom.

Also, a million high fives to the screenwriters for such a great scene between Ji-wan and Sol! That was such a mature scene and really well-written. Sol told Ji-wan her feelings and I though Ji-wan's words were surprising mature. Sol means so much to her but she's never been attracted to a woman before and feels confused and needs time to sort out her feelings.


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I get the impression more happened between Sol and drunk Ji-wan that night than the series showed/told us. Something significant enough to unnerve Sol. Its also significant that Sol's confession didn't freak out J-wan the way she feared it would.


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100%. their reactions look a bit too much considering what the drama showed us tbh. if I only see sol´s attitude after, I would imagine jiwan kissed her


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My mind went to scenes from 'The Handmaiden'.


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NaBi and JaeEun appear to have come full circle .... back to the bar where they met, which leads me to an important question I had then, but forgot to ask. How in the heck was JaeEun supposed to have been meeting a blind date ... SoRi I think it was? All the girls at the flea market in a prior episode wanted this guy's phone number, and he declined, but he agreed to meet a blind date in 1st episode and ran in to NaBi? Hmmmmm .... something's not quite right.


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Sigh.. in the first few episodes, I could still relate with the two leads. But boy, how can they drag the plot for so long? I wish Nabi would just make it clear to Jae-eon. "You want me? Then tell me you love me."

Having written that, I remember how some boys can be so indecisive. How could one be with a girl, chasing after her, taking her out for dates, and yet could not even utter the word 'love', or give her the 'girlfriend' title?


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Although it may not be realistically portrayed, I believe the male lead is falling for Nabi and is conflicted between his feelings for her and his fear of commitment. Both his mom and Seola sense that he has feelings for her and this is why Seola feels threatened. He is trying to prove himself to Nabi but she is sick of his lack of commitment and finds it hard to trust him again even though she is clearly infatuated. Despite his attempts to string other girls along, they don’t excite him anymore and all he can think of is Nabi. He can’t change overnight because of who he is but the sudden appearance of Do-Hyeouk makes him crazy and desperate to win her back. His lack of having a mother present at a young age seems to shape his character.


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I cannot believe they edit out one of the more delightful characters in this series - Kim Min-gwi - for *apparently* doing something in real life that is completely in character with the theme of this TV drama. At times like this, I feel our differing cultural worldviews so keenly! I also think Nabi gives irritatingly mixed messages for young women about whether it's OK to be intimate with a guy they are attracted to. What is with her coy body language (moves head back, looks down) every time Jae un makes a move on her? And then she acquiesces almost as if she can't help it? It seems to be saying girls should always be reluctant... It's also clear Nabi doesn't want a romantic relationship with Do Hyuk and I desperately want to tell her not to hurt him by stringing him along, and that it's Ok to play with Jae un right now. Yes, she'll probably get burned and it'll be awful for a while, but one day she'll look back fondly and remember that hot dude and how much fun it was while it lasted.


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