Hospital Playlist 2: Episode 7

Everyone holds prejudices which can then lead to biased perceptions and incorrect judgements. However, every single person has a story, and sometimes, first impressions can be wrong. The hospital is often a place where people experience some of life’s worst lows and greatest highs, and while the doctors and nurses may be accustomed to these situations, the same is not always true for patients and their guardians.


It is another busy day at the hospital with little time for proper hair care but just enough for food and drinks. As if reading everyone’s minds, a GS nurse brings coffee for the staff and even made sure to buy Gyu-wool two.

While Song-hwa arrives to work, she answers a call from her mom who is curious about everything her daughter does and clearly proud of her. Song-hwa, on the other hand, sighs at her mom and hangs up quickly.

Jae-hak greets Joon-wan at the elevators and confesses his love for his professor. Joon-wan pleads with him to stop loving him, but Jae-hak refuses to ignore his heart. (Ha!) Chasing after his professor, Jae-hak tells him that he is missing his jacket, so Joon-wan steals his and silently complains about the short sleeves.

Since Seok-hyung’s meeting was pushed back, Min-ha suggests grabbing breakfast, and he agrees. They run towards the cafeteria, and Hong-do happily bobs along behind them. Back at the GS department, Ik-joon comes to work in a cheerful mood, but his smile disappears when he notices the large group of people waiting to join him on his rounds.

Jung-won meets with his patients early in the morning, and his next one is an older boy. Every time he asks a question, the mom interrupts her son, so Jung-won gently reminds her to let him speak for himself. Once given the chance, the son answers all of Jung-won’s questions with thoughtful answers, and unlike his mom, he understands that seeing his doctor less is a sign of recovery.

Song-hwa visits the TA patient, Doo-na, who is able to obey commands but still cannot communicate properly. She explains to the guardian that rehabilitation will be an arduous journey, but the guardian tells her not to worry since she considers all of this a blessing from God.

On his rounds, Ik-joon checks on his new patient, and the guardians express their worries about the upcoming surgery. When the brother questions his skills, Ik-joon explains how all transplants are difficult and never once drops his professional demeanor.

Afterwards, he stops by Song-hwa’s office, and though they exchange no words, they seem to understand each other perfectly and head out together. As they walk, the two friends discuss all their recent ailments, but Ik-joon disappears in the middle of their conversation.

Song-hwa finds him talking with the hair salon owner, and on their way to the cafeteria, Ik-joon converses with every staff worker they come across from the custodian to the helicopter pilot. She wonders how he knows everyone, and he tells her his secret: “I’m adorable.”

Before they eat, Ik-joon makes Song-hwa repeat her mantra to not devour her food. She follows along at first but glares at him when he adds another phrase. The neurosurgery fellows and intern join their table, and as they eat, a security guard greets Ik-joon with a smile. The others are shocked by the sight since the guard is notorious for being strict, and Sung-young, in particular, is not a fan of the guard.

Taking a break in the garden, Ik-joon watches a video of Woo-joo dancing, and Song-hwa brings them coffees. She asks if he has plans this weekend since she is going camping tomorrow, and Ik-joon immediately tells Woo-joo that they are going camping and brags about his well-prepared friend.

The next day, the three of them set up camp, and Song-hwa builds them a campfire. While the adults eat ramyun, Woo-joo stares at the fire, lost in thought after his fight with his girlfriend.

Rosa and Jong-soo walk around the neighborhood when Jung-won calls to ask where his mom is. They were supposed to meet for a wedding, and Rosa berates herself for forgetting such an important event. Though Jung-won reassures her that these things happen, she looks troubled by her forgetfulness.

Jong-soo tells her that he ate lunch twice yesterday because he made two plans on the same day, and his story gets Rosa to smile. He asks her what six and three are, and she answers, “Eighteen,” which sounds like a swear. He tells her that the answer is “building” (as in the 63 Building), and he laughs at her for cursing. Heh.

Even though it is the weekend, Seok-hyung has lunch in the hospital cafeteria and talks with his mom over the phone. Meanwhile, Song-hwa experiences an existential crisis when Ik-joon asks what she would choose for her last meal. She lists all the possible options, and Ik-joon tells her to eat the whole cow at this rate.

At the hospital, Seok-hyung runs into Min-ha and the other OB/GYN doctors, and he asks if they are on duty. Min-ha says that they are and wonders how he knew. He points out that she just told him, and she laughs at her silly question. Hong-do calls her funny, and Min-ha takes it as a compliment. She invites Seok-hyung to lunch, and he joins them, even though he just ate.

While on night duty, Gyu-wool talks with Jung-won over the phone, and he suddenly appears at the door. He offers to buy her dinner, but Gyu-wool hangs up since she cannot leave. Pfft.

They enjoy takeout instead, and Jung-won reminds her of their meeting next Sunday. Gyu-wool tells him that she has not forgotten, but something else is on her mind. Tired of lying about their relationship, Gyu-wool wonders if she should tell the others that they broke up, but Jung-won tells her to hold off on her plans until next week.

He puts out his hand, and Gyu-wool looks at it curiously and shakes it. He giggles at her reaction, and she grabs his hand properly this time.

Alone at home, Joon-wan stares at his empty fridge and takes out a piece of bread and soda for a meal. As he stuffs his face, he chokes on the food and spits it out. Looking sad and lonely, Joon-wan sits on the kitchen floor and cleans up his mess.

Song-hwa and Ik-joon sit by the fire while Woo-joo sleeps and talk about their moms. While they love them dearly, they also get annoyed by their questions and laugh over their mutual experiences. As the night deepens, the two friends become more drunk and reminisce about the old days.

When Ik-joon suggests listening to some music, Song-hwa stops him and heads to bed first. After they wave goodbye, Ik-joon grows quiet and his smile turns into a pensive expression.

In the garden, Gyu-wool gawks at her friend’s makeup, but they only talk for a bit since Min-ha leaves to see her brother. At the café, Rosa shares a drink with Seok-hyung’s mom when Min-ha bumps into them. She apologizes profusely for the mistake, but as she turns to go, Seok-hyung’s mom calls her out for leaving without a proper apology.

Min-ha blinks at her in confusion, calling her grandma, and Seok-hyung’s mom huffs at the comment. Rosa jumps in before she creates an even bigger scene and takes her to the bathroom to wash off the smeared lipstick.

While Seok-hyung’s mom cleans herself up, she tells Rosa that this is why she meddles in her son’s love life, in case someone like that becomes her daughter-in-law. Rosa scolds her friend for behaving miserly, and Seok-hyung’s mom listens to her advice.

The brother of Ik-joon’s transplant patient walks up to the GS station and complains about the bruises on his sister’s arm. Nurse Song explains in detail as to why it happens, but he requests a more experienced nurse come by from now on. As he walks away, Yoon-bok frowns at the surly guardian.

Ik-joon visits the patient before the transplant surgery, and the brother waits for him in the hall. He tells Ik-joon that they chose this hospital specifically for him and orders him to succeed no matter what because two lives are on the line. He ends it with an awkward cheer, and Ik-joon returns the gesture.

The surgery last for over ten hours, and in the end, Ik-joon opts for a delayed closure in order to minimize the chances for infections. He tells the guardians about the situation, and the waiting game begins. After four hours—and many cups of coffee—they finally finish up the operation.

An elderly woman is rushed into the ER, but by the time she arrives, it is too late to save her. She is declared brain dead, and Sung-young calls the coordinator since she is registered as a donor.

Due to a colleague’s sudden illness, Gyu-wool has even more patients to watch for the next month. She checks up on one of the new patients to deliver them some good news, and the guardians call her their lucky charm, begging her to assist in the surgery as well.

In the hall, Gyu-wool runs into Yoon-bok who invites her out to grab some snacks. On their way, they spot the brother from before in the distance, and Yoon-bok frowns nervously, wondering why he returned.

Back in the ER, Song-hwa talks with the elderly woman’s guardian who happens to be the strict guard at their hospital. The coordinator goes into more details about the donation process and explains how they need his permission. The guard listens with a blank expression and asks for more time to think it over.

Joon-wan complains about the song choice this week but perks up when Jung-won asks if he is free this Sunday. To his dismay, Jung-won already has plans and was asking him to pick up groceries. Joon-wan tells him that he is busy, too, and it turns out to be true as Ik-joon drops by to talk about their upcoming reunion.

Just as quickly as he appeared, Ik-joon bolts out of the room to answer a call from his sister. Jung-won wonders who it is, and Joon-wan tells him that it was a Japanese name. In the hallway, Ik-joon tells her not to teach his son anything odd, but his warning comes too late as Woo-joo proudly informs his aunt that he can touch his nose with his tongue.

While the guard contemplates over what to do, the mom’s condition worsens. Sung-young makes a comment about the guard, and Song-hwa chides him for speaking about the guardian without knowing the full story.

The coordinator meets with the guard again, explaining the need to make a quick decision, and as soon as she finishes, he gives them his permission. Sung-young notifies Song-hwa about the recent development and tells her that she was correct—the guard did have his reasons for taking so long.

Ik-joon finds the guard sitting in the garden and listens to his story. Today was the first time in thirty years since he saw his mom, and the guard felt conflicted over his sudden role as son to a woman he could not remember. He questioned his right to make this decision, but after mulling it over, he decided to accept this as his mom’s last gift to him. The guard asks if he made the right choice, and Ik-joon tells him that he did.

Joon-wan looks over a new patient’s chart and sighs at the strange situation. He meets with the mom, and she apologizes for coming to him for a second opinion. However, with her child’s life on the line, there is nothing she will not do.

Ik-joon enters the GS office and finds Gyu-wool and Yoon-bok eating rice cakes. They tell him that the brother bought it for them and even apologized for his behavior. Ik-joon says that none of this is necessary, but Yoon-bok disagrees, admitting to disliking the guardian.

He gently reminds her that this was the patient’s third hospital, and while these situations happen to them all the time, from the patient and guardian’s perspective, this is their most emotional moment. He says that he would probably act the same if in their position and advises her to be more understanding.

Yoon-bok tears up after hearing his words and apologizes. She tells them that she acted the same way when her mom was sick and criticizes herself for forgetting about how it feels to be a guardian just because she donned a doctor’s gown.

The patient’s mom asks if they should use a VAD, but Joon-wan is against the idea. Though it sounds harsh, he gives her his honest opinion of the patient’s condition and says that she has done a lot for her baby already.

The mom thanks Joon-wan for his objective answer and explains how they gave it a lot of thought, too. She leaves the room sobbing, and the others realize that she did not come here to ask them to save her baby.

Gyu-wool and Yoon-bok go down to the ER, and while they are there, they come across a mom screaming at the staff to come see her child. While she yells at So-ye to hurry up, Dr. Bong arrives at the scene and recognizes the mom as a pediatric doctor.

On his way out, Jung-won spots Gyu-wool sleeping at the nurses’ station and silently stands next to her so she can lean on him. In the morning, he picks her up for their date, and she kisses him on the lips as soon as she sees him.

That weekend, the band plays “To You” by Kim Kwang-seok, and Jung-won sings. The scene changes, and Jung-won waits at the cathedral for Gyu-wool while wearing a suit. She does her makeup on the taxi ride over, but gets a call from a hospital, asking for her permission to operate on her mom.

Rosa stands outside her house and inputs a string of incorrect passcodes. With each mistake, her anxiety mounts, and she desperately tries over and over again.

Ik-joon and Joon-wan return from their school reunion early, and Woo-joo calls his dad to ask for fried chicken. The two of them smile at his adorable request, but their faces become rigid when Ik-soon speaks next. Hearing his ex-girlfriend’s voice, Joon-wan stares out the window in silence.

Though the sun has set, Jung-won sits in the same spot as he did in the morning and reads a message from Gyu-wool. She tells him that she has to go down to Gwangju and promises to explain everything to him later. Grabbing the ring box he prepared, Jung-won leaves the cathedral.


The central theme of this episode was the idea of misconceptions. The doctors misunderstood guardians, the guardians misunderstood doctors, and characters, in general, went through misunderstandings built on bad first impressions of each other. One example was the brother who acted hostile towards the hospital staff. He questioned the doctors and nurses’ skills, and his behavior irked some of the staff members like Yoon-bok. However, this experience was turned into a learning lesson for the young doctor as Ik-joon explained the delicate nature of hospital relations. He pointed out their duty to be understanding since the patient and guardians are under a lot of stress. With his guidance, Yoon-bok realized that she was not actually that different from the antagonistic brother—in the end, everyone becomes more emotional when their families’ lives are at risk. This idea was further explored with the ER guardian who turned out to be a pediatric fellow, and Yoon-bok witnessed, first-hand, that anyone can become a worried guardian, even doctors.

While there were many subplots on this theme such as Sung-young with the guard or even Seok-hyung’s mom with Min-ha, my favorite scene was with Joon-wan and the baby’s mom. When they saw the patient’s chart, they all assumed the mom was here to save her child, and thus, Joon-wan seemed a bit wary when he shared his honest assessment. However, as Ik-joon told Yoon-bok, guardians know a lot more than doctors sometimes give them credit for, and in this case, the mom did not come to Joon-wan expecting a miracle. She knew her baby’s condition, but was having a hard time accepting the truth. As a result, she sought out Joon-wan not for a way to save her child but to confirm that their choice was correct—it was time to let go even if doing so would break her heart. Despite it being a short scene, I found it to be one of the more impactful moments in this episode, depicting the less-than-ideal side of a doctor’s responsibility and their limitations.

For the most part, I’m enjoying the hospital-aspects of the show, and the different insights into the lives of doctors, nurses, patients, and guardians are interesting to watch. However, I find myself less invested in the love stories than I was in the first season, and part of my frustration is with the lack of development and nuance. The main couple this time around is Jung-won and Gyu-wool, but their relationship feels one-dimensional, especially in comparison to before. The central conflict for them in the first season was whether Jung-won would pursue priesthood or remain at the hospital, but now that the problem was resolved, there hasn’t been any other major progress made with their relationship. I think they are both adorable, but “cute” seems to be the default plotline of this couple now. I don’t feel as emotionally invested in their relationship because the show leaves its viewers to infer what is happening between them rather than showing us the underlying problems. Thus, when things like the final scene happen, I don’t feel connected to Jung-won’s pain nor Gyu-wool’s struggles.

My biggest problem, though, is with Joon-wan. I think the creators are doing a disservice to his character this time around when it comes to love, and the Ik-soon plotline feels dragged out and unnecessary at this point. It’s been a year, but for the most part, I don’t feel the passage of time when it comes to the romantic relationships in the story because everyone is stuck in the same place. I wish they would delve deeper into Joon-wan’s loneliness and explore these topics in more detail. There is a lot of potential about this characterization of Joon-wan needing companionship and feeling left behind by those around him. These issues are about more than his breakup with Ik-soon, but it feels like the show is portraying him as sad and lonely just to emphasize the fact that he still misses her. It’s also an odd choice to depict him as depressed all the time if Ik-soon really is the end game because it creates no sympathy for her character. At this point, I just want Joon-wan to find happiness and let her go because a year without contact is a definitive sign that he needs to move on.

Though I did complain about the romance, I don’t think all the love stories are a weak point for the show. While Song-hwa and Ik-joon’s relationship is also at a standstill, it works for them unlike the others because their main issue is whether to remain friends or get to know each other romantically. Right now, they chose to the former, but there’s an unspoken undercurrent in their relationship which was excellently presented in the camping scene. They share a comfortable rapport and make each other laugh with ease, but when it is time to separate, Ik-joon longs for something more. He loves being her friend, but unlike Song-hwa, he isn’t completely satisfied with just that role. He clearly hates seeing her leave, but at the same time, there is nothing he can do to cross the impassable line between them. Though I wouldn’t mind if they remained friends, I think the show does a great job capturing Ik-joon’s conflicting feelings and the complexity of their relationship.


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Thanks for the recap @lovepark. I definitely agree with your views on the love relationships. And I definitely agree that I am not as invested in this season as I was season...

The episodes seem a bit long and not particularly exciting, as they seem to want to cover all of the five friends equally. More importantly, there doesn't seem to be a compelling plot/conflict to truly tie the episodes together. And because of conflict, it also seems you could watch them out of order and not miss much...


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agree! i feel this season overall hasn't been consistent, some eps are markedly more boring than others. which is a pity cos i so so so loved season 1. but if u've watched the latest episode 8, i think finally the mojo is back... i hope it will last for the remaining precious eps!


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Joon-Wan : His scene with the mum was my favourite one. I liked his professionalism and how it helped the mother. Honestly, seeing him so lonely, I'm kinda hoping that he will start his serial dating back.

Jung-Won : I don't understand how we will be able to get a marriage when for me, they're still at the same Professor-Student stage. If her boyfriend extend his hand toward her and her first thought is to shake his hand like 2 strangers, what she will do with a ring? Saying it's pretty but too small for him?

Song-Hwa: She friendzoned Ik-Joon and it's ok if she doesn't want to date him, but I found weird she asked him to go camping with only him and his son. The messages she sent him are not clear...

Seok-Hyung : Was he in this episode?

The writer is kinda reusing the same elements from the first season : Gyu-Woo and Song-Hwa's gluttony, Ik-Joon being a social butterfly, Yoon-Bok's crying scene after a "illumination".


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what she will do with a ring? Saying it's pretty but too small for him?

Best summation of this relationship to date 😂

With Song-hwa, to me it clearly seems like this season is about the evolution of her feelings for Ik-jun and the potential unravelling of that friendzone. It moves at the pace of molasses, but it's one of the more subtle and nuanced threads running through this season so I don't mind so much as with the others I feel someone hit over the head by them.


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I think Song-hwa definitely has feelings for Ik-Jun. Her reason for not being with him wasn't that she didn't reciprocate his feelings necessarily but that she didn't want to lose him as a friend if they did date and it didn't work out.


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I feel like every drama has a 'transition episode,' where the ship clunkily makes a pivot, and I'm hoping (having seen ep 8 last night) that this was that episode for the season. It felt mostly like a lot of filler, and 90 minutes is a lot of filler. I was excited for the camping trip because a) Friendzone & Feelings aside, Song-hwa and Ik-jun are fun to watch together because JMD and JJS have good on-screen chemistry, are clearly comfortable playing off of each other and b) U-JU, my sweet little darling! But the camping bits were so short and there wasn't much to them, not to mention uri U-ju's presence consisted nearly entirely of being adorable yet sad and mute, staring miserably into the fire.

I am about this close to FF through the rest of the Winter Garden scenes for the rest of the season. Jung-won has become the most boring character at this point, and this relationship seems not to have progressed past middle school. If IkSong are going to be a thing, then just make it a thing already. Please help Jun-wan get his mojo back. Please give us more time with the friends. And, show, whatever you do - break not U-ju's heart! Mo-ne + U-ju 4-ever!


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Mo-ne + U-ju 4-ever!

But they're only 7 years old... Isn't it a little bit too soon for the forever part?


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Yes, totally, but I hope that they always stay friends. :-)


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Come on. Rosa + Jungsoo 4eva also started at 5. Tho, after 68ish years they dont married to each other. 😅🤣🤣. Why do i have feeling that we would see their marriage before iksong's?


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Yes! I'm also down for this!


It's funny to think that in Marriage, not Dating, he was the worst husband for her, having an affair for years and humiliating his wife at the same time.


@kurama i also always think about MND everytime theyre on screen: these two with a doctor son who didnt want to get married, and ended up dating a weird girl. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.


I don't really understand Jeong-won and Gyu-wool's relationship. They lack communication and maturity. It's might be their first time dating so I can get past the cheesiness. But Gyu-wool has still not knocked into her head that Jeong-won is only her professor at the hospital and her Boyfriend outside those walls. Their relationship is still too early for marriage. They need growth, real growth and Gyu-wool need to open up. There has been a lot of kisses but those kisses are not concrete cuz their relationship is still in kindergarten.
I said it before and I'm saying it again, Joon-wan does not need Ik-Sun, he needs companionship and care. They should move on, it's being a year. Move on hello! The fact that Ik-Sun broke up with him herself and is moving on fine is enough reason for Joon-wan to MOVE ON. Live a life, my Cardiosurgeon.


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I really hope they don’t just put Jun-wan with someone and claim that’s solved the problem. Even in his previous relationships he wasn’t receiving any care and a partner doesn’t magically make everything better.

And Wintergarden need to face their relationship like adults. Stop just patting each other’s heads…


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Agreee! I mean, it seems like the writers only use FAST FORWARD 1 year time to get songhwa back to Seoul but forgot to add progress to other characters. They made Jeongwon planned a proposal without introducing Gyoul to Mama Rosa (vice versa him meeting Gyoul family) is a bit out of the character for me. And as someone mentioned before, after 1 year+ relationship and Gyoul mistook Jeongwon hand as handshake is silly.

And even tho they may want to show Junwan’s deep love for Iksun.. they did him disservice by making his character one-dimensional. He was described as golf-lover who even would play with his parent’s enemy.. he was a playboy who always have series of girlfriends.. in short he HAD LIFE before iksun, now he’s just a sad lonely heartbroken doctor..


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It just shows how pants his character arc has been recently that I’d legit forgotten he loved golf… That was such a well-integrated interest in the first series, too!


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in short he HAD LIFE before iksun, now he’s just a sad lonely heartbroken doctor..

THIS! I don't even understand at which point the writing became downwardly slanted, due to the unmemorable episodes. Episode 8 shows some development; it felt like the pull that drawed me into the first season was finally back.


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I don't want them back at all. Even if he remains alone, don't make him pitiful and lonely. Joon- wan was alone and lonely before iksoon , yet was doing fine. To add pity to the mix, naah.


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I had a feeling that this episode was wrote by 2 people. One, that did a great typical Hospital Playlist writing and one that had no idea what he is doing. We had great moments, Song-hwa and Ik-joon camping trip, U-Ju heartbroken, the mother and the VAD dilemma, the security, but the rest... It was "hey, lets just put it here for a plot in 2 episodes, but right now its just here like nothing". There are several ways to do that and the plot with Joon-wan, Seok-hyung’s mom with Min-ha and Gyu-wool were so badly introduced.

We had this before, the 2 mothers with the heart transplant surgery, it was introduced beautiful over 2 or 3 episodes. I would even say, we knew it was gonna end well (for the sake of the drama), but the way they present to us, the viewers, was soft. The other 3 plots I said above, were introduce so, so strangely. Specially with Seok-hyung’s mom.


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I agree that the longer Jun-wan and Ik- soon are apart, the worse her character comes across. I didn’t have a problem with her at first - although I didn’t find her that funny - but the whole relationship with Jun-wan has been messy. She’s much more likeable when she’s in scenes with Ik-Joon / Uju…

Also Seok-hyung’s mum is an interesting mix of innocent and downright awful. I appreciate that she’s not easily defined as one or the other - although it’s she’d obviously make a nightmarish mother-in-law. *shiver*


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Thank you @lovepark and like you I thought the most moving scene in episode 7 was between Joon-wan and the baby’s mom.

(As an aside. Ok there are 4 episodes to go and I have not seen episode 8 but Joon-wan is the Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery. Jung Kyung-ho is giving a great performance (with what he has to work with). The writer doesn’t have to go down the line of hospital politics but instead of wasting his character on a romantic plot there could be a lot more medical drama for his character. He is a man of high integrity, pulls no punches and calls a spade a spade.)


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About those love lines, @lovepark, my advise is: give them a break, and be patience!

Let me explain. First of all, the show is showing quite a lot of lines, doctors, patients, guardians ... and then the love lines of all the doctors. Isn't it a bit too greedy to have everything advance? I know, for example, Jungwon and Gyuwool are being simply sweet for the first half of this season, but their problem is looming: it's obvious Gyuwool' family has a problem more and more difficult to hide, and we even know it before we get to this episode. When there are so many issues we have to handle in one episode, some lines must become secondary or just decorative, like different musical instruments in an orchestra, so why not having Jungwon and Gyuwool play sweet in the beginning?

I am not sure about you, but I (and actually one close friend of mine who also follow this show) do think Season 1 is worse than Season 2. Partly because there is no focus on Season 1, so it was somehow boring (My friend even has to restart 3 times before she can enjoy it, and I understand her). There are too many stories in each episode, but there is not a central message. The situation is getting better when it came to Episode 8 last season, when some recurring themes and love lines begin to show up. This season is way better because we see some patients’ stories develops much deeper (the moms of two heart transplant children are one of the most significant example). So, if the family violence problem about Gyuwool (that's hinted even at the last episode, and the problems is actually being tackled already, as Jungwon begins to request Gyuwool to be honest to him on her problems) starts two episodes earlier, don't you think the audience can handle all those stuffs? It's way too much!!

It's about the pacing, and the problem are some impatient audience.

Same as Joonwan. If you care about him enough, you can actually realize that his ring has been taken off from his hand in the last episode (They have close up on his hand in the band practice). He maybe still thinking about her (in fact he didn't stop thinking about her, but why not? I took 5 years to forget my first ex, and that doesn’t mean she is totally wiped out from my mind today, which is 20+ years ago), but today he has a more terrible problem exist even before Iksoon: how he handle his loneliness (We know that exist, because Jungwon complaints every time he moves, Joonwan always asks to come alone). This is something he must learn, too, although I guess we would rather having Iksoon back to his side, right (and as always, the problem is being tackled, again on Episode 8, at least a hint of that)?

This is only about ONE episode, the screenwriter needs to take care of the whole show (and don’t forget he may want to have a Season 3, too). Certainly there will be some loose ends (The Bear Couple should probably be one of those—the surname of Minha, 추,...


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This is only about ONE episode, the screenwriter needs to take care of the whole show (and don’t forget he may want to have a Season 3, too). Certainly there will be some loose ends (The Bear Couple should probably be one of those—the surname of Minha, 추, means Fall/Autumn). If you are attentive enough, the 4 major female characters—Iksoon, Songhwa, Minha and Gyuwool—actually representing different seasons—Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter, respectively, as their relationships will flourish in respective seasons. Iksoon goes first (순 is bamboo shoots, which sprout in Spring), and then Gyuwool (her name literally means “Winter”, in fact) at the end of last season. Starting S2E6, one episode’s time interval is about half a month, so this season will end in Summer. Then should we complaint Mina and Seokhyung’s love line going too slow (the song related to his new car’s license plate is in fact talking about getting stuck) (In fact, one of the most bizarre netizens’ complaints about this episode is Seokhyung only shows for 2 minutes, although it is a very important 2-minute)? I guess if you really want to recap this show well, first you must know the flower 채숭화 received from Ikjoon this very episode is in fact named 채숭화 in Korean, a flower blooms in Summer.


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Thank you, I always thought I had Iksun and Songhwa's "seasons" mixed up but couldn't find any proper explanation!


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My typing mistake, it's actually 채송화, ㅗ/ㅜ are the keys I always mixed up ...

(Another reason why I ask this very site really must allow their commenter to edit their post: I don't want to delete and repost my article just because of one silly mistake)


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Oh thank you for explanation on the names and seasons! That is why I normally read recaps to find those pieces I miss because korean is a foreign language for me… so thank you for providing that instead ❤️
Also I agree with you about the pacing and impatience… although I’m enjoying both seasons the same, this season pulls at my heartstrings more and I feel like I can actually take a lot from the show and try to use it more in my work in hospital. ❤️
And thank you for pointing out the ring so nicely, I saw it missing last episode and after reading the last recap it had me questioning my eyes 😆 When he choked on that last sandwich it felt so sad, I was impressed with the writing/director who had me laughing one second about the empty fridge and sad the next as I felt the loneliness and hopelessness as his heart is aching.
Thank you again for thoughtful very knowledgeable, informative and interesting comment… I no longer read the recaps as I found them misleading and contra-productive to my feelings and excitement about the show, but your comment made me believe in the comment section at least 😂 so thank you ❤️


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I've been wondering why I've been disappointed with Season 2 after absolutely flipping over Season 1 (shot HP to the top of my Kdrama faves). One thing I'm feeling is that too many of the plotlines seem to stretch over too many episodes where in S1, many of the plotlines resolved within a single episode and fewer of the story arcs spanned over multiple episodes (or even the entire season for that matter). It even feels like many of the patients' stories cover multiple episodes whereas I think most of the cases in Season 1 were limited to a single episode with an occasional cameo in a subsequent episode. All of this contributes to a feeling of inertia with the drama for me and it's tough for me to feel vested in any of the story lines as a result. Less vesting, less emotional impact, and that's what had me so hooked with the first season. Hopefully the pacing gets better in future episodes - I remain eternally hopeful given the great cast, PD and writers.


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Two scenes particularly stuck with me, Joon-wan with the mom, I didn't reply understand the scene, but reading that she wanted to validate a decision, it elevates the scene more; and Mr. Ju and Jung Rosa's 4 minutes scenes, my fear playing out as to what's up with Rosa.

As for Chu Minha and Seokhyung's mom, i laughed and at the same time braced myself for the angst that'll arise when they formally meet, I hope she listens to Rosa then.


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This is my letter of frustration to an entirely fictional character who cannot answer me.
Song-hwa, what are you doing? Do you like Ik-jun? It seems like it from literally every single interaction you have with him. I'm confused. What's your deal? The reason you gave Ik-jun was that you didn't want to ruin a friendship. Okay? I guess?

I'd like to hear more from you. I don't understand you and I blame the screenwriters! I do wish the writers would give us more of Song-hwa's perspective. Of all the characters, I feel like I understand her the least. Like what's up? Does she not want to date at all after her one failed relationship at beginning of Season 1? What's her motivation? screenwriters, please tell us more. We haven't seen her have an interest in any other men on the show, if she doesn't have feelings for Ik-Jun.

Please response to this message by the end of the first season with your reasoning. Thanks a bunch.


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Sorry meant "second season" as clearly the first season already passed and she did not go for it.


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Omg Jung-won! When he heard the voice in the car I felt sooo sorry for him … you can see he’s still heartbroken! Really hope they get together again 😭
Loved the camping trip although made me sad they didn’t start dating… have a wee bit more courage Song-hwa!
So sad for Ro-sa and forgetfulness…
The speech about guardians and them shouting made me cry, what a beautiful and interesting view… as someone who works in hospital I’ll try to remember that more next someone shouts or is cranky…
Still not much interested in the romantic story of Jung-won … they were sweet when they started and they are still sweet … I do not see any passion or pull between them … theyre sweet but boring ….
well we’ll see how it goes! ❤️


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