Vincenzo: Episode 14

After publicly humiliating the chairman, it’s time for the next phase of the plan to destroy Babel. Jipuragi goes after the chairman’s paper company for evidence of illegal financial activity in the hopes of finding some charges that will stick. With the help of several eager tenants, our team does what they do best and employs some creative subterfuge to get their hands on the evidence the chairman has buried.


After the initial shock, security rushes onto the stage and whisks Joon-woo away. Prosecutor Jung meets them in the hall with a warrant for Joon-woo’s arrest. Myung-hee berates Prosecutor Jung, claiming he has no concrete evidence, and insists on going to the station with Joon-woo. Han-seo’s yells for everyone to stop taking photos is undercut by the smile he can’t hide.

As they all sit around a table at the prosecution, Cha-young argues the pig’s blood was merely a prank on her former intern. Myung-hee and the others call the video fake, but it doesn’t matter. Prosecutor Jung whips out a hard drive from the Vision Team full of evidence. Not only that, but Vincenzo and Cha-young have a recorded confession from the drunk driver saying he was paid by Wusang (Cha-young’s spy ex-colleague, to be precise) to run over the union leader.

When Prosecutor Jung announces they’re all charged with aiding and abetting murder, Myung-hee pins it all on Attorney Seo (the spy). Joon-woo focuses on Vincenzo, finding it ridiculous that Vincenzo the mafioso is now playing the hero. Vincenzo counters that he’s trash who cleans up other trash with a worse stench.

Vincenzo and Cha-young leave, happy with the results of their “smoke bomb.” Their main goal for the raid was to obtain evidence about Joon-woo’s paper company, the second charge Prosecutor Jung hopes to bring against Babel. Knowing the anti-union charge won’t have much impact, they’re primarily trying to make Babel fully recognize the union.

Without warning, Han-seo steps up and says he ordered the anti-union activities. Joon-woo wasn’t even chairman until a few days ago, so he didn’t know anything about it. Joon-woo eyes this unprompted confession with skepticism, but before it can go further, Chief Prosecutor Hwang arrives.

He argues that this is all a plot by loyalists of Han-seo’s protesting Joon-woo’s take over. Prosecutor Jung rolls his eyes when Myung-hee jumps in saying Team Leader Park must’ve been part of the plot and Attorney Han comments that Attorney Seo left Wusang after bad performance reviews. To Prosecutor Jung’s dismay, Chief Prosecutor Hwang orders him to let them go and reinvestigate.

At Jipuragi, they find a suspicious company called “The Jason Fund” in Babel’s records that’s registered in Malta with a branch in Korea. Vincenzo goes to CEO Park for insight into paper companies and uses their shared animosity for Babel to get him and his team to agree to help.

Our evil quartet celebrates their legal evasion thanks to Chief Prosecutor Hwang. Joon-woo insincerely thanks Han-seo for stepping up but clarifies he should only take the fall for serious charges with heavy sentences.

Later, Attorney Han confronts Han-seo confessing without discussing it with him first. Han-seo argues taking the rap for that small charge felt like the best deal for him. When Attorney Han mentions Vincenzo, Han-seo gets an idea and orders Attorney Han to arrange a meeting.

The next day, the press is already reporting the “botched investigation” and promoting Chief Prosecutor Hwang’s version of events. Everything is pinned on Team Leader Park and Director Kim (the union traitor). Prosecutor Jung is disheartened, but Vincenzo and Cha-young assure him they’ll start working on the next step.

Prosecutor Jung watches Vincenzo carefully as he muses about how the Guillotine file could take all these corrupt people down. Ah, so he was the man who met with Young-woon. Prosecutor Jung had berated him for messing up their plan and suggested they leave it to Vincenzo to figure out how to get the file.

Vincenzo is reserved as usual when he and Cha-young visit Kyung-ja in the hospital. Kyung-ja gives Cha-young a handmade scarf and a card that she asks her to read later. While Kyung-ja happily eats the bungeoppang they brought her, Vincenzo gets a call from Attorney Han asking to meet. Meanwhile, Myung-hee makes a call to a man who I believe is Vincenzo’s adoptive brother Emilio and asks in English if he knows Vincenzo.

At Geumga Plaza, CEO Park has arranged for the gold prospector to visit the next day. He agrees to take the blame if Vincenzo finds out and gets upset. Mi-ri plays along and smiles, but she’s struggling to hold in her frustration.

Vincenzo meets Attorney Han and Han-seo at a fancy restaurant and sits like he owns the place. He skips the pleasantries and tells Han-seo to get to the point. Attorney Han is miffed but Han-seo laughs that he likes Vincenzo’s tough vibe.

Han-seo cuts to the chase and offers to help Vincenzo kill his brother in exchange for his own life and leaving Babel alone. Vincenzo declines and refuses to get involved in familial disputes. If he starts exploiting betrayal in others’ families, his own family might betray him. He tells Han-seo to keep that in mind and walks off.

At Jipuragi, CEO Park gives a presentation on, according to his whiteboard, “pepper” companies. He explains how they’re used to evade taxes and invest in stocks illegally. If you’re caught, the penalty is a massive fine as well as possible jail time.

CEO Park muses that Babel must have a company in Korea they launder things through and recalls Deok-jin talking about doing work for a paper company. He’s currently working as a trot singer at a club, so Vincenzo and Cha-young pay him a little visit and have no problem getting him to cooperate.

While Myung-hee briefs Joon-woo on her new plan to use Vincenzo’s enemies to get rid of him, Deok-jin gives the lowdown on Babel’s paper company Ragusang Gallery. The accountant has a desk in the director’s office, which suggests Director Jung manages the books herself. Security is tight, and Deok-jin recalls there’s some expensive painting titled “Nothing” in the office.

At Geumga Plaza, the tenants wait excitedly for the gold prospector to arrive. He shows up with a dog in his arms and announces he now runs an animal rescue center. He tells them that gold is in their hearts and leaves. Mi-ri breathes a sigh of relief, but everyone else is disappointed.

Vincenzo and Cha-young glare from across the hallway and sit the tenants down again. Everyone’s eyes are downcast while Vincenzo says it’s totally fine – he wouldn’t trust a dirty Mafia member either. Cha-young and Joo-sung chide the chastened tenants and follow Vincenzo out.

Mi-ri approaches the trio and asks outright when Vincenzo is going to get the gold out of the secret basement. She drops a bomb on them: she’s the one who designed both the iris-recognition software and the triggered demolition. She managed to escape being killed like the others since she didn’t work on-site.

Mi-ri wants to work together and take out the gold. It’s her system, so she can easily open the hatch. They’re all thrilled, but Vincenzo says they need to plan since it’ll take a lot of time to get all the gold out of the room.

Feeling guilty, Hong-shik and Hee-soo stop by Vincenzo’s with gifts: a white dress shirt, tteokbokki, and a memorandum signed by all the tenants stating they’ll trust Vincenzo after all he’s done for them. They plan to focus on protecting the plaza rather than chasing gold. Vincenzo accepts their apology and promises to continue helping them.

The next day, Jipuragi gathers the tenants and updates them on their Babel plan. Everyone is pumped up and ready to kick some Babel butt.

Vincenzo and Cha-young take a trip to Ragusang Gallery and scout out the director’s office which is guarded by two men. They notice an advertisement for private rental of the gallery for events. It’s booked months out, so Mi-ri hacks into the reservation list.

Joo-sung suggests Vincenzo and Cha-young pose as a couple. Mi-ri is all eager to volunteer herself when Cha-young says it’d be awkward, but Cha-young agrees in the end. With a few strokes, Mi-ri swaps in their photos for a couple on the list.

They had Team Leader Ahn look into the painting “Nothing,” and he discovered it’s worth 10 billion won. Both the former and current owners haven’t exhibited it, so there aren’t even photos of the piece.

Vincenzo insists Cha-young needs to dress the part for their upcoming couple ruse, so they have fun shopping for a snazzy dress and accessories. Then, it’s showtime.

Joo-sung kidnaps the real couple renting the venue and takes them to Geumga Plaza while Vincenzo and Cha-young arrive at Ragusang Gallery. The couple they’re masquerading as is foreign, so Director Jung greets them in English. She knows one of them is supposed to be able to speak Korean, so Vincenzo jumps in and says he’s fluent, leaving Cha-young to pretend to speak broken Korean.

The tenants turn Geumga Plaza into a fake gallery, serving the kidnapped couple a meal and having Larry put on a lovely dance performance. At Ragusang, Director Jung keeps winking at Vincenzo in this conspiratorial way as they head to view paintings.

As she shows them a painting depicting everlasting love, violins begin to play. Director Jung presents Vincenzo with the rings “he” prepared for the surprise proposal. Staff gather around holding flowers and taking photos. Vincenzo is forced to get on one knee and propose.

Unsurprisingly, Cha-young gets into the performance and has fun with it. Vincenzo slips the ring that magically fits on her finger, and they think they’ve pulled it off. That is, until everyone starts chanting, “Kiss!”

Vincenzo tries to get out of it by saying he’s uncomfortable in public, but Cha-young grabs him and kisses him. He has a moment of wide-eyed damsel shock before kissing her back. They definitely go over and above the call of duty and get very into the moment.

When they finally separate, Director Jung claps and exclaims at the beautiful moment. Staring at Vincenzo, Cha-young says, “This is a magical night I won’t forget.” Vincenzo agrees. The real couple is having their own magical experience in Nanyak Temple where the monks chant congratulations for their engagement.

Mi-ri, kept company by CEO Park and his subordinate Miss Yang, waits outside the gallery in the van with her hacker setup. CEO Park tries to create a friendly atmosphere, but he’s no match for the two women’s stoicism.

Inside, Director Jung continues the tour, but Cha-young pretends to be tired so they can rush things along. Director Jung initially refuses to let them see “Nothing,” the painting in her office, but she relents when they remark that they’ll just go somewhere else to buy some paintings then.

Outside, Hee-soo and Yeon-jin cause a fuss and terrorize the guards. Hee-soo insists she needs to get something she left inside while Yeon-jin screams that she needs to see the director about plagiarism.

In her office, Director Jung shows Vincenzo and Cha-young the famed “Nothing” … which is a white backdrop with two faint footprints in the vein of a kid’s art project. As they try to act impressed, a guard rushes in to tell Director Jung about the women outside demanding to see her.

Once she leaves to handle the issue, Vincenzo and Cha-young hurry to her computer and connect their flash drive. They contact Mi-ri who hacks in and starts cracking the password.

While the real couple has a grand time playing drinking games with the tenants, Cheol-wook and CEO Park’s minion Soo-nam pose as cops and arrive at Ragusang. Yeon-jin supposedly called them about her art being plagiarized.

After Mi-ri cracks the password, she turns it over to Miss Yang, the experienced accountant for paper companies. Miss Yang struggles with all the English file names, but she finds the overseas transactions she’s looking for and copies them to the flash drive.

As they wait nervously for the files to copy, Hee-soo finds what she “left” in the building: a piece of gum stuck to the wall (eww, she actually chews it). Yeon-jin continues arguing one of the paintings is just like hers, although the picture she shows looks nothing like it.

When the “cops” agree the paintings look the same, Director Jung starts to realize something is off. Vincenzo and Cha-young remove the flash drive right as she walks into the office. She asks who they are and what they’re after.

Vincenzo whips out a badge and says he’s with the Italian intelligence service; Cha-young shows the gun holstered to her thigh. They’re investigating a tip about Italian stolen art ending up in Ragusang Gallery. When the guards go to grab them, Vincenzo fires a couple of warning shots in the air sending everyone for cover.

They bring in Team Leader Ahn and claim the Italian and Korean agencies are cooperating. After being pressured about art smuggling, Director Jung cracks and admits there is one piece smuggled from Italy. She relinquishes the piece to Team Leader Ahn in exchange for not being charged, and she erases all CCTV footage of Vincenzo and Co. Meanwhile, two men from Italy arrive at the airport.

In the car, Vincenzo and Cha-young talk about how much fun the operation was. They try to be nonchalant and joke about the kiss, but it doesn’t ease the awkwardness between them.

They decide to have a drink and snacks on the rooftop, but Vincenzo notices a man in the shadows. He sends Cha-young to get beer and heads up to the roof alone. Two men with guns follow, but Vincenzo manages to swipe one man’s gun. He holds him hostage while his partner points his gun at Vincenzo.

He asks if Paulo sent them and is forced to relinquish the gun when a third man approaches from behind. They knock Vincenzo to his knees and hit him upside the temple with a gun. Blood trickles from his head as he glares.


I knew the Mafia would come into this at some point. I’m pretty sure that was Emilio on the phone with Myung-hee, and we know he does hate Vincenzo, so it would make sense. Vincenzo asked if the men were sent by Paulo, which could be someone from a rival family or a friend of Emilio’s maybe. You’d think it’d be easier to just leave Vincenzo alone since he’s out of Italy and uninvolved in their business, especially after the last attempted hit went so poorly. And I’m not sure how smart it is on Babel and Wusang’s part to bring the Mafia in on their dispute. If things go wrong, this could bring international attention which seems like a bad idea since they’re trying to cultivate a positive image. The simplest answer is usually the best: if you want to be perceived as trustworthy, then be trustworthy. The more Babel gets involved in all these twisted schemes, the more likely they’ll be to shoot themselves in the foot. And we know they’re already doing a pretty good job of shooting themselves.

On that note, Han-seo finally approached Vincenzo about joining forces. I wasn’t surprised Vincenzo turned him down, but I didn’t anticipate it’d be because of the family dispute aspect. It makes sense that he wouldn’t want to be known as someone who supports family disloyalty and give his brother and his associates more reasons to come after him. Of course, it looks like that’s happening anyway, but Vincenzo can honestly say he didn’t do anything to encourage it.

The troubles just keep piling up for Vincenzo, but at least he and his team are making headway on exposing Joon-woo’s illegal financial activities. Jipuragi is at its best when it engages in these undercover missions – maybe they should consider going into the private detective business. They could concoct schemes and play different roles to their heart’s content, and maybe they could even express some of their repressed feelings along the way. I get that Vincenzo and Cha-young don’t want to get too involved when he plans to leave soon, but I think they’re past the point of being able to convincingly lie that they’re not interested in each other. No matter how much they try to laugh off their kiss, they both know they got a little too into it to blame entirely on the role.

I love that they’re making full use of the tenants in their operations now. Everyone is so game, and they have bizarrely useful skill sets. Even Mi-ri has a secret badass background. I was not expecting that she was the one who designed the entire security system, but it certainly explains how she caught onto so much when the other tenants were oblivious. Now that she’s on the team, Vincenzo may actually get his gold. I’m not holding my breath, though, since he was standing in the room and still managed not to get ahold of a single gold bar. Of all the people Young-woon could’ve been partnering with, Prosecutor Jung wasn’t who I anticipated. But I’m glad to see the Guillotine file could go to someone who wants to release it and take down the corrupt officials. That’s assuming Prosecutor Jung is who he seems to be and isn’t some evil boss in disguise. Someone has to be decent … right?


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Chayenzo fans, how are we doing?


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Still picking up the pieces of my heart. Literally exploded from happiness.


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is it saturday yet


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Let me check. ...

yeah, still swooning.


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at first i thought i could do without the romance in this drama? but its really grown on me. it took me 15 minutes to watch that 3 minute proposal/kiss scene 'cuz i kept having to pause and calm down lol

i was really down for jang han seo to join jipuragi at first, but when he gave the info on the victim's families and had them killed i didn't really want him anywhere near our lovable team so im glad vincenzo didn't really take up his offer.


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Yeah, there were a couple baddies who switched sides in Chief Kim, but Han Seo is not someone who I want on the Vincenzo team either. He looks to be as evil as his brother, maybe just not as competent.


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Sameee I thought as late as ep 5 or 6 that I'd be ok with Vincenzo and Cha-young being platonic Babel-fighting BFF squad and not having any romance between them.

I was so, SO wrong......

As for Han-seo, yes, he's dumb as a box of rocks, terrified of his older brother and slightly less obviously awful on account of being too goofy to take seriously (kudos to Kwak Dong-yeon for showing the struggle in his eyes though). But he's still selfish and limited to his own self-interest, and I'm glad the show keeps reminding us he isn't just dome poor tortured puppy, he made the choice to hurt people too even if his limits are higher.


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Just ignoring all the caper antics, that whiteboard scene is one of the funniest, cleverest pieces of physical comedy I've seen for ages. Just brilliant. From Pepper Company to Dogbaby to the bird to the fact that, instead of getting him to redo it, his boss had gone through with a blue marker and just corrected it like it was homework.
I've watched that scene about three times.

Other than that, I could watch Chacenzo call each other 'sweetie' and 'darling' while pretending to be Italian intelligence agents all day.


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The flamethrower lighter kills me


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I loved the Bye-bye Balloon advertising at the end of the mission too. Affiliated business. Pah. So good.


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So, looks like I have to watch this episode. Off I go...


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That whiteboard scene should be declared Immaterial World Heritage, I say.


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The monks' wedding chant was so hilarious. That whole sequence with the foreign couple just killed me.

Yes, Vincenzo will get his gold -- he'll just have to split it 100 more ways than he was anticipating!


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The fact that they enjoyed it is the funniest part. Also that ring looked expensive, I hope they get it back to them.


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I was really glad they got their awesome, romantic night and that it didn't get ruined as collateral damage in the Babel takedown. They got a more romantic and more memorable night than a walk through a snooty museum. The couple also looked cute.

Geumga plaza can make a go of it doing special events!


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I was kinda hoping for a hot air balloon ride. Maybe next time...


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I laughed so hard, especially when I realised the chant made no sense because it was in fact English hahahahhaa


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When I watched the karaoke, I almost died laughing. I adore every scene with the monks, their serious facade makes their absurd scenes even more hilarious!


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I love them too. Probably the tenants that I actually liked from the start. Hahahaha


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AHH I'm so glad our Chacenzo couple got that kiss ❤ I really hope that Chayoung will come through in getting to protect Vincenzo on that rooftop cliffhanger... If my memory is correct, she's still got that gun and I feel like she would be smart enough to know there was trouble brewing when he was trying to send her away. We've seen a lot of Vincenzo protecting and getting Chayoung out of trouble, so it'd be awesome if she was the one this time!

Other awesome moments of the episode: getting to see our duo humiliate Joonwoo/Babel again at the start (they're so extra and I love it), seeing Mr. Na live his dream as a trot singer lmao, Chacenzo's visit with Kyungja (I'm calling that Chayoung now knows they're mom and son with that bread comment), the whoooole shabang of Chacenzo getting to play a couple and letting their feelings slip through to the best of their efforts, that congratulatory Buddhist song LOL, and just seeing all the tenants coming together and doing their parts to help whether at the art museum or back at Geumga Plaza.

This is my absolute favorite episode yet and I'm so excited to get ep 15 in another day! Thanks so much for the recaps <3


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Technically Vincenzo too should have his gun with him but yes it would be awesome if Cha Young realizes something's wrong and helps him.


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I'm glad Cha Young got her kiss, but I am really hoping they do one better than that. Both eyes were open and it took far too long to close. How is Vincenzo going to get out of this? I don't think Paulo would kill him, just hurt him. Team Leader Ahn continues to shine beautifully with the waiving of his badge. I can totally see Chacenzo in a Mr. & Mrs. Smith caper. lol


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I'm hoping Inzagi comes with his bird friends and buys Vincenzo some time to react.


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🤣🤣, I didn't even think of that, I will now be disappointed if it doesn't happen.


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Vincenzo told both Cha Young and Inzagi that they need to return his favour someday according to the Mafia rules.. what if both team up?😆😂


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Maybe the favour will be Cha Young actually agreeing to marry him for real and Inzagi being the "dove" lol


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Haha if those pigeons actually do that, (and sing) this would be a freaking Disney movie... at this point, nothing surprises me anymore haha. It’s one twist after another now.


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Anything is possible. I have already accepted this drama for its craziness. I'm in too deep.


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Omg the birds actually did!!


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I want Chacenzo to go for a repeat on that kiss but in private this time (ie not for show). Maybe hold the slow-mo and music a bit, but mega points to Cha-young for going for it! I'm still swooning though, so mission achieved? lol.

I'm glad the couple whose proposal they inadvertently hijacked, got an awesome proposal experience of their own in Geumga though! Complete with Larry's actually awesome fan dance and the monks chanting in English 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


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I know Han-seo is sus too but his little smiles and growing admiration for Vincenzo is cute and make me happy. He's getting bolder each episode and I hope it doesn't backfire on him. I'm rooting for him <3

Relatedly, Kwak Dong-yeon is great at micro-expressions! This is the first drama I've seen him in and I look forward to more from him.


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KDY is an amazing actor, he never fails in any scenes. He's the best on in my opinion in this drama. Such a scene stealer!


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This show is a bonkers delight at the end of long work weeks - I love the way that it unabashedly goes for all its moments, no matter how ridiculous, and the whole cast and production team seem to be having a blast. I'll miss it when it ends.


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I think it was Paolo on the phone with Choi Myung Hee


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"The real goal isn't in mines. It's in your hearts" Awww and LOL! Will that be the ending?

A disguise under a disguise - with the we're a couple-now-we're--secret-agents! I nearly did a spit-take. Vincenzo and Chayoung were prepared! This show should have spit-take warnings.

I can't stop admiring how the drama seems to pack on the comedy. Someone had brought up the whiteboard. I wish I knew korean because there's probably all sorts of funny things written on it. I loved the dead-pan convo between Mi-ri and accountant-lady in the car after the Byebye balloon CEO was like we should chat. And that scene when Cha-young had mistaken the chic lamp as the "Nothing" artwork followed by Vincenzo mistaking "Nothing" as a floor mat (I mean, it really was a floormat with 2 footprints...). LOL! The expression on his face was very relatable for those of us who really don't get modern art.


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Speaking of packing so many comedic moments and flourishes, I also LOLed at the meeting after the pigs' blood incident. Han-seo stood up and insulted Team Mafia and then in response, Cha-young stood up and was like "you brat. how old are you?" and Han-seo was like "I was born in 1993" and Cha-young was like "I'm older! So sit down!" And he did! Noona-superpower! Such a ridiculous moment, but also touches on the way koreans pay such close attention to who is older/younger.


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It was also such a Korean thing to do to whip out the social hierarchy but funny because it was a serious type of situation. Just love how the show makes fun of everything.


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Same, that moment had me practically rolling on the floor. Jeon Yeo-bin's line delivery skills really should be classified as a superpower lol.


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I dearly loved the monks’ congratulations song and am trying to think of how to make that an engagement/wedding song in English.


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It took me a loooong time to realize it was in English. 🤣


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It was my favourite moment of an episode packed with great moments. The karaoke lyrics were chef's kiss - I re-watched so many times and still kept laughing. Next time a friend announces an engagement, they're getting a gif...


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THAT is an excellent plan! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼


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Oh, please, share it in the beanie wall!!!


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SWOON. Bless Cha-young for initiating our hugs and kisses, but when Vincenzo kissed her back, it was everything Director Jung ("That was so beautiful."), Cha-young ("This is a magical night I won't forget."), Aalia ("Is this real what I’m feeling deep inside?"), and Vincenzo ("Yes, I do really love her.") said. Chul-wook's command to erase all CCTV footage better exclude photos because I need Ragusang to send "Mr. Anderson" the photos from his proposal. Did Cha-young keep Ms. Bening's engagement ring? Was she the rightful owner of it too?

As soon as Director Jung complimented them for being real art connoisseurs, I knew they would embarrass themselves by mistaking nothing as Nothing. When Cha-young put in his earbud and Vincenzo said, "Thank you, sweetie," I wish she answered subconsciously, "You're welcome, darling" before both catching themselves.

Mi-ri being behind the vault's security system was the best plot twist. I beg for forgiveness for accusing her because not only did she not eavesdrop, she knew about the gold before Vincenzo even landed in Korea. Mi-ri saved Vincenzo's butt after he locked the iris-recognition device in the vault. Every time the tenants pull off a caper like the gallery, I regret resenting them and wonder maybe they do deserve a cut of the gold.

Has Cha-young realized Kyung-ja is Vincenzo's mom from the bungeoppang and ingeoppang? How sweet is it that his difference was because his mom told him? Kyung-ja's handmade scarf seems to be for Vincenzo. I'm waiting for Cha-young to read her letter.

If Cha-young was worried before about the killers, she's going to be distraught if Vincenzo is kidnapped or shot. Can we get a real confession this time, and not her "My heart only pounded because you were in danger" heartbreak?

I hope Prosecutor Jung is not betraying them because we don't need another person to betray Vincenzo. Did Cha-young and Vincenzo throw our kindhearted impersonator Attorney Seo under the bus?

Thanks a bunch for the recap, quirkycase!


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Both their expressions were gold when they realized what was the Nothing painting. Loved that scene.


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Yes to the romance! I liked CHIEF KIM and FIERY PRIEST for not having romance between the leads (kind of hard if the lead is a priest!) but in this case it comes naturally. Vincenzo and Cha-young make a great team, spend lots of time together, and are friends and partners already. It doesn't surprise me and is important in the characters' development - Vincenzo in particular has always distanced himself from people and doesn't believe he has the right to love or be loved. I'm hoping he gets to talk to his mom.

NOTHING was really just nothing. I died laughing. I thought it was weird that Cha-young kept mentioning how her legs were sweating, but then she whipped out a gun and revealed her stockings and I was like "ohhhhh, that's why she was sweating" ROFL.

I was getting my hopes up that finally we had one righteous prosecutor who could join the team, but now I'm not so sure... I think he's after the Guillotine file (another nod to the French Revolution, like the Delacroix painting lol)

I hope impersonator Attorney Seo is far away in Boston or Italy by now driving a Lomborghini.


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How can we watch ep.14 without talking about the kiss?

Everyone has mentioned how proud they are of Cha Young for initiating it and although I also love our main girl for taking action, I want to send some love to Vincenzo. I think he meant it when he blurted out "I do love her". It may have been part of the act but I think that's when the lines between fake and reality blurred. His response was instant and sincere. That’s what threw Cha Young off and caused her to take initiative. His words made her doubt their relationship again and she wanted to "test" her feelings to see if they were real. She didn't expect anything to happen or for him to reciprocate. She took the risk to kiss him and could have easily covered it up by saying it was to save them from being discovered but what she didn't expect was for Vincenzo to respond with his own feelings. All this time, she was the more open one and always vocalized her feelings with questions like “Are you going to stay?” Vincenzo, on the other hand, displayed his love through actions. But she was never sure and the uncertainty of him leaving always weighed in her mind. He obviously had reasons too, as he continues to fear his past and afraid to put her in danger, but by kissing her back, he let go of everything and also through actions (again) told her that he felt the same as her and that is...he loves her just as much as she loves him.

Literally props to both Song Joong Ki and Jeon Yeo Bin for conveying all those layers of emotion in that scene. If this is what we get for a “fake” kiss, can you guys imagine what the real kiss with be like? My heart is not ready.


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Looks like Vincenzo's love language is acts of service and Chayoung's is physical touch.


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I love how their dynamic works. Always enjoy Cha Young's "test" to see if she has feelings for him.


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My favourite past time this week is to read the analysis of the kiss scene. Reddit thread has so many nice write ups about the kiss and I enjoyed reading yours. Amazed how they conveyed so much in just one kiss. Amd I love how you said that the lines started blurring from the moment vincenzo started saying I love her. Wonder what would have happened if they continued with the drinks that night. Ohh it will become a fanfic!!


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I hope some people write fanfics because we all know we'll need it once the show ends.


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So obviously Vincenzo won't die in the next episode, but I'm still looking forward to see if someone comes to his rescue, or as he told Han-seo because he doesn't " starts exploiting betrayal in others’ families", his own family won't betray him neither.
About Han-seo, I knew that eventually he will go to Vincenzo, to save himself and I didn't know how the drama is going to handle him, I mean he's definitely not good. I'm satisfied with Vincezo's respond.


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Also Han Seo micro expressions! He was let down yet there was admiration in his eyes for Vincenzo.


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So many funny moments!

Welcome to Mi-Ri in the team! A hacker will so useful! I really like to see everybody working together, they all have their own role and killing it.

My little heart was very happy in this episode! Even if it was an act (we all know that they don't really act :p) and the filming angle wasn't the best... 🥰


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Oh how I adore the jipuragi team!! They do some elaborate undercover missions which are both hilarous and genius. Love how they keep involving one by one. And for me thay was the kiss of the year. While it was hot(and it was hawwtt) it managed to convey so much of our leads emotions. It was so funny that the awkwardness was still present no matter how hard they try to joke about it. I normally laugh hard whenever bye bye balloon comes on the screen but the pepper company presentation was another level of hilarity. I especially liked their accountant. Wish she was there from the beginning. And the expressions of awkwardness of our leads when vincenzo said thank you sweety. Soo cuteee!!!


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I’m really curious about the letter Vincenzo’s mom gave to Cha-young. Our bet is still that there will be a reveal that they are siblings at the end. 😆


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A favourite-scene shout out for the bit in the car at the end when Vincenzo tried to raise the subject of the kiss and they both awkwardly try to not talk about it. When he suddenly said, "Sweetie," his face just beamed - he absolutely wants to do that on a permanent basis! - and then panicked as he realised she was not in the same moment and that he'd just expressed his feelings in the most cheesy way. But the beam was back when she said "Darling". A joy to watch!


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Yes another favourite of mine. His face just lit up and was so silly happy.


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I just spent 20 minutes reading and liking almost every comment on this thread (im sorry if i missed one) because im giddy and i love this show

i love chacenzo
i love team leader ahn
i love chacenzo
i love miri
i love the geumga plaza resident heists
i love inzhagi the pigeon
i love chacenzo
i love kwak dong yeon
i love bungeoppang
i love pepper company
i love the monks
i love how chayoung decided to just kiss him
i love how he went with it
i love how he accidentally called her sweetie when the director was gone
i love his dumb smile when he says sweetie
i love how awkward they are in the car
i love how into their roles they were
i love chacenzo
i love chacenzo
i love chacenzoooooo

ive been counting the days until saturday evening please send help


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So much for watching an episode per day... I ended up bingeing it and am all caught up, mamma mia!


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How did I miss this recap??? I can't believe it!!!

So here I go: I love this drama so, so much. And guess what? I love Taec!! (yes, he's not been that much in this episode).

And I love Bye Bye Balloon crew. They are amazingly funny... and useful, as all the rest of the tenants are turning out to be. They have a hidden past that fits in so well into the absurdity of this drama. And what can I say about the monks? Every scene with them is hilarious! I cracked up when the karaoke letters showed up!!

I also hope both Prosecutor Jung and Young Woon are the ones to get the Guillotine file and do the right thing. I want to trust them badly.


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Did not the man from the original couple renting the venue notice the ring was missing or did I miss that? Absolutely enjoying when Taecyeon speaking in (American) English! I had to look him up to see if he'd lived in the U.S. and he had. I didn't think that genuine of an accent could be learned by voice lessons. Really hits it and cracks me up!


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I crack up every time he says "Can you feel my heartbeat?" 😂
(Which is actually a 2PM song: https://youtu.be/bKtvDv7eykg)


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listen to my heart beat (ITS BEATING FOR YOU!)


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@quirkycase, Paolo is the name of the mafia boss/Vincenzo’s brother not Emilio. Emilio is the old man whom Vincenzo set his vineyard on fire in episode 1


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You are so right! Thanks for the reminder - I'll correct it in the next recap.


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Isn’t Paolo Cassano the Fabio Cassano’s son from the first episode? Vincenzo’s adoptive brother? Emilio is the guy who he tries to cut a deal with and whose vineyard Vincenzo burns down. Pay attention hello?


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Ok, fan service episode in spades, and folks have covered that plenty. I did assume that if they got caught in the office near the desk, they'd just cover it with more kissing. Did not see the sting angle coming, but it was great! Badge flashing is now expected in every single future episode. By the end, every single tenant will have one to flash at the same time.

Learning who the drive was going to go to made me feel a bit better as well. He did admit he wasn't sure who he would give it to once he got it, but still...his intent seemed good considering the good Prosecutor was shown meeting with when he admitting he failed to get it. Now I want to see a mini ep explaining how he got himself into the mess where Vincenzo had to save him, and how they got to be so close after. I wonder if he used to be the Italy guy for intelligence before our diehard Vincenzo fanboi got the spot.

Love, loved, loved the gold digger turned pet rescue guy! 🐾

A few mini plot holes for me in this ep, but the show is good enough that despite the fact my brain makes me hit pause to make sure I didn't miss something, at the same time I don't care because show is good enough!

I get that Mi-ri was in charge of the safe itself, but...the rest of it (x pressure makes building fall down and go boom) would require structural engineering know-how...so...is there someone else they didn't manage to kill?

I absolutely adored the kidnapped couple scenes, but I also was like "Wasn't he wondering where the ring was?" I do hope they manage to get the ring back to the couple. Might be an interesting call back later.

Last, but not least...it seems I got one of my wishes this ep. Vincenzo may become the damsel in distress afterall! 🥂 On to the next ep to find out.


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