Flower of Evil: Episode 12

Our cop believes that her husband is safe for the time being, unaware that there’s a price on his head. He enlists the help of an unlikely ally to eliminate that threat but he has no idea that an even greater danger has returned to life. Our cop and her husband are going to have to be completely honest with each other to protect their family but is that even possible after years of lies?


In a flashback to the day that Hee-sung hit Hyun-soo with his car, his mother found a hollow book hidden under his mattress. It contained a silver box, photos of people who were bound and gagged (the cage in the background suggests they’re in Do Min-seok’s basement) and a bloody knife.

In spite of her terror, Mom opened the silver box and when she saw seven neatly arranged fingernails, her screams shook the house. As she numbly made her way downstairs, the knife clutched in one hand and something else in her other hand (the fingernails?), a flash of lightning illuminated Hee-sung in the backyard.

When his Mom walked outside, Hee-sung admitted that he didn’t know that she was home. He pointed to the unconscious Hyun-soo and explained that after he hit him with his car, he couldn’t get in touch with his father. Mom asked if he planned to bury Hyun-soo in the hole he just dug and Hee-sung reasoned, “What other choice do I have?”

Seeing the knife, Hee-sung asked, “Did you go through my things?” Frightened, Mom backed away just as Hyun-soo stirred, so Hee-sung suggested that they talk later and dragged Hyun-soo into the hole.

While Hee-sung shoveled dirt on top of Hyun-soo, his desperate mother plunged the knife into his side. As blood poured from the wound, Hee-sung’s mother stammered, “You scare me…I can’t handle you anymore.” Tenderly touching her face, Hee-sung asked, “Why did you have to be home,” and when he collapsed, his mother’s screams echoed in the garden.

Back in the present, Hee-sung muses, “Everyone has a secret… there are people who know that secret, and there are people who wish to find out.” Suspicious of the maid assisting him, Hee-sung grabs her face and forces her to look at him, “Do you really not know how to read lips?”

The maid tries to avert her eyes and Hee-sung warns, “If you keep looking away when I’m talking to you, it’s going to make me upset.” When the maid looks at him, Hee-sung releases his grip and asks, “Have you ever told anyone about our family.” The maid scribbles, “I never told anyone. There’s no one to tell.” As Hee-sung wonders if he can trust her, the camera zooms in on his mother in the family portrait behind him.

In his home office, Dr. Baek shows his wife the cell phone that he found in Hee-sung’s car while cleaning up Hyun-soo’s blood. In a flashback, Dr. Baek answered the phone and an angry Sang-chul demanded, “Where’s my money?”

Dr. Baek explains that Hee-sung hired Sang-chul to find someone and Mom guesses that it was Hae-soo. Dr. Baek confesses that he met Sang-chul just once to deliver his money and to tell him that Hee-sung went abroad to study. When Mom questions the decision to have Hyun-soo killed, Dr. Baek argues that Hyun-soo’s investigation left him no choice.

After walking outside with Hyun-soo, Ji-won is surprised to see that Jae-sub is alone but she’s even more surprised when he asks for a cup of coffee. When they sit down together in the workshop, Jae-sub looks thoughtful before thanking Hyun-soo for risking his safety to expose Sang-chul’s gang.

When asked about the identity of Do Min-seok’s accomplice, Hyun-soo confesses that things didn’t go as planned. Jae-sub then shifts into detective mode and asks Hyun-soo for his motive in the village foreman’s death.

At Moo-jin’s place, Hae-soo is about to call Ji-won after learning that she knows the truth about Hyun-soo but Moo-jin takes her phone. When Moo-jin won’t let her leave, Hae-soo makes herself clear, “I’m going to turn myself in.”

Before Hyun-soo can answer Jae-sub’s question, Ji-won blurts out, “It wasn’t him.” After they exchange a tense look, Hyun-soo calmly explains, “I had no motive.” A flashback to the previous night shows that Jae-sub read the file on the foreman’s murder. Jae-sub informs Hyun-soo that a school uniform button belonging to a male student was found near the foreman’s body.

When Moo-jin mentions that Hae-soo must want to turn herself in out of guilt, she snaps, “Why should I feel guilty? After what he did to Hyun-soo?” Hae-soo tells Moo-jin that the foreman arranged for the exorcisms, which were practically a nightly occurrence.

Hyun-soo became convinced that he was possessed by their father’s ghost. A flashback shows Hyun-soo crouched in a corner and as he pointed across the room, he told Hae-soo, “I can see Dad. He keeps talking to me…The village foreman was right. I’ll end up like Dad.” Hae-soo accuses Moo-jin of turning his back on Hyun-soo along with the rest of the village, “No one in that town…is blameless when it comes to Hyun-soo.”

Ji-won remains silent as Jae-sub puzzles over why Hyun-soo would go to the trouble of burning down his house to destroy fingerprint evidence and photos yet leave the murder weapon out in plain sight. After Ji-won stands up to distance herself from the interview, Jae-sub informs Hyun-soo that one witness insisted that he was incapable of murder.

Hyun-soo confesses, “I killed him,” and Jae-sub stands up. After a long pause, Jae-sub tells Hyun-soo, “Thank you for the coffee. Mr. Baek Hee-sung,” and Ji-won spins around. She’s confused when Jae-sub leaves Moo-jin’s recorder on the table, “This is for the coffee.”

When Ji-won runs after Jae-sub, he explains that he figured out why she believes Hyun-soo is innocent, “The tragedy of a young brother and sister who became the enemy of the world overnight. I don’t want to touch it either.” Ji-won walks back inside to tell a confused Hyun-soo that Jae-sub is no longer interested in him, “Because Do Hyun-soo isn’t a bad person.”

Hyun-soo and Ji-won pick up Eun-ha and when she sobs, “Daddy. I missed you so, so, so, so very much,” Ji-won’s mother laughs that she acts as if they’ve been apart for years. After seeing that Hyun-soo is crying too, Ji-won assures her mother that everything’s okay.

At Eun-ha’s kindergarten, Hyun-soo plants a kiss on his daughter’s forehead and tells her, “Daddy loves you a lot…” Forming a heart with her arms, Eun-ha tells him, “I love you, Daddy.” Hyun-soo returns to the car and overhears Ji-won tell Jae-sub that she’ll quit as soon as her absence won’t burden the department. Jae-sub just urges her to hurry back to work and hangs up.

On the drive to the station, Ji-won asks why Hyun-soo got so emotional. Hyun-soo thought about the first time that he held Eun-ha and Ji-won reminds him that it was the first time he held a baby. Hyun-soo confesses, “After I met you, every single moment was filled with first times.”

Ji-won walks into the office and annoys the captain when she wishes everyone a good morning. Woo-chul informs him that Ji-won doesn’t know about the latest development while Jae-sub explains that she had to leave first because of her sick child.

It’s Ho-joon who informs Ji-won that Sang-chul escaped from the ER. Jae-sub explains that a special task force will take over the human trafficking investigation so that they can focus on finding Sang-chul and Do Min-seok’s accomplice. Jae-sub steps out when Hyun-soo calls and asks to meet without Ji-won.

While waiting for Jae-sub, Hyun-soo thinks about Sang-chul’s question, “Who do you think ratted you out to me?” Jae-sub climbs into the passenger seat expecting to be thanked but Hyun-soo tells him what he couldn’t say in front of Ji-won — someone called Sang-chul to tell him that Hyun-soo was working with the police, hoping to get him killed.

In his hospital bed, Hee-sung watches CCTV footage of Sang-chul walking out of the ER but when his mother walks in, he clears the tablet’s screen and weakly observes, “…the world has changed so much.” While his mother massages his legs, Hee-sung mentions that he missed three World Cups and promises to take her to the next one, if he’s still alive. Hee-sung fears that his life will be in danger if Hyun-soo figures everything out.

Moo-jin walks out with Hae-soo when she leaves and pleads, “…stop saying that you’ll turn yourself in. My heart shrivels every time I hear it…I like you, you know.” Moo-jin gets a taxi for Hae-soo and as soon as it drives away, she asks the driver to take her to the police station.

In a café where Ji-won won’t see them, Jae-sub guesses that Hyun-soo has an idea who called Sang-chul. Hyun-soo thinks of Dr. Baek’s generous offer to convince him to disappear and tells Jae-sub that he knows of a way to catch Sang-chul.

Before Hae-soo can enter the police station, Moo-jin calls from his new phone. Hae-soo reminds him, “You’re the only friend Hyun-soo has,” and admits that she’s about to turn herself in.

Ji-won is surprised when Hae-soo walks into her office and tells her, “Remember how I said I’d tell you everything when the time was right?” Grabbing the list of Sang-chul’s victims, Ji-won suggests going outside for Hae-soo’s “interview”. When they reach the roof, Hae-soo tells Ji-won, “I heard that you found out everything about Hyun-soo.”

Hae-soo confesses that she killed the village foreman, Hyun-soo only took the blame. Ji-won reminds Hae-soo that Hyun-soo is no longer a boy who needs her protection, he now has a wife who will stand by his side, no matter what.

Ji-won argues that Hyun-soo will be burdened with guilt if Hae-soo takes responsibility for the foreman’s death and begs, “…please respect your brother’s decision…you should be the one to feel guilty instead.” As Ji-won walks away, a tearful Hae-soo thanks her for trusting in Hyun-soo and promises to find a way to repay her. Uh-oh.

Parked in front of the station, Hyun-soo shares his worry that Ji-won will leave him if the stress of being with him becomes too much. Hee-sung explains to Jae-sub that’s why Ji-won can’t find out that Sang-chul is out to kill him. Jae-sub doesn’t understand why Hyun-soo won’t identity the person who hired Sang-chul but a wary Hyun-soo tells him, “I’m still very careful.”

Sang-chul calls Dr. Baek from a phone booth and promises to kill Hyun-soo if he can be lured to the right location. When Dr. Baek gets a call from Hyun-soo, he warns Sang-chul not to do anything rash and hangs up. Dr. Baek pretends he’s relieved to hear from Hyun-soo and agrees to see him the following evening.

Just as Hyun-soo hangs up, Moo-jin barges into the workshop, “Why didn’t you answer my calls?” Moo-jin explains that Hae-soo went to see Ji-won to turn herself in and asks Hyun-soo to call his wife. Hyun-soo tries to send Moo-jin away and when he refuses, he tosses Hae-soo’s repaired necklace at him and suggests, “You should go to Hae-soo.”

Moo-jin waits for Hae-soo outside her apartment and recalls Hyun-soo’s parting words, “She’ll be fine. I’m sure nothing happened.” When Hae-soo returns, she walks past Moo-jin but he confronts her, “You don’t care about me at all, do you?”

Hae-soo tells the worried Moo-jin, “…it’s weird that you still feel the same way about me.” Placing the necklace in Hae-soo’s hand, a stung Moo-jin tells her, “I’m sorry for liking you ever since I saw you in fourth grade. I’ll try to get over you.”

That night, Ji-won finds Hyun-soo on their roof’s patio and guesses that he couldn’t sleep. Taking her hand, Hyun-soo confesses that he’s been wanting to ask, “How was your day?” After everything that happened, Ji-won simply tells Hyun-soo that it was a decent and rests her head on his shoulder.

The maid pauses outside of Dr. Baek’s office when he tells Hee-sung that Hyun-soo will be paying him a visit and that he can’t find out that Hee-sung woke up. When Hee-sung asks about Hae-soo, Dr. Baek confesses that it’s Sang-chul that he’s worried about.

The maid watches Hee-sung’s mouth as he tells his father, “We need him to get rid of Do Hyun-soo.” After telling Hee-sung to stay out of it, Dr. Baek hands him some English language training materials. Hee-sung looks them over but turns towards the maid who shrinks away in fear.

When Ji-won interrogates one of Sang-chul’s men, she learns that Sang-chul got a call during his meeting with Hyun-soo and was hired to kill him. Ji-won exits the interrogation room to call her husband but Jae-sub stops her.

Ji-won exclaims that someone wants Hyun-soo dead and she’s shocked when Jae-sub admits, “I know. I already know.” After finding an empty room where they can talk, Jae-sub explains why he couldn’t tell Ji-won, “Your husband begged me not to…He said he was afraid you’d break because of him.”

Hae-soo visits Hyun-soo’s workshop to tell Hyun-soo about the Ilshin Hospital volunteer bracelet that their father’s accomplice was wearing. When Hae-soo mentions that she visited Dr. Baek to ask for his help in finding the volunteers from that time, Hyun-soo asks if she sensed that he was the accomplice.

Frustrated because her memory has faded with time, Hae-soo is hopeful that her next hypnotherapy session will help. Hyun-soo advises her not to bother, he’ll confirm it himself later.

At the police station, Ho-joon suggests enlisting Hyun-soo’s help to catch Sang-chul and Woo-chul agrees it’s worth a try. Just as her colleagues leave, Ji-won gets a call from Hyun-soo who offers to pick her up since it’s raining.

Hee-sung’s mother sees a photo of Hee-sung as a toddler and tells him, “You were such an angel. I ruined you.” The maid asks to speak with her and when they sit down together, she hands Mom a note, “I quit…Please transfer my severance pay and the money for my silence into my account by next week.”

When Ji-won runs under Hyun-soo’s umbrella, they both suggest going on a date. As they walk in the rain, Hyun-soo admits that he lied about why he can’t eat raw food. It’s not because it gives him a stomachache, the smell reminds him of his father.

Ji-won asks to talk about ordinary things and when she starts to cry, Hyun-soo asks if she’s all right and pulls her into a hug. At first Ji-won insists that she’s fine but she breaks down and confesses that she’s not all right at all. After admitting that she resents Hae-soo and hates lying to her colleagues, Ji-won tells Hyun-soo what hurts the most, “It’s the fact that you kept another secret from me.”

Using sign language, Mom asks the maid what she knows and she answers, “You stabbed your own son. To cover that, you made someone else live your son’s life. The man who your son ran over with his car.” When the maid tries to leave, Mom struggles with her and falls, hitting her head on the table.

The maid is distracted when she sees that Mom is hurt and doesn’t notice that Hee-sung is behind her. Hee-sung asks “What did you do,” and the maid signs that they’re both crazy and warns Mom, “Wire me the money or I’ll expose all of you. You have until next week.”

The women are shocked when Hee-sung stands up. He tells the maid, “I knew you weren’t to be trusted,” and when she tries to run out the front door, Hee-sung pulls her back inside.

While Hee-sung uses the maid’s scarf to strangle her, Mom calls her husband and begs him to come home right away. She backs away when Hee-sung finds her but he just takes the phone and tells Dr. Baek, “Mom cut her forehead. I think she needs stitches.” After hanging up, Hee-sung tells his mother, “I couldn’t think of another way to protect you.”

Dr. Baek gets home and when he sees the maid’s body, he finds Hee-sung and demands to know why he killed her. When Hee-sung explains, “She knew too much,” Dr. Baek slaps him. Dr. Baek shouts that Hee-sung promised to do whatever was needed to get his name back, not make things worse.

Mom explains that the maid was blackmailing them and admits, “If Hee-sung didn’t kill her, I might’ve done it instead.” Mom promises to fix Hee-sung but first, something needs to be done about the maid’s body. When Dr. Baek can’t think of what to do, Hee-sung tells him, “I have an idea.”

Hyun-soo cancels his meeting with Dr. Baek and asks to use the summer house for one night while he’s out of town on business trip. Dr. Baek agrees as Hee-sung brings him the maid’s scarf.

Hyun-soo tells Ji-won that he plans get Dr. Baek to confess to everything and warns that his true identity will come out. Ji-won tells Hyun-soo that she’s already prepared for that possibility and that she’s not scared. When Hyun-soo turns to leave, Ji-won reminds him that as a cop, she doesn’t need a warrant to arrest Dr. Baek.

Sang-chul removes the cover from a car in a parking garage and turns the key just as Hyun-soo and Ji-won arrive at the Baek house.

Dr. Baek and Hee-sung load a suitcase with the maid’s body into the trunk of a car when Ji-won rings the doorbell. Dr. Baek announces, “Do Hyun-soo is here,” as the gate swings open.


I know how ridiculous it seems that someone who was comatose for 15 years is not only able to stand and walk, but he’s also capable of strangling someone. I think that Hee-sung is just so driven to kill that he was able to push himself beyond his limits but it’s also true that he’s been acting more feeble than he actually is for some time. And that’s what makes Hee-sung such a chilling villain, he hides his true nature behind that meek façade. While his mother and father keep him hidden, Hee-sung manipulates them to see things his way which means that they’ve now become his accomplices in murder.

What I find harder to believe than a recently revived man making incredible physical gains is that Hee-sung’s go to solution for his problems is murder. For a man who was a math whiz as a child, how he can have such tunnel vision? Mathematics is all about finding solutions for complex problems but rather than finding unique answers for his problems, Hee-sung kills and then figures out how to hide his crimes. Really, he just wants any excuse to kill and it’s that approach that led to his coma. After his mother found the evidence of the serial murders, she stabbed him before he could bury Hyun-soo alive. Yet, in spite of that chilling evidence and the recent murder of the maid, she still thinks she can “fix” Hee-sung. It’s the hopes and dreams that Hee-sung’s parents have always had for him that fuel the delusion that Hee-sung can somehow lead a normal life.

While the Baek’s refuse to accept the truth about Her-sung, Hyun-soo is still struggling with being honest with Ji-won. Even though he thinks he has a good reason not to tell Ji-won that Sang-chul was hired to kill him, Hyun-soo learns how wrong he was when he sees how much his latest lie hurt her. Again, after realizing that Ji-won knows the truth, Hyun-soo confides in her and together, they face the challenge. What Hyun-soo needs to learn fast is to tell Ji-won the truth before she hears about it some other way. They really need to be firing on all cylinders if they’re going to triumph over the unbelievably evil Baek family. While Hyun-soo noted that he and Dr. Baek stop at nothing to achieve their goals, Dr. Baek doesn’t have anyone like Ji-won by his side. She’s just as committed as they are to get what she wants and it’s going to take that kind of resolve to overcome someone as powerful as Dr. Baek and someone as diabolical as Hee-sung.

I’m with @lollypip, Hae-soo is driving me crazy but this time it’s not because she’s off investigating on her own. I don’t like the way she treated Moo-jin, even though of course she doesn’t have to return his affections just because he’s crazy about her. Hae-soo takes all of her frustrations out on Moo-jin and then breaks his heart, talk about adding insult to injury. But realistically, what does the future look like for Hae-soo and Hyun-soo if the village foreman’s murder remains unsolved? The only way for Hyun-soo to live in peace is for that case to be closed but Ji-won didn’t allow Hae-soo to confess out of respect for Hyun-soo. When Hae-soo promised to repay Ji-won someday, I had a sense of foreboding. If something happens to Hae-soo, Hyun-soo won’t have to protect her any longer. It’s a terrible thing to consider but this late in the drama, I have no idea what to expect so I’m preparing myself for all kinds of possibilities.


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We learned how Super strong coma guy got into a coma, because mum found out he was a psycho. So mum and dad decided to “change" Psycho super strong coma guy with HyunSoo, but they didn’t know he was the son of the guy his son was killing people with. I’d love to attend a family reunion of the Do - Baek, wouldn’t you?

Det. Choi (who's supposed to be impulsive) decides to cover up the fact that HyunSoo has been found because he has a hunch that he’s innocent, ignoring the fact that if he is innocent someone else is the culprit and that the family of the dead man deserves the case to be solved, even if he was a jerk. Even jerks deserve their murders to be solved, but I guess Det. Choi owes his life to JiWon, and follows his hunches even if it means to forget the victim. Also, he doesn’t follow protocols and makes a plan with the HyunSoo without letting JiWon (or the rest of the police department) know. It’s all very reliable.

Hyun Soo who was totally emotionless is now full of emotions and cries when he sees his daughter. I'm sorry but this all was totally out
of character.

The only one consistent, imo, is HaeSoo (not that I like her, though), as she's been felling guilty for 18 years, and decides to turn herself because she’s tired of being guilty. And this is one of the two things that makes sense in all the episode, because she has the chance to fix it and is ready to deal with the consequences, but for totally selfish reasons both MooJin and JiWon tell her that she’s wrong and has to go on with her life knowing she killed a person, not caring at all about the victim (again). Thing number two that makes sense is her telling First Love how weird it is for him to still have feelings for her after 20 years (specially when they haven’t seen each other in that time!!!!!).


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That is all. You are my comment, my comment is you. Lol, twinning again, I have nothing more to add.


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I wish I could click 👍🏻 100 times.


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Yes to everything you said! And another consistent thing is Hyun soo lying to Ji won. Even though he came clean to her later after she found out, it’s still more or less the same.


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You are being way too logical for this increasingly nonsensical show! Somehow, up is down and the unemotional have become crybabies.

I agree with everything you said 100%.


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I don't think Hyun Soo was inconsistent. I think the wall was finally broken allowing him to admit that he has emotions and show them. JiWon loved him unconditionally. She protected him without harming him. She is the first person to do that. Her strong never yielding love has been slowly changing him and finally cracked his armor.Hae Soo let Hyun Soo take the blame and live in hiding. She made his life worse. She put him in danger without realizing it.


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I wouldn't say that Hyun Soo was emotionless. He's able to emote, he just wasn't able to identify what he was feeling. And there were times he was good at hiding his emotions. He used to have his guard up often and tried to express the correct emotion at the appropriate time.


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When Chief Oh asks Jiwon: "which child is sick? your first or second?" I yelled at the screen: "IS THAT FORESHADOWING?!" Will the writer slide in a baby #2 to really up the stakes?

Heesung's mother could turn on him again, be the one to stop him once and for all. There'll be a line that she can't cross and that will probably be EunHa.

Laughed my ass off when Jiwon finds out from the thug about the attempted hit job on her husband. And Det. Choi and Hyun-so even came to an agreement over a nice coffee date. It was a valiant effort though gents!

HS being extra careful with her emotional and mental status/being terrified she might break from the weight of all the problems coming their way...it's lovely to see how he's voicing out his concerns. But buddy, she's persevered through: a) having her husband kidnapped & almost die, b) hearing her husband of 14 years say he doesn't love her, c) solving gruesome cases all day, erryday. She's a ride or die gal. minus the dying part pls

Speaking of which, how can she go through one excruciating event after another and still be mostly sane? Are we ever gonna get any sort of glimpse into Jiwon's childhood? What made her want to be a cop since kinder? What sort of experiences did she go through as a kid/teen that shaped her into such a resilient, tenacious adult? I remember the jokes about her being scarier/weirder than HS. And why did she choose to work in the VIOLENT Crimes Unit out of all the departments?


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Totally agree with @teriyaki, Heesung being such an unhinged psycho makes him less interesting as a character. He's still freaking scary, but it's hard to see him as a genius when all we see him doing is "opportunity"-murder. Anyway, I'm still expecting Dad Baek to be the murdery mastermind and Heesung-Hyunsoo childhood connection to be revealed


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Is he really a genius?
I find him quite dumb. I mean: someone had to teach him to be a real psycho, he has someone to provide him his victims (wasn’t he psycho enough to find them on his own), and when he rushes his car into HuynSoo, he tries to bury him alive in his garden while it was pouring down because dad didn’t answer his phone.
For someone who’s such a genio us, he’s quite a very dumb psycho, imho.


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🤣 Heesung went to psycho-school, but he flunked 🤣
Now, really - and without having watched ep 13 - my current (makjangy) bets for this are:
*Hyunsoo was probably kidnapped as a kid and is not Do Minseok's son
*Hyunsoo and Heesung were both victims of psycho-grooming, but DMS quit on Hyunsoo becaude he was too soft
*Dr Baek is the mastermind behind all this
*Mom Baek is nuts but she isn't really bad-bad
*it would be cool if Haesoo actually knew something and was playing everybody, but it's becoming clear that every time she shows some agency she's totally useless, so in reality she's just a big doe-eyed plot-device that can get killed at any time


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I’d love all your theories and I’ll buy them one by one.


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Perhaps the coma had at least a negative effect on his former genius brain... while still making him super strong in the meantime.


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Psycho Captain America like?


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Like his body/muscles weren't wasting away because he was still getting nutrients. ....But we barely saw him do any actual physical therapy. There was like one scene where he got calve massages lol. He could have been faking it for some time, but still, it feels like it's only been a few weeks (not even a month) since he woke up.
The scene of him standing up behind the maid was just for the extra dramatic/scary factor.


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As compelling LJG and MCW's acting are, I am seeing cracks on the storytelling. I do find it impossible that Hee Sung will have the strength to kill the poor housekeeper. I expected he couldve possibly hurt her by pushing her down the stairs or something but not by overpowering her.
I dont like that Hyun Soo is keeping secrets from Ji Won. At this stage, they should confide all for their family's safety. They dont know who the accomplice is and someone wants Hyun Soo dead.
I will still see this through the end, just to see the Baek family fall and Hee Sung convicted for his crimes. And Do Hyun Soo cleared of murder.

Also I love Moon Chae Won's hair color and makeup in the entire episode. Very pretty!


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I agree with you about the happy ending.
Probably mum will help when Eun Ha is in danger.


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Hopefully. I do not want evil Hee Sung get close to that sweet little girl.


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I see where you're coming from with your question about how Hee Sung has the strength to murder the housekeeper after 18 years of lying comatose (muscle wastage anyone?). But as someone who regularly tries to strangle/choke other people as a hobby (martial arts), I've seen how it's a relatively efficient way to knock someone out, whether by choking off their air supply or cutting the blood flow to their brains. Your neck doesn't have a lot of muscles so this is a move someone with relatively less strength can successfully pull on someone bigger and stronger. If the person being choked/strangled doesn't know how to defend or wasn't in time to defend properly, the general rule of thumb is that they're out light a light in about six seconds. I've been strangled (restricted blood flow) unconscious twice during live sparring. It can happen really fast, sometimes before you even realise it.


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I realised I forgot to clarify that the person being choked/strangled has the option to tap out before they get unconscious and the person choking/strangling will let go (there's a lot of trust involved). Thankfully, most of the people in this hobby are nice people and will respect the tap and let go.


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012421. Jillian, " I love Moon Chae Won's hair color and makeup in the entire episode. Very pretty!"
Ji Won’s too perfect hair and make-up in every scene of every episode has really started to bother me.
It's all very pretty for a celeb photo shoot, but as an active mother and detective, every hair in place, artistically arranged around her shoulders and perfect make-up at every hour of the day and night is too unrealistic for me.

While I'm at it, other things are stacking up to frustrate me by the writer and director, such as:
HyunSu sure looked good just the morning after being bashed around that office by that huge thug, including his head into glass twice. Not a large bruise, needed stitches, broken tooth or bone or even a sprain, let alone internal bleeding, anywhere. (Not that I would want LSG to have any broken teeth, or that I didn't appreciate how GOOD he looked in that all black, "going to be arrested" attire.)

It would be nice if writer (in this and most other Kdr) would take a minute to stick in some kind of explanation of where the very young child is at all hours when the parents are at work, getting themselves in mortal danger and taking leisurely strolls after work. JW's mother does not seem to live that close or be the constant sitter.

AND WHY DOESN’T ANYONE IN KDRAMA DEFEND/tell some truth about THEMSELVES or others when people are accusing them? JW’s had a couple of opportunities, on the roof and during the morning coffee visit, to tell Jae-Sub more to divert attention off HS!


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I didn't bother too much about the reality of how she always seem put together. Especially for HyunSu. He did look roughed up a bit but not enough to merit a rush to the ER. Even if he needed medical attention, i doubt he would risk a trip to the ER and gain attention of the authorities.

It is assumed that JW's Mom is the go-to sitter at all times when both parents are busy.

The writing is not perfect but he/she does melo really well.


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Hey cold-hearted drama-savvy beanies, don't spoil it for me. I just want to see Hyun-soo and Ji-won happy and safe with cute little Eun-ha. I want the big bad Baeks to get it in the neck. I don't care about Hae-soo and Moo-jin. They are wasting my screen time and Moo-jin has no moral compass.


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You are so right about Moon Jin!!
And we still don’t know what he recorded in that tape. I wonder if we will ever know.


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That may end up being a loose end.


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Oh, I misunderstood. I thought you meant on his tape recorder, but yes, the video tape - it would be very bad if that does not come back into the story. I'd forgotten about it.


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Moo-jin is getting way more screen time than he deserves! Since things have taken such a wildly unrealistic turn and logic is out the window, I think we can have hope. We just might get a Happy Ending wrapped up neat with a bow. Is it wrong that I'm hoping for another bed scene?


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Wrong?? Their relationship must be a one off in dramaland. I'm thinking about other married couples, and all I can remember is Misty. Ha. Or the couples in Sky Castle. Even the happy couple did not have the sparks these two have.


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I was really enjoying this drama, it's a shame that they decided to throw the characters off a cliff. Jaesub not arresting Hyunsoo was one of those "- are you drunk, Writernim?" moments for me. And then he doubles down and plots secret plans with him - because, of course, if you're a law enforcer, it's obvious your going to sneak behind your partner's back to connive with an identity forgerer/murder suspect instead of informing and following procedures (*facepalm)


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I can’t agree more.
Specially the “I was really enjoying this drama” part.


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I don't know why they think confronting Dr. Baek is a good idea. They couldn't wait until Sang chul was arrested? What if Dr. Baek hurriedly phone Sang chul to abort the mission when he saw them both show up at his house! Also, the show is trying to make Hee Sung oh so clever but I find it all so ridiculous.


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It was such a bad idea.


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Reading through some of the earlier comments, I can understand why some Beanies felt abruptly jolted by developments (some would argue ' plot holes') in this episode. Maybe I'm too far gone being charmed by the cast and main storyline, but I didn't find anything here enough to derail my enjoyment and suspension of belief. I do agree some parts of the plot could have been developed with better finesse.


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Happy that it still works for you! To be honest, I've enjoyed far worse and ridiculously plotted dramas 😳Sometimes it's more a problem of expectation adjustment than anything else: this drama started strong, so I can't help feeling let down now that it became more like a typical thriller. But I agree that the OTP feels very real, and the acting is great


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@flyingcolours I think you hit the nail on the head with what you wrote about it being a problem of expectation adjustment. I didn't have any expectations when I started watching this, and I'm just enjoying the ride. I've definitely gotten invested in the OTP thanks to LJK and MCW's terrific pairing. I guess that's the main reason why certain things that I wouldn't let by in other series, I can overlook in this one. Even though I agree that the OTP going to see Dr and Mrs Baek with nothing more than the plan of figuratively shaking the tree and hoping the monkey they are looking for (i.e. Hee Sung aka accomplice) falls out, is not very smart because so many things can go wrong. As a Beanie with biases and favourites, I acknowledge the OTP is my biggest blind spot in this drama.


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Yeah I think I've grown accustomed to the fact that logic and fanaticism is a mainstay in K-dramas, so maybe its due to the actors/fast pace of the story that its not a ground breaker for me. Some moments I did rme, like the bad guy walking (How? What? Ok lol) and the maid as well. But its been a fun captivating ride. One thing do people like that the FL is very emotional? I don't mind it but there were moments where it was like a bit too much. MCW and LJG have very palpable electric chemistry though. Married couples depicted in K-dramas just have finesse/steamier moments.


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From the beginning, the FL has always worn her heart on her sleeve especially when it concerns the ML, so I find her actions and reactions in line with the intensity of her character. I know it's different strokes for different folks, though. I am in agreement with you about the story pacing and the excellent chemistry between MCW and LJG.


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Yeah I chalk it up to that as well. There was a moment in Ep 13 in the rain scene where she got overtly emotional and I was like "Ok gurl.." lol. Esp. since her husband was like whatever about it lol. Its fine, but sometimes it can be a bit much, not the fault of MCW though she is fabulous here. But they can reel it in a bit, now I'm curious if the finale she's going to go all out with her emotions?!


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Heh, I am a total sucker for the OTP interactions. She's the yin to his yang and vice-versa, so that scene in the rain still felt ok to me, even though I think Hyun-Soo should have been upfront with Ji-Won ages ago to save themselves all the angst. Made me scratch my head for a bit that he would try to hide the fact that the accomplice had threatened his family and he would still try to hide this from her. I think there's some wiggle room in the plot for the writer to make Ji-Won go full psychopath in order to protect her husband and child in the remaining episodes if need be (I say this without having watching Ep 14 yet). The scene with the suspect in an earlier episode sort of hints that she has the calculative capability to do that. It wouldn't be the most original of plot developments, but can't say I would be disappointed if this is the path the writer goes with because I think MCW has the acting chops to make it seem natural and sincere. But right now it seems that we're heading towards a showdown between Hyun-Soo and Hee Sung where Hyun-Soo has to decide whether to give in to his baser instincts in order to protect his family.

On a side note, I also think Hae-Soo might end up saving the day. The show has hinted she's possibly on the accomplice's radar to raise the stakes further, but I think she'll have a bigger role to play further down the line.


Is it even possible to get coma from a stab in the stomach ? I predicted a convenient truck- of-doom to inflict the damage, but it was an even more convenient tiny knife.


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For 15 years no less, lol


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All this time I've been thinking Dad Baek was keeping his inconvenient son under an induced coma, but of course it was the tiny knife. Tiny-stab-coma, from the authors of Underwater-CPR and Comatose-buff-guy, doesn't come as a surprise 🤣 (now, for reals, I'm so medically ignorant that I would totally roll with it if this episode wasn't making me so crabby)


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Tiny knife reached all possible organs, because it was a psycho rebel tiny knife 🤗


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"Tiny-stab-coma" is going down in the history books! That's classic! Who knows? Maybe it will become a trope right up there with ToD.


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"I know how ridiculous it seems that someone who was comatose for 15 years is not only able to stand and walk, but he’s also capable of strangling someone."

"..a recently revived man making incredible physical gains."

Anything is possible in dramaland. I always joke about this. How many dramas have had recently-revived comatose patients moving around with no problems? At least a few. LOL

I am enjoying this drama, but I do admit that there are issues with the storytelling and with other plot developments. I would be interested in further twists and revelations. Some of the theories in the above comments sound so interesting.


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Were any of you around for Misty? This show is bringing back all the feelings I had watching that one and discussing it on the DB recaps. We were all loving it at the beginning, swooning over pantsuits, debating who dunit... It was glorious. Then, the wheels came of the bus and the ending was so disappointing. I'm still glad I was along for the ride, but I think that show and this one deserved more. The story started out so strong and the acting has been so good, that it's heartbreaking to see the show end this badly.


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I think I fell for LJG after scarlet heart but I think I'm in love after today !!! Both the leads have their own charms and wow on how the plot is moving..... Thought I take it that the real HeeSung isn't all what he seems I think others should know that Hyun Soo is all that seems either..... One's born with a crazy mind ( HeeSung ) and the other is made to think like a crazy by his own people ( Hyun Soo) ...... Why is that there's only as a few more episodes and then we have to say bye to this amazing masterpiece 😭😭😭😭


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Honestly i could understand everyone one's let down for this episode but I'm probably the only one who still enjoys every moment of it and this is coming from me who had watched alot of kdrama and had to drop A LOT of them because they got pretty much boring half way through the drama. FOE always keep me on my toes every episode and I loved it! Although the only problem I had with it is the reason of Heesung coma. Couldn't they done it better? For an example: Baek mommy tried to stop Heesung from burying Hyunsu by grabbing the shove away from him but in the middle of their tussle she accidentally hit him in the head with the shovel. There now he is in Coma! Thats not so hard to do is it? Lol

Also I'm I the only one who was satisfied the fact the Haesoo called out Moojin for what he did to Hyunsu in the past? Because Moojin was not apologetic at all for what he did and im glad Haesoo put him in his place. Idk why so many people dislike Haesoo, like i get it she was pretty much useless and does things that would make matter worse but if you think it from her perspective I think she just truly wanted justice for Hyunsu even if she have to turn herself in. Although Idk how her story is going to end without going to jail or murder...and ps; Jiwon and Hyunsu MUST get a HAPPY ENDING!! After all the crazy heart-rending they are beings put through every episodes!


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You are not the only one. I am still enjoying the drama as well.

I like your imagined scenario of what led to Hee-sung's coma. That would have made a lot more sense. :)


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HAHA YES. I thought the mom was going to use the shovel! I think there was even a spare one? XD;;

I agree with you about Hae Soo too!


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I don't feel sorry for Moo Jin one bit when I remember how he beat up Hyun Soo when he was young. He's a bully


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