Familiar Wife: Episode 10

Joo-hyuk started out on this journey with the intent to make himself happy, but it’s all falling apart. Not only is he miserable, but so is everyone else, and there doesn’t seem to be anything he can do about it. He’s been pretty passive so far, just letting things happen without making too much effort to fix anything, but things are getting to the point that Joo-hyuk will have to take drastic action.

EPISODE 10: “You have broken away from the route”

After the moment of accidental intimacy with Joo-hyuk, Woo-jin stays up late in her mother’s hospital room, unable to sleep. Joo-hyuk is equally wakeful, and they each spend the whole night thinking of the other.

In the morning, Woo-jin brings Mom to say goodbye to Joo-hyuk and his mother. Woo-jin and Joo-hyuk say an awkward goodbye, and after she’s gone, Joo-hyuk’s mother clucks that she feels bad for Mom and thinks Woo-jin seems very nice.

Woo-jin is still getting used to driving again, and she gets such a bad case of road rage on the way home that Mom begs to call a taxi, hee. Woo-jin nearly gets sideswiped, setting off another round of loud complaints, but then she grins wildly, hits the gas, and admits that driving is pretty thrilling.

Still at the hospital, Joo-hyuk overhears Joo-eun on the phone with Sang-shik trying to figure out how to accommodate their mother in their small home after her surgery. Hye-won calls him, upset that he’s at the hospital and not her father’s party. She doesn’t care that he still has things to do for his mother, snapping at him to let Joo-eun do it and get to the party immediately.

Instead, he insists on taking his parents home to Joo-eun’s place once his mother is discharged, and ignores Hye-won’s calls. It’s interesting how peaceful he appears, even knowing that Hye-won is furious.

After the party, Hye-won goes home to ambush Joo-hyuk when he walks in the door. She reminds him that she said it was over between them if he missed her father’s party, whining that she was embarrassed every time someone asked her where he was. Joo-hyuk asks if she even cares how his mother’s surgery went, but she acts as if he has no right to expect her to care.

Joo-hyuk holds his temper until Hye-won suggests he pay Joo-eun for taking care of their mom instead of doing it himself. He asks why she always throws money at problems, and she says haughtily that that’s what money is for. JW calls her selfish, only ever doing things she wants to do and never caring how her bad behavior affects other people, even if they lose their job.

She asks what he means, then it dawns on her that he knows she was the one who wrote the hateful post about Woo-jin. She admits that she did it, but maintains that she had every right. Joo-hyuk points out that she lied, but again Hye-won acts as if being annoyed gives her the right to ruin someone’s life.

Joo-hyuk tries to walk away, but Hye-won spits that he’s not the same as he used to be when he did everything she said. He asks what he used to be like, and if he would even die if she said so. Hye-won says in disbelief, “You don’t want to live with me anymore, do you? Fine, I understand.”

She leaves the house and calls Hyun-soo to pick her up. She tells him to take her as far as he can, and with a smirk, he asks how far she means. She asks him if he would go to the ends of the earth with her if she asked, and he says he’d go to the end of the universe, but he looks a bit unsettled at her strange mood.

The following morning, Joo-hyuk checks in with Joo-eun, feeling badly for not doing more to help. Joo-eun says it’s fine and asks if he fought with Hye-won, and he denies it then quickly changes the subject. After he hangs up, he looks at the photo of himself and Hye-won that’s his phone’s wallpaper, and sighs heavily.

Hyang-sook shows Hye-jong the lovey-dovey text that Jong-hoo accidentally sent her, and Hye-jong wonders who he’s dating while Hyang-sook tries to find an innocent explanation. They watch him make a surreptitious phone call, missing the fact that Woo-jin answered from over by the copy machine, ha.

JB makes kissy-lips at the phone when he hangs up, which just confirms Hye-jong’s suspicions. He leaves his phone unattended, so she grabs it and dials the last number he called. She and Hyang-sook see Woo-jin answer, and when Jong-hoo returns, they loudly exclaim, “You two are dating?!

Later, Woo-jin takes Jong-hoo to the roof, where he apologizes for not putting a lock code on his new phone. He holds his arms in the air like a schoolboy being punished, though he pouts that he didn’t think anyone would actually snoop into his call history.

He asks if they can just keep dating since everyone will think they’re crazy if they find out about their contract relationship (Woo-jin: “They already think I’m crazy.” Jong-hoo: “Yeah, they do.” LOL). But Woo-jin thinks he’s about to be in big trouble — now that Hyang-sook and Hye-jong know about this, they’ll probably cause trouble.

Joo-hyuk almost walks in on them as they’re bickering over whether Jong-hoo flirted with them and led them on. Woo-jin is right — both Hyang-sook and Hye-jong complain that they thought Jong-hoo liked Hyang-sook considering how much he flirted with her.

Team Leader Jang tells them to stop talking about it, and when Hwan asks why she looks so down, she admits that she feels depressed that everyone her age has a partner but her. Hyang-sook and Hye-jong obediently assure her that she’s not old or unattractive, while Hwan is conspicuously silent, ha.

Hye-jong offers to set Hyang-sook up with an accountant friend of hers, but Hwan (who still nurses a crush on Hyang-sook) says that she needs someone more relaxed. He says he knows a handsome sunbae who owns a restaurant in Gangnam, and offers to take her to meet him after work.

Poor Joo-hyuk is being tortured by Manager Byun, who can’t stop talking about the newest office dating scandal. Manager Byun tries to figure out every instance of proof that Joo-hyuk knew about Jong-hoo and Woo-jin and peppers Joo-hyuk with questions like when they started to like each other.

He’s mystified when he teases Team Leader Jang and just gets a baleful glare instead of an argument, as he was expecting. She wearily tells him to leave her alone, but he complains that this is no fun and invites her to blast him like usual, making her sigh that there’s no point.

A courier delivers an envelope and a small suitcase for Joo-hyuk. It turns out to be divorce papers from Hye-won, and when he calls her, she says that all he needs to do is sign them. She tells him that she’s not doing this because she’s angry, it’s because she needs someone who makes her their top priority at all times.

Devastated, Joo-hyuk ends up at Sang-shik’s bar after work, where Sang-shik is loyally horrified that Hye-won would file for divorce just because Joo-hyuk didn’t go to a party. Joo-hyuk blames himself, and when Jong-hoo and Woo-jin arrive, having heard everything from Sang-shik, he glares at Sang-shik for his big mouth.

Woo-jin just watches Joo-hyuk with a sympathetic expression as Sang-shik and Jong-hoo urge him to fight to keep his marriage. But Joo-eun blurts out that she supports the divorce, because Joo-hyuk and Hye-won are from such different backgrounds and never seemed stable anyway. She reminds Joo-hyuk that he and Hye-won don’t even really get along, and tells him to just get divorced.

Jong-hoo says that Joo-hyuk should follow his heart, and he turns to Woo-jin for backup, but she’s distracted and wasn’t listening. Joo-eun notices the way Woo-jin looks at Joo-hyuk, all her feelings in her eyes, but she doesn’t comment out loud.

Hwan takes Hyang-sook to the restaurant he mentioned to meet the owner, but when they get there, he tells her with fake regret that his “friend” isn’t at work today. He offers to buy the grumpy Hyang-sook dinner since they’re there, and to take her somewhere fun afterward. His sorta-kinda date is ruined when Hye-jong joins them, having been called by Hyang-sook when she went to the restroom.

Manager Byun even takes Team Leader Jang out for dinner, where she spends the whole time whining that everyone but her dates and gets married, even him. He says there’s nothing wrong with her, she just hasn’t met the right person yet, but she compares herself to food that’s nearly expired.

Manager Byun counters that she’s still very attractive, and that he even once had a little crush on her. Team Leader Jang cheers up at that and asks why he never told her, because she might have… but she doesn’t finish that thought, but what she was about to say goes right over Manager Byun’s head.

Jong-hoo takes Joo-hyuk home to stay with him, and Joo-hyuk sits on the floor in his bathroom, thinking about how Hye-won said he’s not the same guy who used to do everything she said. He tries to call her, but she doesn’t answer. Jong-hoo insists he sleep on the bed and adorably cuddles close to him, pretending he’s Woo-jin.

He jumps out of bed to text her a good night, and on her end, she texts back that she got home okay. She starts to ask if Joo-hyuk is okay, but she decides against it and goes to see what Mom is drawing. It’s a man, a woman, a child, and a baby, and when Woo-jin asks who they are, Mom says it’s her, Joo-hyuk, and their children.

At the bank the next day, Branch Manager Cha reminds everyone that this weekend is the company marathon, and they all groan. He tells them to do their best and win the grand prize, a paid vacation.

After the meeting, Hwan complains to Manager Byun that he didn’t take this job to run marathons, do all the menial tasks, and get no respect. Team Leader Jang chastises him in Manager Byun’s defense, throwing Manager Byun a saucy wink. Uh-oh.

A while later, Joo-hyuk gets a call from Hye-won’s father, wanting to meet with him at lunch. But it’s not about Hye-won filing for divorce — he brings along a colleague who wants to take out a business loan to expand his new company. It’s a huge sum, but Hye-won’s father leans on Joo-hyuk, saying that his company backs the man even though his business is new.

Joo-hyuk takes the man back to the bank, where Branch Manager Cha meets with him and promises to process the loan application quickly. Joo-hyuk seems unsettled and offers to do a due diligence appraisal of the man’s company, but Branch Manager Cha is happy to take Hye-won’s father’s word that the man is a safe bet and wants to nail down the loan as soon as possible.

Woo-jin approaches Joo-hyuk in the break room to shyly ask if his helping her find her mother has anything to do with Hye-won filing for divorce. He assures her that it has nothing to do with her and everything to do with him, telling her not to worry.

Hye-won calls him to tell him to sign the divorce papers today, and when he asks for some time to think about this, she threatens to come to the bank. So Joo-hyuk meets her at the courthouse, but she’s not interested in thinking or discussing this. She says they can each tell their parents in their own time, and walks away.

That evening, Woo-jin’s mother draws a more disturbing picture — a tollbooth on a lonely, remote road.

Jong-hoo takes Woo-jin to a nice restaurant for dinner, and he pauses to take a call from Sang-shik, who says that Joo-hyuk signed the divorce papers today. While they’re talking, Woo-jin spots Hye-won going into the restaurant with Hyun-soo. They end up taking food back to Jong-hoo’s place to share with Joo-hyuk, and Jong-hoo cooks while Woo-jin and Joo-hyuk sit in the living room feeling awkward. They’re rescued when Sang-shik arrives and backhugs Joo-hyuk, sobbing over his divorce.

Manager Byun makes Hwan and Hyang-sook stay after work to do some organizing and cleaning. Hyang-sook complains about everything Hwan does until he stomps away grumbling that he even paid for her evening last night, so she asks if spending money on her upsets him.

He says that’s not it, but when she tries to pay him for her meal and asks why he’s always so mean to her, he blurts, “Because I like you. That’s why I’m upset. Happy now?” Stunned, Hyang-sook stammers for him to stop joking around. He takes her hand and says he’s not joking, then warns her that he’s going to kiss her in three seconds, giving her a chance to avoid it.

He counts to three and leans in, but at the last second, Hyang-sook shoves him away, hee. Hwan snaps that he gets it, they’re not meant to be, and storms out of the bank. He keeps his composure until he gets outside, where he whines adorably that that move always works in dramas.

At Jong-hoo’s place, Joo-hyuk won’t let his friends badmouth Hye-won, insisting that the divorce is all his fault. Sang-shik is so beside himself that he wants to feed Joo-hyuk to make sure he eats, and finally Joo-hyuk complies just to stop his friend’s crying.

That night, Woo-jin dreams of her faceless man again. One scene comes in sharp and clear — she’s in high school, and a man grabs her on the bus. The only person who speaks up for her is her faceless man, and his voice sounds disturbingly familiar.

The next day, the bank employees show up for the company marathon, and Hyang-sook looks particularly sour when she learns that Hwan begged off. When Jong-hoo and Joo-hyuk arrive, Jong-hoo tells Woo-jin that Joo-hyuk spent the night sleepless and throwing up.

Woo-jin is worried about him running the marathon after all that, but he assures her that he’s fine. She keeps a sharp eye on Joo-hyuk during the marathon, more worried about him than about Jong-hoo, who’s huffing and wheezing like he might collapse at any second.

While out shopping, Hye-won dodges invitations from her mother then calls Hyun-soo. She asks him to hang out today, but he says he’s got classes all day. He’s actually at his job as a valet, where his buddy grins that he’s almost achieved boyfriend status.

They’re so busy crowing at how the stupid heiress is falling for Hyun-soo’s student act that they don’t see her walk right up behind them. She clearly hears Hyun-soo say that he plans to toy with her for a while and use her for her money before he breaks up with her. Hyun-soo finds himself with a purse upside the head, and Hye-won snarls that he’s a bastard and stomps off before he can say a word.

Hye-won drives off, then pulls over when she’s bombarded by memories of all the times Hyun-soo was sweet to her. She realizes now that it was all part of a plan, so she deletes his number from her phone then calls the department store to make a complaint that he drives customers’ cars without their permission.

Nearing the end of the marathon, Manager Byun grabs Jong-hoo (who looks near death, ha) to pull him to the finish line, despite Jong-hoo’s insistence that he wants to run with Woo-jin. They leave her behind, and she hears another runner say that a man collapsed with a heart attack somewhere behind them. Woo-jin stops, fearing that the collapsed man is Joo-hyuk, and she turns around to run back.

She follows the sound of sirens, and when she gets close enough, the paramedics are already loading the man into an ambulance. All Woo-jin can see is his left arm, and the watch that Joo-hyuk was wearing when she last saw him. She races to the ambulance, calling Joo-hyuk’s name, but ohthankgoodness, it’s not him.

He’s nearby though, and he sees how scared she is and asks if she knows the man. Woo-jin just looks up at him with huge, tear-filled eyes, than hangs her head.

The team go out to eat after the marathon — they didn’t win the grand prize vacation, but the cutie security guard, Min-soo, did come in third. Nobody can eat because of the guilt trip Branch Manager Cha lays on them about how it’s fine they didn’t win, though that vacation sure would have been nice, but it’s totally fine, really. Poor Min-soo even apologizes for only coming in third, awww.

Joo-hyuk watches Woo-jin as she drinks shot after shot of soju until Jong-hoo asks her to slow down. She says quietly that she’s just craving alcohol today, as she takes another drink without looking at anyone.

Joo-hyuk steps out later to call his mom, and he stops to appreciate the full moon on display. He belatedly realizes that Woo-jin is crouched behind him, so he takes her to a park to sober up and asks why she drank so much. She just tells him how she used to fall off the seesaw when she was a kid, and how her heart used to drop whenever it happened.

She asks him to sit on the other side of the seesaw with her, and he does, bouncing too hard until she nearly throws up. Soon she says she feels better, but she can barely walk, so Joo-hyuk uses an abandoned tricycle to push her back to the restaurant. She loves it and urges him to go faster, but ends up falling off. He takes her hand and asks if she’s okay, but she grabs his hand in a death grip and pulls him closer to her.

She finally looks Joo-hyuk in the eye and says, “No. I’m not okay. I’m not okay at all. I know it’s not right, and I know I shouldn’t feel this way, but I couldn’t control my feelings from the start. It’s like my heart is malfunctioning. I can’t help but look at you, and I want to be goofy around you. You never felt like a stranger. You make me feel comfortable and safe. I don’t know anything anymore. Conscience? Guilt? I don’t care. One thing I know for sure is that I like you a lot.”

Joo-hyuk listens, then with a look of regret, he tells her that she shouldn’t like him. He tries to stand, but Woo-jin pulls him down and kisses him.


Well, this is just a big old hot mess. Joo-hyuk decided to do the right thing too late, and now Woo-jin is all confused and heartbroken, with feelings she knows she shouldn’t have but can’t help. I don’t think that Joo-hyuk has led her on beyond being kind to her and her mother, but it’s still his fault Woo-jin is in the wrong timeline living the wrong life and feeling things she doesn’t understand. She’ll probably regret confessing and kissing him once she sobers up, but the damage is done.

I really don’t understand Hye-won at all, but one positive thing I will say about her is that at least she’s honest about who she is and what she wants. She’s never mentioned love in regards to Joo-hyuk — she even told Hyun-soo that what she always liked about him was how he always did what she said and focused on her. She doesn’t hide that what she wants from a partner is blind obedience and adoration, and I think she’s always been that way, because even in the original timeline, she broke off any possibility of dating him when Joo-hyuk missed one date (and for a very good reason). I’m not surprised that, even after all these years, Hye-won dumped Joo-hyuk as soon as Joo-hyuk developed a mind of his own, because she’s not exactly someone to give second chances. Complete and total devotion, or get out, that’s all she asks. It’s pretty despicable (who gets a divorce because their husband missed a party to take care of his sick mother?), but as I said, at least Hye-won is clear about what she wants.

And Joo-eun is absolutely right – Joo-hyuk and Hye-won are a terrible match. When this timeline’s Joo-hyuk was married to her, the only reason it worked was because he just obeyed Hye-won without question and never had differing wants or opinions. I can’t understand why Hye-won wants a partner who is just a shell that has no thoughts or desires of his own, but there’s no way that’s sustainable in the long term, not and have both people in the marriage be happy. Joo-hyuk is sad about this, obviously, but I don’t think it’s because he loved Hye-won — he couldn’t possibly, because he knows almost nothing about her. I think it’s because he’s realizing that he threw away a real love and family in the original timeline for an empty life. It would have been empty with Hye-won, and it will be empty now without Hye-won or Woo-jin to love. He’s careening down the same road that the doomsayer probably found himself on, having lost the thing that truly meant something and not even having the fantasy he’d hoped for as a consolation prize. He wanted to save the marriage, not because he really loves Hye-won, but because if he loses it, it means this was all for nothing.

Mostly I just feel so bad for Woo-jin, who has no idea what’s happening or why she’s so miserable. Joo-hyuk at least has the benefit of knowing why it’s all going wrong, even if he’s powerless for now to do anything about it, but Woo-jin is an innocent victim in all this. She can’t deny her feelings for Joo-hyuk, she’s having disturbing dreams that seem to be telling her that she’s living the wrong life, and she doesn’t understand why she’s suddenly so unhappy. I loved the park scene, where having Joo-hyuk on the other side of the seesaw or pushing Woo-jin on the tricycle should have made Woo-jin feel more balanced and stable, but despite his best intentions Joo-hyuk just kept making Woo-jin sick — such a perfect analogy for their marriage.

Mom drawing the tollbooth, along with Woo-jin’s dreams, is making me think that something is trying to tell them that something is terribly wrong in their lives. It’s easy to chalk up Mom’s drawings of a family to wishful thinking and dementia, and Woo-jin’s dreams could be just the dreams of a woman who wants a family. But the tollbooth drawing is too specific to be anything but a sign, and it makes me wonder exactly what Mom knows and how it all ties in to Joo-hyuk’s time travel. Whatever is going on, it’s clear that this timeline is definitely the wrong one, because nobody is happy and everything Joo-hyuk tried to do is going downhill fast. His marriage to Hye-won is over (and was terrible to begin with), Woo-jin is dating a man who doesn’t make her happy and developing feelings for Joo-hyuk, and Joo-hyuk himself is miserable because he can’t do anything to fix it. This is definitely not where they’re meant to be, but I have a feeling that Mom might be the key to figuring it all out.


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HWA'N' is the bright spot in all this madness. :)


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He is indeed one of the bright spots in the drama that kept me watching 😬


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Anyone suspects that Jong Hoo's original wife might actually be the bank colleague that he was flirting with before Woo Jin came into the picture in the new timeline? We've never seen her at all and the colleague seemed to have real affections for him.

If this is to be the case, that'll be a way to tie up the bank characters with the timeline-switching plot, though of course Hwan will probably lose his love and there will need to be an explanation as to why Jong Hoo hid his marriage to even his friend.


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No i dont think its her. When this timeline started jong hoo said that the only girl he considered marrying was the girl he dated for 3 years in uni but she went out of country amd he couldnt stop her ( since joo hyuk stole his taxi). If jong hoo had come across her again he would defintely have tried to make up with her simce that girl was his wife in original timeline


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I agree with Sam, but I think you had a cool idea there, Radily!


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I also agree with Sam.


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That confession from hwan was so cute! He was trying to be so manly and even said he doesnt watch dramas so these dialogues are not from any but apparently that was a total lie. His failed attempt and quick retreat was really hilarious!
I loved how supportive joo hyuk's friends were of him in his divorce. Sang shik seemed to act even more sad than joo hyuk and it was funny how joo hyuk was the one who had to console him. These guys are really friendship goals and i feel sad that it will most probably change in the next episode.


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I loved how his who interest started due to a 'tattoo'! He is so funny!


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Lol yeah its funny that he started noticing her just because of a tattoo. I wish their relationship continues in the original timeline too when they return to it. If it all resets then it will all be for nothing


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Hello everyone, I am just joining in on the Familiar Wife conversation after watching eps 1-8 last week in one shot. I'm very happy to be here! I didn't think I'd be into it based on GF saying episode 1 was a downer, and because time altering scenarios aren't always my fav, but I think it's the show I'm /most/ into at the moment!

I think the story and the acting are both fantastic. I was surprised that the show sometimes gets to me in a sad-sentimental way the same way Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind did. Some of the emotional moments truly moved me! I also like how the drama feels just right. For example, when Hye Won had her tipsy tantrum and wrote up that dumb complaint about Woo Jin on the forum, it could have been some kind of super ridiculous, horrific, upsetting event with many negative consequences. But they kept it relatively light with Hye Won being a goofy princess as usual and Woo Jin basically kicking the situation's butt. I really appreciated that!

Just a really wonderful drama in my opinion. :)


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The drama, besides an engaging plot, is carried by the main actress who is very versatile in emoting from madness, sadness to cuteness. She has an intelligent twinkle in her eyes too.
The rest of the casts are excellent, goes without saying but she is definitely an A lister actress in my book.


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Yes! We couldn't like her in the beginning (I did wished they showed at least a couple scenes of her being half decent, though I understand they wanted the viewers to feel some understanding of Joo Hyuk's decision so they just showed her being a cray-cray meanie), and I definitely cried for her at some of her emotional moments, and I am in love with her at her cute moments as well!


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Why bother? These newer dramas are devoid of role models anyways. All they seem to care about is trashing the ancient traditions or highlighting the latest socially 'just' 'cause'.

Women who justify everything with their illogical emotions are hailed as "brave, strong, intelligent" and men who belive and act on the first thing they hear rather than waiting for the whole story from all sides to make a judgement are hailed as "heroic, manly, attractive".

A woman with social modesty? A man with absolutely willful self-control? Haven't seen those virtues in a very long time.


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But now I must get to the meat of what I want to say! Something that I find to be a slightly fundamental flaw within the show (though I still love it so!) How could Joo Hyuk have been a completely happy, complacent fellow in this time line? IT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE according to his character. Writers, are you trying to tell me that just because he made that one date with her, he never disappointed her after in the many years they were together? UH-UHHH. I don’t think so! We see that he is inherently a slightly scattered, late-running, mistake making man. So now Hye Won is divorcing him the one time he didn’t do what she says? I think there would have been many similar hiccups before now. I get that they allude to him feeling he needs to go with her whims because of the financial support of her family, and I get that he adored the gal, but if he loved Woo Jin (who is super lovable) so dearly and their relationship evolved into such a sad state, couldn’t and wouldn’t that have happened with a marriage to Hye Won as well? I mean his feeling uncomfortable about her spending is one thing I get, because his life up to that point had he chosen the original path lends itself to that, but I think he would have always been upset that she was unkind and inconsiderate towards his family. It doesn’t make sense that that wouldn’t have bothered him before, and there was no allusion to him being anything but happy with Hye Won prior to his switch. Him acting up doesn’t seem to be a result of the person he is because of his memories and life with Woo Jin, but just a result of his character.



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You raise some good questions. Part of me thinks his "What if" constructed a Joo Hyuk that ended up with Hye Won but that Joo Hyuk wasn't the "real" Joo Hyuk, if that makes sense.


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I don't think Hye Won divorced him just because of this. It's obvious things were building up before this and his recent behavior was just the last straw. Hye Won falling for the con artist's initial interest in her for example. That was a big red flag that things weren't right in their relationship. Probably haven't been for a long time. It's just that the Joo Hyuk she knows probably buried himself in playing games, this new Joo Hyuk is paying attention to another woman, going so far as to help with family matters. She's uncomfortable with that because she can't gloss over it. I think his missing the party was just an excuse.


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I think that Hye Won might have been unhappy with some of his blunders, but not necessarily upset enough to end the relationship. She would have recognised them as genuine oversights. While clumsy and forgetful, the Joo Hyuk in this timeline might have spent more effort in remembering key events due to (#1) the threat of the financial support and (#2) Hye Won being Hye Won. She has her way of whining her way into getting what she wants. Woo Jin, on the other hand, not only has the more 'understanding' image, she does choose to keep silent about a lot of her thoughts and feelings. I teach a class of kids and while they understand what is expected of them, they know which teacher to pay more attention to and which teacher they can get away with doing all kinds of trouble. Joo Hyuk, in the original timeline, feels very much like a kid to me.

Side track. I know that in the original timeline, Hye Won wasn't forgiving to Joo Hyuk for just one innocent mistake in their first date, but that was pre-dating, pre-love (assuming there was some genuine love in this timeline) and pre-marriage.

So this time round, Joo Hyuk made the conscious effort to go against her wishes, even after the huge fight they had - hence the ultimatum.

All in all, I do think that Hye Won must not be very happy in general in the relationship as well, but she might not have recognised it. She must have felt that she's 'happy' all those years because she has a husband who follows all her instructions with a smile on his face. But I do think that she has been getting bored. Especially noting that in the original timeline, she would have went on to achieve something even greater in her career. That might have given her more satisfaction in life, as opposed to a husband that might not be very emotionally present. This will explain her wondering eye and low tolerance towards every little things. Not a big fan of the character, just trying to rationalise and understand why she is doing certain things.


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Hi Miss Unicorn! Love your name. I've been a unicorn lover for decades :D. I think your view of the situation makes a lot of sense, and I agree with what you mean when you explain JH knew who he was dealing with, so could have acted differently because of it. I'm a kindergarten teacher myself, so I definitely see that happening on the daily 😂! I do still think he would have made some big accidental blunders despite knowing HW's limited tolerance though. And I also think that after all those years WJ got to the point where JH wasn't getting away with anything with her either...not even buying a razor when their turn was coming up in line! But he didn't seem to know how to navigate that WJ for the better, either. At least now he sees how and why she evolved into such a short tempered gal.

Love how you brought up HW's more fulfilling career path in the original timeline. That crossed my mind, but not in connection to her divorcing JH. I love how you elaborated in the last para. Your explanation is very insightful.


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I think that things are too easy for Joo Hyuk. I would wish that he has to struggle with his new life but at the end, his wife wants to divorce (maybe not anymore now)so he's free to love anyone , events push Woo Jin toward him, she has feelings for him, he still has good friends and a family...


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Sorry folks, I’m letting all these thoughts blabber on out of me! LollyPip, thanks for your write up! I think you hit the nail on the head about why Joo Hyuk is so upset about his marriage with Hye Won not working out.

I thought it was interested how you point out that everyone is miserable now. I agree that many characters are! But this observation is interesting to me because I remember thinking when the timeline was first altered, that everyone is much happier in this timeline, except Jong Hoo who loved his wife and twins more than the player life. Even his colleagues were happier. Boss Byeon Sung-Woo is definitely much nicer in this timeline!

Something problematic about this blessing/curse of a chance to do-over time is that Joo Hyuk is now living this life without having any memories of it. It’s possible that Hye Won and Joo Hyuk would have actually fallen in love. They would have certainly shared many sweet memories in the least. But here Joo Hyuk is in this place, without any experiences to connect him to where he is. This opportunity was more like a vacation from his unfortunate and stressful life (now he’s got a “lovely” wife, rich, successful at work, can play video games all he wants, hehe, etc) or, what it will end up being of course, a lesson about his life choices that can lead to a new appreciate for what he had. [Side note: This was probably discussed previously but he sure didn’t seem to miss his kiddos enough after the switch!] Folks on Viki seemed to comment a few episodes back that he needed to leave Woo Jin alone because she’s better off, and go back to his own wife. Of course he’s still super drawn and connected to Woo Jin, because even if the whole “meant to be” or “the one” piece isn’t there, he has all his memories of her, she’s his family in his mind but they’re living like strangers, and he has no family connection with Hye Won to even compare it too. This certainly impacts his decisions and feelings now, and I can’t blame him in that regard!

My last thought for the moment. I felt like princess Hye Won got what she deserved, but she probably could have been humiliated a little worse. (I’m sorry I’m so mean, I know!) But what can she do now? Run back to her EX-hubbie? NOPE.


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Hey @pickledplumtree!

Haha, I'll be mean with you. I thought if justice were really to be served, Hye Won would have been more humiliated. However, I think she's getting her comeuppance.

She just let go of a husband who at least wanted to make their marriage work out, even if that means not giving he what she wanted all the time - and she chose (and decided to trust) a scam artist. That has to hurt. I would certainly start questioning my taste in men after such an episode.

And actually, I do agree with you that not everyone is miserable in this timeline. I think Joo-eun and Sang-shik are actually happier married. It's just Woo Jin, Jong-Hoo and our male lead who are really unhappy. Hmmmm....


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I didn't like the ending. I didn't like it at all. I didn't like that the writers had her kiss him, I didn't like that he got a divorce the way he did. I didn't like that they never fully had a conversation about the divorce. I didn't like that he never ran after Hye Won, he never fought for her at all. I don't mind that he got a divorce, they are terribly unsuited for each other, but I didn't like the way it was done. The whole divorce was to clear the way to make it okay for him to kiss Woo Jin. He has been emotionally cheating on Hye Won from almost the start, this was not addressed. UGHG, I'm so annoyed. This makes Woo-Jin the bad guy because Joo Hoo has been nothing but sweet and kind. SIGH, I'm so frustrated with this drama because it could be so much better than it is, but it is just falling short. The previews for this week seem promising though.


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Yup, I agree. This explains how I felt in this episode too. Thank you.


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I have been feeling rather uncomfortable as well, but was unable to put a finger on why. Your comment really summed up everything. Yes, omg, the kiss. Why, oh, why did it have to happen.


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Me too.

Just because Hye Won is a cheater, doesn't mean it gives right for JH to treat WJ more than friend. It is two different thing.

I really feel annoying with JH since he's the kind of the guy who know he's wrong but doesn't make solution. Instead of himself who should does the divorcing since he knows that he didn't have feeling with HW, he left HW to decide for him.


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JH never has no intention to divorce HW. So why should JH take the initiative to divorce HW. It is HW who is cheating and wanted to divorce JH thus she took the 1st step to do so. JH is not really that bad guy.


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I think I’m done with this drama. By having WooJin confess and kiss him first in this timeline, the writer has once again made JooHyuk not take any responsibility for his actions! JooHyuk is a terrible human being. He’s a bad friend, a bad husband, a bad son, and a bad brother! He does the bare minimum in each role! The show seems to suggest that just because he feels bad (for a few minutes) we should cut him a break. He is shown to be kind to WooJin’s mom in this timeline but even that is just what a normal human being will do and he only did it because he was feeling nostalgic about his past relationship with WooJin. I can’t watch the writers trying to make JooHyuk be the good guy at the expense of the women around him!


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Let us be fair. Joo Hyuk certainly is not a bad guy. Remember he is not a womanizer or a cheater. He also financially supporting his family in the earlier timeline. In the present timeline he looks after his mother. Even Woo Jin's mum think highly of him as her son in law. His only fault is that he has not paid sufficient attention to his wife. Woo Jin is also not blameless as she verbally and physically abused her husband, Joo Hyuk


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I liked reading your perspective, especially since I feel a little differently. If he had lived this new life the whole time, it could be emotionally cheating...but I view it more as in Joo Hyuk's experience, he was (in the life he actually lived, in his memory) married to Woo Jin. Sure, he made the choice to change that, and he tried...a bit at least...to keep to his new lot in life. But I can't imagine that would be easy for anyone if their other half is right there. It must be so emotionally exhausting and confusing. Of course JH isn't perfect, and I won't like to see WJ as the bad guy either, but I viewed this situation as that their pull toward each other was too strong to ignore~


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This episode was an emotional rollercoaster.

I thought Woo Jin running back to Joo Hyuk during the marathon and the drunken confession were wonderfully angsty.

Joo Eun was absolutely right when she said Joo Hyuk and Hye Won just don't suit each other. Hye Won's "My way or the highway" will never lead to a healthy relationship; I hope someone or something can shake her up.

That loan is going to be big trouble for Joo Hyuk and the bank. I thought maybe Hye Won's dad was setting him up, but Hye Won said she hadn't told her parents about the divorce yet.

Team Leader Jang and Manager Byun are cute as is Hwan.

Emotional Sang-sik feeding Joo Hyuk spagheti was pitiful but funny. Jong Hoo cuddling Joo Hyuk was so cute.


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I really like the acting in this episode.
I do not like Hye-won because of how she made JooHyuk choose between a party or his sick mother. Then threatened him a divorce if he doesnt go to the party. Good riddance, i say. I couldnt understand why he wouldve let in on for so long. So its just right they got divorced since they are not for each other. And good thing Hye- won realized Hyun-soo was playing her. But I wouldve preferred she be outed for cheating as well so Joo-hyuk will not feel that he was the only one at fault.
As much as it was wrong for Woojin to have feelings for a married man. I felt sorry for her since it cant be helped. And her dreams of a husband in the other timeline is just making it more difficult since we all know that husband is Joohyuk.
Are they really stuck in this timeline? Or there is one more chance to get everything to end up the way it was?


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Nothing wrong for Woo Jin to have feeling for Joo Hyuk as Joo Hyuk is now a single man since Hye Won divorced him.


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This timeline is definitely coming apart at the seams. My heart hurts for Woo Jin and I'm getting major Goblin flashbacks from her bewilderment and confusion. Things from Joo Hyuk's original timeline are seeping into this one, and it's effect on people is not good.

What I'm hoping is that Woo Jin's mom has given us the foreshadowing that the toll booth will come back and Joo Hyuk can go back and restore his original timeline. Then he can begin making amends.

Speaking of Woo Jin's mom, I love her so much and I wish I could give Woo Jin a helping hand with her. I wonder, if the original timeline is restored and Joo Hyuk steps in to help her, will she improve at all?

Hwan trying to date Hyang-sook was cute. He did his best but it just backfired on him. Aww, poor thing!

I am really looking forward to the next episode. Firstly, I want to see how Woo Jin approaches Jong-Hoo, since it's obvious she can never feel anything beyond friendship for him. I also want to see what Hye Won does now that she knows about the con she almost fell for. Will she try to get Joo Hyuk back? And of course we have to see what happens with the businessman because that reeked of something shady.

I want to say again, I think the actors are doing stellar jobs with their characters. They are all getting emotions out of me, good and bad, and for me that's what makes any show or movie one that I love. And I'm really, really loving this show. It shows life as it is; messy, heartbreaking, poignant, depressing, cute, mundane, special...all at the same time. I love it.


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Am I the only one who thinks this timeline exists only as a test for Joo Hyuk? He's being given a chance to see the life he thought he should have had; to experience the greener grass on the other side of the fence. This new timeline only exists for his "lesson." When/if he gets to return to the "real" timeline this alternate timeline will cease. So I don't get as bothered by his needy wife (or her feelings); she has a real life she's living in the other timeline. I do feel for the other characters in his test timeline because they seem like decent, caring individuals, but they are the same in the "real" world too, although their lives are different.


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Thats what i thought from the start too. It seems like this world is fake somehow otherwise why would woo jin keep getting the dreams of the other timeline if they are completely seperate. And yeah the side characters are almost all happy in this timeline and i love them so i feel bad that their lives would have to go back to the previous ones


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Loving the pace and flow of the drama. And yes Joo Hyuk has regretted his impulse reaction to change his future and he had 2 times as he used both the 500won coins.

Woo jin is getting the other timeline dream flashes, I wonder if any of the other characters also share similar dreams and just dismiss such dreams. Poor Jong hoo if only he knew it was Joo hyuk who changed the course of his life.I wonder who they will get to play his wife as she never appeared during the original timeline.

Looking forward to the story unfolding and the writer manages well. Hope everyone getting enough rest during the live shooting in the hot weather.


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Thanks @lollypip
I'm still pinning my hopes on that preview that there's another coin for another chance to return to the original timeline and for Joo Hyuk to make everything right in the next few episodes. I'm feeling that we've been in the new timeline for far too long.

What would be a great development after this 'time-travel' moment, are that the characters in the original timeline now get the strange feeling that they had an alternative life. It will be interesting to watch a new trajectory because the characters get vibes of a 'memory' that gets them to reconsider their decisions.

It would be so cool not only if Joo Hyuk made amends with wife and children and paid more attention to mother-in-law, but if he could turn around the toxic environment of his workplace, to make it as warm as he now knows it could be. Of course he'd have to do that without the advantage of having a chaebol father-in-law to back him up.

I'm concerned about the fallout that's going t take place when the bad loan comes to light in the new timeline. It should actually not be a situation that happens in the original timeline, since Joo Hyuk will not have the influence of Hye Won's father. But I wonder if the effects in one timeline might skip over to the other.


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Well, I have to say, I loved that episode ending. #TeamWooJin

Thanks for the recap, @lollypip! In fact, I particularly loved Lollypip's analysis on this episode, especially:

I think it’s because he’s realizing that he threw away a real love and family in the original timeline for an empty life. It would have been empty with Hye-won, and it will be empty now without Hye-won or Woo-jin to love.

My 2 cents on Hye Won, I would agree with Lollypip that Hye Won only wants absolute obedience and adoration from the man in her life. She doesn't love Joo Hyuk because the very definition of love is selfless giving to the other. Hye Won is not interested in giving love, only taking love. It's actually a sign of someone very insecure because insecurity naturally leads to a lot of self-centeredness. Insecurity demands satisfaction on one's own terms (regardless of how unrealistic or unreasonable).

I think Hye Won actually deeply fears/dreads that she is very UN-lovable and UN-important, and therefore she requires her husband/lover to protect her from such self-condemnation by making her feel special, loved, and all-important with 100% of his attention. Otherwise, if they ever neglect her in any way, all those fears come flooding back at her, haunting her.

I do feel badly for Woo Jin and Jong-hoo because both of them are miserable without knowing why; in fact, I'm not so sure Jong-hoo even realizes that he's miserable because in this alternative timeline, he doesn't even know he was happily married with twins in the original timeline. That's actually even sadder. At least Woo Jin knows something is wrong, whereas Jong-Hoo just accepts his more miserable existence is normal.

I think Woo Jin's dreams and her mother's drawings show that not all hope is lost. If that were true, they wouldn't even know this other possibility existed. I think the dreams and drawings mean there's still a chance Joo Hyuk can return to the real timeline. At least, that's what I'm telling myself.


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I just don't get it. Hmm. Joo Hyuk made a very IMPULSIVE decision. And the consequences of that action is what is the story about. To degrade their hardship, his hardship to purely selfishness is I think we are being unfair to Joo Hyuk. I think anyone, or most of us who is currently undergoing our down times, the lowest of all lows, we wanted to escape, we wanted to ease the pain, our suffering. It's just that Joo Hyuk was given that opportunity and after his first visit to the alternate timeline, where he saw all the what-ifs of his life, he made that decision impulsively. And that's what the story is about, the consequences of his action. We can't really dictate how a story goes, turn him to an ideal person, because if that's the case, you should have made the story and sent it to tvN. It's something the writer wants to tell, and to degrade that storytelling by just purely selfishness is not so rational. Perhaps, you have been living with your very ideal world, it doesn't happen to anybody.

Can we just enjoy how the story goes? Their decisions, their actions. I think this show has been true to its emotional aspects of relationships, sufferings, regrets and that's what's important.


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What is the watch Joo Hyuk wearing in this episode?


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Finally had the spare time to comment.
I can't wait for tomorrow's episode! I really want JH-WJ to end up together, again, and fix their marriage. Even though so, it would be so bad if Jong Hoo witness the kiss, it would break his dear heart! It would be bad enough knowing the girl that he likes prefers someone else, but it would be worse if the other guy is his own best friend.
Glad that HW finally learns the truth about that gold-digger young guy. Now that the young guy is out of the picture, I wonder what will happen to HW-JH. I don't want them get back together though..


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Sad but there is no romantic chemistry between Joo Hoo and Woo Jin eventhough they are dating. It looks like one way love affairs from Joo Hoo if you compare the intense chemistry between Woo Jin and Joo Hyuk when her little finger touches his finger in the scenario when both of them sit down to watch the TV you will understand what I wrote. I think Woo Jin will be honest with Joo Hoo with her true feelings in he coming episode. By the way Woo Jin looks more like a big sister to Joo Hoo.


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