Perfect Wife: Episode 4

The harder Jae-bok tries to control her changing life, the more it spins out of her grasp, until finally she’s just hanging on by her fingernails and hoping to hold things together for her children. With no place to live and a husband who can’t make up his mind from one minute to the next, all of the hard decisions fall on her shoulders. But does she really have a choice, or are outside forces pushing her to do what they want, for reasons Jae-bok doesn’t yet understand?


Eun-hee calls her husband downstairs as Jae-bok tries desperately to process her discovery that he’s her first love, Kyung-woo. But when he gets downstairs, he and Eun-hee look around confused, because Jae-bok appears to be gone.

HA, she’s hiding behind the couch… smooth. She can see Kyung-woo’s feet, and recognizes a scar on his ankle that he had when they were dating. It’s definitely the same guy. Jae-bok scuttles out as soon as she has a chance and drives home, stunned by the fact that her old flame is the owner of the house she’s planning to move into.

Once home, Jae-bok checks the blog she knows is run by Kyung-woo’s wife, and sees a photo of them, but with Kyung-woo’s face partially cropped out. Now she recognizes other things from the house (like the giant aquarium) that she missed before.

Jung-hee is home with the kids and his mother, who fusses at him for getting caught cheating on such a strong-willed wife. He and the kids go for a walk where Jin-wook expresses his worries about his dad getting fired, but Jung-hee does his best to reassure them.

Suddenly Jung-hee freezes, seeing Na-mi standing right in front of him. But she walks by without saying a word — oh whew, he’s just imagining her face on a random girl.

Later, Jae-bok goes back to searching for a new apartment. She says they can’t move to Eun-hee’s house, telling Jung-hee that she took it impulsively to get away from him sooner, but it’s not an option after all. She decides that they’ll just have to look outside the area, which means Jin-wook will have to change schools, but there’s no other choice.

Jin-wook comes stomping into the room, having overheard this last bit. He throws an impressive hissy fit, angry that he’ll have to quit the school band he worked so hard to get into, and calls his mother a bully. Jae-bok loses her temper and starts yelling, and Jung-hee has to physically hold her back.

We get a lovely gratuitous scene of Bong-gu lifting weights shirtless and preening in the mirror. He strikes a sexy pose on the bed when his sugar mama video-calls him, but when she starts to invite herself over, he fibs that he has a trial in the morning. Heh, he’s so obviously just flirting with her for her money.

Jae-bok sends her chat friend, Blue Rose, a message asking how he found out about Eun-hee’s home for rent. She waits but never receives an answer, which seems strange when he used to always be online.

She heads out to where Jung-hee is sleeping on the couch, and hovers over him as he talks in his sleep. He keeps repeating the same thing, “Na… Na…” and Jae-bok correctly guesses that he’s dreaming of his girlfriend, Na-mi.

Jae-bok accompanies her friend Hye-ran to a doctor’s appointment (her ex-boyfriend’s wife roughed her up and hurt her back) and tells her that Eun-hee is Kyung-woo’s wife. Hye-ran thinks it’s not such a bad setup — even if Jae-bok has an affair with Kyung-woo while living in the same house, she’s says she’s owed one since Jung-hee cheated. Um, I don’t think that’s how this works.

Still, the thought gives Jae-bok some interesting fantasies. In one, both couples share a meal, and while Jung-hee attacks his food like a savage, Jae-bok plays footsie with Kyung-woo under the table. In another, Jae-bok and her filthy, destitute family beg for a place to stay, and Kyung-woo yells at her for leaving him if it only amounted to this.

In the hospital lobby, Bong-gu pops up out of nowhere and shoves his new phone in Jae-bok’s face, griping that she still hasn’t paid him back (for the phone he lost while getting evidence against Jung-hee’s boss). Jae-bok asks if he followed her here, and he’s all Of course not! as his eyes go all shifty. HA, he totally did.

He gets even more fidgety when Jae-bok says that she looked into it, and he’s asking for more than his phone was worth — and further, his “designer” phone case was a fake. He tells her to forget the whole thing if she’s going to be that way before flouncing off.

While he’s there, Bong-gu goes up to Na-mi’s mother’s room and finds a man there getting all touchy-feely with her. She introduces him as a regular customer at her store, suddenly very formal, and the man quickly leaves. On his way out he runs into Jae-bok, who followed Bong-gu to pay him what she could.

Bong-gu grabs Jae-bok and pulls her into the room, then defiantly introduces her as his fiancée. Jae-bok starts to correct him, but Mom seems so happy to see her that she stops. Bong-gu takes great pleasure in trying to shock Mom by saying that Jae-bok is older and has kids, then adds that when she marries him, she’ll abandon them like someone else he knows. Wow, ouch.

Mom tells the horrified Jae-bok that it happens that way sometimes, and sadly admits that she even did the same thing. Her voice hitches as she confesses that she left Bong-gu to get remarried, but she says that he grew up well anyway.

Bong-gu turns to go, but Jae-bok grabs his hand and stops him. She tells Mom that no child grows up well on their own, and guesses that she probably took care of him as best she could from a distance. Bong-gu’s eyes roll and he says her name in a warning tone, but Jae-bok continues, adding that he worries about his mother a lot.

In the parking lot, Bong-gu sarcastically congratulates Jae-bok on being such a great actress, and she smirks and says that she did it to make him mad. But she softens and says that as a mom, she knows his gruff exterior is just a cover for his pain.

She continues that nothing he does can hurt his mom, because her heart’s already been torn to pieces. Plus, just seeing him will make her happy, even if he’s being awful. She pinches Bong-gu’s cheeks and coos at him, and says that’s what all moms are like — their children are their babies.

Next, Jae-bok goes to Eun-hee’s house, and she finds Eun-hee sitting outside, crying. Eun-hee says her husband left for America to work on an important project for the next few months. Before Jae-bok can break the news that she’s not moving in, Eun-hee hugs her and thanks her for coming to keep her company.

Jae-bok thinks about how excited Jin-wook is about his upcoming concert and decides that it’s only for two months. She confirms that Kyung-woo will be out of the country for at least three months before deciding to take a chance. And even if they do run into each other, she tells herself she can be an adult about it.

Her newfound good mood deflates when she arrives home to find Na-mi waiting for her. Na-mi says she only came to bring back Jung-hee’s Jimi Hendrix poster and somehow gets invited inside.

Na-mi tells Jae-bok that she’s broken up with Jung-hee and plans to move, but Jae-bok sees right through her — she knows this is only a ploy to come to their house. Na-mi admits that she was curious about how he lived, and confesses to being the one who enticed him to cheat.

She says that she had many guys chasing her for her looks, but she just wanted someone who would love her. Jae-bok scoffs, saying that it was an affair, not love, which made it seem more exciting. She tries to kick Na-mi out, but Na-mi says she has something to tell her.

She tries to tell the truth about being paid to cheat with Jung-hee, but the mystery woman’s threats resurface in her mind. She’d threatened to kill Jung-hee as well as his wife and kids if Na-mi said a word.

Jae-bok fumbles to introduce Na-mi when little Hae-wook arrives home from school. Na-mi takes over and says she’s Mommy’s friend, and Hae-wook takes an instant liking to the pretty young lady, which makes Jae-bok jealous.

That night, Jung-hee goes to take out the trash, and he finds his Jimi Hendrix poster in the utility room. It makes him miss Na-mi, and after everyone is in bed, he sneaks out to her place. Oh, you absolute idiot.

He finds Na-mi’s apartment cleaned out, but she left behind a pink towel monogrammed with “I love you, Jung-hee/Na-mi.” He sits on the floor clutching the towel and dramatically moaning Na-mi’s name.

He arrives home to find Jae-bok waiting up for him, and she calmly sits him down and pours four soju shots. She reminisces about how her father beat Jung-hee to a pulp when he got her pregnant with Jin-wook, praising Jung-hee on his ability to take a punch.

She says that she was moved when Jung-hee begged her father to let him marry her, adding that that was when she decided to trust in him. And even though he’s cheated on her, she’s deciding to trust him again.

She looks Jung-hee in the eye and says that she loves him, but something in her expression makes him nervous. She hands him the soju shots one at a time, calling them her friendship, her love, her trust, and the last “to forget.” Jung-hee nods, understanding Jae-bok’s message, then downs all four shots.

Soon it’s moving day, and Eun-hee gets ready in the morning like she has a hot date. She finds Jae-bok outside arguing with her movers and reveals that she hired some men to move Jae-bok’s things in. But Jae-bok stops them, saying that her own helpers are on the way.

The “helpers” turns out to be Hye-ran’s friend Sam-kyu, the guy who keeps manipulating Bong-gu. And HA, he’s done it again — Bong-gu shows up in a snazzy suit, expecting to be meeting with a new client. Neither Jae-bok nor Bong-gu are happy about this, so Sam-kyu tries to talk Bong-gu into staying to help by saying that Jae-bok could become a client, since she may be getting divorced.

Bong-gu caves when he sees Jae-bok trying to move heavy furniture by herself. He’s not very gracious about it, and he bitches at Jae-bok the entire time, but at least he pitches in.

Jae-bok gets another surprise when she finds that Eun-hee has hired a service to clean the upstairs apartment, so Eun-hee says it’s a housewarming gift. One maid seems particularly nervous, and she refuses to meet Jae-bok’s eye. Then she hides when she catches a glimpse of Bong-gu.

The maid knows Na-mi, and she calls her to tell her that Bong-gu is here. Na-mi warns her not to let him see her, but the maid says they’ll both die if—…

But Eun-hee walks in, so she has to cut the conversation short.

Bong-gu grows curious when he sees a staircase leading to a third floor, but Eun-hee calls to him that he can’t go up there. She’s dropped the sweetness-and-light act she pulls out for Jae-bok — when Bong-gu asks how big the house is, she just gives him a hard glare before walking off. Weird.

Eun-hee has her perky mask back on by the time she finds Jae-bok, but her face freezes when she sees Jin-wook down the hall. She’s almost mesmerized, and she gives him a big hug even though they just met.

She behaves even more oddly when Won-jae brings in Hae-wook. It’s like the entire world disappears except for the little girl, and it’s as though Eun-hee doesn’t even see Won-jae there. She zeroes in on Hae-wook, beaming at her and introducing herself.

Jae-bok’s friends gape at Hae-wook’s room, full of toys and anything a little girl could ever want. Jin-wook is thrilled to see his room, which has a huge computer and video games galore.

Eun-hee says that they belong to Jin-wook now, but Jae-bok tells him no — they’re only borrowed from Eun-hee’s nephew. Jin-wook pouts and says he wishes they could just live here, then Eun-hee pats his head and tells him to live with her for a long, long time. Okay, now she’s just straight-up creeping me out.

Jae-bok’s friends join her in her new room, where she seems to be having fresh doubts about this arrangement. Hye-ran thinks it’s perfect timing that Kyung-woo went to the U.S. just now, and Won-jae realizes that Hae-wook already knew Eun-hee’s name even though Jae-bok didn’t introduce her.

Jung-hee keeps falling asleep on the bus after work, so when he sees what he thinks is another hallucination of Na-mi, it takes him a moment to realize that it’s really her. She’s wearing a skimpy outfit and passing out coupons in the sidewalk, and Jung-hee leaps off the bus to face her.

HAHA, the scene cuts to Na-mi running from Jung-hee, with him in hot pursuit. She trips and falls, then throws her heel at him, hitting him right in the face. She goes closer to check on him and he grabs her, shrieking that he’s missed her.

Back at the house, Eun-hee makes a fancy meal to welcome Jae-bok and her family to the house. Hye-ran and Won-jae both think that Kyung-woo must love having such a talented wife, but Eun-hee says that actually, he doesn’t like it much. She smiles as she says that he prefers boyish, tough women like Jae-bok.

As Jae-bok has a coughing fit, Hye-ran chirps that Eun-hee’s husband’s first love must have been that type of woman. Eun-hee doesn’t know, since he hasn’t told her much about his first love.

Eun-hee suddenly jumps up to fetch some mango juice for Jin-wook, then pours a glass for Hae-wook as well. She completely ignores Won-jae’s daughter Che-ri when she asks for some, which makes Won-jae’s eyes bug out.

After a long day of moving, Jae-bok collapses in bed, then gets a text from Jung-hee that he’ll be late because his coworker had a death in the family. Late that night, Eun-hee ghosts through the rooms, stopping to watch the kids as they sleep. So creepy.

Jung-hee finally makes it to the new house in the morning, where he has trouble finding the correct gate. He runs into Eun-hee out on her morning jog and she introduces herself as his new landlord, holding his hand just a bit too long when they shake.

Jae-bok seems suspicious of his excuse for staying out until morning, but she doesn’t say anything. She takes his dirty clothes and heads to the laundry room, but their washer hasn’t been hooked up yet. Eun-hee takes the clothes, insisting on washing them in her machine.

She comments on the lavender scent on Jung-hee’s shirt, but Jae-bok says that she doesn’t use lavender. She does remember Hae-wook meeting Na-mi and saying she smells good, and Na-mi telling her that she wears lavender.

Sure enough, Jung-hee was out all night with Na-mi, who’d begged him to break up with Jae-bok and be with her instead. He’d said that he can’t live without Na-mi, and promised to talk to Jae-bok today.

But when Jae-bok asks him if he’s seeing Na-mi again, he chickens out and reflexively denies it. Jae-bok doesn’t seem to believe him, reminding him that this is his last chance, so if he cheats again, they’re done.

Jung-hee escapes to the yard, then berates himself for being a coward and starts to go back in and tell her. But Jin-wook and Hae-wook want to play, so he stays out with them instead. Jae-bok watches them from the balcony, feeling in her bones that something is wrong.

Eun-hee brings out the wash to hang to dry, and she lingers extra long with Jung-hee’s shirt. She sees Jae-bok and smiles to her, then wishes Jung-hee a nice day when he finally leaves for work.

Jae-bok calls Na-mi, and the moment she answers, she snarls into the phone, “You broke your promise.” Na-mi doesn’t seem surprised that Jung-hee didn’t say anything, so she tells Jae-bok that she and Jung-hee are running away together. She politely asks Jae-bok to divorce him, then agrees to meet Jae-bok tonight to talk.

Thinking about how Jae-bok said that nothing he does can hurt his mother, Bong-gu goes back to her hospital room and stands over her while she sleeps. He reaches out to touch her hand, but Na-mi comes in and startles him.

They go outside to talk, and Na-mi tells him that she really is leaving town this time. Bong-gu figures out that her married boyfriend’s wife must have found out about the affair, but Na-mi just thanks him for visiting Mom.

She heads out for home, but when Bong-gu sees that she’s limping, he offers her a ride. She leaves a couple of tangerines for him on the dashboard, then hobbles off to her rooftop apartment, refusing his offer of money and giving him a happy wave goodbye. Why does this make me nervous?

It’s raining when Jae-bok leaves to meet with Na-mi that evening, and as soon as Eun-hee sees her off, she goes upstairs where the children are sleeping. She gently smooths Jin-wook’s hair, then climbs in bed with Hae-wook, snuggling her like Jae-bok does on stormy nights.

As Jae-bok rides the bus, the scene begins to look familiar — it’s the same scene from the very beginning of the show. She walks down a dark alley and is nearly knocked over by a man running past, then continues up a flight of stairs.

Eun-hee goes to another room in the house and says out loud that she always feels like something will happen on nights like these. She’s not talking to herself, though… the camera pans around to show us Na-mi’s mystery woman, there in the room with Eun-hee. Mystery Woman’s phone rings, and she looks up at Eun-hee nervously.

Jae-bok halts when she sees something on the stairs and realizes that it’s a woman’s body. She recognizes the body as Na-mi, reaching out with shaking hands to touch her face. Her hands come back covered in blood, and Jae-bok lets out a horrified scream.


Now we’re back where we started – the body Jae-bok found is Na-mi’s. I’m sure her death is a murder, though again, it’s a mystery as to who killed her or why. Mystery Woman threatened her if she were to tell why she was being paid, so I’m sure that somehow she knew Na-mi was going to talk to Jae-bok tonight and had her silenced before she could talk. But what is she hiding that’s so terrible that it’s worth killing her to keep a secret? And is Jae-bok being framed for the murder on purpose, or is her presence there just a coincidence?

I haven’t said much about Jae-bok as a character yet, because it’s taking a while to get a sense of who she is as a person. It’s difficult, because right now all of her sense of self has been swallowed up by her new identity as The Jilted Wife, so she’s understandably just a bundle of anger and resentment and hurt right now. I don’t blame her at all for her mood swings and her lashing out, both at Jung-hee and at Bong-gu when he’s conveniently in front of her, though I would like to see some facets of her personality besides this one side of her we’ve been shown so far. She seems like a very capable woman, a loving mother, and a rational thinker, and I’m looking forward to her realizing that Eun-hee is up to something and using her intellect to solve the mystery.

On the other hand — ugh, Jung-hee, I just have zero sympathy for him. Not only is he a cheating cheater who cheats (and I don’t care how many times Na-mi says that she pursued him, a person still makes the choice to cheat), but mere days after kneeling and begging Jae-bok for forgiveness, he’s back at Na-mi’s apartment looking for her. He’s just so sniveling and spineless, and while I do think he regrets cheating, he’s also not strong enough to resist when his emotions take over. Sure, Jae-bok doesn’t seem like the easiest woman to be married to, but I can see how a lot of her frustration and irritation is a direct result of Jung-hee being so useless and weak. And besides, no matter how hard Jae-bok is to be around, that doesn’t justify his cheating with another woman. By now my eyes are rolling right out of my head every time he says he’s sorry — at some point it’s time to stop being sorry, and just stop doing the thing you’re sorry for. Once Jung-hee proves he can do that, maybe I’ll stop finding him supremely frustrating.

I feel like all of my comments on this show are just variations on a theme of I have no idea what’s happening, but… I have no idea what’s happening! Thank goodness, the show is presenting its mysteries in a way that just makes me even more curious, and not so confused that I’m frustrated. I love the way each new piece of the puzzle we discover just leads to even more mysteries. It’s clear that whatever is going on, it’s definitely a web that someone’s been spinning for quite some time, and for a very specific reason. I’m beginning to be very afraid that it has something to do with Jung-hee and Jae-bok’s children — I don’t like the way Eun-hee focused on them to the exclusion of everything else when they moved in, even the other child at the table. We know Eun-hee hasn’t been able to have kids of her own. Is she trying to take their children away? Is that why she’s colluded with Mystery Woman to break them up, to make their family unstable? My mind is running wild, but right now I can see Eun-hee planning to split up their marriage, getting Jae-bok and the kids to move in with her without Jung-hee around, then doing something like slowly drive Jae-bok insane (or frame her for murder) and take her children. Whatever she’s doing, I can’t help but wonder why she’s singled out Jae-bok in particular, other than her past connection with Eun-hee’s husband.

Whatever is going on, it’s becoming increasingly obvious that every step of this process has been carefully calculated to maneuver Jae-bok and her children into Eun-hee’s home. Maybe the show is making me paranoid, but I still think that either Kyung-woo or Eun-hee is Blue Rose, and that s/he’s been carefully grooming Jae-bok online to trust him/her (and probably learning all about her life) in preparation for whatever they’re planning. I’m thinking that the meeting at the house that night was set up specifically for Jae-bok to realize that her old flame is Eun-hee’s husband — the wedding photo was even taken down when she first looked at the house, then put back up just in time for the meeting. And I don’t believe for one second that Kyung-woo’s sudden months-long business trip was a coincidence. I think that he (or Eun-hee) planned for him to be gone so that Jae-bok would feel comfortable moving in. I still can’t really see the why of what Eun-hee (and possibly Kyung-woo) are orchestrating, but all of these coincidences and chance meetings are looking less and less like accidents, and more like a very long, very calculated scheme.


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Thank you for the recap!!!

When I see Eun-Hee and the ways the acts (and specially after seeing her with Jae-Bok children as if their were her children!) I just can't get "The Hand That Rocks the Cradle" out of my mind.


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YES! That movie creeped me the f**k out. That is the whole vibe I am getting from it. Also, was the dude really her husband or was he just playing along with her because she was paying him. Seems so freaking elaborate and weird. Does she want her life that bad?


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What is this ?

A murder mystery or a family drama ??

By the way is there a way to permanently log in to the website

So I dont have to keep typing my email id and username.

Its very painful this way


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My mind only goes to one answer that is Jae-bok has directly or indirectly miscarriaged eun hee and in return Eun hee wants her kids or Eun hee and her husband wants revenge for something we will find later on.The theory that Eun hee husband is Jae-bok first love so she is jealous then why can't she had an affair with Jung hee.I think Eun hee wants both Jae-bok and Jung hee out so she can have the children. PS(she insisted many times she loves kids but can't have one but today's episode tells us differently ,she's only interested in Jae-bok kids especially that sleeping scene she wants to be their mother and planning for long time.) AND I given up on husband on first episode but Jae-bok will forgive him as they have to work together to save their kids and Nami's dead.


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The world sees the woman who has the perfect life, house, and husband. The reality is something else. Eun Hee can't have the only thing she is desperate for - children. Her husbands 1st love has 2 beautiful kids. Because she's wacko, the obvious solution is to take those kids and punish this unforgettable 1st love. We don't know how that early relationship played out but it doesn't really matter. I think Eun Hee is so unbalanced that she see Jae Bok as the enemy so she can play out this revenge thing and take her children as the prize. This will complete her perfect life illusion.


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Sun Joon, with his mommy issues, is adorable with Jae Bok. I don't really think he can be the man for Jae Bok but together they will work out their murder and abandonment problems.


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Ugh, I hate the husband. The other day he was kneeling in the rain begging for Jae-bok to take him back, and now he decides he can't live without Na-mi and is totally fine with leaving his wife and kids? (Although who knows whether he would have changed his mind again after that.) Please divorce him now, Jae-bok. You gave him a second chance and he blew it. Get together with Bong-gu or just be an awesome single lady, but you deserve better.

It's clear from this episode that Eun-hee's motivation is related to the kids. What's not clear is why she decided to engage in criminal acts in order to steal someone else's kids rather than say adopting like a normal person. It also seems like she might have some interest in Jung-hee? The way she held his hand when introducing herself made it seem that way, plus she visited him in prison in an earlier episode.

I'm looking forward to the next episodes - I want to see Jae-bok figure out that there's something out of the ordinary going on so that she can start fighting back.


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I really like sung joon here. I was worried for him bcoz of his last project. I am also happy bcoz he is playing a character of his age though under the shadow of a noona.

That being said I don't think that eun hee is aiming at the children only. I think she wants to take Jae bok's family away from her including Jung-hee. Because in a scene where jae bok is looking at her children and husband from the balcony eun hee was drying Jung hee's clothes and she wishes him goodbye and they eerily looks like a perfect family. Now that jae bok is going to be entangled in Na mi's death eun hee will get enough time to get close to the children.
I like that everyone, including her friends, can sense the misgivings in eun hee's behaviour, though they are not outrightly making any conclusions. Because normal people never usually suspects that there is such a conspiracy happening around them until the shit actually befalls them. I think this show won't give screen-yelling-hair pulling frustration to the viewers because though we have more info than the leads, the characters are not dumb.

l am happy bcoz in the preview of the next ep Bong-goo seems to punch Jung-hee and yell at him that cheating is indeed wrong. The only character who is taking the affair as a grave wronging is Jae-bok (since she is the victim). But everybody else makes it look like she is overreacting. (Maybe because it is a rom-com that I am getting such a vibe and of course, I won't replace this drama for a heavy melodrama pondering over adultery.) That is why I really hope the preview is correct. It feels nice to be reassured by the leading man.


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To be honest, I feel like even show is acting like cheating isn't that big deal. Like those scenes when Jae-Bok finds out about her husband cheating..this boxing scene was SO out of place, I can't help but compare it to another drama -This week my wife is having affair. Here she beats her husband a little, is worried (not sad!) that he might cheat again and that's it.
3 days to get over that your partner cheated.
Also were Jung-Hee's scenes supposed to be funny? Jung Hee looked like a kid who wants to eat candys at night, not that much of a big deal, just cheating on the wife he begged in the rain to take him back a few days ago.
I know I am being unfair for asking so much from rom-com, but if writers are going to make Jae-Bok end up with her husband I would like to at least not feel like I am a crazy one for not supporting them


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I completely agree about the boxing scene! I really think they went a bit too far with this. I think they tried to be funny... But it wasn't.
Also the scenes where Hye Ran is dealing with that angry wife and her kids... They were not funny either.


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I agree. Eun Hee, simply put, wants Jae Bok's life!

She wants her kids, their love, her husband if possible, just everything about Jae Bok.

Now we don't know what made Eun Hee this messed up in the first place before reaching the point where she really wants to have everything Jae Bok has. I suspect that maybe her husband, Kang Woo ( if he indeed is) must have remembered his first love, Jae Bok fondly and Eun Hee may have internalized that feeling of adequacy that may have been as a result of her inability to have children. And so wish for someone's life became actual craving and she put into motion plans to acquire that life she so desires. Sad...and creepy.


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Thank you for pointing out that Jae Bok behaves the way she does due to the husband's uselesness and wishy washy ways. How can you be all nice and demure when the husband isn't acting like the head of the household? It's like raising another kid. Well, maybe teenage kid. Of course Na Mi treats him differently - she doesn't depend on him for anything except lovey dovey feels. Jae Bok, for all her 'tiger ways' with Jung Hee, is respectful and reasonable with other people. Ouch, the pain of choosing the wrong husband and stuck with him. The dread of my life.


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I agree. Personally I never saw Jae-bok as treating Jung-hee badly and was surprised that others thought so. She expresses frustration with him a few times, but all married couples are going to be frustrated with each other now and then, and I didn't feel like anything she said was crossing the line into unacceptable territory. She is also a bit domineering, but that seems like the natural result of a relationship where one person has a firm forthright character and the other one has a weak indecisive character. But as you said she's not unreasonable or someone who refuses to listen to others.

And I can't help but wonder whether Na-mi might not have been disillusioned pretty quickly if she'd actually had to live with JH.


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i think that eun-hee offed her husband and is hiding his dead body on the third floor, which is why she was so adamant on bong-goo not going there when they were moving the family's things in. she probably has some weird obsession with jae-bok and is looking to stand in as her replacement. ughh sooo creepy!!!


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This is really creepy. I also feel that she did something to her husband.


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I didn't even think about Eun Hee might have killed her husband! My train of thought went to the phone call she had with her dad. That maybe she had the father send him abroad.

I agree that Eun Hee is obsessed with Jae Bok. I think it started in college. Won Jae asked if Eun Hee had attended their college, saying she looked familiar. Uhhhh yeah, because Eun Hee was probably stalking Jae Bok. Idk, I just get Single White Female vibes from Eun Hee.

I'm so confused and creeped out. I love it.

No comment on Jung Hee....ok maybe a few. I mean SERIOUSLY. Why bother to beg your wife to come back if you want to be with your mistress. I was cutting him a little slack because he seemed to love his kids but no more of that. No, it is not wrong to fall in love with someone else, HOWEVER, it is very wrong to cheat on your spouse then leave your kids to be with someone else.

I like Jae Bok with one exception. She shouldn't have called Na Mi and asked to see her because she broke her promise not to see Jung Hee. Asking if they saw each other is reasonable. But why ask to see her? She should have been confronting her husband not the woman he was cheating with.


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How about Eun Hee was obsessed with Jae Bok from colloge days? Maybe during that time Jae Bok was famous with pretty face but Eun Hee probably was not good looking like her now (maybe fat or whatever).

Whatever it is, it is so creepy to watch her smile even she is not alone. She is like practically put fake smile most of times.

I also dont want to waste my energy talk about Jung Hee lol. ?


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Yes, I thought the same thing re: possible dead husband.


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Me too! The moment her husband conveniently left, I was like -_____-

I'm really getting into this drama. EunHee is really unhinged. She doesn't even see anyone but Jae bok's family and it doesn't look like she's being mean or petty on purpose.


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To be honest the weirdest part in this episode, for me was when Eun Hee said that her husband likes Jae Bok's type of woman, like I had tons of ideas about why she may act the way she does, but this one statement confused me a lot, the way she said it made it look like she WANTS Jae Bok to be with her husband.
In some way, it might explain why she needed Na-Mi to seduce Jung Hee, but it doesn't explain her obesssion toward Jae Bok's children.
Another strange moment was showing Eun Hee's morning, she was smiling even when no one was watching, at first I thought her every interaction/smile/acting too perfect to Jae-Bok was all lie, but now I'm not so sure


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I think Eun Hee wants to be the woman her husband sees in Jae Bok. She wants to be Jae Bok.


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I thought she was smiling because she was going to meet the children that day. But I agree it is weird how she is always smiling even when alone.


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I said last episode and I'll say it again, Eun-hee is creepy as f*ck. She clearly has been stalking her and is obsessed with her family. She even started gaslighting her with the photos. As LollyPip mentioned, I wouldn't put it past Eun-hee to try and drive Jae-bok mad. At this point I am thinking that she wants to take over Jae-bok's life. I seriously freaked out at the end when Eun-hee was watching her children sleep then crawled in bed with her daughter!!! Not normal people. I was very glad that one of her friends was rational enough to pick up some of this unhinged crazy vibe.

I am going back to my original thought: Eun-hee is "blue rose". I am also wondering if Eun-hee's husband is really even her husband, he could be a brother or they could have some other relationship. Someone above mentioned he's dead in the mysterious 3rd floor. Or they could both be crazy! Crazy couple unite! Who knows with this show.

Not until the last 15 minutes did I remember that someone ends up dead. Good job show for creating so many other mysteries that I forgot the very first mystery you showed! Obviously when I remembered I knew it would be Na Mi. Whoever (cough Eun-hee cough) is behind it wanted to shut her up or prevent her from running away with Jung-hee.

Happy note: Loving Sung Joon. He is not letting us fans down in this drama.


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Eun Hee is the rich landlady version of a 'Creepy Nanny Carrie'.

I'm loving Sung Joon here, he's character's hilarious! So weird to say, but as soon as I saw that he had a sugar mummy, I knew I'd love his character!


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Sincerely hoping he leaves his sugar mom and ends up liking Jaebok hahaha what a weird thing for me to say :D


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I'm so only watching this for Sung Joon, and he has not disappointed in the least, but I don't think he ever could, I don't care what character he is playing! The drama itself is interesting & intriguing, love a good mystery! There are many theories to be had, so I won't expound on that. All the characters are interesting too. I don't hate Jung hee, he's just weak & pitiful, but I think he has a good heart & is just very confused. I'm not crazy about Jae-bok in how she's handled things or acted, she's not a saint of a wife by any means and she showed her disdain for her husband very plainly. I don't think she's been totally honest or open with him either, lack of communication, so it goes both ways, not condoning either side. And the boxing match was just ridiculous, if it's not acceptable for a man to beat his wife, why is it ok for the woman? Not an adult way to handle the problem. And again , I just LOVE Sung Joon, and I love his crazy relationship with Jae book, but I definitively do NOT want to see them get together romantically, sorry but that is creepy, and would ruin a good friendship, more like a son/mother relationship. She's 18 years older than him!! Just let them solve the mystery together, that's enough! And I still don't understand the relationship of him & his "mother" not blood mother & if him & Na mi were actual brother & sister or step, half or what, just doesn't make sense and has not been explained!


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I'm loving Jo Yeojeong in this drama as Eunhee. She's so artificial perfect and at the same time, genuinely creepy. Jo Yeojeong seems to always pick intriguing and dark characters.


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Opinion on Jung-hee: NOT WORTH IT of being a male, a man, a human being, a husband and a father. To be honest my wish is for him to be gone from Jae-bok's life forever. I just find Jung-hee so useless, coward, and an idiot full of idiotness. (If that were me i will throw him in a garbage mill and leave him there forever to rot).

Man... so many mysteries..... i just really wanna know what is Eun-hee's motives..... but that kinda-snuggling at the bed with one of the children IS CREEEEEEEPY..... not even a normal-decent-minded-human-being will do that to anyone!

Poor Na-mi... (she could have just texted the truth, but then again technological things can be traced!)


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I really like Sung Joon in his dramas specially Madame Antoine (A MUST WATCH). But furthermore, I actually really enjoy this drama (despite of how young I am) and it might be wierd but I'm sort of hoping Jae Bok ends up liking Bong Gu cuz i mean, you can already tell Bong Gu is interested in her and stuff. But yea. this drama has caught my attention and I hope it doesnt disappoint me!


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I'm not familiar with the actress but she really is perfectly artificially perfect, like that brainwashed woman who was always smiling in Avatar when they went to the earth kingdom.


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I am really loving this show! And I have no one to watch it with or debate it with or to bounce theories off of. But then I can come here and read the recaps and read all the comments and see everyone's theories (many of mine were covered) and it satisfies that part of me that needs to discuss it in detail. You guys are awesome!


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Seriously love this show! I am so surprised it is not popular here on DB!! I think it is such a well-written show, and the mystery just keeps you thinking and on the edge of your seat! I think the acting is awesome. I still cannot figure out Eun Hee or what she wants and I love it! I agree that the mysteries instead of being frustrating are just the right amount of thrilling. My theory is that Eun Hee has always loved Kang Woo and stalked him maybe since their college days. So she has seen him with Jae Bok and she has seen their relationship. Maybe was a part of their break-up? Anyways, what she has always wanted is Kang Woo and she finally had him but unfortunately he is emotionally tied to Jae Bok. Because she herself is psychologically a bit unbalanced, she decided to take whatever Jae Bok has (her children, framing her for murder, putting Na Mi around Jung hee...) because she probably feels like she has been stealing her luck. Anyways, I'm very excited abt this show and cant wait for next week!


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