Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

I didn’t think I was watching that many dramas, but when you line them all up like that, the list has a tendency to feel overwhelming. The problem is, even if I’m not in love with a show, whenever the time comes to actually decide to cut it, I often find myself hanging in there out of hope or pure curiosity. As long as it’s got just that one thread of interest to string me along… It’s a sickness, I tell you! —javabeans



Currently recapping: Legend of the Blue Sea

Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim: I love jealous Yoo Yeon-seok! I rolled my eyes at some of the medical situations (some of which are starting to feel repetitive), but the solid acting and quirky characterizations keep me tuning in every week. Generally I zone out whenever a medical drama gets into hospital politics, so there’s a chance I’ll just miss a whole upcoming chunk of this drama—I mean, I’ll be watching it, but I won’t be watching it—which is fine by me as long as the performances keep doing what they’re doing.

The Man Living in Our House: I’m still watching this every week, and it’s cute, but after every episode ends I just don’t have any thoughts about it.

Night Light: Apparently Netflix got the streaming rights to this and now nobody can watch it, is that right? Well, it’s not right, since the show will end up with no international audience, and that’s too bad. I do wish MBC’s melodramas were prettier, visually; they have a tendency to look lower-budget than the other stuff airing these days. I’m not sure how I feel about UEE or Jin Gu’s characters yet, but so far Lee Yo-won is carrying the show with her icy, hardass mastermind character—she certainly pushes buttons like a boss.

1% of Anything: Ahh, contented sigh. It was such a low-key show, but I’ve never seen a dramaland couple look so into each other, and happy just to be together. I loved how Jeon So-min just buried herself in his arms all the time, in such a familiar way, and Ha Suk-jin’s unabashed beaming was adorable, like he was just too happy to care about being cool.

Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju: This drama is doing a great job capturing the moment-by-moment moods and whimsies of youth, and it gives me warm fuzzies (and major secondhand embarrassment at her foibles). It was very, very strange, though, to see Bok-ju sneered at for being “ugly” and “not even a woman.” And while I can accept that she’s a tomboy who doesn’t know fashion, I can’t believe they’re asking us to believe she’s trying to lose weight. I know it’s acting, and it’s dramatic license, but when you ask me to believe that a stick-skinny model is being medically advised on losing weight, I no longer believe the show’s reality is my reality.

Entourage: There’s a strange dissonance between the sweet, naive-in-love personality that Young-bin shows most of the time (I find him likable, generally) and the irresponsible, capricious star tantrums he throws, like refusing to go to script readings just because he doesn’t wanna. (And after all he went through to get the movie in the first place!) I know that it’s how the American character was, but it just doesn’t work when you give the star a nice-boy, soft-hearted personality and then make him act like a diva.

This Week, My Wife Will Have an Affair: The Jung Yumi cameo was a nice touch; I’d expected it to be a cheeky reference and little more, but the show used it thoughtfully to move plot: We, like him, thought she’d represent a slice of bygone romance, a nod to rosier times, only to have her deliver the smackdown reality check he needed to hear. I can recognize that Lee Seon-kyun has been far from a perfect husband, but Song Ji-hyo’s frustrating repression has made it really hard to feel that sympathetic for her. Whenever they get me too exasperated, however, I remember to be grateful for Boa and Lee Sang-yub, whose dorky flirtations continue to make my day.



Currently recapping: Legend of the Blue Sea

Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju: Okay, this is weirding me out, but I kind of like Nam Joo-hyuk in this. It must have something to do with him flopping around with his gangly arms and pulling on Bok-ju’s pigtails like a two-week-old puppy. I hope he stays this way, because if his character grows up, my temporary amnesia about his past roles won’t last.

Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim: One of the things I like about this bizarre hospital in the middle of nowhere is the feeling of isolation, like the doctors hidden away there are our little secret; so I’m wary of what’s to come with all these new people invading our world. Plus, our couple hardly has time for romance as it is, and if these new interlopers get in the way of kisses, I will be very, very angry!

The Man Living in Our House: The cliffhanger this week was such a classic cop-out. Of course, I was still yelling at my screen, so it had the desired effect. The cute scenes keep me watching, but does anyone else watch this show and think: A real lawyer would’ve solved all of your problems by now?

Entourage: I want things to get tougher for the boys, and soon, because watching them just enjoy the high life is starting to wear thin when nothing of consequence happens. I do see some tough times ahead for Jo Jin-woong, so that’s something. Yay, hard times…?



Legend of the Blue Sea: I feel like I can normally judge whether a drama will be a crack drama by my mother’s reaction to it. Like most mothers, mine is a huge fan of Lee Min-ho, and since we were all in town for Thanksgiving, I watched the first two weeks with her. She’ll watch it, but she’s not bugging me to conjure up more episodes when there aren’t any. This is a woman who’s never used Hulu in her life, but who managed to find a way so she could finish Descended From the Sun without me (I have no regrets). So it does make me wonder what’s missing, and no matter which way I look at it, I can’t quite put my finger on it. I do wish we could just stay in the Joseon part of the story, though.

Oh My Geum-bi: Now here’s a drama I wasn’t expecting to be crack, but here we are. It makes me a little sad to see Oh Ji-ho hamming it up so much (General Tae-ha, where are you?), but he’s actually doing a bit better here. Or is it just that Heo Jung-eun is adorable enough to make up for everything? I want to know what happens to everyone in this story as of yesterday, and we haven’t even made it to the true tearjerking part of the show yet. I kind of wish we didn’t ever have to.

This Week, My Wife Will Have an Affair: This show reached a new level of pathos this past weekend, and I can’t help but wish that BoA would be in all the things. I absolutely adore Lee Sang-yub as an over-emotional wreck and love the side pairing, but I’m not sure what to think about the others. The visual gags involving Kim Hee-won’s utterly despicable character can be really funny, but at this point, they’re starting to wear out their welcome. (Also, I might scream to hear “La Promesa” again.) He’s the one puzzle piece that doesn’t seem to fit in this show, but maybe there’s a grander plan at play. I don’t think there is, but one can hope.

1% of Anything: I’m so sad this is over, because this show made me so happy. I also refuse to believe that Ha Suk-jin and Jeon So-min aren’t dating in real life. With chemistry like that, they have to be. Get on this, Dispatch!



Legend of the Blue Sea: I like it. It hasn’t quite hit the vein of crack for me yet, but with that absorbing combination of wistful and dreamlike, crossed with a wide streak of deliciously ridiculous, I know I’ll be here to whatever end. I think it hasn’t quite settled into itself yet—I found the narrative a little less cohesive in the first week, and the tonal shifts a bit jagged, but it’s drawing itself together pretty fast. I laughed out loud when I realized that in this universe too, kissing has consequences. I guess amnesia’s better than nearly dying?

Entertainer: I have a whole crop of shows I paused watching during a midsummer drama hiatus, but I’m trying to finish them now. But this shoooowww omg. I’ve been stuck on episode 15 FOREVER and I don’t even know if I’ve watched it already and it was that forgettable, or if it’s new and still forgettable. The show really kicked itself in the nuts when it traded in its bromance for the most unconvincing romance in dramaland this year. Or ever. Just, why? It is so bland, so terrible, that it almost ruined Ji Sung for me, with the visceral and incomparable pain of watching him romance a plank of wood. Shoulda paired Hyeri with Min-hyuk, that was cute, he was cute, they actually had chemistry! But she had anti-chemistry with Ji Sung. It is a chemistrical BLACK HOLE.

Master—God of Noodles: This one I did finish. Cryyyy. It was frustrating that this show lost its way in the middle when it dragged out the old people’s convoluted politicking, and the shift away from Myung really hurt the pace. But ultimately, what was weirder was that the show more or less stopped being about Myung—and you stopped caring about him—and focused on Tae-ha (Lee Sang-yeob) instead. He became far more compelling and heartbreaking, and if I was a little drippy blob of cryingness (lies, all lies!), it was because of him. That said, the show pulled off a satisfying, fitting end for villains, demi-villains, and anti-heroes alike—as bitter, dark and cynical as its beginning.

The K2: I can’t decide if I should give up and just drop this…does it get better? I thought Episode 6 was reeeally good, but then…Episode 7. I was so bored I was practically crying. With how much I love Healer, I so want this show to be good, but I can trick my brain only so much. Abs do not distract me!



Currently recapping: Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim

Legend of the Blue Sea: Now I want all my dramas to look as beautiful as this one does. I always feel a strong sense of wanderlust after each episode. I also kind of want us to move past the whole Ocean’s Eleven phase entirely, but I’m dreading the family angst slowly rising to the forefront. Sometimes I worry how much the show is leaning on Jeon Ji-hyun’s talent, but it’s probably best not to linger too long on those kind of thoughts. Let’s just spend the next sixteen episodes on mermaid land acclimation and kisses (the non-amnesic kind, please).

Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju: I can’t decide who is cuter: Bok-ju with a crush, or Joon-hyung. I just want to watch them bickering forever. That or more Dad and Bok-ju time.

This Week, My Wife Will Have an Affair: I love how emotionally messy and tangled this drama is. I love how fearlessly the stories are diving into very complex psychological territories, and layering the character’s relationships with so much relatable hypocrisy, and human weaknesses. I love that this show illustrates that so many of our limits in life are drawn and conceived by our pride, and sometimes we can be helpless against it. I love that this show explores how difficult it is to be vulnerable and honest to the people that hurt us, or have the ability to hurt us, so we rather hurt ourselves instead.



Currently recapping: 1% of Anything

Legend of the Blue Sea: I started out very underwhelmed by this show, especially by Lee Min-ho’s character and his acting. The So Cool Women Swoon and Wallets Fall Open When He Passes, Amen routine really wasn’t working for me. But then again, I’ve never seen Lee Min-ho’s appeal personally. But Jeon Ji-hyun is weird and adorable, and while there isn’t much plot movement, the directing is lively, and the little moments between our two main characters are engaging enough to make this an enjoyable, if ridiculous, watch. (Seriously, the hypnosis gets more unbelievable each time I see it.)

This Week, My Wife Will Have an Affair: I started this for Lee Seon-kyun (who is predictably amazing in this), and in the hopes that the the titular assumption was a misunderstanding on his part. Alas, for both him and me, such was not the case. Even though the show is executed very well, and seems to have some interesting things to say about marriage and relationships, I alternate between soul-crushing despair, hair-pulling frustration, and killing rage when I’m watching this, so I’ve decided to leave it to those with stronger constitutions.

Shopping King Louis: I binge-watched this when I was feeling sick these last couple of weeks, and it was absolutely the perfect medicine. How can you not fall in love with these adorable, naive, selfless puppies? The cuteness was cracktastic, but what I loved the most about this drama was its message about how love creates a family, even among those who at first seem to have nothing to bind them together. (Also, where can I get a Louis of my own?)



Oh My Geum-bi: Geum-bi is the most precious little muffin. If she wanted to, she’d make a better con man than him. I don’t notice Oh Ji-ho’s acting because I’m too busy cooing and clapping at how sassy and self-sufficient Geum-bi is. Even if I know this show will make me cry during the holidays, the tears are worth it just to watch her being a boss at life.


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Weightlifting fairy is cute and fun.

Entourage is Kind of boring, the love lines are Somewhat interesting. Sohee isn't Bad, she is okay, And she seems to know How to kiss. She isn't awkward like park shin Hye Can be.


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My Wife Will Have an Affair totally owns me. Can you forget that another man held your wife. Yeah that is the kicker alright. Some interesting statistics here. Infidelity is not insurmountable. In the US of those people people that chose not to get a divorce 47 percent remain married. Interestingly that is the same as the divorcee rate among all married people. I don't know what the break out is of women to men but over all women having affairs is climbing to about 30 percent of all cheaters. I am curious what the statistics are in Korea. Cheating isn't worth it but being treated like the hired help isn't acceptable. A wise women once said to me " Once you become his mother you will never be his lover." Taking out the trash once in a while and changing the oil in the car isn't enough, now is it. Being emotionally accountable is only for grown ups, faking it never works. I think they'll make it. after all this is drama-land.


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I have been watching 'The Man Living in Our House' and I'm starting to have a love-hate relationship with it. I absolutely *love* the characters (Yeo Joo is growing on me, slightly, maybe), the story and the totally cute moments that the leads have but I *hate* how you have these great moments and then the writers throw in these gut-wrenching moments. I mean, I'm watching the absolute awesomeness of their time at the beach in E10 and then dreading what's coming because that what this show does!

But besides that, I *love* this show. Every episode has me loving Na Ri and Nan Gil more plus the Kwons, the Mandoo Boys and even Wan Shik. I've started calling the uncle 'Weasel' and each week I eagerly wait for the next episode so I can see what happens. The writers are doing a great job of unfolding the mysteries of who these people are and what motivates them and having the characters stay true to their core character in their actions, instead of making them do things for the sake of the drama. It's a great example of pragmatic altruism, which is why I love Nan Gil so, so much. Soo Ae and Kim Young Kwang are doing a fantastic, nuanced job with their characters and it's to Lee Soo Hyuk and Jo Bo Ah's credit that they've made their characters likeable.

I also re-watched 'W-Two Worlds' this holiday weekend and enjoyed it just as much as the first time.

Going to give 'Legend of the Blue Sea' and 'Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim' a try because of Jun Ji Hyun, Lee Min Ho and Yoo Yun Suk.


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Wednesday n thursday (well, thursday n friday in my country) are the busiest days.. i'm liking the 3 shows and want to watch them at the same time.. but.. since hermione's time turner isn't in my possesion, i'm just thankful to the tv station gods that they do re-runs of those dramas.. ?


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NIGHT LIGHT was a show that I was very looking forward but sadly no sub. But I still watching it although I just make a guess on what is happening.

For first two episodes, looks like LYW owns it with her icy and cold aura. But her past story made us guess that it was her father made her like that and now nothing can stop her. Maybe power of first love? Jin Gu was not doing so much hopefully we get to see more of him next episodes. Uee is doing well.

Can I wish for LYW to win both including her love?


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Awwww :( I was SO gonna watch it the moment it came out but there were no subs..Everyday, I check if there's already one but sadly, only chinese subs are all I can see.. T.T


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Dramafire has the first ep subbed.


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I haven't watched Legend of the Blue Sea yet but I did watch that scene when Cha Tae Hyun made a cameo. I was happy seeing the reunion but at the same time it made me worry. Those two are just so magical together. An old ship started sailing instantly and that could take away some of the feelings I'd have for this drama's actual OTP so I think I'd wait a few more weeks before starting.


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The so much criticism for Lee min ho in this site is so annoying tbh,he is not mediocre in this drama at all and jjh is not outshining him in any way,and besides I love jjh but is very rude to say without her there will be no high rating or she is the only one carrying the drama,everyone from the cast and crew are giving it their all and beside this is just the fourth episode and plot might still be a little shaky but it is very much entertaining.
We all have our own opinions and don't have to like the same actors and dramas but stop pulling the ones you don't like down,this is just my 2 cents.


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Don't mind them.Their hatred for Lee min ho is very obvious.
Thank God people on this site don't contribute to the ratings.Their opinions don't really matter.
Someone even said Jjh is the reason for the ratings as if Lee min ho needs jjh to achieve ratings.
Lmh has been a hallyu star since 2009 and his dramas have been doing well since then.Jjh has no part in his success.
I just their hatred for him won't choke them.
Besides I'm watching LOTBS for botg lmh and jjh.They are both trying.


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I'm watching 1% which is a greaaat drama like,i've rewatched episodes because i like the characters so much.
When a snail falls in love is my first chinese drama and i like it a lot.
weightlifting kim bok ju is <3
And lastly,we married as a job.thanks to all the beanies who mention this gem here in DB.i love watching this drama.but why is japanese drama only once a week??


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j doramas only air once a week, and the shows are only 30-45 minutes long (with an exception every now and then of the first episode being an hour or so)... if the drama is successful/popular, they will do a one-hour SP, or special (movie type) episode a year or so after the drama ended.

Nigeru wa Haji da ga Yaku ni Tatsu (We Married as a Job) is super cute/endearing... hoshino gen is such a derpy geek while being so adorably sweet and awkward, he just melts one's heart, doesn't he...


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People are quick to criticize the actors they say they're overacting can't do it without their co stars. C'mon people why dont you go out there and act yourselves it ain't easy! Such stupid comments unless you're an actor then probably you can!


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Lol ... but that's not our job. You know what's hard? Watching bad acting ruin a show that has potential to be great. Critizing is part of being an audience and that's how a show know if they're doing something right or wrong and build from that.


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Everybody's standards are different so it's hard to tell if their acting are bad. Who knows these people are trying to compare to their favorite actors or actresses lol. But what i'm trying to say they're just so fast to judge.


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Lol, that's like saying if you receive food that is not up to standard at a restaurant and complain to the chef, the chef barks back at you and say "cooking is not easy, if you're so great, cook it yourself!" Would you still give the restaurant a good review and say the food was not great but because cooking is not easy, I give it 5 stars?


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Of course not but that's your standard that you don't like the food I bet there's a lot of people who like their food lol! Bottomline is you can't please everybody lol!


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Exactly! So why make a big deal if some people like the drama and some don't? No matter how good something is, there will always be people that don't like and no matter bad something is, there will be people that like it.


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"So it does make me wonder what’s missing, and no matter which way I look at it, I can’t quite put my finger on it. I do wish we could just stay in the Joseon part of the story, though."


Me too, I agree! Somehow, the show doesn't compel me to ask anything or to make me anticipate for the next episode. I'm a big Lee Min Ho fan (as in, I-studied-Hangul-so-I-won't-need-to-listen-to-interpreters-during-fanmeets-kind-of-fan). There is nothing wrong with LOTBS, it is visually stunning in every aspect, I even liked the two parallel stories of past and present but no matter what cliff hanger they throw at me at the end of each episode, I just don't feel the excitement or the anticipation for it.

It is rare that I watch a drama at the same time its being aired since I don't like waiting for the next episode weekly but I did for this drama. After watching ep 4, I think I'll be alright to have it run its full series first before watching.


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I went off watching dramas live because 1. time constraints and 2. I finally confirmed I enjoy marathoning the drama more because the feelings it evokes in me can continue with more episodes I watch. When I have to wait for a week to get by, idk it kinda gets lost. BUT after watching the trailers for GOBLIN, I feel I need to watch it live cos I just can't wait!

I am following 3MAD Fishing Village live and enjoying it thoroughly. I love that Na PD seems more comfortable being seen on camera, especially when he's trying to steal-taste Eric's food. Then there's Kyun Sang's enthusiasm, Buff-Eric, and Mr Grumpypants

Also watched a couple of K movies, Goodbye Single was such a gem. I thought it'd be a typical light watch but it has so much heart and it made me cry. Kim Hye Soo was brilliant as always along with the young actress. A keeper.

Watched The Wailing last night - brilliant movie. Definitely deserved it's high review ratings. The fright totally sneaks up on you and the good vs evil tone was a psych treat

I also thought to give LotBS a try, watched the 1st ep and it felt weird. Editing was spotty, CGI was mediocre and some of the plot movements seemed forced. I think the execution and the flow of the story could have been better. JJH is still funny but I also feel like I've seen them before with Chun Song Yi. LMH's character could do with more, well, character. When I think con artist, I look to SIG in Squad 38 cos he was so slick smart and sexy. I was hoping LMH's character would be similar. Just my initial impression, will wait to see if I'll marathon it when it's over.


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The first episode of Night Light is subbed by Dramafire.


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Beanies ! I need your recommendations on j-dramas or c-dramas or taiwanese drama or anything ! But I kind of want to avoid historical dramas ( but I'm planning to watch 6fd but it has 50 episodes ....... )
Thank you in advance :)


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HeadsNo2 Agree! The leads of 1% of Anything have got to be dating.. it feels way to real for them not to be. Their affection for each other has been really enjoyable to watch.


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Hi, hi. If anyone wants to fangirl over Lobster, stop by. It's my k-crack and I need peoples, asap!

Join the conversation on Hangouts: https://hangouts.google.com/group/Veji418nFd1Mvb6h1


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Hopefully dramabeans teams will recapping currently aired Chinese drama The Princess Wei Young!!!


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