1% of Anything: Episode 14

Well, here it is, folks. We’ve all been preparing ourselves for the inevitable angst this week, but when it hits, it hits hard. Da-hyun and Jae-in still find the time to be adorably cute together, but unfortunately, that cuteness is somewhat muted behind the force of the separation they have to face. We can only hope that love truly overcomes all — but for now, bring on the tissues!

EPISODE 14: “Lies: Will time really heal me?”

Jae-in cheekily asks if Da-hyun’s going to give him a “Good job!” stamp on his hand again, and she traces the words out on his palm. He pulls her in, kissing her on her head, and she returns the favor with a peck on his cheek.

Even when the two of them get home, they’re still chatting away on the phone, and it seems they just can’t get enough of one another. The days fly by as they make the most of their time left by going on cute, simple dates — from exercising, to listening to music, to going on nighttime strolls, they just try to be together for as long as possible.

One morning, Da-hyun wakes up after a call from Jae-in and notices the date on her calendar. The realization that their contract relationship is almost over slowly starts to sink in.

At school, Jae-in’s mother comes to have a talk with Da-hyun, and Da-hyun greets her with slight apprehension. Jae-in’s mother explains to Da-hyun that she considers Jae-in her real son even though they’re not related by blood, and that she therefore hopes that he will inherit SH Group one day.

Before Jae-in’s mother even mentions her concerns about their relationship, Da-hyun politely tells her not to worry, saying that she and Jae-in are not considering marriage. Surprised, Jae-in’s mother asks why Da-hyun would think that she’s worried, and Da-hyun points out that Jae-in’s mother must truly treasure Jae-in if she came all the way here to speak to her.

Da-hyun reassures her that she and Jae-in don’t have much time left together, leaving Jae-in’s mother a little taken aback by her thoughtful response. As Jae-in’s mother leaves the school, she takes a last look around, sighing that it’s a pity.

At Grandpa’s house, Jae-in’s mother says that she understands why Grandpa introduced Da-hyun to Jae-in. Although she makes it clear that she’s still against the relationship, she concedes that it’s a shame that Da-hyun and Jae-in can’t be together. Perhaps hoping to change her mind, Grandpa voices his support for Da-hyun once again, pointing out that Da-hyun’s selflessness is quite rare these days.

That night, Da-hyun sits at home, staring listlessly at the contract end-date on her calendar. “So tomorrow’s the last day,” she murmurs, flashing back to the time Jae-in asked her to walk with him until the very end. In the present, Da-hyun’s tears spill out endlessly as she repeats to herself what she had said to Jae-in that night: “We’re not supposed to.”

She quickly wipes her tears away when Jae-in calls, doing her best to hide the fact that she had been crying just seconds ago. She meets with him at a café nearby and the mood is heavy, though Da-hyun does her best to be direct about their situation.

She comments that it’s their last day tomorrow, asking what he has planned. Jae-in suggests that they go on a day-trip together, noting that they’ve never gone anywhere particularly far, and Da-hyun agrees to do just that.

On the ride there, Da-hyun notes that she and Jae-in have extremely different tastes in music — she likes pop and he likes classical. Taking her hand in his, Jae-in responds, “While that may be true, we’ve been fine together thus far anyway.” Da-hyun smiles.

When they get to the beach, Jae-in notices Da-hyun staring into the distance and asks if she doesn’t like the ocean. Da-hyun replies that she’s just having deep thoughts in his stead, joking that he’d probably be thinking something along the lines of whether or not this location would be suitable to build a resort, ha.

He laughs good-naturedly and comments that while they’ve dated for six months, there’s still so much that they haven’t gotten a chance to do. Da-hyun agrees and then points at a nearby couple excitedly, suggesting that they walk along the shoreline barefoot.

Jae-in balks at the idea, but reluctantly agrees upon Da-hyun’s insistence. He grumpily wonders how this can even be considered romantic, but immediately concedes that it’s quite romantic indeed when Da-hyun offers her hand for him to hold.

When the tide comes in, he shouts again that he doesn’t understand why they’re doing this, but nevertheless plays merrily with Da-hyun, jokingly pushing her into the water and taking selfies with her.

They take a break at a café nearby, and Da-hyun explains that since it’s their last date, she wants to do everything that they haven’t done before — that way, they’ll have fewer regrets later on. Jae-in points out that there are a lot of other things that they haven’t done, and Da-hyun says that she knows, but they’ll just have to do those things on their own.

Jae-in asks what Da-hyun plans to do after their relationship ends, and Da-hyun says that she wants to meet a good man. “A person who helps a child get back up after he’s tripped, a person who buys crying kids gifts and cheers them up, a person who’s considerate towards his elders,” she lists, all the while flashing back to the selfless things that Jae-in has done for others.

Not realizing the extent of his own kindness, Jae-in notes that she’s looking for someone who’s pretty different from him, and Da-hyun laughs. Jae-in pouts a little and tells Da-hyun to wait for him as he goes off to get something.

Meanwhile, at Grandpa’s house, Grandpa notes to Employee Kang that today’s the end. Just as Grandpa dismisses Employee Kang for the day, his hand begins to tremble violently, and Employee Kang asks worriedly if he’s all right. Grandpa brushes the incident off with a joke, and Employee Kang almost believes him, at least until he notices Grandpa’s heavy breathing.

At the café, Jae-in returns to their table and places a bag in front of her, telling her that it’s an early birthday present to make up for how he hasn’t given her much.

She opens it up excitedly, and it’s a necklace — Jae-in says it probably wouldn’t have been appropriate for him to get her a ring, but he still made sure to pick out the most expensive item. Da-hyun jokingly chides him for judging quality based on price, but she likes it nonetheless.

She struggles to put the necklace on herself, and Jae-in gets up to help her, carefully clasping the necklace together. He comments that it looks good on her, and she agrees that it’s pretty.

At his office, Grandpa barely even makes it a few steps when he collapses atop the table, wheezing heavily. He grabs the capsule on the chain around his neck to consume the medicine inside, and once he does so, his condition seems to stabilize. He makes his way next door, but it’s not long before we hear a thud to the floor. Oh no, Grandpa!

Jae-in suggests to Da-hyun that they spend the whole day together, but Da-hyun protests, saying that they’re supposed to break up today. She notes that Jae-in is a bit of a bad guy, and Jae-in jokes that he’s probably worse than she imagined, telling Da-hyun that he’ll do more than just hold her hand just so long as she asks.

Just as Da-hyun is about to agree to spend their day together though, Jae-in’s phone starts to ring. It’s a call from his mom telling him the news about Grandpa, but after Jae-in hangs up, he tells Da-hyun that he thinks Grandpa is just faking it — Grandpa is probably upset that the contract is over now, and likely thinks that getting hospitalized will somehow prevent the breakup. Da-hyun isn’t so sure, and urges Jae-in to go back immediately.

Jae-in takes Da-hyun home first, walking her to her doorstep as they prepare to bid one another farewell. Da-hyun begins by thanking him for all he’s done, from helping out with Ji-soo’s contract issues to the money he donated to the orphanage.

A little disappointed, Jae-in asks if that’s all she has to say, and Da-hyun’s voice wavers as she tells him that she can’t say anything more even if she wanted to. She notes that she is a bit sad, but assures Jae-in that she’ll get over it, adding that they agreed not to fall in love with one another.

Jae-in asks if Da-hyun didn’t fall for him, not even just a bit, and Da-hyun shoots the same question back at him — did he fall for her? Jae-in tells her that he did his best in order to fall in love with her, and Da-hyun smiles, saying that she’s thankful for that.

Slowly making his way towards her, Jae-in pulls Da-hyun in for a hug, and Da-hyun hesitatingly reciprocates it. Jae-in tells her that she’s a good woman, and Da-hyun replies that she knows. She adds that he’s not a particularly good guy, and Jae-in acknowledges it. Aw,

He pulls her in for another hug, and Da-hyun tells Jae-in not to meet too good of a woman, because if he does, she would just end up feeling bad for her. Jae-in doesn’t want the same from Da-hyun though, and asks her to meet a good man — that way, he says, he will feel less sorry toward her.

In the car, Jae-in receives a phone call from Employee Kang that has him rushing to the hospital. The doctor tells Jae-in that Grandpa’s not in critical condition because he managed to take his medicine in time, but he’s surprised to hear that no one in the family knew of Grandpa’s health problems.

Jae-in directs Employee Kang to keep the situation completely confidential and asks Employee Kang to get the word out about SH Group’s new management and heir. Humbly, Jae-in requests for Employee Kang to take care of him, saying that Employee Kang is one of the few people he trusts.

At Grandpa’s house, Jae-in reassures his mother that he’s fulfilled the conditions in Grandpa’s will, and that he’s broken it off with Da-hyun already. Jae-in’s mother starts to ask if Da-hyun mentioned anything else, but brushes it off when Jae-in clearly has no idea what she’s talking about. She tells Jae-in that she’ll take care of Grandpa, adding that she’s relieved Jae-in will be at the company.

At home, Da-hyun slowly crosses out the contract end-date on her calendar, and at work, Jae-in stares wistfully at the selfie they took at the beach.

Over the phone with Da-hyun, her mother is glad to hear that things have ended. Her mother tries setting Da-hyun up on another blind date, but Da-hyun cuts in — with a cracking voice, she asks her mom to give her some time to get herself together. She quickly ends the call, and a tear falls down her cheek as she starts to cry.

The next day, Jae-in pulls up to SH Group with a spiffy suit, newly coiffed hair, and an entourage in tow, making him look the part of the new CEO. As the days go on, he proves himself a successful and capable leader, though it’s worth noting that his work has completely taken over his life now.

Lawyer Park visits Jae-in at his office and chides him for letting Da-hyun go, saying that he had believed the couple would be able to overcome anything and everything. Jae-in responds: “Do you know how many bodyguards follow me around right now? Da-hyun would have to live like that, too.”

Jae-in points out that Joo-hee might be crazy, but there’s no guarantee that Da-hyun won’t be kidnapped again. Da-hyun would have to attend all the stiflingly formal public events as his wife, and even her daily life would be suffocating with reporters watching her every move. Jae-in doesn’t want to take away the freedom that she has now.

Lawyer Park says that Da-hyun would be able to handle it if she has Jae-in by her side, but Jae-in cuts him off, pointing out that he’d be spending all his time at work while Da-hyun would have to be alone all day. If Da-hyun were his wife, she’d have to endure everything on her own — that’s why he says he couldn’t possibly ask her to marry him.

Later that night, after Lawyer Park has left, Jae-in looks wistfully out his office window and keeps himself from texting Da-hyun. Da-hyun, too, is struggling over their breakup as she looks through her pictures with Jae-in when she’s at school. A coworker notices that Da-hyun seems to be unwell, but Da-hyun brushes it off, insisting that she’s fine.

On Da-hyun’s way home, she notices a news report on Jae-in and comments sadly that he seems like a totally different person. She finally gets home after a long day, but suddenly collapses onto the floor.

Luckily, Hyun-jin senses that there’s something amiss when she notices that Da-hyun isn’t picking up her calls. Hyun-jin lets herself into Da-hyun’s house and panics when she sees Da-hyun on the ground. Hyun-jin manages to get Da-hyun into bed, and her brother, Sun-woo, comes over to help out. Da-hyun has a fever, but it looks like she’ll be all right.

Hyun-jin wonders aloud if she should just kill Jae-in right now. But Sun-woo shakes his head, noting that if Da-hyun wasn’t the only one invested in the relationship, then Jae-in is likely to be suffering just as much as she is.

At the hospital, Jae-in pleads for Grandpa to wake up. Hesitatingly, he tells Grandpa that he broke up with Da-hyun and stifles back a sob, asking if Grandpa would call him an idiot for losing her. He breaks down, begging Grandpa to tell him that he did the right thing, adding that he’ll do his best to endure.

Hyun-jin frets over Da-hyun when she wakes up, and Da-hyun apologizes for worrying her. Da-hyun says that she’s fine now, though her tears say otherwise, leaving Hyun-jin to sigh in frustration.

At work, Jae-in gets a call from his “aunt” (his biological mom) about Soo-jung running away to Korea, and so he goes off to fetch her. He finds her after another audition (which went well this time), and scolds her for making her mom worry. He tells her to call her mom and say that she’s going back to Canada, but Soo-jung insists that she’s here to stay.

Sun-woo jokes to Hyun-jin that taking care of Da-hyun when she’s sick makes him feel like he’s her boyfriend, and Hyun-jin tells him he’d better not try to jump Da-hyun’s bones when she’s gone. Da-hyun urges both of them to leave, saying that they’re giving her a headache, and laughs weakly when Hyun-jin complains that this is the treatment she gets for nursing her all night.

At the hotel, Soo-jung whines that she wants to live with Jae-in and asks him if he hates her because he thinks that her dad stole his mom away. Jae-in comments that it looks like she still has a lot of maturing to do, seeing as how she’s saying such childish things, but he puts his arm around her in a show of brotherly affection.

It doesn’t look so brotherly when he runs into Hyun-jin though, since she thinks that Jae-in’s gotten himself a new girlfriend already. Hyun-jin tells Jae-in that Da-hyun is practically on her deathbed, adding that it must be nice to be able to move on so quickly.

Jae-in is surprised to hear that Da-hyun is sick, but Hyun-jin just tells him that it’s none of his business. She hears Soo-jung calling Jae-in “oppa” as she walks away and grows infuriated, cursing that she’ll never set foot in this damned hotel ever again.

That night, Jae-in drives over to Da-hyun’s house. Staring at her apartment from far below, he urges her not to be sick. Meanwhile, Da-hyun steps outside to the patio for some fresh air and looks out below, but Jae-in’s already driven away.

At the hospital, Grandpa finally wakes up and asks to go home, insisting that he’s not going to die. Jae-in says that he has to stay at the hospital for now, but both him and his mother are relieved to see that Grandpa has mostly recovered.

As usual, the employees at work hate Jae-in for being a workaholic and complain about his stringent demands. Employee Kang’s the only one who realizes that Jae-in is stretching himself just as thin and worries that Jae-in will faint if he continues pulling so many all-nighters.

Jae-in’s mother comes to visit him for lunch, and when she notes that his fridge is completely empty, Jae-in is reminded of the time that Da-hyun joked that his fridge was just for decoration. He breaks out of his daze to say that he doesn’t eat at home anyway.

Jae-in’s mother tries to broach the topic of setting him up on a blind date with the daughter of another wealthy family, but he rejects it immediately; having done his research, he explains that the girl’s family is going through a lawsuit and is probably tight on cash right now.

As he chats with his mother, he’s again reminded of Da-hyun when he spots the table where they ate breakfast together, and he struggles to control his expression. His mother notices his mood and seems to get a little concerned for him.

Jae-in visits Da-hyun’s school again, looking longingly at the school doors. He leaves without doing much, and we see Da-hyun walk across the same exact place later that day.

Speaking aloud, she says it would’ve been better if they had just fought instead — then Jae-in would’ve called her constantly to apologize. But now, Da-hyun notes sadly that they can’t even do that anymore as she sits all alone in front of her school.


If there are any silver linings to find in breakups, I’d have to say that I’m at least grateful for how honest Da-hyun and Jae-in are being with one another. Granted, Da-hyun is unwilling to explicitly say that she loves Jae-in because she knows that their relationship can’t go anywhere, but there’s no need for her to say it when Jae-in is already perfectly aware of her feelings.

They both knew that they cared for each other, even as they were separating, and while that might be what makes the breakup even more painful, it’s a far more respectable way of breaking up than the noble idiocy tactic. It was a very mature way of handling a breakup that neither of them wanted, and I also really respect Jae-in for the way he asked Da-hyun if she fell in love with him without pushing for her to admit that she did. In a way, sometimes simply saying things aloud can make a person more vulnerable, and by being the one to admit that he fell in love, he allowed himself to become vulnerable for Da-hyun’s sake, reassuring her that he loves her as much as she loves him.

It was a nice twist for Jae-in to be the one to tell Da-hyun to find someone better than him, because it really shows how much he’s changed. It broke my heart when he confessed to Lawyer Park that his real reason for not holding onto Da-hyun was because he didn’t want to take away her freedom and force her to live like he does, surrounded by bodyguards and reporters.

For better or for worse, Jae-in’s choice to let Da-hyun go was so practical and considerate that I’m just not sure how our couple will be able to overcome the obstacle that’s facing them. I would argue that Jae-in’s not giving Da-hyun enough credit where it’s due, and that she would be able to handle formal affairs as his wife, but we’ve seen how weary she got at the dinner party, even before being confronted by the witches of the family. While Da-hyun is probably perfectly capable of performing the duties of a respectable wife, what Jae-in is concerned about is whether or not she’ll be happy doing all of that, and that’s an important point to take into consideration.

Ultimately, marriage is more than just two people falling in love with each other and wanting to be with one another; families, friends, and work are all inextricably intertwined with marriage. What’s stopping Jae-in from proposing to Da-hyun isn’t that he doesn’t love her enough, but that his very identity as a chaebol keeps him from making her as happy as he wants to. It’s not something that he can change just because he wants to, and it’s not a circumstance that love is necessarily able to overcome.

I’ve felt terrible for Da-hyun every time I’ve watched her cry over Jae-in, but I think Jae-in’s crying scene at Grandpa’s bedside really took the cake — it spoke volumes about how much he takes on for the people that he cares about. As the expected heir of SH Group, Jae-in has built himself into a rather stoic man to hide how burdensome everything is. But the way Jae-in broke down, pleading for Grandpa to wake up and to tell him that he did a good job, really shows that all Jae-in has ever done in his corporate life was more for his family than it was for himself.

I find it interesting that Jae-in has so wholly accepted being characterized as a bad guy that he doesn’t even recognize how kind he truly is anymore. He knows that Da-hyun loves him, but he doesn’t seem to realize that he’s exactly the kind of “good man” that she was describing when they were at the café. It’s not even that Da-hyun really changed him from a bad guy into a good guy, but that there was always a good guy hidden beneath Jae-in’s stoic exterior, and Da-hyun gave him the opportunity to show that he’s more than that. In the end, I think that’s what makes their love truly valuable, and perhaps it’ll be a reason to keep holding on to one another until the very end.


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Yay, thanks for the recap, HappilyEverAfter! :-) Been waiting and refreshing this website since last Thursday, lol. This episode was very sad :-( ...love the cute moments between Jae-In & Dada, but sadly they had to break-up. :-( They need to get back together ASAP! Can't wait for this week's last 2 episodes!! Can't believe it's ending already! I don't want this series to end. I WANT TO SEE MOREEEE!!! :-)


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i cried buckets... using my little boy's blanket... i couldn't bear to watch dada... jae in's confession to grandpa was so heart wrenching that i sobbed loudly...


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I didn't cry the 1st time I watched,
it's the lingering sadness that you also can't provide them with the answer without sacrificing one person,
and I can't even think to asked one person to sacrifice that fast for their love


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Thanks for the recap. And you're right that this mature relationship makes more sense than noble idiocy.

I am so annoyed by his adoptive mom though. It's like she can't see the real effect of Da Hyun on Jae In or she can but still doesn't care enough about about the supposed son she loves so much. I think the later is the case and I am so very angry at her. A commentator mentioned last week that it's like she has placed the burden of her son on Jae In without caring about what Jae In wants. Why did they never celebrate Jae In's birthday? He was too young to bear all that guilt and pressure. Hopefully she comes around soon.


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She never celebrated his birthday because it was the same day her real son died, not that its a good reason.


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But it's not his mother's fault they don't celebrate his birthday, its him who feels bad for her real son's death. I find nothing wrong with her, the day Jae In will want to celebrate, she'll comply. I don't think she's ever objected to anything Jae In had wanted to do. Has she?


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I beg to differ. I think Jae In was 8 or 9 years old when he was adopted. Most likely, he was precocious beyond his years. I guess he didn't ask for a birthday celebration because he knew it was not the 'right' thing to demand from her. The onus is on her to make it happen. Losing one's child is the most devastating loss on earth but after a period, I expect her to be able to look beyond herself and her dead son and care about the feelings of the living.

Although it was never shown, it was implied that Jae In never even got to drink seaweed soup or received any kind of gesture on his birthday for the past 23 years.

I agree with HappilyEverAfter. Jae In has been stoically bearing everything on his shoulders. He thinks of his family first and even his employees before himself. And now he's doing the same for Da Hyun. He wants her more than anyone or anything in this world yet he knows the kind of life he's asking her to lead if they should marry. Being human, he can't help but still tries to see if there's any chance that Da Hyun might agree. But he didn't push it. This is what makes me cry with him. Not just in that scene where he broke down beside Grandpa's bed but in all those little moments when you can see the sadness in his eyes and heaviness of his spirit.


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Your post made me sympathize even more with Jae In. I will have to go back and check, but did she adopt him out of obligation or want? If it's the latter, the "right" thing to do would be to not let Jae In suffer for her loss, for if she did, he would suffer doubly.

The different shades of his character outside of his foul mouth and aggressiveness are muted by comparison, but nonetheless identifiable. He doesn't hit you over the head with a bat with every emotion to make sure you know. It's refreshing to be able to analyse a character--who isn't overly complex but different enough from the norm--like this.


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I don't think she adopted him out of obligation - I think he was adopted because they needed a heir (since the eldest grandson died) and Jae In's mother remarried. She adopted him to fill up the emotional void - see their interaction at the funeral. So he was something like a replacement? Hence Tae Ha's comment about him living another person's life hit him hard. :'(


Aaaaaand here goes my heart *thump*broken in to million pieces!
I was crying when Dada was crying but I was brawling like hell when I saw jaein struggling to keep his emotions under in front of his mother! why don't they jst ,....... ughhhh I don't know what to say.
am sure its gonna take one of them to the emergency room for them to reunite together! let's just hope that drama gods don't make it happen
p.s why do I have to always have to suffer to get a happily ever after ending! That's a weird timing


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Let me take a guess here... Soo-jung's cosmic function is to bring Da-Hyun and Jae-In back together. She'll end up performing with Ji-soo. Da-hyun will be there to support her student/bias and Jae-in will be there to support his half-sister.


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Oh. That's one possibility.


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I think that's a possibility, nice guess!!


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I don't know why this drama is not popular..everything is logical and realistic (if you ignore the crazy ex and contract dating lol)
Also,is it me or is their chemistry and comfort level is way too real to be considered "acting"? I love the old-married couple vibe they have ?
Thanks for the recap!!


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I feel that vibe too. Evyone is speculating that HaSukJin's interview might be refering to wanting to date his costar-cause she fits the bill for his ideal.
I didnt get that vibe from him when he was in After the show ends- he seemed very ambivalent. Its too bad i dont see any bts of this show.. that might giv som insights


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The online distributor Oksusu SK has some bts on their YT channel but there's music overriding the little bits so you can't hear what they were saying. They looked comfortably hanging with each other in between takes and for the kiss bts with the balloons, it seems that HSJ is being shy while it's JSM who's trying to be light and funny. They're either really just brilliant actors or they lucked out in having so much genuine chemistry on screen


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thanks for sharing that tidbit; il be sure to search that in youtube


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You should go soompi...after this show ends unless you want to be spoiled. There is plentiful of BTS there and they are as cute as the drama itself.


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I've been restraining myself from going to the soompi forum lest I spoil this week's episodes for myself. It's excruciating. And now that I know of cute BTS clips of HSJ and JSM. THIS IS TORTURE.


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I've watched it 3 times and cried all 3 times. You're right. It's hard to see how they will reconcile the difficulties that Jae-in sees and feels are insurmountable for them as a couple. I trust the writer to come up with a solid and sensible solution. Hells Bells...I don't care if it makes sense!!! Just get them back together. I need many more ...many many more moments of this couple happy together! I will be rewatching this over and over for a very long time.


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My heart broke seeing them. I was crying already from the first scene, just watching all their sweet moments that they're not gonna have anymore ;;;;;;; I'm trying not to think too much about this episode because it'll just get me sad...sighs


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Aaaand reading the recap again just made me cry even more. T T Thx show


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Glory to the refresh button and THANK YOU for the recap, dear HappilyEverAfter !!!!

I watched Jae-In cry to his grandfather at least 3 times. So full of raw emotions. I completely agree with you that the whole scene expressed how much poor Jae-In represses his own happiness for the sake of his family.

I am hopeful that the sad face that came across his Mum's face @ their lunch meant that she recognized his pain (as he was reminiscing of his time with Da-Hyun.

Their breakup scene was heart-wrenching and his reasoning to Lawyer-Friend even more hear-breaking. Because, no, for once, it's not noble idiocy. They BOTH are VERY aware of how different their lifestyles are and Jae-In would hate to have anything but the spunky happy Da-Hyun by his side. Da-Hyun, on the other hand, knows very well the expectations of the Chaebol families and knows it's all about money and status and given that, in a very pragmatic way, she can't offer those, she doesn't try to create any illusions and immediately tells Jae-In's Mum that she (mum) doesn't even NEED to say a word: SHE KNOWS...

and that, my friends, is what we call a "mutually-agreed-upon break up with mature adults still in love"...

Dear Wednesday evening: Please be kind to us and bring them back together !!!!


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I think JI's mum impressed by Dada but she also doesn't know what to do,
it's like breaking the norm for a chaebol,

can't believe I write this cause it always happen in rom-com abut the mum's face and her opinion to grandpa really shows a different interpretation


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I've been watching a bit of the original on DramaFever, and the plot was fairly close to the original at one point in the show, But they didn't break up in the original like they did in the new version. Joo-hee's little plot drove their relationship forward. Which, kind of makes sense. In the current version, one minute Jae-in is saying he'll always protect Day-Hyun and never let anyone harm her; the next, they're walking away from each other.

And the day-long date was not the lead couple but the second lead couple - Hyun-jin and Tae-ha. And it's Tae-ha that has to deal with a lot of disapproval and lack of acceptance from his mother. Hyun-jin and Tae-ha's relationship is one aspect of the story that I actually like better in the original.

But overall, I like the newer version a lot better.

The older version is more like a family drama...both Jae-in's and Da Hyun's families are more prominently featured. It makes for a lot of filler.

Jae-in is similar, but more restrained...but Da Hyun is a lot different. In the original, she's the sweet, meek, quiet girl-next-door. The character has a lot more spirit in the current version.


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I appreciate the differences between the two and the way they were able to craft the characters and events in the original in new ways for the remake. For me, its the same story being told from a different perspective.


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Ha Seok-Jin's hospital bedside scene was very emotional and fitting to the character that the tears he tries to restrain slip out at moment when he is essentially alone again. Some male actors cry A LOT during a drama run and while usually sadly beautiful, it loses impact with the fourth or fifth weepy scene.
Dada was the only one who really saw his need for emotional support and "no strings attached" approval. She offered it to him in little symbolic ways in private like the birthday cake and the teacher's stamp without expecting anything in return.


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Thanks for the recap! My heart broke at their parting scene when Jae In tentatively asked her if she fell for him in the end, even if it's just a bit.

AH ep 15 & 16 cant come fast enough! I'm hanging on a fine line, trying to avoid spoilers. It isn't going so well because I can't keep myself away from the soompi forum and YouTube. *wails*


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Same here? That soompi forum is just....simultaneously good and bad


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So true. I go through this mental cycle with the soompi forum. I find myself covering my eyes as my fingers scroll through the forum posts. Then I'd sneak peeks through my fingers, only to curse myself out. Suffice to say, my coworkers, family, friends and fellow public transport commuters think I'm insane.


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Im going to be cutting down my drama list soon (you know, because Life) and I will be very sad to this one end. I really enjoyed the simplicity of this drama. Jae-in's scene by grandpa's bedside was indeed heartbreaking. Sigh, society's pressures. *Sniff*

I also enjoyed how there's no crazy Joo Hee here. LOL.


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I am enjoying this much more than the original series which I recall having lots of boring family conversations while peeling fruit (am I conflating 1% with someother dramas?).


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I agree.. That makjang scene of peeling fruits in every family daily dramas. Plus, making kimchi or other side dishes! While it provides a somewhat realistic scene, it becomes so overused.


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Yes, Original 1% had tons of fruit peeling family discussions! And their dates were allllways over orange juice! I remember thinking, if they don't switch drinks these two won't even have stomach linings by the end of this dating contract.


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dada always wants orange juice, everywhere hahaha


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Someone should go back and check if that was subtle PPL. I think they had stricter PPL laws back then XD


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I'm more usually a cold-hearted drama viewer as with the tons of dramas I watched, only 3 have made me tear up. But this episode... Made me cry not once, not twice, but thrice! And the story's not even that new, there's no tragic scenes going on here, no little kids crying. And yet, as simple as the scenes are, its genuinity and "reality" gets me everytime. And my heart breaks even more coz I totally understand why they had to break up, to the point that I'm having a dilemma as well. ?????


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Their dilemma here reminds me one in Goong. But at least there, they named to get over the problem in a neat little bow. In this drama though, I'm thinking that the only way they'll be together is for one of them to sacrifice. And that's most likely to be Da Hyun. If Jae In had someone else as competent to pass the reins of SH Group to, I'm sure he'd pass it on and stay with Dada without a moment's hesitation. Unfortunately for us, both of them know how much his company and family needs Jae In. I'm really looking forward to how they'll get over this. I'm still hoping for a happy ending show! Please don't let me down.


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*Their dilemma here reminds me of the one in Goong. But at least there they managed to get over the problem in a neat little bow.

Gah! Too much typo. ?


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One way to get over it is if she's pregnant.


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I heard that that's actually what happened in the original. Yeah, it can surely bring them together again but it still won't override Jae In's worry over DaDa's happiness.. Unless of course, she eventually turns out to become the media darling, much like Princess Diana. Hey, now that I think about it. Diana was a teacher! ?


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In the original it was a secondary character, Dada's BFF (paired with TaeHa) who got pregnant.


I don't think Dada is pregnant in the original, I didn't remember it,


In the original Da Hyun did not get pregnant before marriage. The 2003 Jae In was more childish though and wanted to compete with Tae Ha and so worked hard to be pregnant too!!!


Ohhh.. My apologies. Didn't really see the original. Was just quoting the posts I read somewhere. Haha


I don't generally angst but now I realize it's because it usually feels so manufactured and I don't buy it which is why it annoys me to go through watching x number of episodes about it.

This drama is different. When Jae-In was telling his lawyer friend the reasons why he couldn't ask Dada to stay by his side, I could completely buy it. We were shown this in previous episodes and for the life of me, I know she would be happier as a teacher, away from the public light, as opposed to a chaebol's wife.

Which is why the conflict instills true sadness in me because this is their reality. The only bad part is I don't actually know how they're gonna get over it... T.T


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Deus ex machina maybe? Is it too late for more makjang. I want neither of these things, I assure you.


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Ack! The Internet are my comment, so just...ditto.


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The Internet "ate" my comment, not "are" my comment. *sigh*


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Thanks HappilyEverAfter for the recap. I really appreciate your analysis on marriage and Jae In as a character.

What stood out most for me this entire episode was Jae In the character and Ha Suk Jin, the actor who played him. For me this was one of his standout episodes. DaDa's description of her ideal guy made Jae In look so dejected, but I feel that Suk Jin didn’t overplay this. When he was outside DaDa's apartment at the end of their date, he made me believe that he wished it could have worked out the way they wanted without him having to say too much. His breakdown at Grandpa’s bed side was both moving and rousing, which in turn made me have hope for his future with DaDa. Not to take away from DaDa though, she too had her moments such as her conversation with her mother, but I think this episode was Jae In’s time/chance to shine.

This was a wonderfully poignant episode which was made all the more so having seen the original. The way they chose to address a ridiculous amount of material from the original in such small and powerful segments within the episode was well done, exquisite even. I appreciated the symbolism of the beach as the last date location and their talks there, and Jae In’s discussion with Lawyer Park outlining his reasoning for not proposing to DaDa. The latter was able to satiate my craving for seeing them together after the wedding—if it happens at all. When Jae In explained about the long nights he would have to work and the frustrations it could create in their marriage, I could picture it because of the original.


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I agree Ha Suk jin really shine. I'm blown away by his subtle and understated acting. Nothing forced. Plus their chemistry is very natural and organic.


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I've watched lots of kdrama breakups but you are right about Ha Suk Jin. He is so nuanced yet the impact is more powerful.

Like what @Kbas, said above, Ha Suk Jin's crying is even different from other actors. Often, I see actors crying for the camera. Yes, they contort and scrunched up their faces in pain and huge fat tears swell up in their eyes. It's very dramatic, beautiful and all but I can tell they are acting. Ha Suk Jin isn't like that, he is not a vain actor.


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Ooops...what happened?

Sorry, half of my post got "bolded"! :D


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I think you had a angle brackett with b for bold open without a closing /b at the end. :)


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Bummer, I missed out the < :(

I'm just surprised that the error made all the words bold instead of not the bold effect not coming through at all.


@ET, the opening tag tells the computer to "start formatting at this point". It turns everything bold until it sees the closing tag which tells it to "stop formatting at this point". That's why if you miss the closing tag, the computer just keeps on bolding everything because no one told it to stop. Like a Truck of Doom with no brakes. XD

Just sharing that piece of info, in case you're curious.


Thank you @mary :D

Truck of Doom with license plate - I AM BOLD


This has happened to me before. :P

I also just realised that your response here is pretty much my response to your post. Didn't see it in time. :P


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This drama is full of heart even when it is deeply saddening. This was one of the bravest goodbyes I have seen a couple go through. They tried to make a nice memory for each other even up to the last date, knowing how precious it would be. And when the time came, like mature adults, they let go as agreed upon. I was more happy about that than anything. If they want to be together it should be because they want each other and so ending the contract was the best thing to do. I hope they have the chance to start anew after realizing they could be happy together despite the social divide.


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Even the angst was beautifully done. Both actors have amah..zing chemistry, I agree with one of the comment before: they must have been secretly dating.

To reflect on the restraint they both been excercising, all the way knowing there's no future for them but still earnest to each other. Love.. Love.. Love.. This series so much!!


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The Internet ate my earlier comment, but ditto, ditto, ditto to this, too!


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This show has a crazy ability to wreak havoc with my heart, ???☹️?
I have so much respect for JI clearly articulating that he loves DaDa too much to subject her to what his life brings with it. It's just true. She knows it as well.

HOWEVER what I do not understand is why Grandpa set this whole thing in motion yet hasn't stepped in to explain why and how it's going to work for them. Didn't he have a long game, WTH? Isn't he going to be the Fairy Godmother??? Fix this, Haraboji! We're waiting ........ ?


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Well, Grandpa was unconscious in a hospital bed for most of the episode. So I'll give him a pass for now. But now that he's awake . . . . Yeah, Grandpa, fix this!


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Thanks for the recap!! I really enjoyed this episode.

Typically, we'd see the leads break up and not explain to each other why or have them break up because one is "protecting" the other. However, in this drama everything felt beautifully done.

Not only do we see both sides' reasoning - both of them were done logically as well. I couldn't stop myself from tearing up at how perfect Jae In's explanation was. It was logical and beautiful - that yes, he did love her and he wants her happy but instead of stopping there, he fully explained himself. His being a chaebol couldn't make DaDa happy at all - even with the lawyer suggesting that DaDa would stand by his side through it all. I got the, yes, she would and I know that, but why would I want that for her? When I cannot be by her side throughout her pains with me? It seemed such a beautiful logical sacrifice that I couldn't help but tear up and think to myself - MANSE. This is how "I love her but..." explanations should be done. Not the crappy "I love her but I'll hurt her because I'm not good enough" we usually see in so many dramas now.

That being said, I'm both excited and dreading the next 2 episodes. While I'm fairly sure they'd end up together, I just can't see how - apart from the grandfather butting in. I'm crossing my fingers that this drama doesn't disappoint me with 2 episodes left in the game.


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Once again, ditto x infinity.

It was so well thought out. You can't defy the logic of "I love you, but being with you will really hurt you in the long run - for reals."

If he loves Dada, and he does, he can't do that to her. It's also great how Dada doesn't know those reasons, so when he is scrambling and uber busy being the new head of the company (because Dada won't know that Gramps is still sick because it's a secret that he is still so ill), it'll feed into all of her thoughts that her world really was to different for him and that she was too normal and ordinary to be a part of it.

Ack! That is so perfectly played by the writer. It's like one of those antique tin balance toys. Jae-it's practical wish to keep her life carefree and simple like it is now and her view that she is so simple and normal that she doesn't fit into his world are so perfectly placed - like the two of them are just teetering there on opposite sides of the same idea.

Love this writer.


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Omg this comment! At first, I just thought how depressing it was for Da Hyun to come across the news bit another Jae In. How the "out of sight, out of mind" tip Hyun Jin gave her can never fully be committed to since SH group is so big.

Gosh but when you put it that way. Really seals the deal of how different their worlds are. It guess it never really hit home for Da Hyun. I mean she understood the common tropes associated with Chaebol-dom. But well that news bit just sealed the reality of it.


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Yes! It's so well played that the first time Dada sees him post break-up, he's on TV. And he looks so different, so official and slick. What a way to bring that idea home.


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Im reminded to nvr judge a book by its cover. JaeIn's character is really sth. And just as HappilyEverAfter mentions theres this reallygood guy in him buried inside. He doesnt thk of himself as a good guy and he doesnt thk of the good deeds he did as good. I cant help shaking my head when he didnt realise the good man Dada was talking about is him.
I love the reveal when he talked to his lawyer buddy. His reasoning of not clinging on to Dada, it's logical and best approach from his well though out reasoning. At the same time its that reasoning that showed how considerate he is and how much he loves her to not want her to live the life he did. Noone knows how lonely stiffling and boring that life is.
But what he hasnt factor in is when tough times or bad times when shared with your love one is halved. So it might not be as bad as he envision. And he hasnt factor in the heartache for being apart is way more.
Again praises for the show. I see maturity. I see honest feelings. I love how their breakup played out. Now im just waiting for how love will bring them together. Fighting JaeIn-Dada, you guys belong together.


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Thanks HappilyEverAfter.

I'm so amused that Jae In totally did not recognise himself in Da Hyun's description of the good guy she'd want. In the past, he'd have set himself up as a worthy contender, even if he would admit he was not 'good' by the standards of those who know him.

He may not have given Da Hyun much in terms of a lasting gift, but he has given her a lot in terms of being with her, being accessible and of service, feeding her and offering her his home. He regards all that as natural and not as if he's being generous, which is sweet.

As the days stretch in their separation, I guess they will have to balance their own sense of what is 'right' with whether they can live happily doing what is 'right' for the long term. If the balance tips the way of 'left' (heheh!), then they'll have to convince themselves and the parents in the next episodes. Should be a fun watch!

There are actually spoilers abounding elsewhere. But shhh!


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Omo. I'm really gonna binge-watch this when net is faster. I hope their separation is just in this ep. This drama really surprised me that their separation is not similar to other cringey OTP break ups. Yes, they are both hurt but at the same time, they broke up without misunderstandings and hatred instead, they understand and love one another. ???
WARNING: Even if you're so excited for the last 2 eps., don't go to the latest posts in Soompi forum. I've been spoiled. You have been warned.?


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ahhhh. I knew this angst was coming from a thousand miles away but I still felt for both JaeIn and Dada in this episode. That hospital breakdown was especially poignant, it felt authentic - so real props to HSJ for such an understated yet powerful performance here.

I don't know why but for this drama I am not against the separation.. They needed it as a couple and as individuals. As a couple, they need to be apart and without being restricted by any contract in order to hopefully get together again according to their own will (pun intended). As individuals, they need to know that they are capable individuals apart and from there, learn that they are better together.

I really, really, really can't wait for the eps this week but at the same time, I am dreading the time to say goodbye to this realistic couple.

Thank you HappilyEverAfter for the recap and thoughts!


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Super ditto!


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At first I was going to call noble idiocy but after Jae In's scene with the lawyer Park, I broke down because his reasoning makes sense. He knows she would be a great wife but would she be happier away from the spotlight? That hospital bed scene with Jae In and Grandpa broke my heart because his affection for DaDa just came through so well. Kudos to Ha Suk Jin for making me really believe he loves his co-actress. I'm normally not one to ship actors in real life but if there's a dramagod out there...


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Yes, that scene with lawyer Park was the one which twisted the knife in my gut.

That was hands down one of the best scripted and delivered 'noble idiocy' in a kdrama! Because it was only noble and no idiocy.

Kudos to Ha Suk Jin for making me really believe he loves his co-actress.

The amazing thing is that Ha Suk Jin pulled it off in such an understated, sweet and sincere way.


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I love the way this couple touch each other and saw each other , , , it looks so real


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I'll be praying along with yall to ze Drama Gods. We've all been good this year too Santa!


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Just reading the recap made me cry... it breaks my heart how she enumerated Jae-in's quality... waaaa!


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JI acutely knows his position and responsibility as an heir and silently bearing the burden of everyone's expectations from him.
He has been doing this for all these years alone and now also he is giving up his chance of happiness for this.

How badly he wants to hold on to DH till last second of their contract but still projecting himself as the bad guy to her shows how torn he feels btw his feelings and harsh reality.

The scenes with mom where he is barely able to control his pain are really well done by the actor without going over the top.


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Jae In confession when Dada drunk is just perfect.
He asked if she want to follow the rought part with him.
That just real.
I like how Dada remember how nice Jae in when he didn't even count that as being nice.
Did anyone notice that they played I believe-song in the cafe before the necklace scene?
or how Jae-in hairstyle changes?

All those silent pause kills me,
all those stares and acceptance from them just sad.
All those explanation they have for themselves is just so real.
That's the reality of life, that what should be addressed before someone is getting married,
that's what matter and I am sad that I couldn't provide them much better solution despite
"time will find the solutionl, give it a time"


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Ooo - I had forgotten his drunkem confession. It shows how he had planned to make her part of his world, but the kidnapping brought a cold splash of reality to him.


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I realized that this became each other's first serious relationship at the outset, and how ironic that it started WHILE they were contract dating!

The water symbolism throughout the series hints to me that the day of the break-up, where they actually touched the water, was actually the start of the real relationship. How brilliant for the writer to use it. Because there was no more impetus of a contract for the relationship, there was freedom to choose whether or not to pursue a relationship. And they chose to spend the day together (stay together).

Thus, to me, it makes the happy-ever-after ending very elegant.❤️


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Oh, you're right! All the rain images vs. that breezy sunny day where they weren't hiding their relationship anymore. Well done, show!


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Is it only me or suddenly JI is looking too hot to handle in this episode??

Be it be the side swept hair or sharp suits, both making him look heavenly . The first suit he wore after taking over the SH group and also the brown suit were swoon worthy...


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No. it's not just you.

I think the show is doing it on purpose, LOL. Gaaaawwdd...it just makes the breakup worse and sadder, right?


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I dont know whether to cry in the episode over the breakup or stare at his handsome yet sad face. Just heartbreaking...


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Do both, that's the only way to get through this.


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Yes! The makeover he underwent when he became part of the company had such an emotional impact because we saw him transform into the Chaebol leader he was always going to end up becoming.

Seeing him in that new style - what a great way to define his inner change, with such an outward visual. And Jae-in always looked polished, so it was such a well-thought out visual turn. Whoever is collaborating on the costumes and cinematography are so thoughtful in their attention to detail.


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I've been bothered by his jackets... that the collars did not sit nicely against his neck... especially when compared to the lawyer friend's and even Tae Ha's smart suits!!! I think it was done on purpose, but I don't know why. HSJ would have looked terrific all the time in those suits if only they sat more comfortably on him.


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The only thing that fitted him snugly was the boxer brief which we had a glimpse of in ep 6.


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I can't believe that after almost a week, I am crying inside again after reading HappilyEverAfter's beautiful recap. I love love what you wrote about Jae In and the break up.

This is the first time in my kdrama experience that I agree and empathize with the reasons for breakup yet I feel utterly heartbroken by it. I can see why Da Hyun didn't give up her whole life for Jae In without hesitation. It doesn't mean that she doesn't love him because it is a huge sacrifice on her part. I feel worse for Jae In because he is a good man and so deserving of love. It broke my heart that he didn't recognize that it was him in Da Hyun's description of a good man. In that scene where he had his meal with Mom, he looked like he was choking back tears.

It started with Drinking Solo and after this show, Ha Suk Jin has become my favorite k actor.

I love how he can be suave and cool like when he's in The Boss mode. I love how he can be so cute and a dork in the funny scenes. He's seriously the best in acting the part of a man falling in love, a man who has eyes only for his girl, a man who can't take his eyes off her and whose entire face brightens up and smiles like crazy when he looks at her.

Last but not least, he's so awesome in the physical acting aspect(can't think of a more appropriate phase at the moment). He gives the best kisses and the way he touches Da Hyun is not just sexual but every bit a man who is so in love with his girl.

This episode shows that he is just as capable in emoting. I love that he is understated and has no histronics. It makes the sad moments more poignant and the sadder ones gut wrenching.


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Agreed - Rven the way he looked at her before crossing the room to kiss her (the after-her-shower scene), in that split second he looks at her in a different way and you can see his posture shift and his intent change as he walks over to kiss her. I think that is so hard to fake and something so primal in it.


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Even, not Revn


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If you're avoiding spoilers, don't go to YouTube. However over there, I came across one of the interviews where Ha Suk Jin admitted that when he was doing this show, he was in love for 2 months. However after the show, the feelings shriveled up. (Gong Yoo said something similar in another interview another time, that in each show, one did fall in love for a while)

Jeon So Min however said that until that time of the interview, she still missed Lee Jae In, not HSJ but LJI. So she was 'in love' too.

That accounts for how real they look as a couple. It's quite an occupational hazard in romances!!! They have to let themselves go and 'fall in love' and then reign it all in at the end of the 'job'. Kudos to our 1% couple!!! :)


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Yeah, I read that Press Conference interview a while back.

I guess this is not uncommon but not every couple who tries this pulls off the romance successfully. Otherwise, we should be getting great chemistry all the time :D


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So refreshing!!! A drama with two mature people not swayed by others or circumstances and no "dark cloud" hanging over their heads....just trying to stay together! Fighting Da Da couple!


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Interesting how for once, we beanies are stumped on how this dilemma the actors find themselves will be resolved. Good job, writer-nim; even if it is a remake. Great acting HSJ. Two emotional ones stood out- the hospital and the lunch with Mom. There's another one, too. By the door of Dada's apartment, during the hug. The camera panned out but you see JI stretch his arm to possibly wipe his tears. Heartbreak. Thanks for the recap, HappilyEverAfter.


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I do think though that somehow their need to be together will come to light as stronger than the hurt they will endure apart.

- For example, if the show can show that Jae-in can only protect Dada if she is WITH him, like if their secret contract gets out and she is being pursued by the press, that would be an impetus.

- Dada being pregnant would be another (but their sleeping together still remains ambiguous).

- Jae-in giving into his selfish side, maybe after seeing her on a date. We know he is still selfish.

- Grandpa changing the will again to include a marriage to her would do the trick.

I have faith that the writer can do it since the show managed to make viewers feel at first like they could be together and then later that it is impossible for them to be together. Hwaiting show!


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Thanks for the recap? this episode was so sad but it seems like they will be together at the end of the show...I can't believe that just 2 episodes left, I'm a little sad about that and can't wait for the next recaps


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Awwwwww... My tears fall when read your review. I can feel what they feel. Spoiler for ending episode already alot. but, i never bored to re-run re-run again.


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Does any one feel like dada has an incurable illness cause nobody seemed to mention it that she has been feeling dizzy and always sick


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No, please no. Don't even think it! Surprisingly however, I wouldn't mind it. I can't believe I just said that. :$

I am in the process of re-watching the entire series to present and I still find myself laughing and smiling. There are very few series out there that I can do this with. I appreciate how normal their relationship was outside of the contract that someone dying due to illness wouldn't seem too makjang. People do die from illness. Again, I don't want it to happen and think it highly unlikely to happen. X=


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and today is wednesday. Hooorraaaayyyy


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HALLELUJAH. Its the middle of the work week AND the day ep 15 airs. All is well in the world


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One small query . The scene where JI asks DH to stay with him for the day and that he will do more than holding hands if she says the word: Is he suggesting to sleep with her or asking her to confess her feelings so that he also does the same.
the eng subs are bit confusing....


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I thought the same thing. :)


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Is anyone able to tell me what is the repeating slow song played in (at least) epi 8, 9 and 15 during reflective moments? All I see listed is I want you bad and certainly this is the wrong song. Thank you!!


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I can try to help if you can provide some time stamps. To make sure we are on the same page you can try using drama fire as a reference.


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