Su Ae leads her team of misfits on the ice in Take Off 2

Just in time for the 2016 Rio Olympics, a film about South Korea’s first national women’s hockey team will be released on August 10. Featuring actresses Su Ae (Mask) and Oh Yeon-seo (Come Back, Ajusshi), Take Off 2 (or National Athlete 2) is about an eclectic group of women who band together and bond through their common love of skating. It’s the sequel to the 2009 movie starring Ha Jung-woo about the Korean men’s 1998 Olympic ski-jump team. 

In Take Off 2, Oh Dal-soo (Veteran) plays the national South Korean women’s hockey team coach, who talks big but doesn’t have the record to back it. He’s a refreshingly comedic father-figure to our spiritually broken athletes. Su Ae is a North Korean refugee, who was the ace on the national hockey team in her homeland. Due to cultural differences and misunderstandings, the movie starts out with her locking horns with the other South Korean hockey players including Oh Yeon-seo, a former short-track skater who was disgracefully expelled from the national short-track team.

The rest of the hockey team consists of a strange bunch of misfits with vastly different motivations. Ha Jae-sook (Beautiful Mind, Birth of a Beauty) is a housewife who seems to have lost her purpose in life, but turns into a machine on the ice. A money-obsessed Kim Seul-gi (Splash Splash Love) becomes an accountant-turned-athlete for the national ice hockey league. Additionally, ex-figure skating fairy Kim Ye-won (Only Love, Pretty Man) dreams of changing her life through marriage, but somehow ends up on the hockey team. Finally, Jin Ji-hee (Baek-hee Has Returned) takes on the role of a starry-eyed ambitious student who aspires to become the youngest ever national ice hockey player.  

Together, they sweat and toil toward a shared goal of winning the 2003 Asian Winter Games. It’s a feel-good underdog story about camaraderie and love for an underrated sport. The friendships made through grueling training sessions create a synergy that allows the first South Korean women’s hockey team to persevere through the Aomori Asian Games. In Korea, it’s been described as a combination of its predecessor, Take Off, and As One, another intense North-South film about an international joint table tennis team. So, the topic may not be very original, but I’m a sucker for a well-made sports movie, and the trailer for Take Off 2 looks pretty boss. 
Also, if you’re a Park So-dam (Beautiful Mind )fan, you might want to check it out because she cameos as the younger sister Su Ae left behind in North Korea in the movie. Sports film Take Off 2 will be released in Korean domestic theaters on August 10.

Via ChicNews


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Seems cool. You don't get too many women-focused sports movies so I'll look forward to whenever it hits the web.

I also enjoyed As One so any resemblance to that film seems like a good thing in my book.


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It does look good, a sexy hockey team. Can't wait !


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Wow,such an awesome cast! With baby KSG too. The character discriptions alone are hilarious. Truly a team of misfits. GO TEAM!!


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+1 on awesome cast. There have been a few interviews with actresses (Su Ae, Oh Yeon-seo etc), and one thing they said was -what they talked about when they(actresses) were together was about actors (among others), fangirling, talking about handsome actors and the stuff just like any other people. And when that happened, Jin Jihee(from Baek-hee has returned) the youngest of the group left the room quietly.


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Aww. Why did she leave the room? Was she shy? @fan


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There's nothing more exhilarating than watching an underdog sports movie done well. Okay, well, of course real life isn't comparable lol.

But the show of patriotism, passion, intensity and determination always gets me right at the heart. It's too bad the genre isn't popular enough, because when done right, it can be amongst the most uplifting entertainment. I'm excited for the women in this. Hopefully it does well in the box office.


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Pwahaha. The kid's wearing a T-shirt saying 아 들= son. Is the coach his dad for which we'll be granted an 아버지 T?


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yessssssssssss!!! finally! my favourite game in a korean movie. it's a win-win deal. actually I enjoyed all the sport movies coming from korea. "as one" is still on the top. which reminds me that south & north combination already worked well for me. :) take off 2, fighting!!!


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Ooh! A feel-good underdog overcoming all odds sports related movie that is female centric! Sounds awesome.
Plus has 2 actresses from Beautiful Mind inside. I loved Nurse Jang! I can so imagine her "a machine on ice". Haha. Will be looking out for this!


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Damn. I usually don't give a sh*t about sports movie, but that trailer did a pretty good job. I really want to watch it now!
Su Ae and Kim Seul-gi may have played a role in that decision as well, but it really looks like a great feel-good movie...


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Ah so this is why they were all in running man last week and played ice hockey as one of the games on this week's RM...It was a good episode, you should check it out!


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learn something new that ice hockey was an Olympic sport lol coming from an English culture the only hockey I watch is the field hockey, that has nothing to do with either ice or skating. NZ beat SK 4-1 last night in the field hockey at the Olympics


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Exactly what i was thinking too as I watched the episode yesterday (funny one too hafta say).

Dammit why can't they get KSG to come to RM too, I adore her!


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Ohhellyeah!!! i'm definitely watching this. The short bob and sassy attitude is not the only thing Oh Yeon Seo is rocking post-Ahjusshi! I just love it when her characters are foul-mouthed. Same goes with Kim Seul Gi. The rest of the cast looks banging too. Cant wait!


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It's like the Korean version of the Mighty Ducks.


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It's not related to this movie but I'm going through withdrawal from the Beautiful Mind and having a depression from having one less episode of W this week. I hate Olympics, no it should be I hate having Olympics taking away my favorite drama spot.


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Woo.. I adore Take Off and As One. Here goes hoping this movie will be good too


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Will you be reviewing the movie? I hope so!


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I used to play hockey when I was young until grade 8 (still do every now and then, though not competitive anymore). so, this really piques my interest. During winter olympics, women's hockey is always one of the most exciting (add the fact that my loveable Canadian women's team is all about heart, determination, and sheer passion. so yeah, that's what i'll be looking for in this movie!!!


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Seems to be a fun underdog/misfits sports film.

Love the cast - from Soo Ae and Oh Yeon-seo to Oh Dal-soo, Kim Seul-gi and Jin Ji-hee.


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I'll definitely be watching this. I love Soo Ae, Kim Seul Gi and Oh Yeon Seo. I've been waiting for this since their filming last year and I'm happy that it's now going to be in cinemas.


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Did a double take when I immediately spotted Nurse Jang in the lead photo. To think we missed out on seeing her hip check Assistant Manager Chae out of an operating room...


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