2014 KBS Drama Awards

Whew, the whirlwind of year-end awards finally comes to a close. Let’s wrap up with the last of the big station awards over at KBS, where premium sageuk Jung Do-jeon cranked out the big winners of the evening: veteran Yoo Dong-geun took home the Daesang (Grand Prize) for his performance as the founder of the Joseon dynasty, and Jo Jae-hyun also took home a Top Excellence Award for his role as the titular Jung Do-jeon. Kim Hyun-joo was awarded a Top Excellence Award for her weekender What’s With This Family, which was the other big title of the night (no surprise since it’s raking in the ratings).

The rest of the love was spread far and wide, which is how KBS likes to do things. It’s par for the course for every station to divvy up the drama lengths as much as can be reasonably done, in an effort to hand out as many trophies as possible. They are what they are, but hey — at least it gets the stars on the red carpet? And if we’re lucky, they show up looking cozy with their costars like Lee Jun-ki and Nam Sang-mi, and make my day.


Daesang (Grand Prize): Yoo Dong-geun (Jung Do-jeon, What’s With This Family)
Top Excellence, Actor: Jo Jae-hyun (Jung Do-jeon)
Top Excellence, Actress: Kim Hyun-joo (What’s With This Family)

Excellence Awards:
Mid-length Drama, Actor: Lee Jun-ki (Joseon Gunman)
Mid-length Drama, Actress: Nam Sang-mi (Joseon Gunman),
      Park Min-young (Healer)
Miniseries, Actor: Eric Mun (Discovery of Romance)
Miniseries, Actress: Jung Yumi (Discovery of Romance)
Serial Drama, Actor: Kim Sang-kyung (What’s With This Family),
      Park Young-kyu (Jung Do-jeon)
Serial Drama, Actress: Kim Ji-ho (Wonderful Season),
Daily Drama, Actor: Choi Jae-sung (Dandelion Devotion)
Daily Drama, Actress: Choi Yoon-young (There Is a Cat),
      Shin So-yool (Sweet Secret)
Supporting Actor: Shin Sung-rok (King’s Face)
Supporting Actress: Han Eun-jung (Golden Cross),
      Lee Chae-young (Cuckoo’s Nest)

Actor of the Year, awarded by PDs from all three broadcasters: Jo Jae-hyun
Newcomer Award, Actor: Park Hyung-shik (What’s With This Family),
      Seo In-gook (King’s Face)
Newcomer Award, Actress: Nam Ji-hyun (What’s With This Family),
      Kim Seul-gi (Discovery of Romance)
Netizens’ Award: Jung Yumi (Discovery of Romance),
      Eric Mun (Discovery of Romance)
Popularity Award: Lee Da-hee(Big Man),
      Jung Eun-ji (Trot Lovers),
      Ji Chang-wook (Healer),
      Joo-won (Cantabile Tomorrow)
One-Act Special, Actor: Jo Dal-hwan (Ugly Love)
One-Act Special, Actress: Kim So-hyun (Cry Differently)
Youth Actor: Hong Hwa-ri (Wonderful Season),
      Ahn Seo-hyun (Bomi’s Room),
      Kwak Dong-yeon (Age of Feeling)
Best Couple: Park Min-young & Ji Chang-wook (Healer),
      Nam Ji-hyun & Park Hyung-shik (What’s With This Family),
      Jung Yumi & Eric Mun (Discovery of Romance),
      Nam Sang-mi & Lee Jun-ki (Joseon Gunman),
      Kim Hyun-joo & Kim Sang-kyung (What’s With This Family)
Writer Award: Kang Eun-kyung (What’s With This Family),
      Jung Hyun-min (Jung Do-jeon)
Lifetime Achievement Award: Kim Ja-ok


If you’re headlining two of KBS’s mega-hits of the year (Jung Do-jeon, What’s With This Family), it’s not really a surprise to anyone that you’re due for a Daesang, right? Yoo Dong-geun may be known for his dignified gravitas and his booming voice, but on the red carpet he’s downright adorable. I love his outfit — it’s part smoking jacket, part tux, and that little kerchief with the polka dots is so sweet. The best part is that he’s grinning from ear to ear, just like a winner should be.


Jo Jae-hyun also picks up a trophy for Jung Do-jeon, and looks dapper in a classic tux. I wonder if he got that polka-dotted bowtie to match Yoo Dong-geun’s kerchief! Just make me happy and say you did.


Does Kim Hyun-joo (What’s With This Family) always glow like this? Is it the lights? The knowledge that she’s getting a trophy? The dress isn’t all that amazing, but she just looks lit up and freaking gorgeous in every shot. I guess this is why so many actresses wear white? If only the effect were always this glowy.


I feel like this dress is bizarrely proportioned on Nam Sang-mi, but the color is beautiful, and she has the best accessory of the night: Lee Jun-ki, looking A-MAZing. See, this is why all costars should come to these things together — alone they’d be pretty and notable, but together, they blow everyone else away. It’s just good math, and good sense. I do have the urge to do something about that giant bottom portion on Nam Sang-mi’s dress, but maybe it’s purposely oversized so that she trips often, and Lee Jun-ki has to hold her up all night. See, sometimes fashion IS practical.


Here’s their Joseon Gunman costar Han Joo-wan looking a little shy on the red carpet. You can only see it in some shots, but his jacket has shiny glitter all over it, which is pretty awesome. Maybe it’s the combination of sheepish grin and blinged out glitter that does it for me.


The gold dresses are really the big statement gowns this year, and Jeon Hye-bin (Joseon Gunman) looks pretty damn flawless in this one. It’s a simple structured dress in shape, but has just enough shine and movement to make it gorgeous. It fits her like a glove, and her simple styling only makes the dress stand out more.


Eric! Guh, why so pretty? I love Eric on the red carpet — he should just dress up in tuxes every day. It’s head-to-toe-velvet and patterned to boot, but why does he make it look so James Bond? Okay, idol-oppa-meets-James-Bond, but still. Hot diggity.


Not to be outdone by her costar, Kim Seul-gi (Discovery of Romance) rocks my favorite dress of the night. It’s not a rave-worthy silhouette, but the color is so fantastic, and she just looks perfect — glamorous but still fun, and pretty in an I’m-pretty-enough-to-play-a-leading-lady-hello way. Can’t wait to see what 2015 has in store for her.


I so wish Kim Seul-gi had arrived with Yoon Hyun-min (Discovery of Romance), because he could use the lessons in how to smile and wave for the cameras. These are the most natural shots I could find — he looks this stiff and scared in every single frame, like he’s going to the dentist. Quick, somebody hold his hand and make it all better!


Okay, this guy has no trouble being a big star on the red carpet — Shin Sung-rok (King’s Face, Trot Lovers) pulled double duty and ran between SBS and KBS to attend both awards shows, and even had the sense to change tuxes in between. There were certainly a number of noteworthy breakouts in 2014, but I don’t know that anyone else grabbed the opportunity quite like Shin Sung-rok did. He looks great on both red carpets, but when you’re this tall, is it even possible for clothes to look bad on you?


MCs Park Min-young (Healer) and Seo In-gook (King’s Face) arrived together, looking cute. Her dress is confusing — it has these arm bands and I don’t care for the overall color or look, though it’s much prettier when the skirt part billows out. Otherwise the dress is more casual in cut, and I’d rather see her in something more daring. But I adore her Healer hair, and it looks especially cute tied up like that.


Here they are with their co-MC Kim Sang-kyung (What’s With This Family). I wish Seo In-gook had combed his hair. And gotten a haircut. And worn a snazzier tux. But he’s busy playing Prince Gwanghae every day and probably doesn’t have time to sleep or eat or brush his teeth, so maybe I’ll forgive him just this once. Kim Sang-kyung’s look on the other hand, I dig.


Healer-ya! Ji Chang-wook, formal looks good on you. He looks so freaking good in a sleek black tux, but my favorite detail is on his feet. Get a load of his shoes! I love those shoes so much — they’re a splash of fun on a very formal outfit, and they make me wish he’d bust out with some dance moves right there on the red carpet.


Choi Yoon-young takes home an Actress Award for her daily drama There Is a Cat, and looks pretty… in the sparkly white dress that we’ve seen a hundred times before. I like the back detailing and the ponytail though.


Here’s her There Is a Cat costar Hyun-woo, with a sweet smile.


Kim Sae-ron (High School: Love On) had the cutest Cinderella moment on the red carpet: She lost her shoe on her way up the stairs, and just sat right down to put it back on with a smile. Her legs really are getting too long for these short skirts, but how can you fault a girl for wanting a tutu skirt on her dress? You can’t. It’s just irrefutable girl logic.


Kim So-hyun is here for her one-act drama special Cry Differently, wearing a similar style. I just love dresses in this shape — universally flattering, and classically girly.


Yeon Joon-seok (Shark) is an up-and-comer, here for his drama special Monster. He looks scared and awkward, but he’s got time to grow into it.


I love that there’s color at this event. Han Eun-jung picks up an award for Supporting Actress (Golden Cross, Iron Man), and wears a daring splash of red that’s slit here AND there, and in the back too. It does seem like one slit too many, but she looks fantastically confident and sexy, so you can’t really argue with that. I just wish the top didn’t look quite like a stiff V — it makes the dress a little more structured than I would like.


Im Ho (Jung Do-jeon) mixes up gray and black. Why, I don’t know.


Rising young star Kwak Dong-yeon takes home a Youth Actor Award for Age of Feeling. His hair is spiky and his cuffs don’t fit right, but that just adds to the newbie charm.


Im Soo-hyang is also here for Age of Feeling, surprising no one with a long black dress. It’s actually a very pretty black dress that I’d love to wear, and I like the mix of textures and the overall shape. It’s just a little too much on the safe side, and she blends instead of standing out.


Okay, I take that back. THIS dress on Joo Da-young (Age of Feeling) is safe and boring.


Jo Dal-hwan is also here for Age of Feeling. I don’t like the shirts with black collars — it makes you look like you’re wearing your bowtie as a giant dog collar.


Man, there were a lot of people in Age of Feeling. Kim Ga-eun looks purty in her fluffy pink gown — nothing all that exciting about it, but it’s flattering and she looks like wisps of cotton candy.


I totally see what Lee Da-hee (Big Man) is going for, and shape-wise, this dress fits her beautifully. But why, oh why are the bottom ruffles sheer white panels? Why is the dress white at all? I just want to rip the bottom of it off. And make it a color. On second thought, I just want Lee Da-hee to wear a different dress altogether.


Her Big Man costar Daniel Choi looks… like he always does. Kinda geeky, kinda awkward, kinda like he borrowed that outfit at the last minute and they ran out of his size.


Kim Ji-ho picked up an Actress Award for Wonderful Season, and wears a safe black dress. I like that it has some shine to it and she looks great, but the dress itself is just so straight and narrow.


Child actress Hong Hwa-ri also picks up an award for Wonderful Season. I don’t like this dress. Why are we putting tiny children in big goth dresses? Does the see-through trend really need to apply to the tiny tot department too?


Aw, Sohn Ho-joon (Trot Lovers) looks so dashing in his tux! I kid you not though — he has that exact wooden deer-in-headlights expression in every single picture. And his hand is up like that the whole time, like he’s a robot with a broken arm. It’s not as funny in just two pictures, but when you see thirty of them in a row, it starts to get downright hysterical.


What’s With This Family costars Nam Ji-hyun and Park Hyung-shik arrived together as well, and they both look perfect. Really, there’s not a hair out of place, and they both look this beautiful in every picture. His tux is classic and fitted, and her dress is dreamy — the exact thing a budding young actress would want to wear on the red carpet.


Their costar Seo Kang-joon (What’s With This Family), looking like a charmer.


I wish I could say the same for Sohn Dam-bi (What’s With This Family), but her dress is somehow ill-fitted AND bland AND ugly, while still being completely forgettable. What is that giant fold-gather situation happening at the neckline? Did it really need that giant silver bow? Does anything need a giant silver bow? And why does it drag on the ground, effectively making her look like a walking sack of potatoes?


Yoon Bak (What’s With This Family), looking a little bored.


Daily drama Land of Gold costars Baek Seung-hee and Kang Eun-tak arrive together. I love the overall effect of this couple — sleek, sexy, polished. I don’t like that the top of the dress looks separate from the bottom, but the color! And who wouldn’t be envious of that long flowy silhouette and that slit up to there?


Lee Yeo-reum is here for the drama special Junior High Student Miss A with Kwak Dong-yeon, but I know her best from High School King of Savvy, where she was the adorable little sister. I really wish there were more of her dress though. Way, waaaay more. I get that she’s young and petite, but that dress is the size of a handkerchief. Someone might sneeze it away!


Seo Joon-young! Why aren’t you over at the SBS awards hanging out with Lee Je-hoon? Maybe someday you’ll stop dying in every drama and we can see you guys arrive on a red carpet together in a not-sad way? He’s here for the drama special Funeral Cryer, wearing a fun blue tux.


Han Chae-ah is here for her daily drama My One and Only Love. She looks pretty, but when does she not? It’s a little safe and the dress blends on a night like this, but I do like the neckline — that collar is beautiful.


Well, this dress doesn’t blend into the sea of safe and pretty, I’ll give it that. For some reason, Lee Chae-young (Cuckoo’s Nest) decided to wear a shapeless black dress in the very odd dowdy-but-vampy category, with ugly fishnet sleeves and no waistline. Someone thought this was a good idea?


Kim Heung-soo (Sweet Lie), you’re great! But your tux is way too buttoned-up!


I just don’t even, with this dress. Shin So-yool (Sweet Lie) wears something different, but I can’t quite figure it out. It’s like a pantsuit and a ball gown got together and had an unholy love child. I actually think the top is sort of cute, though not very formal, but then all together with that giant bell at the bottom, it’s… well, it’s a giant bell is what it is.


Park Bo-gum (Cantabile Tomorrow), you are so cute, but when you wear white pants with a black tuxedo jacket, you look like you’re not wearing any pants, and you just always want to be wearing pants on the red carpet.


And because no red carpet is complete without Joo-won (Cantabile Tomorrow), here he is. One last swoon before 2015! Say it with me now: SWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON. Okay, I think I’m ready for the new year now.



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James Bond arrived in KBS drama awards… I thought I'm the only one think like that. Eric = korean James Bond XD

Congrats to the winner especially Jang Do Jeon and Joseon Gunman team. I love these two dramas a lot.


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KBS wins for having the best awards night! Why? Simply coz all the k- hotties are here, the ones I like anyway.. Eherm...
Seo In Guk (Congrats for winning the Best New Actor award, your momma will be proud coz that was her wish), Lee Joon Ki! Those eyes and the killer smile, lethal!
Joo Won (can't you flash a smile to dazzle us more?!)
Paek Bo Geum, Kwak dong yeon,super cuties!
Eric, oh, Eric looking so dapper!
The charming Seo Kang Joon.
My favorite villain who slayed every performance in a drama- Shin Sung Rok.
And of course, the Healer , the most handsome of all,
The ultimate Heartbreaker - JI CHANG WOOK! ❤❤❤
Oh, be still my heart.
My favorite for the night - Lee Jung Ki! That smile would brighten up the whole universe, for sure! ?
Happy New Year! ???


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Happy New Year, girlfriday and javabeans! Happy New Year too to all DB recappers and readers :)

The whole KBS show, I was just looking at the table where Joo Won sat with Ji Chang Wook and Park Bo Guem. I wonder if javabeans drooled over the sight of her two guys? She is swooning over JCW in Healer now and prior to that, JW in Cantabile Tomorrow. Anyway, the 2 looked so cute together.


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haha, me too :D


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Just when I saw the KBS drama awards this morning...I saw JCW and JW received the awards togetheeeeer!!

OMG, Gaksital and Healer...you just made my day...


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Did Jung Yumi skip out on the red carpet because she looked so stunning in her red gown with her perfect hair and red lipstick. And she was adorable throughout the ceremony, esp with Eric.

And more aw with Lee Jun Ki and Nam Sang Mi and Park Hyung Sik and Nam Ji Hyun. These three were my fave couples this year, so I'm glad they all won! :)


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I want to see her, do you know where I can see pictures? Or screen caps O:


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Nevermind, I found them and I thought she look ahmazinggg. :D Thanks for the comment though I thought she might have skipped out on the awards all together for some reason.


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Yay, glad you found it! I love Jung Yumi and her style. She always looks great!

I know this is too soon and highly improbable but I'd love to see Jung Yumi in another project with Eric. They're amazing together. Or with Gong Yoo next!


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Me too! I think that would be great. It could be a drama special and that would make me happy. Would love for her to be in a drama with Gong Yoo as well. Hopefully, 2015 will grant that wish hahaha!


Oooo, I'd love Jung Yumi in a project with Gong Yoo.

After she does another with Eric, of course!


she looked so pretty, love her shoes, and the way she said 'eric oppa' at her acceptance speech was so cute <3


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'Eric oppppaa' *Yoo Mi mode on XD


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Lol...that's exactly what I'm going to do if I meet Eric, 'Eric Opppaaaa....! *superaegyomodeon


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I'm going to take advantage of the fact that I am older than he is and call him Eric-aaaah!


@Ann , actually I'm also older than him but I shamelessly want to be cute like Jung Yu Mi...heheheh....so..Eric Opppaaaaaa...


Oh where did you guys see the picture and the video? I was looking forward to seeing Jung Yumi. She indeed has really nice and distinctive style.


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Here are some videos :)
http://youtu.be/eWA94c90hwc (starts at 2:16 for her and Eric)

And if you type in Jung Yumi on Tumblr, there's a lot of pics and cute GIFs. I'm on mobile so I can't copy and paste links.


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Oh great!! Thank you Ella!


Oh wow Jung Yumi is really preptty in this red dress and lipstick indeed! And the shoes! Just wow!


Yeah, that 'eric oppa' was super cute :)

They've always had a surprisingly sweet offscreen chemistry, ever since their Que Sera Sera days when Jung Yumi was super shy and Eric would try and help her feel less shy.


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Jung Yumi isn't skip out on the red carpet. I think she is the odd one out there among others.


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Sorry, but what do you mean by the odd one?


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There were no red carpet photos of her (here and online - like Naver and other search engines), so she was one of the handful that attended and received but no red carpet photos. It's totally fine.


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I thought kbs was by far the fairest of the 3, as usual. Very happy for Yoo Dong Geun; so well deserved.


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It seems that KBS is the only public broadcast station who still has traces for credibility in their awards.


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Agreed. It seems like that.


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Congratulation for Ji Changwook, Park Minyoung.. they got Awards for Healer last night.. Best Couple for Healer while episode just 8 this week.. popularity for Ji Changwook and Excellent for Min Young right? X

Congrat for all the winner ^^


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I love them too,,much happy for their winning of best couple award along with popularity n excellence award..really looking forward for more otp moments in upcoming episode,,pray for that of course..healer hwaiting


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First, Happy New Year to the entire DB family and all the Beanies!

Second, didn't we just have award shows?


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This is the KBS Awards... they do one for each broadcasting station :').


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Before the MBS awards recap, I thought we already had the awards for this year in November.


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Jang Hyuk the eye candy for MBC and Lee Junki for KBS :D


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Why was a baby wearing a weird dress that showed WAY to much leg? I don't get it. Let little girls be little girls.

Also is it just me or do award shows somewhat remind you of High School? I get that vibe every now and then, especially with all the popular and couple awards.


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Oh, I really love your comment about Joo Won's picture, it make my day so much! Thank you for this again! Love him so much!


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Healer-ya~ SWOOOOOON.


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Ji Chang-wook!!! *_* I LUBU you!!


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Shin Sung Rok & Joo Woon are just ???


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Swwwoooooooning over Lee Jun Ki & Ji Chang Wook. ?????


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Aww, some of my fave guys were at this awards show, so I opted to watch this instead of SBS. You can't deny the power of Lee Jun Ki, Joo Won and Ji Chang Wook! Love them so much. They looked pretty great. GF's reactions are the best, and totally agreeable! /swoooon is right.

I'm especially glad LJK got an award bc he missed out last year, with MBC's Two Weeks. I'm so looking forward to his projects in 2015! (romantic comedy pls? i'm just in the mood for it)

Also JW and JCW sat together with cute PBG?? ugh, so adorable. Is it too unlikely to ask that they act in a drama together? lol Hope they become friends at the least.


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OMG I had the same exact thought with you. KBS Awards has to be the best out of 3, cos you have Lee Junki, Joo Won and Ji Chang Wook at the same place and they all look AWESOME! I'm giddy with happiness.


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Yeah, I mean how did they pull that off? Plus it seems like a lot of newbies and veterans showed up looking glamorous. Yay to KBS!


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I wait for drama awards coverage in DB just for this…OMG it's sooo funny!!! The comments from JB and GF are just to die for! Happy new year, everyone! And many laughs forever more!


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I swear Shin Sung-Rok has time-traveling or teleportation abilities. It's the only explanation for how he pulls double-duty for filming and awards ceremonies and does it WELL.


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lol you beat me to this comment! I came to the same conclusion! He secretly went along qwith Do Min joon and learned from the aliens. OR we were right and he already WAS one of them.


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Park Bo Gum is just adorable but i hate the fact that he looks like Winnie the Pooh in tux with those pants. why ruin the visuals, Oppa? and Joo Won.. nothing to say or do but to SWOOOOOOOOON! <3


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Kim Seul-gi: "pretty in an I’m-pretty-enough-to-play-a-leading-lady-hello way" - DAMN RIGHT SHE IS. Drama Gods, please give my baby a leading role stat!

Healer and Joo-won though. Swooooon.


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~~~~*0*~~~ I think Joo-won broke me.


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Joo Won ♡♡♡ So swoon-worthy.


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Headed straight to the comment section because AIEEEEEH!!! CHOI YOON-YOUNG!!! Her performance in "My Dear Cat/There's a Cat" is one of those rare ones that turned me into a fanboy! But, I guess I was kinda wishing Jun Hyo-sung and her over-exposed gums would come to the awards night too.

On another note, I'm angry Yoon Yeo-jung did not win for her tearjerker turn as the stoic mom in "Wonderful Days." I liked that Kim Ji-ho won, but I have to say I'm annoyed that Hong Hwa-ri (Taecyeon's daughter who tried too hard to seem precocious) got an award. I actually did not enjoy the scenes focused on Taecyeon, Lee Elijah, Hong Hwa-ri and Choi Kwon-soo.


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That's right what you said? Kim Ji-ho won for the best actress award is just unbelievable for me. Her role is senseless and a lot of nonsense make me don't like to watch her parts. Where are the lead roles like Lee Seo Jin and Kim Hee Sun? Their mature acts make me a lot of swoon for the year 2014. At least, they should win a best couple award. Disappointed.


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girlfriday, you crack me up with your narration! lmao.

Anyway, I actually like Lee Da Hee's dress, the bottom doesn't look bad because it has a shade of pink instead of just all white.

OMG PARK BO GEUM. I'm looking out for him in 2015. So cute and hot at the same time!


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I wish one of the dashing actors swooped down and helped Kim Sae Ron put on her shoe. Now that would truly be a Cinderella moment. Seeing Kwak Dong Yeon (my favorite child actor) and Joo Da Young just reminds me how much I loved the childhood portion of Age of Feeling until it all went downhill.


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Joo-won is so classy and charmer fits Seo Kang-joon to a tee.

I am thinking of going into red carped dress designing, seems like the door is wide open there. If I recall, Scarlet O'Hara and Julie Andrews both did wonders with a pair of scissors and drapes.


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I come here only for Hyungshik. This year is ZE:A's idol turn actor: Siwan and Hyungshik. Two of them won rookie award.

2015 will be the year of Junyoung, Heechul, Taeheon, Min Woo and Kevin. ZE:A comeback with 9 members and grab number 1 on music chart.

By the way, congratulation baby Hyungshik. You just need to sleep now or eating or drinking lol.

We always spot Hyungshik either eating or drinking. Do you want to see funny Siwan and Hyngshik, just search Osaka concert 2013 or you want a song composed by Hyungshik: search ONE ZE:A. The song is a beautiful ballad with beautiful message.


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I'm amazed that Hyunshik and Siwan are idols that came from ZE:A . Hyunshik first impressed me in Nine and Siwan impressed me in Misaeng. They are truly talanted actors.


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Moon Chae Won is missing. One of the most familiar face you see in KBSDA but i'm glad she did not take any drama in 2014..


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Hotties Ji Chang Wook and Joo Won OMG!!! Why couldnt I sit between these two?

So freaking happy that my honeys JCW and PMY got their much deserved couple award. And how he kept looking at her....swooooooooooooooon. It seemed as if Healer was there looking all in love with her, especially those eyes.

Congratzz for winning 3 awards for Healer! I hope they will get higher ratings and more recognition!


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Me too was so like grinning all over the night for jichangwook parkminyoung winning of best couple award..and how his gaze shoot her was really sweet,,i'am in love with them as otp,for sure we will get more romance in upcoming eps..hope so


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I'll have to admit that I discovered him like a weeeeeek ago and have been watching random BTS vids of his previous works. I had heard that he had insane chemistry w/ HJW so I checked 'em out. Last year at the awards ceremony he arrived w/ her and lemme tell you this guy was shooting very similar looks at her. HA!! He has it down pat! *heart eyes*


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Auuuuuu our orabang and healer


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Wow Son dambi's dress is one of the ugliest dresses i've ever seen on the red carpet


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Came here to fangirl over Healer-ya Ji Chang Wook as usual and now I will skip my way out merrily because yay, two awards!

Kudos to all the winners! Happy New Year everyone!


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Lee Jun Ki, go back home and try again, cause looking THAT good is impossible. Wrong dimension or something. We´re like, NORMAL people here. This aint the Olympia of the Greek gods. Seriously, oh great ninja teacher, it is better if you had arrived with stolen clothes and a headband. cause I cannot handle this ....

Shin Sung Rok learned to teleport. That´s my only explanation how he can get there so quick and change clothes in between. my first reaction is STILL to jump back, but then I sneak closer and maybe sit on his keyboard and stare at him like a cat. his fault to teach me villainism....

this is overall a much better looking award show than the other one.


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Ji Chang Wook did the same thing in 2011 when he received the New Star Award for "Warrior Baek Dong Soo" at SBS and then had to teleport to KBS to receive his Excellence Award for "Smile Donghae."

Good thing the two studios are only 15-20 minutes apart by car, but someone needs to tell the Big Three to stop piggybacking and start spreading out their awards shows so this double-booking crap can stop. It's annoying. *hmpf*


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Really glad to see Eric and Yumi win some awards. They are great together and I love their ability to play these complex and even sometimes unlikable characters and make them so relatable. I love their dynamic, too and thought Discovery of Romance was one of the most engaging dramas of the year.

I don't think I've ever seen anything with Joen Hye Bin but her look is the best for me from this list; I love it.


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I don't know what so nice about this drama? The plots is so sucked. I will never want to watch this actress drama anymore, sorry!


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Great response. :)

I on the otherhand thought she was fab and her chemistry with Eric was undeniable. I just would have wished we had more of them as a couple but nevertheless, I was happy with how it ended. And I thought the friendships were incredibly awesome, mostly thanks to Kim Seul Gi and Yoon Hyun Min. :)


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Lol, it's a new year. I'm not tryna argue.

I wished that, too. I wanted them to get together sooner but nevertheless the drama was so human and you don't always get that from Korean dramas, lmao. The friendships were great, haha!


The "plot" in a romcom w/ a love triangle is pretty much the same.

The diff. is the writing/dialogue and acting which is where DoR rises above most of the other K-romcoms.

Glad Jung Yumi, Eric and Kim Seul-gi were recognized for their acting in DoR (the writer should have been as well).


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I agree with you!!! It's really kind of amazing how they managed to get me so invested in them once again. Both in DoR and Que Sera Sera their characters' romances were dysfunctional and yet, in both, they have this way of making me want them together anyway and I'm very impressed at that.

^Don't mind them. :)


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Yes! I think any other actor/actress pairing and I would probably be really annoyed lol but I just love them. They really have an understanding of their characters and each other.


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Me too! They were so cute giggling during their Best Couple acceptance speech. I think DoR is really popular in Korea despite the ratings.


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It seems so! I hope it is, one of the most well-acted dramas I've seen. And Eric/Yumi are really cute when they interact. ^__^ It makes me happy to see.


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I am so happy you said that! At the recaps I had the impression that a lot of people didn't get or just plain disliked the drama. While I really loved it!


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Yeap I'm glad Eric and Jung Yumi won something as well (even though the ratings of Discovery of Romance was not that high I heard). I also thought the drama was great!


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Oh now I see backspace's comment.


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Why did they put JCW and JW next to each other?Haha...they look so awesome, like brothers. Anyway, I think JCW is the most handsome of them all !! ^^


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Gaksital and Healer are the best !!
Happy that they were at the same table and came to the stage together to get the popularity awards :)


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*swoon* thank you!


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Happy New Year, JB and GF!

Thanks for the pics of Joo won.


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I was scrolling down and down and down waiting for Joo Won's red carpet pics and was half afraid he wouldn't be mentioned as in the MBC Awards (well, he was a presenter not an awardee but still he looked sooooo hot in that all-white tux!) and lo and behold! He was the finale! Totally swoon worthy!!! ^^ thank you gf and jb! Happy New Year indeed!!! ♥ ♥ ♥


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Holy smokes. I lost it when I saw Joo Won. He's just...perfect.


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i wish Go Kyung-pyo (Tomorrow's Cantabile) got to attend the awards as well >.< he definitely would have more than qualified for an award! happy for the actors and actresses in Discovery of Love - and yes, Kim Seul-gi and Yoon Hyun-min should have walked in together for sure! happy new year to all :) and thank you DB for such fun recaps and all the hard work!


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ERIC!!!! so proud of you, Leader-nim for pulling off a hat-trick! and looking damn good while doing it. that man is born to wear a tux!!! i didn't think he would get any on account of DoR not pullng in very good ratings, but then did any of the KBS rom coms have good ratings?

i was pleased the show, by way of the actors was honored though. the drama was pretty underrated.

oh and happy new year!


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I HATE red carpets with stairs . Actresses bunching up their skirts and photographers taking very badly angled photos either from too far and high or from too near and close . Bad lighting , bad posing , ugh , HATE red carpets with stairs . They are just unflattering to everybody on either side of the camera!


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Joo won swooooooooooooooooooon.....!! >.<


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Hell yeah for Lee Jun Ki :)

"Seo Joon-young! Why aren’t you over at the SBS awards hanging out with Lee Je-hoon?"

IKR, but it was a nice surprise to see him among the pictures:)


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My favorite dresses were Jeon Hyebin, Han Eunjung, Nam Jihyun, and Kim Saeron.

As for Han Eunjung's, I especially liked it. The structured shoulders off set the flimsiness of the bottom. She looked really good and owned it.

Nam Jihyun's dress was dreamy. I love tulle and it looked beautiful on her.

Kim Saeron is still young and can afford the short dresses. She looks amazing in them.

For me, best dressed was between Han Eunjung and Jeon Hyebin. Omg, Jeon Hyebin looked stunning in that dress.


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Omg, Lee Jun-ki, Eric, and Healer-ya!!!! Add Seo In-guk and KBS officially has many of my favorite men this year :)


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Only just discovered JCW recently because of Healer... but oh god *swoooooon*

It's that killer smile, the somewhat cheeky/playful/shy charming smile.


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Those soulful eyes as well!


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Park Bo Gum playing the piano (Let It Be) was one swoon-worthy moment for me. Oh, and the show involving shadows was great to watch too (sorry, I don't know how to describe this but hopefully those who watched would know what I mean).

Happy 2015 everyone!


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Happy New Year!
Thank you for the pictures, they are beautiful.
Is Nam Sang-mi pregnant or is her dress really weird? ( and I don't want to say she looks fat or anything but this was my first thought at seeing her picture)
The men look great, especially Eric, Lee Jun-ki and Ji Chang-wook.


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I noticed that the skin of the woman is very shiny. Not looking so good.
But in the dramas the skin always looks perfect.
Is it the camera?


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Awww...Lee Jun Ki makes me all SWOOOOOOOOON!!


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Yoo Dong-geun!!!!! <-- my new ahjusshi crush!


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