[Staff Spotlight] Get to know Saya

Explain your username (and/or avatar).

I picked this name years ago, when I felt Rather Serious and enjoyed its double meaning—“shadow” in one language, “swift arrow” in another. If you know Fruits Basket, you might recognize my avatar—it’s Shigure! At his happiest… which also probably means his perviest, ha. Though I don’t consider myself a perv, I do pretty much always look like an overexcited happy idiot.

What is the first drama that you watched (or the first drama that made an impression)?

You’re Beautiful, and I can’t even explain how much it was like coming home—like I’d lived all my life looking for that one show. I was surprised to find out recently that my sisters (who initiated me) had colluded to withhold it from me on purpose, “to save you from yourself.” I hate it when they’re right.

Name a job or two that you’ve had in the past.

I have a patchwork career of making kids cry, brutalizing other people’s writing, and forcing books on people whether they want it or not. And by now—because there’s no such thing as “doing too much” and sleep is overrated—there may be a podcast floating about, so if you come across it, I’ll be in the corner, crying with embarrassment.

Have you ever lived a moment that you thought belonged in a drama?

Haven’t we all? But none of the fun parts for me, sadly. Although someone did once tell me, “Take care of your health.”

What’s your favorite drama you recapped?

I want to make this a six-way tie, but if you force me to pick just one, then… Sassy Go Go. Recapping is a many-splendored joy/torture, and while it’s enough when a show itself is rewarding, when the fandom runs with it, it takes everything to a whole new level of omgyes.

What drama genres do you especially like?

I especially hate that you’re making me choose! Though I’m hungry for all the thrills right now, my taste runs quite broad. I love a good action thriller or revenge melo, fantasy dramas, youth dramas, romance, sageuk of every flavor… I’m really in the never-ending pursuit of the “full meal,” which is all about a story well told, regardless of genre. I need a show to have a gripping emotional core (feels are everything to me), driven by reasonable internal logic. My appetites shift from genre to genre, but it’s always the more basic elements that keep me watching: subversive plots, complex characters, heartfelt relationships—and a willingness to linger just a little (but not too long!) over the moments.

What drama genres do you especially dislike?

As a wimp and a lightweight, I assiduously avoid sobfests, undue violence, and anything that smells of horror. So imagine me, with my love of thrillers, pitifully trying to watch Ghost-seeing Detective Cheo-yong. (I tried, I tried so hard!)

Is there a drama character you’ve ever strongly identified with, and why?

The person who comes immediately to mind is Dal-ja of Dal-ja’s Spring. I have a weakness for unlikely heroines who hold their own: Dal-ja is uncertain, wry, self-reflecting, and just a touch insecure, but she learns not only to trust others and their feelings for her, but to trust herself. I half-relate to her, and half-aspire to her coolness: Dal-ja is definitively her own woman.

What drama character would you want to be?

Anything written for Kim Seul-gi. She has the BEST characters—scene-stealing and lolarious, all without the burden of being the lead. Also Lee Bo-young’s character in I Hear Your Voice, because that there is a woman who gives. No. Damns. The best kind of badass.

What was your major in school?

Biomedical Science, followed by Psychology/Psychology of Education. Super-dull stuff. (I lie: I loved school. I’m an unapologetic nerd and keep going back to dabble, though the idea of ever having to sit an exam again fills me with horror.)

What’s a random skill you have?

I’m a pretty decent teacher, and I know a few languages to varying degrees of proficiency. It’s kind of cool when you realize that you’re the reason someone can read a complicated foreign script.

Favorite non-Korean movie and/or TV show?

This is a tough one to narrow down when I have so many favorites. If I could only pick one, then it has to be the iconic Mysterious Cities of Gold, a Japanese-French collaboration (…dubbed into English by Canadians) from animation’s golden era. This show is my entire childhood, but even rewatching it as an adult, I find it intelligent, rich with humor and heart, and, at times, devastating.

Which Hallyu celebrity would you actually want to meet and spend an hour with?

Park Bo-gum. And then I would kidnap him and take him home to my mom, because a puppy in the home is worth six on the screen.

Which of the 7 deadly sins would be your undoing? (Pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, or sloth.)

Oh, definitely sloth. While the upside of being an obsessive perfectionist is that you care about doing a good job, the downside is that you might just take forever doing it. We can probably throw in a little gluttony there, too, since all that obsessing makes you hungry… and I just discovered that I’m a hangry type—being hungry makes me snippy. Which I guess means that wrath takes third place?

Your favorite drama has an unholy alliance with your most hated drama and produces a mutant baby drama. Describe the plot.

Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim pioneers the first-ever personality transplant on one of his own doctors, Dr. Yoo Yeon-seok. Hearing of it, Dr. Lee Jong-seok seeks him out to perform the procedure on his girlfriend to save her from being blank and glassy forever. Teacher Kim tells him that this ain’t Pinocchio, and if he thinks he can turn a plank of wood into a real girl, he needs to go back to school. While Dr. Kang So-ra gets warm and cozy with the new and improved Dr. Yoo Yeon-seok, Teacher Kim offers to hook Dr. Lee Jong-seok up with newly single hoobae Dr. Park Shin-hye—they can go out for drinks and toast to new beginnings. “I do like toast,” agrees Dr. Lee Jong-seok.




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I loooove your mutant baby. Dr. Strange and Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim with a touch of Pinocchio. That toast scene is still one of the best fantasy sequences ever thought up (by her father no less).


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And Doctors!


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And Warm and Cozy! (The Kang Sora and Yoo Yeon-seok flop)

And even a tiny nod to Royal Tailor! (Han Seok-kyu and Park Shin-hye were in that, she was the queen, he was the tailor)


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and yoo yeon seok was the king!


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oh my gosh, I didn't even realise that! I haven't watched the film yet, but I knew the former two were in it, but Yoo Yeon-seok, too? That's just even better!


Aw, was doctors really that bad for Saya that it made into the worst list? Aw... I liked it even when others didn't... Oh well.


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It's ok, we can't all have the same tastes. I stalked Saya's list of shows: I was so happy to see that I share so many similar shows with her, maybe two-thirds of mine is in common, which is a lot. It feels good to be connected to the awesome Saya, even if it's 2/3 connection. I kept nodding at most of them "yes, I have that one, that one, that one, that one, that one too!!!" :) But then, Doctor isn't one of them and that's ok. :)


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"stalk" lmao. with this new feature, this is like facebook where you check out everyone's profile and their friends. Except better, because the friends' are actually their favorite dramas so it's super addicting to stalk people and see how many drama-friends you have in common. It's my favorite activity to do, as creepy this sounds. So addicting, tho, probably imma check profiles from people in this post too lmao. I don't feel too bad, they made a profile and chose their shows for it to be checked out by others, right? It's funny how I keep seeing the same 5 or so dramas in most people's tabs. Makes you realize everybody like the same dramas at the end of the day: healer, city hunter, etc.


Aw, no, I haven't actually watched Doctors, it's just there in a supporting role!


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@saya I can't believe you succeeded in beautifully summarizing myself - I sleep a lot, a perfectionist (hence I take forever to finish my job - or worse, I might actually bail out and that particular job becomes my biggest nightmare) and a hangry type as well (this I got from my daddy). Pleased to know you :) Oh and I might try Sassy Go Go one of these days...


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Sassy Go Go! ❤️


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@enkeys - definitely try Sassy Go Go! It's only 12 episodes long, but it has a heart and nuance I don't often see in Big 3 dramas about young people - and I loved how many tiresome old tropes they subverted or avoided altogether.


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I keep putting it on hold because I thought I won't be able to relate strongly to a high school drama anymore but wow your comment made me want to watch it asap :) Yay for out-of-the-tropes(?) scripts!


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I watched it thanks to @pogo. Best drama recommendation I ever got. ?


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@pogo was the show's biggest cheerleader ♥ Every recap was a fantastic place to be -- the core commenters became a team every bit as warm, inviting, energetic and inclusive as the show's own cheerleading team.


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I still remember @pogo actually changed her username specially for Sassy Go Go and used to go around talking about it in Open Thread and other threads too! I have a feeling she would have convinced many beanies to watch it! Fun times! :)


Well, this entire thread has convinced me to pick up Sassy Go Go. I just realized I actually never had a reason NOT to watch it.


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Oh watch it!! If you share Saya's tastes, you'll like it for sure. I just came from the ragtag catnip post, and if you liked shows with a ragtag team like Hwarang, Angry Mom, PU38, Radiant Office, School 2013, Weightlifting Fairy, Dream High, Answer me series, Flower Series, or Liar and His Lover, you'll like this. It has the same youthful slice-of-life vibe as all those listed. Well, not PU38. That one is badass but I just wanted to mention it. :P


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I nearly never sleep, I will die young :(

Pleased to meet all of you, too! Thank you for being the coolest folks on the internet! ♥ ♥ ♥


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Just piggybacking on my own comment to say: thank you guys, so, so much for all your lovely comments (and I do read all of them!). I'm humbled and happy that I "met" all of you, and that something I do in solitude is actually a way of connecting with everyone. I know I've said this before, but you guys make all the lost sleep (and there's SO MUCH of it) worth it. ♥ x1000


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P.S. scroll down to #18 for the full version of the mutant baby drama. All my love for you guys is in it!


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No time to write much until later, but had to say: So nice reading ya, Saya! ?

And Sassy Go! Go!... I did start a recent re-watch of my fave parts ... must continue! ?


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Omg the mutant baby killed me! :D


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Whoever came up with that mutant baby drama question gets a gold star.


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Yeah, it's always my favourite aswell, because it's kind of interactiv in testing our drama knowledge.


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I can see an imminent shipping war happening with that mutant baby drama!


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It's wrong to play favorite, but you're my favorite.


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I want my drama to make me emotional too, added points if I'm emotional for all the right reasons rather than this show is so stupid I want to hulk smash my laptop. I would watch any genre if there's an actor I like, the story sounds good, or Kim Eun-sook writing.


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Although someone did once tell me, “Take care of your health.”

Hahahahaha! Still waiting for your book, Saya.


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Bless all your cotton socks (and the synthetic ones, too)! I can tell you with complete honesty that I think of you (and a few others) when I need to motivate myself ♥

But! At least I finally joined twitter (@notnowsaya)...baby steps, right?


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Lovely to meet you, Saya! I was not part of the sassy go go fandom, but I watched it later and read all the recaps. I still remember your words about ji soo's character from the last recap about his gummy bear confession. It was something along the lines of "he does not make her feel bad for not returning his feelings and that he thanked her choosing to cherish his capacity for those feelings instead of the object says everything about him". Those words affected me, they were awesome! <3


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Same. I even saved that confession part in one my notes.
"He crafts his words to ask nothing from her — he doesn’t make her feel bad for not returning his feelings and I LOVE that. That he thanks her, choosing to cherish his capacity for those feelings, rather than their object, says everything you need to know about Seo Ha-joon and where his loyalties lie."


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Sassyyyyyy! Still gives me all the feels. I popped by the last ep recap the other day (I can't remember why) and got a little teary over the whole gummy bear scene again. So good, so much love. Also, lemme drop a little plug for the even more underrated Solomon's Perjury, which to me feels like Sassy's emo twin. In a really great way. Like, if Sassy and I Remember You had an unholy lovechild, it would be Solomon's Perjury. (And don't forget that I Remember You and White Christmas are first cousins!)


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Hm, should I watch Solomon's Perjury next then? White Christmas is one of favorite dramas.
I haven't watched it yet, because I tend to like my shows a bit dark, as in Signal, Bad Guys, Voice, etc. so seeing that you described it as a mix, I'm hesitating. I enjoyed Sassy too, it was great stuff 90% of the time, but it was a bit too juvenile in some parts for me (the best part of the show to me was Chae Soo Bin's messed up character that everyone hated. But I loved it. Of course. I'm that predictable).

I've only ever loved 4 "light" youth dramas: Cheese because I like how dark (again) PHJ's character was, Shut Up Flower Boy Band (again, dark main character), Weightlifting Fairy (not dark, but somehow caught me), and most recently, The Liar and His Lover (not technically dark, actually very light, but very well written and the characters all had their layers and demons to fight). I love those four because they didn't feel like the usual juvenile antics in youth dramas and the conflicts were character-driven.

Since Sassy was more of a light youth drama, and as you can see, I like dramas where the characters are a bit messed up or have some sort of inner demons to conquer. Knowing my tastes in dramas, would you still recommend it?
I love your recaps for Police Task Force 38 and Tunnel, so I trust your judgement.


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OMG, don't hesitate, go watch it!! Solomon's perjury is NOT juvenile (though personally, I don't mind a bit of it, it's all good fun! Besides, you said you love TLAHL, and that one was mostly cute too in the beginning and you didn't mind apparently?)

I'm getting a feel of what you like with your listed shows, and I can definitely recommend Solomon's Perjury. I have a more diverse taste than you. I'm with Saya there, it's not so much about the genre, just how good the drama is. That said, among the dark dramas, we have many shows we love in common, I think it's safe to recommend you this one!

If you like darker school dramas, I also want to recommend School 2013 and Angry Mom. Those are good ones with "messed up" characters that you like ;) Age of youth too.

I'm your opposite. I haven't watched White christmas yet :*( I should though.


Biomedical science here as well! High five!


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high five!


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There are two things I love about your recaps:
1. How you watch and analyze shows with obvious intelligence, rationality and perceptiveness. (I bet you aced the reading comprehension / literary analysis tests even if you're a science person)

2. Your writing and recapping style. Clear, concise, smart, thorough, and with personality and perceptible love for the shows.

In faulty nonmath, 1. + 2. <3 Saranghae.


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Agree completely.


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I third this!


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It's not hard to tell that you are a perfectionist from your recaps! How many times do you read it before you post it?
Take care of your health <3.


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If you find a typo: clearly not enough!


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Next person accusing me of being a shameless procrastinator I can very well arm myself with the rational of merely being an obsessive perfectionist.

Thank you for being my kindred spirit.


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Oh my god. The Mysterious Cities of Gold! I remember that show and used to watch it all the time! In my head though I get it mixed up with Spartacus and the Sun Beneath the Sea. I think one came on right after the other on Nickelodeon when I was a kid.


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I have trying to figure out the name for this show for years!!! I watched it on Nickelodeon too. Thanks @saya!!! (On a side note I think I love almost all the recappers non Korean favorite shows maybe it's not so far fetched that I ended up addicted to k-dramas)


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How did I not know you love that show?? I LOVE THAT SHOW. I recently heard the theme song for the first time in decades and I remembered all the words...


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I swear, every time I read 'Mysterious Cities of Gold', I go straight to youtube to watch the theme song again. And then I flail inside for about five minutes because of all the feels XD

@lollypip I don't knoooow how did it never come up?

There's this fantastic fan tribute on youtube, which will kill you with nostalgia if you've watched it before, or give you a taster for the show if you haven't seen it before, you can watch it here! If you've enjoyed Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra, this show is for you, too. The creators of A:TLA were partially inspired by this show, and it shows. (I love A:TLA too!)


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Who doesn’t want a puppy at home to challenge you with the game of Go while you are bored, entertain you with beautiful cello playing, but would not hesitate to murder you with all his cuteness?

Let me be your accomplice in the Bo-gum kidnapping! Je-bal!


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If your kidnapping involves muzzling his mouth, you might want to tie his hands too or else he'll use Joseon sign language to get help...or use it to make you swoon and escape. Then again, just explain to him that you're doing this for your mom and he'll happily oblige with his puppy eyes. LOL!


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hehe, Joseon sign language without opposable thumbs must be the most adorable thing to see.

Bo-gumie puppy, you will be my yakgwa cookie full of curative magic!


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@Saya can I team-up with you on that mission to kidnap PBG? I reckon he has no problem with being kidnapped and would happily offer us a drink :)
Meanwhile, I'll be patiently waiting for your recap comeback <3


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Guys, kidnapping him won't even be hard, he'll probably call the taxi for you AND pay, and then he'll say sorry for keeping you waiting. And he'll stop off somewhere on the way to get a gift for your mum because he is just. that. puppy.


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Right?! Haha. Our sweet Bo-gummie.

...and then he'll cry-smile, all choked up with emotion as he gets warmly welcomed by your mum...


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Saya is "Me" in Bahasa Indonesia, like "저" in Korean.


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'Take care of your health'

You're still alive so thankfully that didn't turn out too much like the drama XD also I agree on the Kim Seul-gi/LBY in IHYV picks, they're such great characters.

And oooh, Sassy Go Go. Best school drama ever, up there with School 2013 and SUFBB, and the recaps were a delight because it's so lovely to watch a show with people who get it and love it as much as you do.

Also I'm dead @that mutant baby drama.


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So do we have to fight over Kim Seul-gi or can we just write up a complicated chart of shared custody?


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Which of you gets Kim Seul-gi in Splish Splash Love?



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I am willing to negotiate, but refuse to budge on Webtoon Editor from Flower Boy Next Door. She is MINE!


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As long as I get Lascivious Ghost, I'm willing to cede Webtoon Editor, and go 70-30 on cross-dressing eunuch. But only because it's you! Otherwise there'd be fisticuffs! *rolls up sleeves*


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I'm on team Webtoon Editor, but since it's taken, I'll get her character's noona's love with NJH in Surplus Princess. She was awesome in it.


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LMAO... Both of you are cute! Kim Seul-gi must be proud~


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'Saya' also means 'I' in Indonesian.

Such great idea to assemble doctors (from the drama) in your mutant baby. But little dissappointed... Where's Park Shi on from Good Doctor? He can have personality transplant, be a hero and NOT falling for blank and glassy heroine.


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Well, I had a little too much fun with this, and this is how it looked before I put it under the knife (think franken-drama fanfic):

Romantic Teacher Doctor Stranger

Teacher Kim is the director of a tiny countryside hospital that has successfully pioneered the first ever personality transplant on one of its own doctors, Yoo Yeon-seok. Doctors Lee Jong-seok and Kang So-ra hear of it and pay Teacher Kim a visit.

"I used to be an ass," Dr. Yoo Yeon-seok boasts.
"You still are," Kang So-ra mutters under her breath, though she takes his arm.
"Look, I hate to fail the Bechdel test so early," says Dr. Seo Hyun-jin at his other side, "Especially when I've never failed a test, but he's mine."
"But I saw him first," Kang So-ra argues.
"Sorry So-ra," Yoo Yeon-seok interjects, "I like things hot and steamy now." He winks at her, every bit as assy and charming as she remembers.

Meanwhile, Dr. Lee Jong-seok stabs into a subway sandwich with his scalpel, sending the ketchup flying into Teacher Kim's eyes. He begs him to do the procedure on his girlfriend and save her from being blank and glassy forever.

"Son, this ain't Pinocchio. If you think you can turn a plank of wood into a real girl, you need to go back to school," Teacher Kim tells him.
"But I don't want to go back to school! I need romance!" Dr. Lee cries out. He grabs Teacher Kim's hand and places it on his chest.
"Can you hear my heart?" he asks urgently.
"No, but I hear your voice, and you sound thirsty," the older man replies.
"Then will you at least let me have Kang So-ra back?" he pleads.
"No, I think she's getting warm and cozy here, but I'll tell you what, I'll hook you up with my hoobae Dr. Park Shin-hye. You can go out for drinks and toast to new beginnings."
"I do like toast," Lee Jong-seok admits.

[This drama was aborted at the planning stage.]

Bonus points if you giggle over all the medical puns XD God, I'm such a nerd, I need to go to sleep.


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I can't help but to imagine THIS. EPIC.
Medical puns + all the reference from their past drama >,<
Gimme my bonus poiiiiiints...
Anyway, as fellow nerd, we should embrace our nerdiness. And also, I'm opt out sleeping since years ago. Definitely can't sleep with this fanfic now haunting my mind.


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LOLling up so much on this!


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I have tears coming out of my eyes on account of snorting a lot, I kid you not!
This drama would have been so much fun to hate if it were real! :P


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Oh my God, this is the best thing ever. Tears of hilarity.


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LMAO I'm dead, now I wish harder than ever that this actually existed.


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Saya also means happiness in our language, hehe.


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Hi Saya! Nice to know more about you. Your mutant baby drama is hilarious.


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Saya [sä-yä] means happy, fun in Filipino.


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Ohh that's fascinating! (also @aiwille above!) I found out about the Indonesian meaning a while after I started using it, but I had no idea it was also a word in Filipino.

So basically, I am saying that I'm a happy, shady...fast arrow? I'll take it XD


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Came here to say that too! “Saya” is happy in Filipino and you seem like it! Nice to meet you, @saya (you too, @kayedrama!).


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It's also a long skirt. Nice to 'meet' you Saya. I can sense a perceptive person in your recaps.


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OMG, your mutant baby... HAHAHAHAHA, I love it! And Fruits Basket! Horrors are mystifying to me; why pay to be scared? The same follows for cry-fest movies, etc. Nice to meet you, Saya!


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Oh man I LOVE Fruits Basket manga!! It really deserves an anime remake. The art gets so much better and the story line gets so deep compared to the anime.


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You're right, I'd loooove to see a remake. I loved the original, too, but it was made before the manga was completed, right? If we could get a full-story version of it, oh my god, I'd be all over that.


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I look forward to know you the most since you've recapped a lot of my fav shows. Nice to meet you!


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Sassy Go Go fistbump! That was such a fun show to recap, and yes, when the fans take the reins and run with it, it just makes the recapping that much more amazing.



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*fistbump* Great show, great fandom, great recapping partner!

(The only downside of your solo superstar-recapping career is that we don't get to partner up with you anymore!)


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Hi Saya! I've been your fan since before you were a minion-- I used to really enjoy your comments in the OT (both for what you said, as well as what they said about you as a person whom I grew to respect), and I was chuffed when I saw that you were chosen as a minion. I can't say that I have a favorite recapper (I love various recappers for different reasons), but I can say that I find your recaps to be the most exquisitely delicious. I just marvel at your way with words! (And now I'm keen to find your podcast... )

I know all too well the challenges that come with being an obsessive perfectionist, but if you "pretty much always look like an overexcited happy idiot", it sounds like you're not letting your inner critic tamp down your enthusiasm too much-- good on you!

Thanks for all the yummy recaps you've contributed so far-- I look forward to relishing many more. We're lucky to have you!


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An old OT friend! I miss OT! Thank you (and everyone else! I'm sorry I can't reply to every single comment!) for your warm words, I'm really humbled ♥

Luckily, I'm only a scientist, not a cynic, so it's easy for me to throw myself into what I like! I'm more interested in dissecting what makes a show work for me, than the other way around. (I'm still a proud 'Heirhead'!)


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Saya in Filipino also means Happiness.


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Filipino here! :)


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I just love how sharp and analytical you are in your recaps, love how it always feel like you have a solid understanding and spot-on intuition on what the dramas want to achieve with its viewers. You have a way to convey what I didn't even know I felt about an episode or a drama in the most eloquent and in-depth way. I feel like its Christmas every time you recap a drama I'm watching because I know the recaps would be 130% satisfying and fulfilling to read then.


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I KNEW your avatar was Shigure from Fruits Basket. I would recognize that hair and goofy smile anywhere, I just needed confirmation :). I honestly thought Saya was your real name.

I also love Lee Bo Young's character in "I hear your voice" I still remember the part in which the judge told her that her skirt was on backwards and she just turned it around in front of him like nothing XD.


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by the way, saya means I in malay.


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I really shouldn't be playing favourites on DB but as I have already said it many times in various threads, I don't mind repeating it here:

@saya I love love love your writing style! I read your recaps even if I am not watching a show and I have sometimes watched a show just because you were singing high praises of it! My personal favourites are 38 Task Force, Sassy Go Go and Jealousy Incarnate.

Also, still waiting for that book you promised us during 38 Task Force times! :P

I am loving the mutant baby drama question the most! It brings up such awesomely weird stories! I can see Romantic Doc(favorite), Dr. Stranger(hated) with heavy doses of Pinocchio (2nd favourite?) and Warm & Cozy (2nd hated?)... Also, this proves it- with every new post, Minions are starting to cheat in this question! :P


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Also, always took your name to mean "shadow" because I didn't even know other meanings and low-key thought you must be from a country which has some Hindi speakers...


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Honestly, neither RDTK nor DS are my absolute best/worsts, but Rooftop Prince already seems like a version of Queen Inhyun's Man gone wrong, and crossing it with Signal or any other show I loved to death was practically sacrilege and my brain refused to go there, lols.


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Rooftop Prince with Signal would be a mess! But I wouldn't mind seeing a changing-in-the-lift version of Signal :P


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What a coincidence, PU38, SGG, and JI are also my 3 favorite Saya recaps! Hee. XDD Looks like Liar Beanies have the same tastes... Hello fellow Liar Beanie, btw XD! Long time no see! Good to see you again~~~ I miss the thread and seeing your name often there.
I'm seeing lots of familiar names from the TLAHL recaps on here. XDD Kind of makes sense if we think about it, the fandoms for TLAHL and SGG are very similar, and the way they grew and blew up... or it's just me? You know, I still remember how the fans for SGG were so passionate and squealing about Kim Yeol's crinkly smile, and the bromance and threemance on the rooftop, and debating what is forgivable or criminal, and what's not. XD The dramas too, remind me of each other vaguely. Tbh, after reading @odilettante's Dramaland Catnip, and Saya's Staff Spotlight, TLAHL looks just like something they'd be able to appreciate, don't you think? It's weird that the drama either flew under their radar or neither of them have jumped on its train. XD

Anyway, I digress, back to Saya's writing, I agree with you. We shouldn't play favorites but her writing is just. that. good. XDDD It just clicks with me and elevates the experience. And I love that she's not afraid to fangirl and pour out her love for a drama in a recap, and then backs it up with so many well-thought out reasons for it, you can't help but agree. My favorite one is SGG, followed by PU38, and JI. And now that I know she loved You're Beautiful and White Christmas, it only makes me love her more. XDDD

Sorry, this was supposed to be just a hello to a fellow Liar Beanie, but I somehow merged my comment for Saya with this too. I guess this is my accidental version of a mutant comment XDDD


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Don't forget the fandoms' obsession with songs. The hunt for the whistling song is absolutely legendary.


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Hi @boraflok :) Liar beanies would definitely have similar taste! <3 And I would like to think that saya and odilletante won't miss out on TLAHL, seeing as how it has so much in common with the shows they like!

You are so right about Saya's writing! I love the random interjections she adds in the recaps so that it doesn't look like you are just reading what happened but rather that you are reading about someone's experience of the show which just adds an entertaining layer to the story-telling!

Hehe... I like the mutant comment! :P


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Aw, late reply. I don't receive notifications for mentions, sorry.
Yep, I don't know about others, but with them, they would be the ones who can see past the "fluff" label and see the special bits. XD

And yes, exactly, her recaps don't feel dry. It's like fangirling about a drama with a really intelligent friend that makes you notice things you hadn't see before :P


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The mutant dramas of DB staff, can't get enough of it. It cracks me up; EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. XD


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Hi-5 for mentioning You're Beautiful and Lee Bo Young in I Hear Your Voice. I started taking notice of you as a recapper after last year's Year-end Reviews, when you said everything I wanted to say about Moonlight; and especially DOTS, since it's a show that many didn't appreciate. I felt like our tastes matched and paid attention to you from then on. :)


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Saya means 'me' in my language :D @saya


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I got introduced to my girl Chae Soo Bin through your recaps of Sassy Go Go. Nice to meet you! Ironically, I thought she shined the most in that drama. I liked MDBC and Rebel, but she was sadly underutilized in both.


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(Ironically, because it had the least number of episodes and smallest production-scale.)


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Thanks for sharing, Saya! So nice to more a bit more about you!

The drama moment and the "take care of your health" question ..... I can't help but me amused at how this question has taken on a life of its own for us Beanies.

Thanks for all your recaps!


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Super love your recaps, they're so smartly written by Smartest Saya, I feel smarter just by reading them. lmao. The reason you're my favorite recapper is because you always manage to pick out and highlight in the best smartest way possible the part of a show/character/relationship that makes it special.

I already knew you liked SIG from the PU38 recaps... and now, with your love for PBG, you just made my day. Great taste.
The two of them are my fav forever puppies. I luff them so much, I even finished Cantabile because of my love for PBG.
Tho I've been cheating on them a bit too. NJH with WFKBJ, PHS with SWDBS, and LHW with TLAHL, and Gong Myung are my new minion puppies to ultimate puppies-in-chief PBG and SIG.
YSY and YJG are also creeping up as sub-minions. I think I have a thing for thin faces puppies. :P


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Nice to meet you! I always say to myself that my favorite dramas aren't always recapped by you, but my favorite recaps are always written by you. Always without fail.

And finally, another like me with sloth!! I'm so affected by it I don't understand how it's not everyone else's ultimate deadly sin. It's amazing to me how other manages to escape this one, it's an inseparable part of my lifestyle, unfortunately. Now, with you also suffering from it, I can feel less guilty about having it. :)


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Hi Saya,
I began writing to you at work but got called away and realize only now that I never posted what I wrote. I was saying that I recall how you responded to my question in an OT, on where Fanderay had gone. You suggested that I post on her review post, which I did, but she never did reply. I liked that her reviews were different, from an artist's perspective, and of course that they were accompanied by her interesting art work.

I'm similar to you in that "I need a show to have a gripping emotional core (feels are everything to me), driven by reasonable internal logic. ... the more basic elements that keep me watching: subversive plots, complex characters, heartfelt relationships—and a willingness to linger just a little (but not too long!) over the moments." ? So true, but I'm a bit more choosy about which shows I watch.

I found it cute how you hate to choose or to narrow down to a selection. It must be hard to eschew many shows!!! And I was howling (with amusement) over your mutant baby and the extended version in fanfic. You should totally expand it to a full serial, and see how far you can milk all the medical dramas for their weird or wonderful doctor characters. ?

I look forward to keep reading ya! Take care! ?


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I miss Fanderay, too! And I don't know where she's gone, either :(

Choosing is the worst! That's why I hate shopping! But I'm decisive, at least. When I pick something, I'll pick carefully, but see it through to the end. Although I'm less careful with dramas now, and more willing to drop them - there's only so many hours in the day!


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I'm amazed that your sisters can pinpoint a kdrama that will start your addiction. Mine won't even watch my recommended shows! Nice to know a bit more about you, Saya. :D


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I'm looking forward to yours! (also, how could you not tell me what my username meant in your language?! lol)

I jokingly call my sister my dealer, and she does know me a little too well, but that means she knows exactly what I like - she started me off on nearly every great obsession I had. The rare exception was The Mysterious Cities of Gold, and that's only because I landed on the mortal plane before she did!


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Does this post have a "Awesome" button? @saya You're awesome! Super cool!


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Hello Saya! I always love your recaps and your new-year reviews are my favorites all the time.
You had me with fruits basket but then you bring up Les misterieuses cités d'or and that's it... We're soulmates and I Love you! ❤️


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omg this is the funniest baby mutant drama :D am dead literally


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I love your spotlight edition Saya! I could feel the joy and excitement coming out of your answers ?? I'm looking forward to reading your recaps soon


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I really love Lee Bo-young as lawyer Jang. She was really a badass.

Hi @Saya, i am so grateful that i finally met you. You know being a perfectionist isn't bad, and i'd really like it if someone did it to me.

It's nice to meet you.


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Hi Saya, I'm a little late on this. But had to comment because I really really love your commentaries! I particularly remember the recaps you did for 38 task force. I was a big fan of the show and I loved reading your comments at the end of each recap. Very nice getting to know you! Thank you ?


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My moment of Saya is the last 4 or so recaps of 38 Police Unit which started pretty much with the same words and she didnt even realize she was repeating herself.
and is it strange that I really want to hear someone tell me "Take care of your health?" I think I have an obsession of psychos. I am so drawn to them, maybe cause I am one. did you instinctively look at the ring finger of the person who said it?


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@saya! I am reading this very belatedly bc I too am a teacher and the end of the school year absorbed all my time and energy. Girl, I connect to the thangs you dished out! My username reflects my love of Fruits Basket and I always was excited spotting your Shigure icon! I too am a slothy, obsessive perfectionist who takes forever to get things done (I've taken hours on professional e-mails, it's a problem!) And I am now putting Mysterious Cities of Gold on my to-watch list! Fun reading about you! :D


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