Circle: Episode 9

Just when you think Circle is out of surprises, it finds ways to shock us with new revelations in both timelines as the gap between past and present continues to close inch by inch. While both timelines yield reunions this episode, all is not as it seems—and as the sinister Human B project begins to take more shape in the present, even Woo-jin can’t help but acknowledge the implications that the technology could have. The question is whether it should.


Little Woo-jin is hard at work creating a chalk drawing of a female face on the ground. He draws and erases, then he draws and erases again, and finally he throws down his chalk, seeming unsatisfied with his work.

When Byul approaches and asks him what’s wrong, a now-crying Little Woo-jin replies that he’s trying to draw his mother, but he can’t seem to remember her anymore. Byul asks if he would like to see his mother again, and he nods before returning to his crude drawing.

Part 1: Beta Project

Woo-jin finds Bum-gyun unconscious on the floor, and thinking that he’s dead, he frantically tries to shake him awake, calling him again and again. Bum-gyun stirs and mumbles “Woo-jin, I’m sorry,” which causes Woo-jin’s eyes to widen in shock and he starts apologizing to his brother in return.

Unbeknownst to the reunited brothers, a blinking star stuck on the ceiling activates some sort of electronic system on Kim Kyu-chul’s computer.

Min-young, Chief Hong, and Professor Park enter the room to find the twins soon afterward. Min-young and Chief Hong rush to the brothers in order to transport Bum-gyun to the hospital immediately.

But Professor Park notices the star on the ceiling and finds it suspicious, and when he sees the computer that’s suddenly turned on by itself with “Access Permit” flashing across its monitor, his curiosity is ignited.

Min-young says that they should go to Min Medical Center, which is her father’s hospital, and so she and Chief Hong begin to carry Bum-gyun outside to the car. The injured Woo-jin is the last to follow, and as he leaves the room, Professor Park notices the monitor flash the word “Disconnect” before shutting off.

On the way to the hospital, Professor Park keeps pondering the meaning of the blinking star and the self-activating computer. Woo-jin tells the group that Detective Choi is on Professor Han’s side, which leads Chief Hong to shout the order to search for both Detective Choi and Professor Han into his police radio.

As soon as they arrive at the hospital, Min-young tells her dad that Bum-gyun needs surgery immediately to take out a blue bug in his brain, and he’s rushed to the operating room. Outside, Min-young reassures Woo-jin that Bum-gyun is in good hands, while he tries to tell her that she should get checked out as well (since she also has a blue bug in her head).

Min-young insists that she knows her own condition best since she’s been monitoring it, adding that the location of the bug isn’t life-threatening since she hasn’t experienced any of the traditional headache-nosebleed symptoms yet.

Woo-jin still looks like he wants her to get treated, but she puts an end to the conversation by telling him that they need to get her father to fully concentrate on operating on Bum-gyun before treating her, because whatever saves him could eventually help her. She then enters the OR, leaving Woo-jin, Professor Park, and Chief Hong outside.

Woo-jin thanks Professor Park for giving him the tip about Bum-gyun’s location, and Professor Park apologizes for not recognizing him sooner as Kim Kyu-chul’s son. He goes on to explain the history between him, Kyu-chul, and Professor Han, adding that they all did research together in their college days.

Taking Woo-jin’s hands, Professor Park tells him just how sorry he is as he claims that had he known, he would have put a stop to Professor Han’s terrible experiments. “I really had no idea,” he lies.

Chief Hong asks some questions about how and what Professor Park knew about Bum-gyun’s holding location, and Park is able to deflect and make the guilty party (Professor Han) look even guiltier. Speaking of whom, Professor Han is on the run, and he orders someone on the phone to clear out all his experimental data.

We find Jung-yeon in a room in the hospital that her father locked her up in, without a way out. But being the resourceful girl she is, as soon as she hears footsteps, she finds a toothbrush and breaks it in half to create a serviceable weapon.

Professor Han enters the room and orders her to come along, but as soon he turns his back to her, she takes a breath, ready to use her makeshift weapon on him. Her plans are interrupted when she’s suddenly faced by a burly and threatening orderly and she’s forced to follow Professor Han.

Once they’re in a car driving, she asks where they’re going, but he just gives vague answers, claiming that he only wants to keep her safe. Taking a chance with her life, she jumps out the car and rolls onto the road.

Alarmed, Professor Han slams on his brakes and gets out to see if she’s all right. She stands up, a cut bleeding from her forehead, and points the sharp-edged toothbrush at him. Confronted with a weapon, he puts his hands up and tries to calm her down, but Jung-yeon isn’t having it, even as she pleads with him to stop.

“This is for the sake of humanity!” Professor Han stresses, adding that once they have Byul’s memories, they can create a brave new world together. But Jung-yeon cries that she just wants to live as his daughter, though her father doesn’t seem that sorry when he tells her that that would be impossible now.

Before they can explore this conversation in-depth, Professor Han spies a traffic cam recording them as well as a police car coming down the road. He tries to grab Jung-yeon to force her back into the car, but she slashes him with her weapon, causing spurts of blood to spout from his wrist. She looks horrified by what she’s done, but she keeps the weapon pointed at him.

As the cop car comes closer, Professor Han grows more frantic and abandons Jung-yeon to make his escape. The cops pull up beside Jung-yeon as her father drives off into the distance, and she’s left sitting on the side of the road, bleeding and crying.

Woo-jin’s phone rings—it’s Jung-yeon, calling from a stranger’s phone. Woo-jin asks how everything went, and she lies and says that everything is fine, although he thinks something’s off because she’s calling from a different number.

Repeating that everything is fine, Jung-yeon asks where he is and whether he found his brother, and when he replies, she says she’ll meet him there. However, when she hangs up, she stumbles in a moment of dizziness.

At Min Hospital, Bum-gyun wakes up, and Woo-jin asks whether he remembers his captor to be Professor Han. After a moment of confusion, Woo-jin looks at the photograph, and his eyes alight as he confirms that Professor Han was indeed his kidnapper.

Back at the police station, Chief Hong ransacks Detective Choi’s things, only to realize that all the case files related to the twins’ case and Professor Han are gone. Detective Choi has cleared out all the evidence, and the scene cuts to his present location.

We find Detective Choi in a darkly lit building as he meets a menacing-looking man with wire-rimmed glasses. The detective reports that Professor Han is probably already heading to the location the menacing-looking man mentioned, netting an ambiguous response from the shadowy figure.

Professor Han flexes the wrist that Jung-yeon cut as Lee Sunbae calls to tell him that all the research material has been moved to their meeting place. It’s a small trailer room in the middle of nowhere, but when Professor Han comes inside, there’s one more person than expected: Professor Park, who tells Lee Sunbae to wait for them outside while the adults talk.

After Lee Sunbae leaves, Professor Park asks what Professor Han did to Bum-gyun, and Han unapologetically replies that Bum-gyun’s memories will slowly be erased—if not, he’d have to kill him in order to prevent Bum-gyun from talking. Grabbing Professor Han by the collar, Professor Park demands to know what Professor Han hoped to achieve by using the brain bots he designed to experiment on kids.

The mad scientist within Professor Han comes out again as he goes off on another manic high while explaining how he’s spent the last ten years trying to replicate Kim Kyu-chul and Byul’s ability to quantify and manipulate memory without any success.

He tries to persuade Professor Park to his side by citing the future possibilities that type of technology could achieve, which he claims could open up an entirely new world. Learning now what Professor Han has been after this entire time with his illegal experimentations, Professor Park remembers the blinking light that came on from the ceiling star when he went to Kim Kyu-chul’s old house.

Professor Park’s expression changes, and the next thing we see is him walking hurriedly outside while carrying all of Professor Han’s data in a box. Lee Sunbae asks him what happened, and Professor Park just tells him that they have to work together from now on.

Professor Park explains that because both of them were primary researchers on Professor Han’s team, they’ll probably also become innocent targets of public hate if his illegal experiments on students ever come to light. He adds that if that ever happens, their careers are over.

Suddenly distressed after realizing the larger implications, Lee Sunbae starts nodding furiously when Professor Park asks for his trust, and for him to keep an eye on Professor Han in the meantime. Inside the trailer, we see that Professor Park has tied Professor Han to a chair with duct tape.

After going back to Kyu-chul’s old house, Professor Park tries to activate the blinking star again, but the computer keeps showing the “Access Denied” message. Thinking back, Professor Park wonders if perhaps Woo-jin is the trigger mechanism for the system.

At the hospital, Woo-jin shows Chief Hong to Bum-gyun’s room so that he can provide the detective with his personal witness testimony. However, when shown a picture of Professor Han again, Bum-gyun can’t seem to recall him, even though he was able to point the man out as his kidnapper when he just woke up.

The last thing Bum-gyun says he remembers about his pursuit of the case is that Bluebird is the culprit, and he sounds very much like he’s regressed back to being the old, paranoid Bum-gyun.

Woo-jin looks utterly crestfallen as he sees that his brother is losing his memory retroactively. When he consults with Min-young’s father/the neurosurgeon who operated on Bum-gyun regarding the status of his brother’s brain, he’s informed that the retrograde amnesia is due to the blue bug that wasn’t completely extracted during surgery. The neurosurgeon explains that the bug has burrowed its way to a critical place in the brain that’s difficult to reach with surgery without possibly paralyzing or blinding Bum-gyun for life.

Jung-yeon arrives at the hospital and spots Woo-jin down the hallway. She calls his name loudly and runs toward him, but instead of comforting her or even asking about her end of the situation, Woo-jin immediately jumps asks if she knows where her father is.

He explains that he wants to know because his brother’s condition would be best explained and perhaps reversed by the scientist who initially implanted the bug in Bum-gyun’s brain in the first place.

Knowing that Bum-gyun’s life may be on the line, Jung-yeon cries as she explains that she feels like she’s made a mistake by not grabbing ahold of her father and keeping him until the cops arrived, and she breaks down in tears.

Seeing her cry, Woo-jin finally takes stock of Jung-yeon’s injuries and his empathetic side comes out as he places both hands gently on her shoulders to comfort her. “It’s not your fault,” he says. “I probably would’ve run away if I were you, too.”

Much more gently now, Woo-jin adds that they’ll work together to find Professor Han, since that’s the best chance they have to save Bum-gyun.

Back in his office, Professor Park furrows his brow as he surveys the CCTV reel of Kyu-chul’s old home office, failing to determine the trigger for the star-computer activation system. When Jung-yeon and Woo-jin barge in through the doors, Professor Park hastily puts the laptop with the live footage away.

They ask whether he’s ever seen one of the blue bugs before while working under Professor Han. Of course Professor Park has, what with being the creator of the bugs, but he denies all knowledge in front of his two students. In a subtle prompt, Professor Park adds that although he knows nothing about the blue bugs, Kyu-chul’s old house might contain the clues they’re looking for.

They thank the professor for his help on finding this new lead, and as soon as they leave his office, Professor Park whips out his laptop to watch their progress unfold.

Jung-yeon and Woo-jin arrive at Woo-jin’s old house and enter his father’s office. Inside, they finally notice the blinking star that activates the main computer.

Without any additional input, the computer starts playing a video of Woo-jin’s most recent impactful memory of Jung-yeon crying at the hospital in front of him. Both Woo-jin and Jung-yeon are stunned as they try to comprehend what they’re seeing, and Woo-jin can only mutter, “This is… my memory.”

When Professor Park watches the CCTV footage in real time and realizes that what Professor Han had been babbling about—memory storage and manipulation—wasn’t the ravings of a lunatic after all, his mind reels.

When Woo-jin asks how any of this is possible, the computer processes his request and replays an earlier memory of Byul. In the memory, which is a continuation of the chalk scene at the top of the episode, Byul gives him the star (calling it a “memory box”) and tells him to use it whenever he wants to see his mother again. Jung-yeon is hit by the fact that before she lost her own memories, she had the ability to create something so powerful.

Half in shock, Woo-jin reluctantly admits, “I finally understand why Professor Han tried so hard… to bring back your memory.” He says the last part as though chagrined by the thought, but even he can’t deny that any scientist who saw what they just saw would never give up.

After listing all the possibilities of this technology, ranging from treating mental illnesses to changing the fundamentals of how society operates, Woo-jin seems to realize how that all sounds. But now he understands why Professor Han, or any other scientist, would be driven to pursue the technology.

Part 2: Brave New World

At the midnight standoff between Joon-hyuk and Minister Park, Joon-hyuk tearfully asks where his brother is. “Is he even alive?” he asks, and a smiling Minister Park informs him that he’s alive and living well. But now, Joon-hyuk wants to know why he took Woo-jin, wondering why Minister Park couldn’t have just let Woo-jin go after getting the information he wanted from him.

“Woo-jin wanted it too,” Minister Park replies, seeming to enjoy the reaction this gets out of Joon-hyuk. “You know that this all started with Woo-jin. We came this far because Woo-jin wanted it to happen.” While Joon-hyuk can only breathe in shock, we see that Deputy Chief Lee is surveying the situation from Human B headquarters through the instant memory replay of one of Minister Park’s ineffectual bodyguards.

Deputy Chief Lee commands Secretary Shin to take care of the situation, and when they arrive on scene, Joon-hyuk quickly takes Minister Park hostage with a gun to his head. Joon-hyuk threatens to shoot unless the others back off, but Minister Park doesn’t seem all that fazed—after all, he says, Joon-hyuk needs him alive if he hopes to ever find Woo-jin. And that way, Minister Park can get what he wants, too: Jung-yeon (aka Bluebird).

A guard attacks Joon-hyuk from behind, breaking his hold on the minister. He’s able to subdue the guard and use him as a shield to buy him a few seconds before being chased by Minister Park’s cronies.

When he’s back at Human B, Minister Park orders that Bluebird be caught by any means necessary. Pictures of Jung-yeon are sent to every Smart Earth Human B security personnel member so that they can track her down.

They start implementing a system of in-person facial screenings instead of the usual quicker Care Chip checks in order to let people move between Ordinary Earth and Smart Earth. The citizens grumble about the inconveniences, but in a private conversation with Secretary Shin, Deputy Chief Lee reveals how big the implications for this seemingly minor change are: By instituting these facial checks, Human B has implicitly acknowledged a failure in their supposed “perfect” system and has tainted their own reputation.

Together on Smart Earth, Jung-yeon and Ho-soo try to find Joon-hyuk to warn him about how the rendezvous with Minister Park is a trap. Jung-yeon sees that pictures of her have been spread throughout Smart Earth as a wanted criminal, and Ho-soo receives a call that it’s because “Bluebird” has terrorized Mayor Yoon (Minister Park has framed Bluebird for his own crime).

Hearing this, their level of urgency goes up, and Jung-yeon wants to hack into Human B’s system immediately so that they can find Joon-hyuk and escape together.

However, Ho-soo knows that the moment Jung-yeon starts using her hacking skills, her IP will be tracked down instantly due to the high alerts that Human B’s implemented. So he argues against her as he tells her that Joon-hyuk charged him with her safety, and he can’t abandon that request.

Soon enough, Joon-hyuk shows up completely unharmed, and the trio determine their next course of action. They can’t go to Ordinary Earth to regroup because they wouldn’t be able to get back into Smart Earth with all those stringent security measures now in place, so Ho-soo comes up with a location where no one on Smart Earth will think to look: a church.

Ho-soo explains that because their emotional insecurities have been largely stabilized by the Care Chip, the citizens of Smart Earth have no need for religion, and so no one goes to churches anymore. Sure enough, they arrive at a completely empty church, and the reprieve allows them to talk freely.

Joon-hyuk reveals that Minister Park is actually the CEO of Human B, and that he drew them into a trap. Jung-yeon realizes that if Minister Park is the CEO of Human B, his main target is her, because she’s the hacker who’s been destroying his company’s greatest achievement by reversing the controlled amnesia of all of Smart Earth’s citizens.

Jung-yeon offers to give herself up, but Joon-hyuk is the one to put a stop to her as he says that her doing so won’t guarantee Woo-jin’s release. “If it were Woo-jin, he wouldn’t send you there,” Joon-hyuk adds. “If Human B steals you away and I meet Woo-jin again, how will I face him?”

Joon-hyuk determines that they have to think faster and smarter than their enemy, and Ho-soo suggests that he knows exactly the person they can use to infiltrate Human B.

While Deputy Chief Lee seems to realize that Bluebird has no plans on leaving Smart Earth anytime soon, our trio stakes out in front of a building shortly before dawn. Is this Minister Park or Mayor Yoon’s house?

Then the scene cuts back to Human B headquarters, where Minister Park yells at Deputy Chief Lee again for not having the situation resolved by now. He storms out when he gets a message that the chair of the national assembly wants to see him.

Meanwhile, Secretary Shin keeps glancing at the clock, looking like she’s late for something. Noticing this, Deputy Chief Lee tells her that it’s all right, and that she’s free to go (even though it’s pretty clear that everyone is in crisis mode right now).

In his meeting with the assemblywoman, Minister Park shows off his oily personality by feigning ignorance about Mayor Yoon’s unfortunate terror attack by Bluebird, pretending as if it all didn’t happen exactly the way he wanted it to. They talk about the bill for human cloning that’s currently in parliament, and the assemblywoman mentions that she doesn’t think it will pass.

Minister Park remarks that if that’s so, then it’s quite unfortunate, because it could be the beginning of an entirely new branch of scientific discoveries. He continues on to emphasize that despite mankind’s greatest efforts, the march of progress and science always prevails.

As she leaves, the assemblywoman brings up the real reason for her visit: She’s been hearing rumors that Human B can control people’s memories. Minister Park laughs it off as a scientific impossibility, but inside, he’s thinking that she’s revealed her cards.

Secretary Shin shows up at the house that the trio were staking out at and is about to unlock the door when Joon-hyuk holds his gun to her head. After a brief tussle, he has her at a loss and outnumbered.

He asks her where his brother is, and it’s pretty clear that she’s never heard of Woo-jin before. Then, a little girl with a blind walking stick comes out and calls out for Secretary Shin—they’re sisters (so that’s why Shin was in a rush to get home).

Secretary Shin just tells the girl to go back inside, and Joon-hyuk offers Secretary Shin a deal: If she complies with them fully and tells them where Deputy Chief Lee goes in secret, then they’ll let the situation progress without letting her little sister know that there’s any cause for concern.

With a gun to her head and her sister inside the house, Secretary Shin has no choice but to lead them to the location. Jung-yeon and Joon-hyuk enter the house while Ho-soo stands outside guarding Secretary Shin, who’s handcuffed to the car.

As they drive to the address Secretary Shin gave them, Jung-yeon looks directly at Joon-hyuk and thinks, “It’s probably Woo-jin, right? It’s Woo-jin, don’t you think?” As if responding to her thoughts, Joon-hyuk thinks, “Maybe not. It might not be him. Let’s not get our hopes up.”

Once inside the house Secretary Shin led them to, Jung-yeon and Joon-hyuk work their way through, finding no one on the first floor. They go down to the basement, and just as they’re about to open their first door, they hear a noise down the hallway.

Very carefully, Joon-hyuk reaches toward the door and turns the handle. As the door creaks open inch by inch, their expressions change from trepidation to shock as they see what’s inside…

Cut to: Secretary Shin and Ho-soo outside, as she asks him what he’s doing when he’s supposed to be on sick leave. Ho-soo replies that he’s there because what Human B is doing is wrong before asking her why she’s with Human B despite knowing about the company’s transgressions.

Secretary Shin says that it’s because memory manipulation is not the only technology that Human B has—no other company has the same resources to find a cure for her sister’s blindness. This gives Ho-soo pause as he thinks about Human B’s potential to do good for society.

We return to Joon-hyuk and Jung-yeon’s discovery as they enter the room. At first, they take in the walls plastered with notes of every kind, but then their eyes fall on the figure scribbling madly and talking gibberish: Professor Han, sporting a signature cut behind his ear.

In a flashback, we see what happened ten years ago, when Professor Park first strapped Professor Han to the chair. Professor Park had promised with a sinister smile that he would finish the older man’s life work, and that if Han didn’t want to end up like Kyu-chul, he’d need to stay silent. (Whaa? Did Professor Park kill Woo-jin’s dad too?)

Five years later in 2022, we see that Lee Sunbae was excited for the first Care Chip he developed with Professor Park, and though Lee Sunbae suggested animal testing first, Professor Park wanted to jump straight into human clinical trials, adding that they already had their first subject: Professor Han.

Then we cut back to the present in 2037, where Joon-hyuk and Jung-yeon have just discovered her father scribbling madly into his science journal on his quest to discover the secrets of memory.

With tear-rimmed eyes, Jung-yeon calls out for her father, and he greets her as if she’s just come home from school. It seems that Professor Park’s experiments worked, but that means that Professor Han is also suffering from memory loss.

Joon-hyuk pushes the frail old scientist into the wall as he demands to know his brother’s whereabouts. Professor Han faintly recalls that Woo-jin was “the answer,” and when Joon-hyuk presses him further for answers, he struggles to remember.

Then, he says, “Kim Woo-jin… is dead.” Joon-hyuk struggles to comprehend this as he tearfully asks for confirmation, which Professor Han gives by adding, “Park Dong-geun killed Kim Woo-jin.”


Noooo! Woo-jin, please don’t be dead! Well, I actually don’t buy that he’s dead, because I don’t know if the star-blinking technology would work if his cells were no longer actively pulsating and giving off the same biorhythms that were detected by Kyu-chul’s computer. And as a thorough scientist, I don’t think that Professor Park would kill Woo-jin willy-nilly without having definite proof that the star-blinking system would work without him.

That’s also why I think Professor Park is probably pushing the national assemblywoman to sponsor and advocate for the human cloning bill. If he were able to create a clone of Woo-jin with all the same biological DNA that the star system used to activate its memory technology, then he would be able to continue manipulating the technology without the original being alive. If that were a possibility, there would be nothing stopping him from killing Woo-jin, the only real witness to his illegal activities.

Also, what happened to their father? If Professor Park had already killed him in the past, then his moral code should already have been compromised. But going off this episode, it seems like he was genuinely angry at Professor Han for using his bug technology to experiment on students. In addition, he still wavered when confronted with the decision to monitor the star-blinking system or to actually take the next step and use it.

Of course, he did succumb to temptation in the end, but the fact that there was a bit of hesitation indicates that he felt conflicted. So maybe he didn’t kill Kyu-chul? Or perhaps he knows what happened because he knows about the shadowy man who looked powerful and dangerous (the one Detective Choi reported to after going on the run). That figure looks interesting, but that tiny scene was so short that I don’t know what other information I can glean from it without going into the territory of wild speculation.

I loved the interaction between the assemblywoman and Minister Park, just because it had layers of schmoozing, threats, and power imbalances which revealed that despite all technological advances, people will be people. But I wonder if she had a Care Chip implant as well, because Minister Park seems to be able to control and manipulate the memories of anyone with a Care Chip.

So why can’t Minister Park use his Human B technology to cut out parts of her memory that are related to her learning about his company using artificially induced amnesia without direct consent? Why can’t he just manipulate anyone to get to the top of the power structure in one fell swoop? Or is this just a plot hole, and am I just thinking too hard about this?

Speaking of who has and doesn’t have a Care Chip, what about Lee Sunbae/Deputy Chief Lee? When he got frustrated that one time, his neck did glow red, but he’s been on this project since its inception and knows all about how Human B can control memories. So why would he knowingly allow himself to be implanted and give that much power to a corporation controlled by Minister Park? In fact, why would any of Human B’s employees who know about the memory control aspect consent to having a chip implanted into their brains? Wouldn’t they be revolted by the idea and ask for it to be taken out immediately?

In a tangential but interesting topic of conversation, I wonder how Smart Earth handles chipping the children of their citizens. If one needs an implant to live on Smart Earth but isn’t legally of consent age, that’s an interesting moral question. But this is more a question that I ask of the fictional world in the drama, rather than a question the drama itself needs to answer.


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Circle never fails to amazed me! Full if emotions and surprises.

The scariest enemies are those in the form of FRIENDs! I like that Prof. Park wasnt evil right off the batch but his greed got the best of him and transform him into this monster.


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Also LOVE that Joon-Hyuk used his old-school fighting skills.


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I have pretty much given up trying to understand the story.


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I'm just trying to watch without thinking or guessing, and purely enjoying the ride.


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Talk about surprises! I thought it was awesome that they found her "dad", I was totally expecting to have seen at least a glimpse of woojin by now. That scene was frustratingly good.

I also loved how woojin realised "she made it for me." That was really moving. I don't know if or how byul and woojin will actually get a romance but I love their interactions in past, present and future present. Its nice to see him grown up taking care of her, not just as his noona. I've been shipping them for a while now.


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I have been shipping them too ?
Wish them to get their happy ending


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After reading the comments on Ep 8, I realised that Woo Jin might indeed be the sole one scanned in the room. Better eyes on the beanies.

This episode was awesome. I really love this drama. I wish the whole world would watch it. Man, I wish I could even read what the local knetz are saying. I hope they love it as much as we do, regardless of what the ratings show.


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They really do~! And they are also just as disappointed as us about the ratings. A lot of people are also sad about having only 12 episodes and wishing for a season 2. This is the naver talk page for Circle where Korean netizens give in their feedback about the show (it's really fun reading their theories, like there was one who just said out of the blue that Woojin might've been turned into a dalek lol): http://entertain.naver.com/tvBrand/5396316

It's truly unfortunate about the ratings, but I guess a lot of people dropped it from the first few episodes because they either got confused or didn't like the CG. And Circle isn't a show you can easily tune in randomly when you haven't kept up with all the episodes. It has a really good cast and fast-paced story... I mean, people complain about bad actors a lot and here's a story with good characterization, tight plot and the cast do deliver and people still ignore it.


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really? the show is only 12 episodes? i need more episodes..! surely this plot twist etc can not be force to end just with 12 episodes.. ooohh.. noo.. this drama is sooo good, although the rate is so poor. but honestly, compare the drama produce by TVN and the 3 big tv stations, i should say, mostly the drama in TVN has more quality in storyline, plot and character.. hahaha.. even thou sometimes they cast a not so famous celebrity, but their acting is actually quite impressive..


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Yup, it's always been slated for 10-12 episodes until they officially finalized it to 12. I've also read comments wondering if this show could've done better on a different time-slot and days of airing.

On the first week of Circle a lot of comments made fun of its CG, but on the weeks that followed, people have been truly immersed with the story and the reversals. Knetz also do try to recommend it to other people they know but the positive word of mouth doesn't work. :(


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Good point, that persons who randomly tune in mid-run would be confused. Thanks for the info bit. I'm happy it's getting love over there. I love reading translated comments but found none after the pilot episodes.


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I really wish this show getting so much love as much as Signal got


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I love that we get to see Professor Park's capacity for both good and evil since he did initially help the main characters out of goodwill (and some terror). It makes you wonder, maybe he could have been a good guy if he'd had a better influence than Professor Han.

The human cloning was definitely brought up for a reason and I'm in the camp that Woo Jin was somehow cloned or maybe he's in a coma and they're trying to clone him. But I think Human B can't manipulate memories, only selectively delete them. And while they can delete "minor" things, messing with a politician would probably raise too many flags, otherwise I think they would have dealt with Mayor Yoon earlier in the game.


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In lieu of the vital role Woojin plays in keeping the system running (since Byul's capabilities remain a mystery to the villains), the imperative to clone him would make sense. I hope that they haven't actually cloned him yet, but are trying to do so. I know many people want to see Yeo Jin Gu in the second part, but (though I also think he is doing a great job) I really hope we get to see an older version of his character. Personally, I would like that much better. I feel like the clone idea might be used to justify Yeo Jin Gu's appearance in the second part. For the sake of this drama's quality, I hope that is not the case. Once again, I have no problem with the idea of cloning being introduced, I just hope that no cloning has actually taken place.


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I'm of the opinion that Woo Jin did die in 2017 and that he was cloned then as well. We've known how to clone mammals since the 1990's (I.e. Dolly the sheep) and as nefarious as Human B is, I think it would have happened. We just haven't done it in real life (that we know of) because of the ethical and moral implications. Human B may mean the cloned human, while Human A is the original. I read a book called Anne to the Infinite in high school about a girl who finds out she's a clone of a scientist who was on the brink of finding a cure to cancer before she died. Dozens of clones were made in the attempt to replicate her to finish her research when girls grew up. These girls were adopted by various families. Then the nurture vs. nature debate occurred because none of the cloned girls seemed to have any interest in the sciences. One was a musician, another a dancer, and so on. So, the girls were to be terminated. Anyway, I could totally see Human B cloning Woo Jin and raising that boy institutionally so that he would run the supercomputer. It just depends on how controversial this show wants to be. I don't know. I didn't think Professor Park had it in him to be so dastardly, but yet, here we are.


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It's really heartbreaking to think that the real Woojin died though. After all he went through from the point their dad left up to the 2017 timeline and then he just dies. T_T That's too sad to think about.

The book you were talking about reminds me of another book, Never Let Me Go, where there's a place with a bunch of kid clones and they are being raised to eventually become donors for sick people. The book asks the question whether these clones are mere replications or are they essentially human in their own right.


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Oh wait... I just realized a vital hint that Woojin isn't dead. After Professor Han said that he's dead and the credits roll, the closing theme lyrics literally says, "Alive~~ Alive~~"

I'm sorry.


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In Korean or English? I totally missed that.


I LOVE THAT SONG. Sends tingles down my spine. Love it!


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@ally-le It's in English. :D Actually when I first heard the closing theme, I thought it sounded like, "A lie... a lie..." But it's actually, Alive. You can listen to it here:



@weaselking June 23, 2017 at 3:10 AM

Thanks for that clue! And the link to the OST.

I need all the hope I can muster regarding Woo-jin's life continuing intact into 2037.


Hi, Ally! :)

Do you think that the Woojin pictured in 2022 (standing to the side of Park's painting) is the clone? I do think that his expression in the picture is eerie and I wonder what happened to him to get him to that point. If he were a clone with no memories of the past, that might explain things. And I also agree that our technological capabilities, in real life, are beyond that available to the public. Speaking about the drama specifically, however, I don't think Woojin died in 2017, but perhaps his memories were altered. By the way, what is the title of the book you read?


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Title of the book: "Anne to the Infinite," I believe it's a youth novel. I don't even know why I remember that name, I've read hundreds of books and only remember the names of a handful, LOL!

I, too, thought the picture in the Chairman's office was eerily strange and I started thinking that something was very wrong with Woo Jin then, maybe a clone, maybe had his own memories erased. I hope we get a satisfying answer next week!



Thanks for the title information.

Yes, I do hope that we get a satisfying end. If we do, I will definitely add this drama to my list of favorites. :)


I really do think WooJin may be dead and his clone may be the one hooked up to the supercomputer (meaning YJG still does the role of WJ in 2037)


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And it's just so sad that he'd be dead because he's gone through so much...


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I'm so done trying to figure out what's going to happen next in this show, I'm just going to trust that it's leading me somewhere and close my eyes. I trust you show, I know you won't hurt me. All that I ask is that you make Woo-jin live. Also, can I just point out how adorable each woman is? Min-young and Jung-yeon are wonderful. Smart, brave, kind-hearted and their devotion to protecting their men warms my heart. I hope that after all this is over, they can settle down if that's what they want and be happy. They've earned that right.


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I can't believe its ending already! Are there really only 12 episodes?


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I know!!! I want so many more episodes! ?


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Ahh, I think your question opened up a can of worms in my brain about the ethical nature of the chips and their effects on human development.

I would assume that chipping children is akin to giving your child a vaccination - you do it because it's what's best for them. Alternatively, they could wait for kids to reach the age of consent and the law only applies to adults, so at 18 it's get chipped or leave smart earth.

I think the chips are fundamentally flawed because humans are too unpredictable, and we never know what can change a persons behavior. If children are chipped, then do they grow up not having experienced certain emotions? Isn't that fundamental to development?

I was also thinking about the memory erasing, and I wonder how it affects issues like domestic violence -- does the chip outright stop these behaviors, or does it erase them from memories, which means that they are likely repeated but forgotten. That's genuinely terrifying. And what about abuse that isn't physical? So much domestic violence starts as financial or emotional abuse, so how would the chip stop that sort of manipulation?


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I was wondering the same about your last paragraph after last week, particularly with the step-father who had abused Hosoo's girlfriend now being a father again to a teenage girl. Would the care chip stop those horrible actions? Is he living as a wonderful father now? Or could he be abusing that girl as well, only both of them constantly have the memories wiped and continue to live together unaware? It's an absolutely horrifying thought and one I wish we had more time to get into. (C'mon, season 2!)


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I mran, if there was a season 2 I assume it would deal with the fallout of the chips in smart earth and people regaining their memories. Then there's all sorts of interesting ethical issues to deal with too.

I also wonder if conspiracy is still considered a crime in smart earth, if the whole purpose of the chips is to prevent crimes?


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@Dahlia June 22, 2017 at 7:01 PM:

Or could he be abusing that girl as well, only both of them constantly have the memories wiped and continue to live together unaware? It's an absolutely horrifying thought

A very pertinent question. It reminds me of Joo-wal's repeated memory wipes in ARANG AND THE MAGISTRATE. When his memory was no longer suppressed, the guilt was overwhelming. But as long as he was unable to remember his dastardly activities, he seemingly got a free pass.

Forgetting misdeeds does not forgive them, nor undo them. And it certainly does not prevent their repetition. For that, one needs a fully-functioning conscience with a healthy capacity for shame and guilt.


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You know I don't think the chips would stop the bad stuff from happening. Like, If Ho Soon's girlfriends father is attracted to younger girls and he does a crime - gets punished - gets rehabilitated- learns his lesson - he'll stop doing those things to the girls right? But both him and the girls memories are wiped and his internal attraction to underage girls is still there unaddressed and untreated - I'm thinking he'll probably do it again(?). Which makes me think that smart earth may actually he just been erasing crimes for a while now.


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It's sad and ironic that Byeol's sweetly innocent gesture to make little Woo-jin stop crying became the start of a horrifying and illegal human experimentation 30 years later. That her simple gift to help the little boy remember his mother's face later make people committed a new kind of crime, memory stealing and manipulations.


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And made the greatest tragic history to that little boy's life. Maybe that's why Byul or his dad wanted Byul's memories locked/erased. So the mad scientists/big boss behind this will stop. But like WJ said.. Anyone who has seen this technology will not want to stop


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Prof Han in that state gave me goosebumps. I can just imagine what atrocious things he went thru under Min. Park's thumb. Chills*


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I don't feel sorry for him. He kind of deserves it, don't you think? He had no compunction experimenting and killing all those students. Both Prof. Min and Han seem to justify all actions in the name of science.


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I get chills every time I see Professor Park now. Also, I'm loving Ho Soo more and more now. (And he looks so much better in black)


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YES! Loving the black on Gikwang. Also loving the melancholic but nagging Ho Soo much more than the emotionless but smiley Ho Soo.


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I totally agree with both of you on Ho-soo. I'm liking how his inner mother hen is emerging, now that his chip has been deactivated.


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Care Chips are suppose to stabilise the citizens' emotional insecurities but Deputy Chief Lee still exhibits shady behaviour, guards are ready to attack with their batons, and the citizens were grumbling about the delays.


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I can't remember; have we seen his Care Chip scar? Maybe it's just those two whom are without Care Chips installed and living on Smart Earth.


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It's so horrible how Park Donggun initially began this by making himself believe he's doing the right thing until the lines between ethical and evil got really blurry and he turned into this unforgivable piece of trash.

I'm so amazed how I only thought of PDG as the main villain's sidekick in the first few episodes, but that he's actually far worse. What he did to Professor Han gave me chills. Like he didn't just steal the research and kill him right off the bat... he actually made him a subject to the experiments.

And poor Byul and Woojin. Byul had the purest intention when she made the memory box for Woojin but because of other people's greed, so many people had to die and suffer. And Woojin... my pure, sweet child who's been suffering ever since their dad left them behind. He had to become the breadwinner of the family, become an outcast in school just so he can study for free, he always had to hold himself together and stay strong for his struggling brother and grandma with dementia.. and now this. He also got beaten up really badly but nobody ever asked how he was. He always constantly asked others if they're okay... and it just pains me... a lot. T_T


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How is Prof Park any different from Prof. Han? They are both cut from the same cloth? Anyone who performs experiments on others in the name of science without their consent is evil in my book. And they are both guilty of that.


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Don't get me wrong, I still think Prof. Han is evil and he actually got a taste of his own medicine by becoming the subject of the experiments himself which he actually deserves.

Like I said, I just initially thought that PDG is a mere evil guy's sidekick but he is actually much worse than a sidekick. And that it's actually amazing how the writers made me not think of him as a huge threat when it turns out he plays an enormous part in the decades-long separation of the twins.


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Seriously, Woo-jin needs a blanket by a fire, hot cocoa, a big hug, and some reassurance that he's done extremely well. I volunteer!


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He actually needs a big group hug so I will volunteer too!


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Also damn, first I thought that after Woojin got to access the computer, Park Donggun would just steal all the data to build Human B. But this show of course has an even worse idea and that is that once Woojin's not around the computer wouldn't work. And I just fear for Woojin so much. T_T


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I thought the same, that Prof Park would use Woojin to access and then steal the data. But it seems that he has even more nefarious ideas in mind.... Brrrr. Circle's been doing an excellent job with keeping us guessing about the villains, from first assuming the alien(s) would be the bad guys to Professor Han (who definitely is one but not The Big Bad) to now Professor Park, who we've watched go from seeming horrified and wavering to full on embracing his mad scientist side, with no regards to ethics.


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Indeed! I'm sad it's about to end because I've always enjoyed the discussions. T_T Every episode they gave us always something new to theorize and posit about.
- Which twin is Joonhyuk?
- Is Jungyeon an alien or not? Is she the one behind the killings?
- Who is Human B's chairman?
- Could it be Woojin? He actually wanted to forget about Bumgyun?
- Damn, it's actually slimy PDG... where's Woojin?
- Looks like Woojin's in a much deeper mess than we originally thought.
- Save Woojin. What happened to Woojin? He's not dead, right? Right??


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If there is one thing people forget to speculate, it will only be:

'How to achieve Byul/Jungyeon's anti-aging appearance? And why don't those brainy scientists research about it?'
(Seriously, like, waeeee people waeee??!)

Other than that, this thread is always full of smart discussions.


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??? I had this thought several threads ago about how we could bring back Yoo Jin Goo in 2037 and not age him a single day! If course they would have figured out the fountain of youth first from Byul! But, sadly, the show didn't go there! I love your comment! ?


LOL I've given up on that since it doesn't seem to be the priority in the drama. There's a chance we might not get answers on her not aging. I feel like there will be a lot of unanswered questions, because there are only 12 episodes. They probably would've explored things better in a non-existent season 2. ?


Maybe with being an alien, it can choose what to look like, what gender, etc. For the sake of blending in, you know. And then she can choose to simply maintain the same look? Well then, so much for blending in, but anyway...


I wonder why Kim Gyu Chul made WooJin as access to his data instead of BeomGyun?


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I think it's Byul who made Woojin the access and not the dad. Byul made the memory box for Woojin and she told him that only Woojin could use it.

KGC only realized what Byul had done and saved whatever that data was on the USB.


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I think he tried to protect his twins by disappearing with the data, instead he left them exposed and vulnerable to predators who were once his colleagues. Of all the people in this drama, I'm most furious with their dad. The only excuse he has for not showing up for his twins is if he was murdered or imprisioned. In that case, it's such a tragic end for all the members of that family.


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I think he's been left without a choice (or at least I hope so). Remember PDG threatened Prof Han that he could just end up like Kim Kyucheol.


Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo thankyoufortherecap ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.....


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Ahahaha, thankyoufortherecaptoo. I'm doing the same thing as you with only 2 episodes left.


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Wow! What an amazing episode. My heartstrings and brainpower are being worked to the maximum. Following this show for quite a while, I don't think Woo Jin is dead, but that probably is just my heart saying it. However, I know there are always many twists in store, so the chance of Woo Jin being alive isn't impossible. As for Jung Yeon, I am loving her character a lot. I really hope she gets a happy ending with Woo Jin, since she totally deserves it. It's sad though, when I saw the flashback of her giving that star to Woo Jin, and seeing how her simple gesture became such a devastating experimentation of altering human memory. Minister Park and Professor Han all fell to the temptation of the new technology she brought and I don't think they can get back out of the hole they've already dug. With the care chip and the children, it seems that things are escalating quickly, and I can only hope that our heroes will stop them in time. I can't wait for the next episodes and I wish there were more then 12. Lastly, I wish them higher ratings since this series really earned it.


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Gosh, I hope you're right about poor Woo-jin being alive. But this show loves to mess with us every opportunity it gets.


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This episode reminded me of a quote from Jurassic Park: "Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn't stop to think if they should." And we all know how badly that ended.


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That is true, imo. Ethical questions should always be asked to identify if it is really necessary and if it will bring value to all life.


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Unfortunately moral and ethics have rarely stopped people in the past from experiments in the name of science. In fact it's only fairly recent that one requires ethical approval before any sort of research can be done. Sad but true.

Humans are curious to a fault. One of my favorite authors Terry Pratchett had this quote-

“Some humans would do anything to see if it was possible to do it. If you put a large switch in some cave somewhere, with a sign on it saying 'End-of-the-World Switch. PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH', the paint wouldn't even have time to dry.”

And he isn't wrong!


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What happened with Prof Park.. Make me remember about the old story (which I heard when watched IRY).
"There are two wolves inside us, the evil and the good ones. Which wolf wins? Whichever one you feed"

Prof Park feed his greed, and like a car with broken brakes, he don't know (or he won't) when to stop

BTW, what happened with the Big Boss ( a glasses man) in 2037 timeline? Dead? Or already became a President?


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Oh I also have the same question about Sunbae Lee's care chip.. Maybe it worked differently from other chip? Because If I am not mistaken, Byul/bluebird said that she can't hacked his chip because the security system seems different (high level)

If it wasn't that case or that chip worked in same way.. I don't understand why he want that chip to be implanted in his head. He know what that chip will do after all.


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I wonder if he had a choice initially.


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Unlikely. He is sadly a coward for all that he wants to be a big bully.


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I dont know what to think anymore. BUT i know that Kim WooJin cannot be dead. He is too valuable for Chairman Park to be dead. Granted Chairman Park has no moral compass, I do not think he would kill WooJin. R


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I'm honestly just waiting for Woo Jin to show up in Brave New World. My mind is tired haha

I hate Prof Park but his character's arc is so interesting, the way he turned out to be Chairman?? He didn't seem like the nicest guy at first, but perhaps when he saw an opportunity for his own gain he did all he could to take it. He is so manipulative. What a villain. Destroy him, good guys.


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This episode really shows what a human is capable of when he has sufficient motivation and the means to do it. I would totally watch a season 2 if Tvn made one but taking into consideration the ratings, I doubt there will be. There are still so many threads you can explore in this setup and so many stories to tell. The only question that this show will answer now would be "where and what is woo-jin?"


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I did like how the show humanized the right hand woman with showing her blind sister. We are all vulnerable and it's not just good vs. evil in this show. Even professor Park initially had good intentions, and may still. However, I think the show is asking us, when does the end justify the means? Does it ever? History is dotted with non consenting individuals who were forced into participate in human medical trials and we as a society have ultimately benefited, but was their sacrifice justified? Medical ethics continues to be pushed to its boundaries with all the advances we have made through scientific discovery. But just because we can, does it mean that we should? Well, show, I'm sure you won't answer that question, but I hope you answer some of these others.


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I too appreciated how Secretary Shin was more than just a minion. And in a way, she's only supporting what she thinks is right. Everybody has their own plausible reasons for believing what they believe in. And I think the show is really cool to show us that.


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Scene in church: no one comes here anymore because we don't need religion now we have Human B's care chip
Scene with Shin: Human B has miracles and I'm doing their bidding to get those miracles. Human B is my religion.
This show is amazing.


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Circle is so underrated that I am just glad I was able to convince some office mates of mine to watch it too. While YJG is a tough act to follow, one of the crazy theories that came to mind was... what if they managed to cast an older version of Woojin but kept this hush2x until the finale week? That would definitely be a big surprise. I don't buy it that Woojin's dead... but what has kept him from seeking out Joonhyuk and Byul all these years?

I'm so glad I decided to check this series out. One of the best I have seen that's not in the romcom genre.


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The ethical questions you posed at the end, Tineybeanie, remind me of some of my earlier questions surrounding the actual creation of Smart Earth. I would like to know how things are run on a practical, day-to-day level. I am not sure if the show will delve into the actual creation of this large city and/or whether it will discuss the day to day ethical issues the government has to confront (such as the chipping of children). Like you said, these are questions pertaining to the fictional world itself, which might be beyond the purview of the drama.


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My biology teacher had a scientist friend. This friend of him did a research about tuberose (a kind of flower that smells really nice only at night) until he almost went crazy. Prof Han in 2037 makes me remember about this story. When the difference between curiousity and greed becomes blur, his sanity becomes to stumble. I think Prof Park is essentially the same as him, even though outwardly he still looks okay.


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I can´t imagine why you all are THAT blown away. Circle is a nice change of theme, but it is nothing groundbraking. What it does well however is good suggestive storytelling. Mostly it is buildt on dialogue / text only, plus the settings. There are no complicated tricks. But we still buy the story and even call the year 2037 "the present". Did they get inspired by Tarkovsky´s Stalker? You don´t need a billion dollars to do sci-fi, you need a smart script.

good to know actual storyTELLING skills haven´t gotten lost among plot devices and unnecessary twists.


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Why you gotta be such a negative nancy? What's wrong with us being blown away? I don't understand people like you like need to leave comments like this ?


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I just said, I can´t seem to see what you all see. @weaselking, never said anything about your brain either. just that I´d like to know why you are all so floored, maybe I have missed something? should I have looked more carefully? both your answers are reading things into my post that aren´t there. what for?


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Apologies for the sarcasm, it's just that your reply came off to me as condescending.

Anyway, to give you a serious answer: it's because the plot keeps exceeding my expectations. I was prepared to see something else and the show gives me another thing which in turn blows my mind away. It is a fast-paced story with a tight plot and I can't help that this drama which isn't groundbreaking is giving me the excitement and thrill each episode. I also really enjoy the well-written characters and the acting which both go so well plot. This drama is obviously not high on budget and was only made for such a short period of time, and yet despite that, the show still manages to deliver the story that it set out to do.

Also, your question could also simply be boiled down to people having different tastes. Some people get easily mindblown by dramas like this and some just don't.


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ok, I see. thank you.


Oh it's because I'm a very simple-minded human being whose brain is the size of a really tiny rock.


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This show keeps getting better and better! I really expected woo Jin to show up at end but when it was professor Han, I was even more shocked!

I really hope we get to see more of Byul's backstory. They've set I up nicely so far and I'm eager to know more. Clearly, the only person she trusted enough was Woo Jin, a trait that has carried on into the present. Also, where did she come from and are there others?

So many questions!

I feel so conflicted about Professor Park. Mainly because the actor is doing such a good job of being conflicted in the present.

I'm going to be so crushed when the is show ends. Such a good one! ??


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One more thing I wanted to add. 2017! Min Young is such a spunky and determined character. I wish they let her have more of a role in 2037!!

Also, I really love how the show shows us Jung Yeon being a resourceful and determined character. When she made that toothbrush into a shiv, I was like YAS. Professor Han did her w big disservice by treating her as a tool as opposed to living being. 20 years down the line, she still has some affection towards him. ?


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I know... More of Minyoung in 2037 would've been so perfect, given how feisty and smart her character is in 2017.

It's interesting though that Minyoung initially wanted Bumgyun to get all his memories back, but in 2027, when Joonhyuk woke up, she's become against it and in 2037, she'd rather him live as a new person rather than retrieve his past back. I'm now so curious to the climax of 2017 that made our characters the way they are in 2037.


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Wait, does that mean that Woo Jin has to process all the memories of all citizens in order to turn them into video files? What have they done to him?
There's something creepy about the way Park answered when he was asked if Woo Jin was alive...


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Also it's disgusting how he still continues to use Woojin as a shield, making it seem like it's Woojin who pushed the brain chips into existence.


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I have a speculation,If Woo-Jin was a human they woulden't be able to process ever single citizen but what If he is not human anymore.Somebody mentioned he could be data in the future.What If Professor Park experimented on him,turned him into a hybrid like half computer...or automatic scanner,& anybody who came into contact with him lost their memories or he could have just killed him & preserved his DNA to use like a finger or a piece of hair.I shudder at the thought ?


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Thanks for this recap Tineybeanie. Circle doesn't disappoint and with only three more episodes to go it is still asking questions. Hats off to the writers, actors and director. Hoping for a second series. Never give up, never surrender.


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He never had surgery. I'm pretty sure they only took him to CT. Point is the bug and its effects are still there....which makes sense with what we've seen in earlier episodes


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I still haven't bought that Minister Park is the real Chairman of Human B, neither believe that Woo Jin is really dead... Guess we'll have to wait a little bit more... Also good point asking why Lee subae/Deputy Chief Lee would allow to have a chip in his own body having all the knowledge he has from the beggining of the project....pretty stupid of him, if you ask me... but hey, that's just a personal opinion. Or maybe it was put without his consent and then his memories were altered...


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I too question whether he is really the chairman, but I do not know if we'll be getting last minute revelations regarding the chairman. Who knows?


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I felt a tinge of sadness when I saw the 2037 Professor Han. I know his greed and ambition has ate him up to make him who he is today, but there was something oh so pitiful about it.

I really enjoy Ho-soo stepping it up to help the A Team, it brings a smile to my face every time.

Professor Park / Chairman Park disgusts me. Thumbs up to the actor who is nailing the character.


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Han Sang-jin. He's also adorable in Sol Pharmacy Sons.


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I called it in the previous recap that was Woo-Jin was a clone of Bum-Gyum but then is he actually just a clone without all the memories of Woo-Jin then? Well then he is literally bits of data Pro Park created.Then did the photo we saw of Woo-Jon with the picture frame be his clone cause he doesnt look like he aged but this is a K-Drama.People are never wrinkly and dry even at seventy ! Professor Han doesn't even have wrinkles. ?

Also did the star activate last ep because of Woo-Jin's prescences or his strong bursts of emotions that activated it? If the latter then Woo-Jin HAS to be alive. A clone may have the same dna as Woo-Jin but he woulden't be able to replicate human emotions even If the clone was taught emotions Professor Park would be the worst teacher for emotions ever...You'll only ever learn

•How To Be Angry
•How To Creepy Smile
•Manipulation 101
& An Extra Special Lesson
•How To Cut People Open & Not Care:Park Edition


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Want to know Byul's back story! If she is a real alien or some kind of creation of humans?! Woo jin seems to have such a sad fate? :(
waiting eagerly for ep 10 recap!


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I had this question as well, but it seems like she's a real alien by the way Prof Han and Park refer to her. It's ironic that the presence of an alien brings out the basest instincts of man smh.


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Thanks for your recap, tineybeanie!

I almost feel as if there's been a triple fake-out, and that Joon-hyuk is Woo-jin after all. Part of me shudders at the possibility that his consciousness has been uploaded into the Human B computer system. Shades of H.P. Lovecraft's "The Whisperer in Darkness."


Given Professor/Minister Park's ruthlessness, and Professor Han's fanaticism, it wouldn't surprise me if someone bumped off Woo-jin. That shadowy figure Detective Choi reported to increases the likelihood of skullduggery.

I got a kick out of watching Byul's system booting up FreeDOS. I would have pegged her for a Linux programmer. ;-)


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Everyone's assuming Woo Jin is the clone. I was assuming it was Bluebird. But that would explain Joon Hyuk. He's a clone of Woo Jin and Min Young and the detective had convinced him he's Bum Gyun so he can look for the 'real' Woo Jin. Or something.
I don't know whether I'm getting closer to the truth or just getting crazier.


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woojin just completely ignoring jung-yeon being distressed in the hospital hurt me but also made me laugh. like damn bro i'm kinda rooting for yall can you at least try to be a good friend and be there to comfort her?


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