
Healer: Episode 15

Sweet! It’s a breath of fresh air to be able to sit back and bask for a while, because I dunno about you guys but I could use some recovery time from all the weeping and heart-wringing I did before. And with the plot continuing to speed along, I actually find myself able to enjoy the cheeriness more, because while I love romantic fluff (and would happily take tons of it, angst-free), you don’t always want it to happen at the expense of development, because then it feels like filler. Better to get adorable cuteness and forward movement in one fell swoop!


Just – “그대 때문에” (Because of you) from the Healer OST [ Download ]

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So, that kiss. As Jung-hoo finally stops pushing Young-shin away and kisses her, it intercuts with memories of their first one on that rooftop, finally bringing together those two identities into one.

A short while later, we see two mugs side by side on the table, two sets of shoes intermingled on the floor, and two people lying in bed next to each other. Okay, the drama didn’t show us anything, but just knowing that they got an offscreen bed scene makes me happy enough.

Jung-hoo contentedly watches Young-shin sleeping, and looks adorably disgruntled when she starts to turn away from him in her sleep. He slowly slides his arm under her shoulders, and as she turns back into his side, he cradles her with both arms, going back to sleep with her head tucked under his.

When she wakes up, the spot next to her is empty, and she stretches awake… and finds Jung-hoo still looking down at her from the other side. They smile bashfully at each other, and then he ducks under the covers to join her.

Another cut later (yay! Y’know, I’m just going to be happy for them that there’s so much need to presumably cut), and Young-shin towel dries her hair after a shower. Jung-hoo takes over the task, and for a brief moment her eyes are covered by the towel, her mouth exposed, not unlike it was during their rooftop kiss. Ha, he goes in for one, only to have her inadvertently interrupt him by pulling the towel, and she catches him staring.

Later as he watches her yet some more, he envelops her in a hug and thinks, “I thought it was a dream. I don’t usually dream much, and wondered why this one was lasting so long.” As Young-shin tends to his injured arm, he can’t keep his hands to himself, touching her head and cradling her in his lap, adding, “So I kept needing to confirm whether it was real, or maybe not. And then I would think, Is it okay for this to be real?

He really can’t leave her alone for even a second, needing to hold on every moment, even when she’s doing something as mundane as cooking. He hovers around, dangling over her shoulder, and when she pushes back for some room, he just sneaks a kiss. And you know, she doesn’t really mind that so much.

He insists on walking her out, and she waves goodbye and boards the bus… only to have him step onto the bus at the last minute. He pulls her into the last row and squeezes her into the corner, loath to let any opportunity to be together pass him by.

Young-shin concedes to let him tag along for just one stop, but she can’t really pretend to be annoyed for very long and they cuddle some more. So he gets off at the next stop, and they wave goodbye for ages as her bus pulls away.

Back at home, Jung-hoo logs back online and talks to Min-ja, saying that he’s getting confused between real and fake, particularly since Healer work requires him to take on fake identities. Every time he steps out into the world, he’s been somebody else, “But when I’m with her I have to be real.”

He pauses to wonder, “But the real me? What is that? Does that exist?”

Ajumma just grumbles that he’s thinking too much, and that he shouldn’t: “When you think, you cause trouble.” Jung-hoo thanks her sincerely, to which she responds by totally ignoring him, because we know she’s a gruff ol’ teddy bear. And when Jung-hoo heads out “to find the real me,” she sighs that it’s time for a switch. She must mean Healers.

When Moon-ho arrives home, he’s surprised to find Jung-hoo waiting for him with a conciliatory six-pack of beer. Moon-ho’s glad to see him, and says he was worried.

He asks if Young-shin knows about his identity, and Jung-hoo says she figured it out. He’s thinking over how much he should tell her, but she isn’t asking any questions. Moon-ho catches on with a smile: “You like Ji-an. That’s why you can’t tell her—who she is, who her father is, or about your father.” Moon-ho asks for his understanding since that’s how he was—he liked Myung-hee and Ji-an, and therefore couldn’t tell them what he knew.

Jung-hoo gets down to business, saying that he wants revenge for Teacher’s death, and to clear his father’s name. He also wants to know when he can tell Young-shin her mother is alive. Moon-ho readily agrees, but wants to wait to tell Young-shin until it’s safe for Myung-hee—so, after they’ve accomplished the first two goals.

Jung-hoo doesn’t argue, and asks what method Moon-ho has come up with for taking down their evildoers. Moon-ho replies that he only has one way: “The method used by your father and Chae Young-shin’s father, the method I’ve only imitated my whole life. Do you want to try it with me for real?”

They drink to it, and Jung-hoo adds that Moon-ho was right about him liking Young-shin: “Just know that.” Moon-ho just smiles knowingly.

With that, they get to work. Moon-ho debriefs Jung-hoo on the facts: Moon-shik began working for the Elder in 1992. He struck out on his own years later, and the Elder sent him Secretary Oh, who’s got a few false identities, including that of a lawyer.

“The relationship between those two is quite interesting,” Moon-ho says, describing Moon-shik and his secretary as the two sides of a coin. With Secretary Oh carrying out all the dirty work, Moon-shik gets to keep his image pristine. Moon-ho notes that sometimes it really seems like his brother believes he’s done nothing wrong, like he can’t remember, and that’s why Moon-ho was fooled for so long.

That certainly seems true as Moon-shik arrives at the hospital to deal with Teacher’s funeral arrangements, calling him a dear friend and wanting only the finest. He looks genuinely bereaved as he carries his friend’s picture, as though he’d had nothing to do with his death.

Dressed in funeral black, Jung-hoo slips into the hospital to get to Teacher’s ashes first, leaving a box in place of the one he takes. He sees Moon-shik leaving the hospital with the decoy ashes, telling his Teacher that he couldn’t leave his remains in those hands. Jung-hoo promises to scatter the ashes in the South Pacific that Teacher liked so much.

At the Someday offices, Moon-ho directs his staff on their next broadcast. Thanks to their double agent Jong-soo, they’ve gotten their hands on Moon-shik’s prepared question list for his live television speech. Jong-soo has fed back information to the enemy that Someday is preparing something big, to coincide with Moon-shik’s broadcast. They predict that Moon-shik’s side will be beefing up cyber security in anticipation.

Moon-ho instructs Young-shin to talk with Detective Yoon as planned, and assigns her to work with a freelancer while Bong-soo is out on a leave of absence.

So Young-shin heads out to connect with the contact, and wouldn’t you know—there’s Jung-hoo, waiting to meet her. He greets her as though it’s their first time speaking, and finally provides a name: “I’m Seo Jung-hoo. I’m the freelancer who will need your help today.”

She repeats his name a few times, trying it out. “Seo Jung-hoo. Seo Jung-hoo-sshi. Or just… Jung-hoo-ya?”

I love how readily they fall into banmal (we can thank Bong-soo for making it so easy), and he apologizes for taking so long to get to this point. She smiles and says, “We finally meet,” and he smiles back at her.

And then she adds that he deserves a few blows anyway, and kicks him several times. Ha, I think he got off easy, all things considered.

They pull up to the police station, and she asks if he’ll disguise himself in order to go inside. He replies that his method is to use whatever is at his disposal, depending on the situation, and then clips a miked barrette into her hair. He tells her to say something, and she barks into it loudly, “I miss Park Bong-soo!” Don’t we all.

Jung-hoo follows Young-shin into the station, keeping his distance to make it look like they’re separate parties while she checks in. Then as soon as she’s granted access, he acts like he’s with her, which gets him past the checkpoint.

He has to leave her while she meets with the detective, so Jung-hoo issues advice like a nervous mother hen. When he starts to explain how to react if danger were to befall her, Young-shin points out that she’s in a police station, surrounded by police officers. With that, she joins Detective Yoon, having agreed to exchange information: He’ll tell her about President Hwang’s death, if she tells him about the Healer.

Jung-hoo continues upstairs for his own mission, disguising himself in a police uniform, and can hear over Young-shin’s mic as Detective Yoon excuses himself to work on a network server change that they’re kicking off in fifteen minutes. Ajumma realizes what Detective Yoon is doing and barks out a string of curses, calling him crazy.

Apparently her last hack must have pushed him to extremes, because now he’s decided to shut out all access to the police network from the outside. Yes, this blocks her out, but she’s offended in principle too, since it makes it impossible for the police to access their own network from outside the physical station.

Jung-hoo reminds her that that’s not her problem, and they return to the task at hand. She directs him to find any computer terminal to use as their entry point to the system, and it’s important to get in before the server reset in fifteen minutes.

So Jung-hoo caaaaasually sits himself down at a desk, trying to look as unobtrusive as possible. But his attempt to log in turns up an error page, and Min-ja deduces that even if all the police computers have been cut off from outside access, Detective Yoon needs at least one access point, and it’s bound to be his own computer. Time’s ticking.

When Detective Yoon asks Young-shin for her intel on the Healer, she thinks fast and admits the truth about meeting him. Then she gasps dramatically, pointing out the door. That’s him! He’s here!

Excited, Detective Yoon follows as she runs down the hall, zooming right past Jung-hoo, directing the officers far, far away. On her way out she marks Yoon’s computer by flinging her hat onto it, then surreptitiously motions for Jung-hoo to find that desk.

Jung-hoo heads into the cyber office and sits down at Yoon’s station. A few keystrokes later, he’s granted ajumma access. He’s out before anybody even notices.

Young-shin leads the cops all the way outside, at which point she stops in confusion and admits that she thought it was him—you know, this guy she has a crush on. HAHA. I’m so embarrassed for her even knowing she’s lying, and the look on Detective Yoon’s face is priceless.

The detective dashes back inside, not even noticing as Jung-hoo walks past him on his way out. Jung-hoo sternly lists all the violations she’s just committed, like interfering with police duty. She sighs heavily (“I know, it’s what I get for meeting such a boyfriend”), before dissolving into giggles: “This is such fun!”

She runs back into the station while he gapes in disbelief, though I notice the word he gets hung up on is “boyfriend.”

Moon-shik receives confirmation that Jung-hoo did in fact arrive from Russia recently—at least, the customs logs check out. But Secretary Oh has photos of “Bong-soo” taken by their police mole, from before Jung-hoo’s supposed arrival in the country. This just convinces Moon-shik that Jung-hoo is the Healer, and that he’s got the skills to change customs records.

Secretary Oh then plays the recording of the recent phone call between Young-shin and Myung-hee. Of course you’re tapping your wife’s phone.

Moon-shik confirms that Jung-hoo grew up without parents, and Young-shin grew up surrounded by ex-convicts. “So they never learned to acclimate to society,” he says, deciding that it’s his “duty” to step in. Oh, like you’re doing them a favor all of a sudden, Uncle Moon-shik? This man sure has a gift for reframing the truth for his needs.

At the station, we finally get an ID on the police mole who’s been feeding information to the bad guys. Ajumma gets his name, Park Ki-jung, and sends it along to Jung-hoo, who can’t shake his nervousness at leaving Young-shin at the police station, not after Teacher died there. But Min-ja warns him to stick to the plan.

Resuming their chat, Young-shin describes her Healer encounters to Detective Yoon. Her story is mostly true, but in light of recent events he’s now eyeing her with skepticism. Ajumma asks her to stall a bit longer, and Young-shin goes on, somehow making the truth sound silly and inconsequential.

Detective Park gets an alarming text from an unknown source, attaching a photograph of his meeting with Secretary Oh. His home address is listed, upping the creepiness.

Jung-hoo arrives at that apartment and gains entry. There’s a family photo inside but no family—they’re in Canada. Jung-hoo links the computer for ajumma to search, and proceeds to look around for clues.

Jung-hoo finds the important documents hidden in the toilet tank, which contains bankbooks under a false name. There’s also a vial containing a drug. He snaps photos, which then get texted back to Detective Park, who howls in frustration as he speeds home.

Moon-ho receives the same photo texts, including the log of bank deposits. He calls Detective Yoon, who’s still sitting with Young-shin, and offers up a deal, dangling tantalizing information as incentive for the police to cooperate. He says he knows about the Healer (the Teacher version) and wants to catch the person who killed him, and forwards the damning texts to the detective. Basically, one of their own is taking money regularly from the enemy—he’s a mole.

Detective Yoon bolts out of the office, gathering his team to go after their mole, Detective Park. Moon-ho offers to hand over all his information, with the condition that they be allowed to cover the case and broadcast the arrest. Which is asking for a lot, since the police would be exposing that a police officer murdered someone while in custody.

Unable to get in touch with Detective Park, the cops head out for his home next. Already Jong-soo’s on hand to film the action, while Young-shin grabs the mic to begin reporting on the scene.

Detective Park arrives home and sees that his valuable documents have been taken. He calls Secretary Oh in a panic, who stops him to ask suspiciously, “Which phone are you calling from?” He disconnects.

Detective Park grabs a suitcase and starts packing. Seconds later, Jung-hoo comes at him from behind and easily subdues him, wryly noting the futility of fugitives who stop to pack instead of just running.

Outside, the detectives and our reporters screech up to the building and race inside. The reporters get left behind at the packed elevator, so Young-shin just reports from there on the fly, interviewing the detective who’s been left behind.

When the cops get to Park’s door, they find a trail of Post-It notes with arrows drawn on them, leading them to a set of keys. Inside, the evidence is laid out neatly on the kitchen table. Healer is so helpful! Either that or he doesn’t trust the cops’ intelligence, which, frankly, doesn’t seem an unwarranted fear.

Another arrow points to the router, and then in the other room, they find their colleague, bound and gagged and shamefaced.

The reporters film his arrest as he’s loaded into the cop car. Jung-hoo joins Young-shin in front of the building and asks, “Miss, do you have some time?” Young-shin all but rolls her eyes and asks ajumma via her hairpin mic not to teach him such corny dialogue.

Ha, and poor Jong-soo finishes filming and turns around to find that he’s been ditched again. I so want Jong-soo to be able to watch the Healer drama after everything’s over, so he can finally see just how much he’s been missing all along.

Flashback scenes take us back to 1980, focusing on Teacher in his role as the motorcyclist diversion while his friends broadcast out of the truck. Moon-ho narrates to the camera the story of friends who were targeted for daring to expose the truth ignored by the media, and how Teacher spent eleven years in prison for that crime.

The Someday broadcast connects dots, painting the picture of a Teacher who had known dangerous things about important people, and died in custody.

Moon-ho outlines the monthly deposits made to Detective Park’s accounts, and the recorded call from Park to Secretary Oh gets played, which is pretty damning with the mention of them “catching on” and needing to run.

Moon-ho makes the link between Secretary Oh and Moon-shik—and then connects both men to the Teacher kidnapping. They even show the CCTV footage placing Moon-shik at the scene of the kidnapping on that day. Damn, he’s done his homework. Kudos, Moon-ho.

Watching from home, Moon-shik fumes and heads up to see Myung-hee… who happens to be watching that very broadcast. It’s only now that she realizes her old friend is dead, and Moon-shik fumbles to explain that he didn’t tell her because he didn’t want to upset her. She won’t look him in the eye and asks him to leave her alone, and all he can do is step aside. She closes her door in his face.

She turns her attention back to Moon-ho’s broadcast as he says that there are too many people who suffer unjust deaths but don’t merit so much as a mention in the newspaper. “Even if we can’t tell all of their stories,” he says somberly, “we wanted to tell at least one of them.”

Once again, his staff is pulled into his thrall, as Moon-ho concludes, getting a little choked up, “We remember you. To let you know this, we made this broadcast today. Thank you for watching with us.” Once again he bows his head to the audience in sign-off.

Damn, Moon-ho is good. He has a way of speaking that makes people sit up in awe, and it puts a tear in my eye.

Young-shin and Jung-hoo watch together, cuddled close, with Teacher’s ashes sitting on the table before them. Young-shin asks whether Teacher was a good guy, and Jung-hoo shakes his head: “Nope. He was a perverted old man.” She smiles and notes, “But you still liked him.” Jung-hoo says yeah.

She comments that he’s got a lot of good people around him, listing off ajumma and Teacher: “And me too. Of them, I’m the best.”

Jung-hoo holds her tight and thinks back to Teacher, and what it was like being instructed by him, and exasperated by him, and abandoned by him. But even that doesn’t have the old sting anymore.

Moon-shik calls Moon-ho that night, and as usual, their tones are both artificially light while both of them are fuming underneath the surface. Moon-ho pointedly addresses his hyung formally as mayoral candidate, saying that “we” have only just begun, noting that Moon-shik doesn’t have an “us” to refer to.

On the contrary, Moon-shik says patronizingly that Moon-ho’s still young, and that he does have an “us.” He describes his side as being held together by a sense of collective survival, where even though they’ll fight, they’ll stick together. Moon-ho’s team, on the other hand, is held together by nothing substantial, calling Moon-ho’s entire mission a flimsy justification.

Moon-ho struggles to tamp down his anger when his brother asks if “those kids” have faith in him. Moon-ho warns him not to mess with the kids, no matter how low he sinks.

Moon-shik returns, “Isn’t it you who messed with them first? They grew up okay—why stir them all up? I hear you still have nightmares. Shouldn’t it be enough that you suffer like that, and not make the kids do it too?”

Moon-ho asks if he can take this phone call as a declaration of war. Moon-shik chuckles that Moon-ho was the one to issue one first, via the broadcast.

In the morning, Jung-hoo wakes up in bed (sadly alone), and reaches for his phone. But as he calls Young-shin, she picks up another call, giving him the busy signal.

It’s Myung-hee, who asks to meet and invites her to the house. Young-shin accepts happily, and rushes out of the house, where she’s greeted by a driver with a fancy car. Seated inside is Moon-shik, who makes it sound like he’s here on his wife’s errand. Uh-oh. No no no. Bad!

Young-shin tries to decline but is persuaded into the car, and he comments on her not driving herself. She admits to having a fear of it, and supposes that it must be linked to some kind of childhood trauma. Sometimes she dreams about being on a dark road at night with cars zooming past her, and that’s a tidbit that makes Moon-shik’s face cloud over.

Then he slaps the smile back on and has his chauffeur drive on.


It was only a small glimpse, but I found one of the big intriguing moments of the episode to be the comment that Moon-shik doesn’t seem to view himself as culpable—and that he doesn’t even seem to remember sometimes. I don’t know if Moon-ho means that he just acts that way convincingly, which is entirely possible, or if there’s actually a deeper kind of psychological dissociation going on in Moon-shik’s mind, but I find it a fascinating prospect. It certainly fits in with what we’ve seen of his character thus far, where he so cleverly twists every situation to suit his needs at the moment.

We saw it several times in this episode alone, such as how he first sighs about “those children” being left to live wayward lives that he must now step in to intercept them from… and then later tells Moon-ho that the kids grew up totally fine and blissfully ignorant, and that Moon-ho would be the evil one for shaking up their peace for his own selfish ideas of justice or whatever. Both times I felt like he was totally talking crazy talk, but making it sound chillingly sane. In fact if we hadn’t seen him swing from one extreme to its opposite in such a short period of time, I might even think he believed himself when he was making all his justifications. Funny how he’s really the one with the flimsy justifications, but he manages to project that onto his brother and make it sound plausible.

So in that context I do cut Moon-ho some slack for his earlier inactions, because Moon-shik is a master mind-manipulator. My question is whether he manipulates himself while he’s at it—does he allow himself to fall into the illusion, or is he always in control? I’m not sure, but the question is intriguing. In any case, I believe Myung-hee is the key to understanding, because she’s been his reason for hurtling forward, however misguidedly. Now that she’s on her way to fracturing that bond, he’ll soon be adrift and then we’ll have to see what happens.

Speaking of adrift, I did love how quickly our main couple fell into step with each other, once they got past the whole deception-lies-denial part of the relationship. It’s gratifying to see how much Young-shin means to Jung-hoo not just as a romantic love interest, but as a symbol for so many other aspects of his identity. And you know what’s better than a hero with secret identities being tortured by his various facades? A heroine who gets a total kick out of the skulking, and proves to be a handy partner—she’s way more fun being an active participant than the object, or the damsel needing rescue.

I love that Jung-hoo’s puzzling over the question of who he is, when all along he hasn’t bothered to think of it. His core persona has meant just as little to him as the disposable disguises he adopts for each job, and that speaks to his emptiness in not having a reason for living. He has no idea of who he is, and no reason has existed to prod him into figuring it out, because what did it matter?

His primary motivator for wanting to find himself may be Young-shin, but I appreciate that it’s not just about romance here. I think of her as something of an anchor for his lost soul—not necessarily saving him single-handedly but providing a crucial point of reference, a guiding light that will lead him to himself. Because while I love them in love, I find it significant that they are both in need of figuring out for themselves who they are and how they fit into this world—it’s less of the you-complete-me mentality and more of them spurring each other to complete themselves, so they can be together as whole people.


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hahahhahaha..... reading all these...... made me think that Healer's thread is a heaven, a blissful place to let every repressed feelings out (aka talking about taboo subjects). We know that in some cultures, girls are not appreciated when they talk about love-making publicly. . or being byeontae.

But in here we can talk about all that. . deepest, darkest fantasy that's not normally shown.

This place somehow becomes the home where all ladies confidently showcase their deep knowledge and analysis about the art of man-creation. . from female point of view. We're not afraid to show how byeontae our minds could go, and could come up with a hundred of interpretations (and fantasy) coming out from an innocent scene of scattered shoes on the floor.


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Isn't it nice to know that Everyone is equally "Byeontae" under the respectable exterior, whatever age, culture or nationality?
Byeontae-ness love company too!


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Hahhahaha.... I know that feeling. When you meet some people that share the same way of thinking like you do.

Great minds think alike. ehhehehhehe...


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I'm not sure if it is only Great minds that think alike. Obviously, dirty ones do as well.


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Somebody mentioned dirty? LOL :D


At first I was quite worried about my comments being risqué, in case ppl who are prudish object. Then I see that everyone loves being in the gutter. Ha ha ha.


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I do not think that everyone is a little bit of a pervert under the skin. Love and romance are sweet and good after all.
Just lust and one night stands are gutter stuff.


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Well, we are only using the term "byeongtae" lovingly and teasingly. No worry.


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@Tien, now I have another daebak Korean word to my vocabulary. A Healer fangirl worth her salt should be byeon-tae to some exist, shouldn't she?


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Oops....that should read "to some extent.."


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I might sound a bit off with my way of thinking but I think that everyone has a dirty side too :D. There is no men or women who don't have fantasies or imagine those cute lovely scenes.

I don't really like girls who pretend to be all innocent and when their boyfriend really loves them and wants to be a little bit lovely dovey, they push him away, or put a hand in between and all that drama about one kiss or whatever. I mean who doesn't want to kiss a person they love or a boyfriend, right? The only reason those type of girls are doing it is the social norms, norms which society set up a long time ago. Or they are simply shy. Being shy is another issue. Things I said are mostly for those who have guts to do it but they choose to follow some social norms.

That's why I love this drama because CYS took initiative and kissed him first. She connected with him on many levels, and the most important is that she really likes him. There is no reason she should follow some old stereotypes. Well we all assume what they did last night thou :D. I personaly don't find anything wrong with it. As I said they connected and do really care about each other. Why should someone use some limitations or kind of try to control heart and emotions when that is definitely a mission impossible. So I like because they took it off :D. Let the heart lead the way and enjoy the moment! (I guess they were thinking like that :D).


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~~Girls just want to have fun, oh girls just want to have fun~~

On a serious note, I love the Healer discussion threads b/c everyone is so nice, respectful and fun-loving. Kindred spirits indeed!!! <3


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Naduuu !!!

And I seriously think the PD and writer-nim disguised as some of "us". . or they actually read this site. Otherwise how could they just turn our fantasy into reality?? And gave us no mercy???


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so true @dramapenchant


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In my mind there are no "cut" scenes...... my imagination managed to fill the gaps with what happened in between in HIGH DEFINITION.


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this is sweet episode and i am smiling crazily like an idiot here reading recap + comments...such a piece of drama its making giggle and mega-cheesy.....hopefully nobody will caught me smiling for reason they won't understand...lol...


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It's ok. My husband caught me smiling while reading through the comments and he said, 'hey you have you beanie smile again! What happened in you drama this time?'



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I never expected to like an action-romance drama. Eventhough there would be a great romance in there, I would not watch it because I didn't really like action movies and drama. I... was like that (copying Jung Hoo's quote ^^). Then, Healer came to me and changed my taste. When I first saw the trailer of this drama last december, I was like "Hmmm, quite entertaining, mysterious, and smart trailer." But, I didn't watch it until it had aired its 4th episode and I was totally hooked!! Oh My God, what this drama has done to me that I'm becoming a crazy fangirl now. Ji Chang Wook, Oh My Goodness, he's really gorgeous. Not only his face, but his acting is also gorgeous. His chemistry with Park Min Young is also great. I marathoned Empress Ki last week and still could not move on because of his acting and chemistry with Ha Ji Won there. Ji Chang Wook, he's made my crazy fangirl soul back. The last time I felt like this about a drama was YWCFTS. However, the last time I felt like this about an actor was Lee Min Ho. Ji Chang Wook, you beat LMH!!


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one of the soompier mentioned this

apparently YS was still clutching at JH's arm as she slept! such attention to detail from the PD/writer


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She was making sure it was real too. (who wouldn't? Sleeping with him is a dream for many)


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Being his real life girlfriend must feel very unreal.
How much pressure would that be?

Never mind, don't answer that Qn. You guys would only give a dirty answer.


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Isn't that what you want?? heheheheheh.....


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Being his real life girlfriend? O yes. Me want.




But anyway.... can't even imagine the length of the queue... coz now all the gals want that pair of muscular arms to hold at night ..

Ji Chang Wook ssi.... make sure you dun walk in the dark alone.


You thinking of his Arms?
Not me.


Nope. I was thinking the arm-sized lil bro. Happy???????? XD


Why would Your dirty thoughts make Me happy? Ha.


Depends if he's on top or bottom.

(@KDaddict Too late. You know better than to respond to me with something like that and not expect something like this in return...)


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Ke ke ke ke.

You and I can always be relied upon to make each other laugh. So cracked we are!


@KDaddict *hi five*


@dramapenchant, Hi 5!


idk i find the whole staring-at-her-while-she-sleeps thing borderline freaky tbh
not to mention i know i dont look as good asleep haha


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@siesta Obviously since JCW/JH/BS/Healer is doing the staring, it's swoonworthy.

But think about it, if the man stares at you lovingly while you look like crap with drool running down your face and a head of messy hair, then at least he must love you, right?


Oh sweetie, you haven't been in love so much that you feel staring at his/her sleeping face is the height of human beauty and ecstasy? Creepy is the last thing it is.



Note that this has been a habit of CYS even as the child Ji-An. They were shown earlier as 5-year olds asleep on the floor with her clutching her arm. Then when Bong-Soo slept in CYS place and she had a nightmare and sleepwalked to sofa where BS slept. Dad found them asleep together, he on floor leaning on sofa because she was tightly clutching her arm.

I guess that, subconsciously, CYS recognises that ARM--it calms her, she trusts and feels safe with who that arm belongs to.


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Sorry...I mean "his" arm...I think only half my brain is working. Blame that on Healer.


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Love that detail! THE ARM, really.


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Also at the Someday office pantry, when YS had an anxiety attack, holding on to BS' arm calmed her. That arm is YS' security blanket.

And Dad stopping short from bashing BS' head in with a stool when he saw them sleeping on the sofa, amazed that YS could actually sleep with someone beside her. Loved that scene. So telling of the effect BS/JH has on YS. :-)


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When you watch it raw twice you notice all kinds of things. :-)
But she was holding his wouned arm so I was afraid it hurt him. It didn't because he was way too happy. ♡♡


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After getting frustrated about the ratings week after week, I get a positive energy by checking the ratings of " it's okay that's love" ( one of the favourite dramas) the rating of this was only 9.9 % nationwide but at the year end they also look for the international response, numbers of YouTube streaming, social media coverage, that gave the drama a high index and nominated and won many awards even JIS got Daesang....

That means popularity in Korea only is not the last thing. Keep loving Healer , keep rooting for them, keep creating storm in social media sites , and as much as possible do live streaming :)

I am trying my best . U do it too. There's no way they can ignore such a huge fan base. FIGHTING!!!!!

Huh .. Feeling a little relieved :)


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is healer still eligible for this year's drama awards? they already won best couple in 2014 kbs award


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I don't know actually.... I was just happy to know they do check the international response :)


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They do monitor the huge international response, right? They do know that lots and lots of people from all over the world are cray cray about this show, right? They do know that we're just as upset and outraged with the domestic ratings, right? Please tell me they do. It's the only consolation I can cling to after seeing those ridiculously low numbers. *prays*


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Joins prayer circle.


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Put hands together; bow head.


They do . They do. They do.... You can read wiki of it's okay that's love. It was at the same condition, rating wise .... After reading u can't even imagine how much I got relieved


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I got curious and checked it out. So it's because of that CPI thing?

quoted from wiki: CPI, developed by CJ E&M and AGB Nielsen Media Research, monitors non-traditional variables such as number of mobile and Internet streaming viewers and online "buzz" in social media.

When it comes to buzz in social media, then hands down Healer is blowing its competitors in the same timeslot out of the water. This includes buzz for domestic and international, correct? I hope so. :)


Exactly ... That's why I m still hopeful ... U can imagine if it's mentioned in wiki that means it had an huge impact. And it was case for IOTL then what it would be in case of healer ... So wake up your social media power :)


What an episode!!!!!!

Jung Ho and Young Shin ... the first 7-10 mins were like a dream! :D

YS is amazing, lol her response after their teamwork for hacking into the police network was hilarious. She finds it fun and I love her for that! It was great to see all the important characters get together and work towards the common goal.

Myung Hee is getting informed and reacting accordingly, no longer in the dark which is a relief. I dunno what Moon Shik has planned for YS but going by the preview he is trying to shake up the trust and confidence between the leads and the three of them. Hope YS believes the other two rather than trust the villain. Can't we pack Moon Shik in a box and send him off to the North Pole?


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Writer-nim? PD-nim? We know you're here, you can come out now.


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Yes. Now, how can we lure them out. *puts thinking cap on*


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Oh yeh please ..show yourself...


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I just love you comments ! :D


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@sky the funny thing is that very same question was asked over at Soompi too! People were wondering if the PD or writer-nim are stalking Soompi and yet over we are also wondering the same thing too! Haha


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Too squeeworthy! *pinchescheeks* They're so adorbs. I can't even comment on the plot or storyline. The OTP is all that's in my head. Can't Tuesday come any faster.


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The first 10 minutes of this Ep, I was smiling like a fool the entire time while trying to stop the tears from falling.... AHHHH THE FEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLL

Why are dreams only reality in kdramas... LOL


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I love the cute, and our couple, but dramas have taught me to fear cute and happiness so I'm worried.


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Do you mean how many times they show the happy ever after before that last episode and then use the last episode to kill off a main character?

Lets hope they don't do that.


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Well that, and noble idiocy usually follows cuteness and happiness that's not in the last 10 minutes of the last episode.

Also if I was going for a hero story Young-shin/Ji-an would have to die. If I were going for a revenge story then Moon-ho, Moon-shik's doll aka Myung-hee aka Ji-an's mother, Ajumma, and again Young-shin would most likely die. So for now let's just count our blessings that I'm not writing Healer and pray that my bad feelings about what's going to happen in the last two weeks does not come true.


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I'm kind of adoring Jung Hoo calling Young Shin by "agasshi". Cute.


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When YS is soo comfortable with Jung Hoo ya then what's with his agassi business???? :P


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that is his brand of flirting obviously
*whispers*bad pickup lines


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He's also calling her Young Shin-ie (although usually when talking about her rather than to her) which I also find simply adorable!


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Oh yes. I love him calling her "agasshi" too.

Here it's used in a way to suggest that he is teasing her for behaving in such a manner.


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Ooohhh ooohhhhh.....

I was repeating those precious moments and guess what I was biting my lips soo hard that now it's bleeding.... Ooohhh it's winter now to make it worse. :( :(

Appayo :'(


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This episode was the softest, sweetest, and most romantic one so far. That killer smile was flashing a lot.


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Squuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeees galore! Eight minutes of bliss.

In addition, here are Epi 15 moments I find memorable:

1. Ahjumma tap dancing
2. CYS dancing while waiting for the “freelancer” (SJH) and he spying on her, then kicking his shins
3. CYS saying she misses BSY: "Bong-soo ya, Bong-soo ya.." The expression on SJH is priceless hehehe.
4. CYS telling Det Yoon about her encounters with Healer. She's actually telling the truth but the look on his face...(especially since she said she has a crush on the guy)
4. CYS: "That's what you get from having such a boyfriend." Then, "This is so fun!" And SJH: "Boy....boyfriend?"

1. The Someday broadcast. Again, YJT is amazing as Moon-ho. He keeps the 5 young journalists' torch burning.
2. The flashbacks of T and SJH. How great it was they also used the song Eternal Love for these scenes. The love theme is not just for romantic love

AND IN-BETWEEN but satisfying nonetheless:
1. SJH showing up with beer - clearly extending the olive branch to Moon-ho.
2. The oh so smug look on Moon-ho's face when SJH admitted that he likes CYS.


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I am too happy to see the drama is not following the traditional path of love triangle, there is a love triangle ;)


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yes, i know!That's really the daebak part, SJN able to pull away from the typical KD formula that use triangle or quadraple love formula. ohm well it;s quadraple love but onnly involve 3in1 guy and 1 gurl, how awesome is that?!


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All I want in my life is a boy who will never want to spend a second away from me and looks at me like Jung Hoo looks at Young Shin. It is the most romantic thing I have ever seen.

The bar has been set high and I am now convinced that I need to date a mysterious delivery guy who is always saving me, but never shows his true self, that is until he is the one that needs saving and of course I am there. And then the perfect relationship ensues, the end.

Thanks for the recap it was as good as ever!


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Then u have to compete with @skyofblue because she has declared way before that Seo Jung Hoo is her IDEAL TYPE :D


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I am ready to compete with anyone, bring it on! :)


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SO.MUCH.FEELS! <3 <3 <3 ^_^


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The clingy Jung-Hoo! I'm totally into him!


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Look at JB banner JCW in bed !!!! JB what's with you?? ;)


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That's Omomo's creation.


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What a lovely episode! Moon-hoo is awesome reporter.
I just LOVE YOU SHOW!~Jung-hoo's reaction when Young-shin is mumbling Boong-sooya cracks me up! :D
Thank you for the recap JB. ^^

P.S. Moon-shik is creepy and scary! He is crazy!


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A little bit out of topic, I really like all of those cute mobile phone cover that they have, I wonder where I can actually buy them and what it's called on Ebay.


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they're not phone covers, they're LG AKA


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Ah, thanks Siesta, googling the LG AKA :)


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I still can't get over how hilarious and smart it was for YS to pull the detectives away from the office by chasing after her...crush. She's totally got the hang of this night-time courier business. The two (well 4 with ajumma & that dongsaeng) of them would make big bucks.

And Detective Yoon's reaction was so hilarious during YS's interview. He was literally rolling his eyes at her exaggerated story-telling (she even mimicked Bong Soo's 2-time w/ peace sign thing)

Detective Yoon: "the conversation has been so good that I haven't noticed time passing" Bwhahaha, the shade!


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I was so totally laughing out loud ..she was so excited and giddy about the whole thing M


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OMG, I cannot anymore contain the happiness inside of me!, please, please somebody help me! I am gonna explode in a matter of seconds hahaha...JCW and PMY are such two wonderful, beautiful, endearing actors. The skinship is surreal. It's like they are not acting at all!!! WoW! Best couple ever!


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Healer support is here. What can I do to help?


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What can we do to help you?
Have you re-watched? Screamed? Cried? Wished you were her? Blamed the fates that you are not a young Korean actress? Put his photo on your phone, your laptop, your tablet, etc.?

Try making your boyfriend or significant other wear black hoodie with a black leather jacket and that pair of Oakley sunglasses?

Just give in to the explosion!


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"Try making your boyfriend or significant other wear black hoodie with a black leather jacket and that pair of Oakley sunglasses?"

LOL and them going "ummmm why?" to which you answer "healer." Nuff' said.


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I'd say:
Be quiet. Just stare into my eyes like your life depended on it. AND your life depends on it.


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brb, gonna check his wardrobe collection!


"Put his photo on your phone, your laptop, your tablet, etc.?"

Done, done and done.

What's the helpline number again?


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Hm, let's see
re-watched: Yes
Sreamed: Yes, and almost woke up entire house
Cried: Like a baby
Wished you were her, blamed the fates: yes, yes, yes
Put his photo: YES, first thing i see in the morning when my alarm rings are his eyes looking at me from my phone, ah, of course i always immediately press snooze button and dream that he is here, looking at me with those eyes, oh gosh there is no help for me, right? I'm totally crazy


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THEY LOOK SO NATURAL TOGETHER AND SOOOO INTO EACH OTHER, I mean not as actors but as 2 people.... I've never seen any drama (in the world) portray a couple as "real" as these 2 yet. It can't be. I'm convinced that they feel something for reals! They must!

Even for the best actors, their bed/dating/romance scenes have never felt as real as it has for these 2.

The last time I remotely felt this way, was with QIHM, and it DID END UP REAL. Healer's chemistry is probably 99999x of QIHM.

Though I do bemoan the fact that JCW is due for whatshallnotbenamed soon.... but they can keep in touch in the meantime and get to know each other over the years, and then truly date, and get 2 kids, 1 dog, 2 cats and a few goldfish..... FOR REALS.

PMY has openly said that her wish for 2015 is to have a boyfriend...... Fighting!! They look so compatible and sweet together ahhhhh.


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They really are adorable off screen aren't they? ^^


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She said that????

What I know is completely opposite of that !!! They are saying like after having scandals( we all know about what) on her 20s she wants to focus more into her work in her 30s.

It was like that. It's not I m against PMY JCW couple but Healer is like break through for JCW , despite of the poor rating he is gaining popularity. I am a bit worried because in Korea dating is termed as "Scandal" unfortunately :(


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I haven't reached the point where I'm actively shipping the two of them in real life, but I do think they're compatible and are hella cute together in their bts. (Major downside is that JCW has to go to that place-that-shall-not-be-named, so if anything were to happen with anybody, I just want it after he comes out. Don't want another QIHM couple on our hands)

I think she said that twice actually. One time at the KBS drama awards where she said her New Years' wish is to find a boyfriend and I think she said something similar in a recent interview about wanting to fall madly in love and get married. (awwwwwwww)

Yes, so sad how love and romance are labeled as "scandals" in Korea.


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It seems that Every damned thing concerning celebrities is called a Scandal in SK.
So people date. What's the big deal when they are single? The media and their netizens are so harsh.


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Right?!? We are all sexual beings. Accept it.

Just let happy people be happy!


In KBS Drama Awards, when asked about her wishes for 2015, she said having a boyfriend is one of them. Then, in another interview (Ent Weekly, I believe) she mentions that she wants to fall in love madly 'without getting caught' (or getting busted by the press, like what happened with LMH).

Well I dunno if she was hinting at something with these. It's not that I openly ship JCW and PMY irl, but I wouldn't be too against the idea of them either. I mean, dayum, who am I to say no to them after their unbelievable onscreen chemistry in Healer? What I wouldn't do to get more of that goodness!

But that's just one major IF. They have the right to keep their personal lives to themselves and date whoever they want to date. :)


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*against the idea of the two of them dating


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me too! but PMY will be branded as someone who always dates her co-star which maybe bad for her. I didn't watch City Hunter thus can't compare the chemistry between LMH and PMY and if I'm willing to ship them in real life compared to JCW and PMY now.


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I'm willing to wait until all hope has died that they are together and the frenzy has blown over.......

....and then 5 years later they spring a wedding announcement on us and reveal that they have been dating since they met on Healer.

....and soon after, they release news that they are expecting twins, a boy and a girl.....

....ahh I can dream, can't I...

I *am* convinced though, that the Korean media will kill their romance before it has the chance to blossom, if they ever get found out before they tie the knot...

What with the stalkers, crazy fangirls, pressure from bosses to break up (so as not to affect popularity which whaaa???).......

They fall madly in love (as per PMY's wish), and have a secret romance (which they have both said that they want in separate interviews) until their wedding announcement. I'm calling it first here!


I read another interesting theory, some said LMH and PMY had a Fake break up because LMH's fan base got furious after the so called "scandal" ... Well God knows , they know :) Good luck to all


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They are very talented actors, enough said.


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i totally lol'd at the trail of post-it arrows healer left for the police like they're a bunch of kindergarteners that can't find anything unless it is pointed at with a big "LOOK HERE" sign.
i kinda felt sorry for det. yoon then haha he must be boiling inside


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Well, he kinda threw up his hands (figuratively speaking) and let out a long helpless laugh when he saw the criminal all tied up for them.


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I loved the post it notes!!! Was it also a to say, "You guys need all the help you can get!!!" :D


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I watched the English subbed version at myasiantv.com which uses Viki subs. However, there are some portions that are not subbed.

Can anyone please tell me:
1. During the broadcast, what Moon-ho was saying about the relationship of Sec Oh to KMS
2. Detective Yoon's testimony (he had several seconds segment but no subs for his entire statement)

Kamsahamnida, for any help you can give on this matter.


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Hi Dramabliss, I watched it on dramacool.com and they have full subtitles


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Sorry I meant dramacool.tv


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TOO. MUCH. FEELS. oh my god.


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If anyone is live-streaming ep 16 tonight, may I just kindly ask that this thread stay a spoiler free zone? ^^ Thank you very kamsa! :D


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We need to post reminders for newcomers closer to screen time or the end of it.


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yes this should be posted on the first page of the comments.


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Is it the final episode? Or will it be 20 ep drama? I would not mind if it's 20 ep :D


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Dani, it's planned as a 20 ep drama. So, knock yourself silly! :-D


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Oh Sh_t! 16 already. No......


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I can already predict the MASSIVE withdrawal that is going to accompany this show's finale. Dang. I don't think I'll be able to cope with that reality.


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so apparently, SJH like his glittery-silver pillow, lol. i found it a bit a random for a ruff guy like him to having this silvery thingy on his bed. ppft..i mean, i'm imagining him doin the shopping "aigoo, this silvery pillow case would be awesome on my bed.."


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Everyone has a soft spot for glitter. LOL


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LOL. So observant.

Let's say they are leftovers from his Teach. Maybe "the Old Pervert" liked them. Ha.


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LOL I died imagining him in the home department looking at those pillows and then buying them.


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thought I'm the only one thinking where to get those pillows! haha


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And those ugly matching plastic slippers!

I was thinking, Nobody ever enters his home, so why on earth would he have 2 pairs of slippers?

Answer: He buys them in bulk.


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Ahjumma could have bought those for him seeing that she manages his finances and all.

Maybe she ordered them online and there you go...


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Wahahaha yes! Can u believe I thought of that too when I first saw those glitter pillows!
This is like my nth comment, me- someone who rarely ever delurks. I can't even remember the last time I'm so compelled to comment so much on a drama!

Boo to the ratings. These people aren't watching the drama I am watching. I'm not sure why!


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he probably went into a dept store, point at a display bed and just bought the whole bedding set lol

one thing i'm sure of is if i were him living alone in that huge space my sheets would be nowhere near that white!


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Thinking about it, those couple mugs were adorable but like did they take a break from their make-out session to drink tea?

Wait...I have a better explanation. After Round 1, they must have gotten thirsty ;) so they got water and put on all that darn clothes that we saw them wear the morning after. Yeah, totally. Everything makes sense now.


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I have a ton of scenes in my mind to justify how they got from kissing in grey sweaters to 2 mugs + different clothes.....


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Yeeasahhhh... After kissing CYS said "I have to put those couple mugs there , we will need them you know"

JH: Yes yes, we cant drink WATER from a bottle or any other glass ... We need to use couple mugs :P :P

It would be more clear if they would show scattered sweaters on the floor than sleepers only. They were not wearing the same clothes anyway :P


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Come to think of it, where ARE those grey sweaters?

So post-kissesandmore, they got up to drink water (hence the couple mugs), decided to....put their clothes in the laundry bin?????? and then changed and went back to sleep?

I can't. It's too hilariously sensible to even imagine.

In my mind, what happened after that kiss, would make their clothes in a heap on the floor and then waking up wearing nothing make A LOT more sense.

Kyaaaa the squeals.


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I think, after the make out session, they sat down for a while to share a cup of joe or hot choco and had a heart to heart talk *snickers* which somehow turned into a make out session again, and then the clothes come flying off, and the rest is history...

At some point after their sexy time (which can either be the DEED or simply foreplay), Jung Hoo extracts himself from Young Shin to grab some clothes for them to wear, because the weather was freezing after all. And this is a K-drama not Hollywood lol. Leads always wake up fully clothed (which doesn't make any sense but yeah).


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They also go to bed dressed like they are going out. That one never makes sense to me. In fact what they wear at home scares me sometimes - I'm like, seriously HOW is this at home clothes?! Kdramas make them look like they are constantly on the verge of going out, perfectly coiffed and made up!

So...in other words...I know what the couple mugs and messes up slippers are supposed to symbolize, but dang if I have to try and figure out how they logically got some sexy times out of it! But maybe maybe, the sexy times didn't happen until after CYS woke up...and JH dived under the covers with her? Yeah, I like that version. They kissed, were thirsty and had water out from couple mugs (which, JH of course, had just lying around because he must have been fantasizing about her coming to his place for the longest while) went to bed with clothes on cos it's cold...and then they woke up all fresh and rested for some sexy times. That'll do. LOL.


I am okay with everything even the dress change though I think there was no need of it, specially PMY's white top. But drinking WATER in couple mugs , I mean it's.....

Some even think nothing has happened actually


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Although it was a *bit* ambiguous, any seasoned Kdrama watcher knows that the deed was implied.

And, when JH pulled the covers over the both of them, what did they think he was doing down there? ;)


I don't know... For me the biggest proof of when YS felt shy and hide her face :)


@fantasy me too... the feeling shy part was what convinced me that something happened.......

It must have been pretty coughhotcough though, for her to feel so shy she can't even look at him.

Tee hee.


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Couple mugs scene= did the deed
Similar to lots of Asian dramas where the camera pans out while the couple kiss and shows a subtle irrelevant scene eg raining outside/ wind blowing the trees outside the room
Trust me, no deed no couple mugs needed.
As if to confirm and dispute all doubts, the camera pans even to the their slipper disarray at the foot of the bed. Aw come on, no need to think otherwise ahem. They did have some happy times. Lol


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The babymaking scene in Fated To Love you was hysterical! In both versions, the Taiwanese one had I believe a train passing by...LOL


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yep, the cup totally show the deed, it goes for " CUPULATION" mhwahahaha


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LOLLLLLLL cupulation.

I swear the comments section is half the fun of Healer.


Okay I have admired JCW's looks enough ( though enough is still not enough) now PMY's turn :)

Girl your lips are really sexy, with covered when your lips are only exposed they really looks yummmmyyyy...

I am a girl for sure , but whatever is attractive , should be acknowledged ;)


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I'm fangirling over PMY too... she's too cute. Her skin is perfect, eyes are so doe-like.... lips are kissable.......

And she rocks that hair which I swear would look like a kindergartener's hairstyle on anyone else.


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Ditto. Wowza she did look really enticing after waking up, peeking underneath those sheets. If I were a man/or Jung Hoo, I would have done the exact same thing that he did lol.

The hair suits her so much! PMY rocks that messy bob effortlessly!


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I know right. If I were a man and woke up to that, yowza.


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I do agree. JCW is definitely breakout in this role but credit too to PMY.
It will be easy to see duplication of nana from city hunter. But I see distinct differences and totally different characterization.
And she is gorgeous in healer. Rocking the hair babe!


raise your hands if you have watched the first 10 minutes of episode 15 for like.... 545,298 times.




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Hells to the yeah. I watched it a million times already. Slow mo, fast mo, with audio, without audio, with different bg music of some of my favorite 'feels' songs, with subs, without subs. #noshame

I'm in the process of luring all my friends to watch Healer, sending them the clip of the lovey dovey moments in Ep 15 as material. If THAT doesn't convince them to watch this show, then I don't know what will haha.


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NO! Better not spilling what happens in Episode 15 to them. Let that moment be the surprising material they watch themselves.

Simply show them the action moment when CYS was saved by Healer from elevator and the following kiss thereafter.


#backtomeltingzone ~^^~


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@rainbowvows - But I already made them watch the elevator scene and they weren't satisfied by the 'stationary' kiss. They want lip movement! (Boo, these picky gals!)

It's okay. We're used to being spoiled anyway, lol. For example (a bit out of topic): the reason I decided to watch Full House Thai Ver. (if any of you in here knows about it) was because of that hot ice cream kiss. My friend showed it to me and I be like "om nom nom wow, imma watch this drama NOW!"

So you see, I need convincing powers of epic proportions like the explosive scenes in ep15 to lure them in! They're a stubborn bunch, I tell you!


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*Raises hands too*

I can't even count how many times I have replayed that first 10 minutes over and over. :)


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I am so grateful that dramacool.tv and myasiantv have the sub today. It was unsub last night, but now I can drool over the OTP plus MH too. Damn, I still find that guy, his body, his face sexy. Especially when he leaned on the table while talking to JH #wipingmydrool. I hope myasiantv and dramacool will have the raw ep 16 tonight and have the sub by tomorrow morning. I can't wait. Is it a 16 episodes drama? So tonight's episode will be the final ep, or?


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It's 20 episodes, thank god. Otherwise, do you think us fan-girls would be this calm (well relatively calm)?


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OH SOOOOO HAPPYYYYY!!!! #dancing with joy! Thanks dramapenchant


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Goodness me! I'd Really hate to see the state we'll be in, come ep 19 or 20!


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I wish that when YS finds out about that makjang your-dad-killed-mine story, and that JH is feeling guilty and ashamed of it, she would call him out on it like


Fingers crossed that YS will react well to the news......


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Haha YES PLEASE!!! Especially since we've kind of established that JH's dad was framed. JH need not feel guilty.

I think the point YS will zone in on is the fact that he knew and didn't tell her, even though it was "for her own good". She's been generous and patient enough with his Healer lies so this additional "betrayal" might be too much for her to handle. Like, what else is he keeping from her?!?

But I just can't handle YS distancing herself from JH. He needs her to be his partner always (as we saw with his clingy-ness in today's episode)


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What will happen to our boy if he doesn't have CYS to cling to, even if it's temporary?


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I don't even want to think about it. *whimper*


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I think that Koreans still have this idea that sons are responsible for their father's sins. At least their loan sharks think so in KD after KD.


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Yes. And we should all strive to look at the world through loan sharks' eyes.


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Not us. It's just the characters who live in a Korean society have a Korean view of things in the world.


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Lol so true for the loan sharks in kdrama.


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I admit I lost count how many times I rewound all their hug scenes, kiss scenes, cute scenes. It took me hours to finish this episode.

This has never happened to me before!!


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From the Preview, we know what will happen in tonight's ep. Even without the Preview, we already know that CYS taking that ride with MS will lead to no good. The shit will fit the fan, and we'll be left with a WHOLE week of climbing the walls.

Nerve-wrecking week, here it comes!


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I don't know what will get me through the week ! I saved like 100 pics of JCW ..not enough !


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Already????? I was thinking to gift you from some my collections but I think now that would be common :/


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Give me, give me.


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Can we share? Pretty please?


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...I got caught up with meetings (even over lunch!) and by the time I'm here...it's like, exploded with 500+ comments LOL.

Firstly, thanks JB once again for an awesome recap - every episode, this drama gets better (!?) despite my worries about how this drama will keep up (and it better keep up - all the way to the end!). Love how they left us to interpret the night (because, who else would interpret it better than the drama fans, rigggggght? As evidenced by all the comments in this recap!) and all the skinship moments. I swear Jung Hoo was just like a huge warm fuzzy blanket draped all over Young Shin - it was like he couldn't bear to be separated from her for one second! Hilarious, and sweet.

One moment that was particularly touching was the way they (MH, CYS and JH) worked together to piece all the evidence into the truth of Secretary Oh and Teacher's death...and their own little 'memorial' in the way they watched the news as it went live with everything they'd worked so hard for. It was particularly hard hitting because Myung Hee and Moon Shik also saw the same broadcast...and obviously came to very different interpretations of the truth. I think JB hit it on the nail re: MS's character motivations, and it's why I also really enjoyed the earlier thread discussions about MS because his character is both mystifying and yet very very plausible.

By the way, I'm not sure if people go through alllll the comments, but if you haven't seen the fan project one (I think it's at Comment 17) and you want to contribute something, send me your video slice at healer.dbproject2015 at gmail. Cheers!


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Should we indicate our country on the videos perhaps, so that they know just how international their fanbase is?

*need to get working on this*


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Yes, that's possible. Send in the link and possibly let me what country you want me to tag it to. I could try adding it via subtitles.


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Gosh. I've a ton of things to do, and been telling myself, 10 mins. I'll just Spazz for 10 mins. It's 2 hours later. Gotta run now. See u guys later.


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See ya ..finish your work before the new episode beging so.we will be fangirling together later... Gotta go back home just finished work.. So happy !


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Same. I thought I was going to sleep earlier but 2 hours later. I'm really going to bed now after I finish reading some more comments.


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With such a cute & cozy mood yet still screams hot & sexy bed scene that's making us all byuntae! How is that even possible?! Wow! Really. I want the BTS for this now!

Again, we love the lovesick and clingy Jung Hoo! Haha.

There were quite a lot of flashbacks this ep probably due to their tight live shooting sched and wasn't able to film much. But I was moved on that Teacher tribute broadcast. Nicely done!

I can't wait for tonight's episode!


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If only drool is as useful as blood.. we can donor the gallons collected from this episode alone.


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Oh, this is a good one! I LUV it!
Thanks for the laugh!


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Honestly, I didn't want to watch the episode raw (yes, I managed to resist till now) because I don't like it when I don't understand anything, but yesterday night, I caved and watched just the first 7'43" of the episode. I forced myself to stop, because, well, I didn't want to spoil myself too much, but I actually watched these 7'43" AT LEAST 3 or 4 times before going to sleep. And I watched it subbed this morning (before taking breakfast, though eating is the next most important thing in my life)

THEY WERE SOOOO CUUUTE !!!!!! The snuggling, the back-hugs, the kisses, the skinship... I think I'm going to join the rest of you who went to heaven.
And the way he clings to her THE WHOLE EPISODE !! I honestly can't find the proper words to express what I feel. Unconditional love for this show ? That may be it.


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Yes everything is secondary !


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Same here, but now I'm frustrated that I can't watch it with subs yet! Darn you rl. ■ I have to say that for the cute scenes there are no subs needed. You can just swoona and drool at the sight of those two without distraction from the subs.♡♡♡


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I don't know which country you're from, but in Europe, you can have the episode with subs like, the morning after on Dramabay (even writing "morning after" makes me think of the show. Ok, I stop ^^').
But yeah, I didn't need any subs to be squeeing in front of my computer monday night ;)


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The JCW banner!! Kogisoooo!!!!


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I have found the sweaters and other clothes.

They were neatly laid (?!?!) on the sofa (?) next to the bed.

At 4:08.

Yes I'm very proud of myself right now. I've spent the last 4 hours rewatching the scenes over and over, and commenting here.



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Ha ha ha.. You go girl ...virtual hi5


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haaha I wonder about that too, no underwear or anything, but happy that you found the clothes neatly fold. now we can assume that they uhmm. made love.


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Ha ha ha ha..... APPLAUSE!!!!!


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All right Wendy this episode's price is coming your way!


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Good girl! You found the missing clothes that everyone was so concerned about!
See those 4 hours weren't spend in vain at all!

8 weeks after it started, I still have idea what is it about Healer that make us all lose our heads!


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Well everything else was probably or will be repeated a thousand times. So I loved it when she was saying how she missed Park Bong Soo. So cute. I know a lot of us were thinking that so I'm glad the writer put that bit in. I would love to see Park Bong Soo at work again, confusing the hell out of everyone else while both CYS and KMH laugh to themselves.


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Yeah the part where she whined about missing Bongsookie was too cute...

I miss Bongsookie too.


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But the look JH gave her (and us) is hilarious! "Crazy girl, BS is me..."


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I've watched the raw and repeat the first 8-minutes-full-of-squealing-from-my-side again and again. The bed scene, snuggling, kisses and all that lovey-dovey act are too sweeettttttt...

For a moment, i forgot the drama theme is thriller and not typical rom-com. But oh we deserve it so much as you said, JB. :))

5 eps to go and i wonder where Moon brothers will lead us to...


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OMG! This episode was so AWESOME!

They totally took it off!!! And I liked it! :D But my feelings were kind of contradictory :D. In the same time I was all happy in a Squee mode, cheering for them and then suddenly like "Oh noooooo CYS! Girl! Sharing is carrying! We want him too!" LOL :D Hahahaha... I'm kidding! :D

This drama really surprised me and did amazing job! Writer-nim Fighting!


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i am the only one who thinks that ji chang wook has a very nice smile. he becomes more handsome when he smiles. i first noticed it in empress ki


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You're not. It's his best feature!


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I love his smile too :)
he even said he got cast in Smile Dong-hae because the director liked his smile !

thanks javabeans for the recap ! the drama keeps getting better !
it's so evident that JH craves for affection (his eyes!!) that these happy scenes with YS seems bittersweet... I hope he won't suffer much in the next episodes even it's inevitable when confronting with the past and the truth behind their fathers' death...


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His smile as they were saying goodbye after the bus scene! Ngggghhh. My heart melted.


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wooowwww first 15 minutes!
ı watched over and over again♥♥♥
despite the ratings There are many people interested in drama so I'm not sad:)
Seo Jung Hoo saranghaeeeee!!!!!!!


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The best 10 mn of the start of an episode ever!!!!!!!

Jung Hoo could not keep his hands to himself....he just wanted more of her...more cuddles...more kisses....more "you know" if she will let him...hahaha

Horny Jung Hoo!!!...once he got a taste of some loving...he just couldn't get enough...

That's my boy....he had a lot of catching up to do!!!!!


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Let's assume JCW will go to Voldemort service at the year end and he will act in a romantic drama, the female lead is a good actress ( other than PMY) how many of you think that JCW will be able to beat healer chemistry by his acting skills.

I know it depends upon writing, direction, camera work... Still how many of you are willing to bet on JCW ???

Will JCW be able to defeat JH/BS/Healer???


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Before Healer started, I was pretty dubious if JCW/PMY would work, since I loved him Ha Ji Won soooo much. And whaddya know? Now I totally love him more with Young Shin! His onscreen/offscreen chemistry with HJW was great, but their relationship in EK wasn't exactly squeeworthy, save for some moments. In Healer, I just find myself squeeing my lungs off over JH/YS in my every waking moment.

It depends on the actress and the execution. But considering that JCW can have chemistry with a wooden stump, I'm willing to bet on it 50/50. :)

Although Healer OTP is now the one to beat in my heart.


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*loved him with HJW


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Haha i dont know if JB programmed the banners to just show JCW or just a shitload of JCW banners were sent to DB, messing with the random showing, but all I see up top is JCW all the time. Haha. Healer is everywhere.


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The banners are actually showing up on my end a lot more than they used to! Now I get around 2-3 JCW banners everyday. *happy dance* There was one time I got PMY, then JCW right after that. Healer mania, man.


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You're sooooo lucky !! I didn't see him ONCE !! WHYYYYYY ???


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