With a title like The Fabulous, one would hope that Netflix’s foray into the romance genre and the world of high-end fashion would live up to its name. Visually...
Behold, your Drama Hangout for Netflix's flashy fashion world rom-com The Fabulous.
This is your place to binge and chat about the drama — but stay tuned! We'll have a review...
More dramas are here in our mid-week and weekend slots, and now you have your pick of the casino underbelly, a pensive love story, or a not-so-pensive love story. Or...
This week we're in for a treat, with the buzzy KBS romance drama Curtain Call finally dropping, and a ~fabulous~ drama coming in from Netflix. Though I'm definitely in the...
Netflix’s upcoming rom-com has come out with a new poster and video teaser, featuring The Fabulous quartet: Chae Soo-bin (Rookie Cops), Min-ho (Yumi’s Cells), Park Hee-jung, and Lee...
You know the first teaser wasn't enough to whet your appetite for Netflix's upcoming drama The Fabulous, so below is an extensive stills drop. In addition to the fashion backdrop...
While living and breathing the fashion industry feels like my own personal hell, it's anything but in the new teaser for Netflix original The Fabulous.
Chae Soo-bin, Min-ho
New Netflix drama The Fabulous has cast Chae Soo-bin (A Piece of Your Mind) and SHINEE's Min-ho (Yumi's Cells) as its leads. The romance drama is a "...
The Fabulous: Episode 1 (First Impressions)
by DaebakGrits
With a title like The Fabulous, one would hope that Netflix’s foray into the romance genre and the world of high-end fashion would live up to its name. Visually...
Tags: Chae Soo-bin, first episodes, First Impressions, Lee Sang-woon, Min-ho, Park Hee-jung, The Fabulous
The Fabulous: Episodes 1-8 (Drama Hangout)
by DB Staff
Behold, your Drama Hangout for Netflix's flashy fashion world rom-com The Fabulous. This is your place to binge and chat about the drama — but stay tuned! We'll have a review...
Tags: Chae Soo-bin, Drama Hangout, Lee Sang-woon, Min-ho, Park Hee-jung, The Fabulous
Premiere Watch: Big Bet, The Interest of Love, The Fabulous
by missvictrix
More dramas are here in our mid-week and weekend slots, and now you have your pick of the casino underbelly, a pensive love story, or a not-so-pensive love story. Or...
Tags: Big Bet, Premiere Watch, The Fabulous, The Interest of Love
Premiere Watch: Curtain Call, The Fabulous
by missvictrix
This week we're in for a treat, with the buzzy KBS romance drama Curtain Call finally dropping, and a ~fabulous~ drama coming in from Netflix. Though I'm definitely in the...
Tags: Curtain Call, Premiere Watch, The Fabulous
Chae Soo-bin and Min-ho make life and love Fabulous
by tccolb
Netflix’s upcoming rom-com has come out with a new poster and video teaser, featuring The Fabulous quartet: Chae Soo-bin (Rookie Cops), Min-ho (Yumi’s Cells), Park Hee-jung, and Lee...
Tags: Chae Soo-bin, Lee Sang-woon, Min-ho, Minkyu, Park Hee-jung, The Fabulous
Fabulous new stills from Netflix’s latest original drama
by missvictrix
You know the first teaser wasn't enough to whet your appetite for Netflix's upcoming drama The Fabulous, so below is an extensive stills drop. In addition to the fashion backdrop...
Tags: Chae Soo-bin, Lee Sang-woon, Min-ho, Park Hee-jung, The Fabulous
Minho and Chae Soo-bin live The Fabulous life of the fashion industry
by missvictrix
While living and breathing the fashion industry feels like my own personal hell, it's anything but in the new teaser for Netflix original The Fabulous. (more…)
Tags: Chae Soo-bin, Lee Sang-woon, Min-ho, Park Hee-jung, The Fabulous
Chae Soo-bin and Min-ho confirmed for new “hyper-real” Netflix drama
by tineybeanie
Chae Soo-bin, Min-ho New Netflix drama The Fabulous has cast Chae Soo-bin (A Piece of Your Mind) and SHINEE's Min-ho (Yumi's Cells) as its leads. The romance drama is a "...
Tags: Chae Soo-bin, Min-ho, The Fabulous