We have a diverse set of premieres this week: a medical slice-of-life drama, a legal drama posing as a crime caper (or is it a crime caper posing as a...
Confirmations are in for upcoming SBS show Switch: Change the World, with both Jang Geun-seok (Jackpot) and Han Ye-ri (Age of Youth 2) finalizing their castings with the drama. The project...
Jang Geun-seok (Jackpot) has had limited activities in Korea in the last few years after his tax evasion scandal, mostly working in Japan where he's very popular as a Hallyu...
Premiere Watch: Poetry, Switch, Pretty Noona
by girlfriday
We have a diverse set of premieres this week: a medical slice-of-life drama, a legal drama posing as a crime caper (or is it a crime caper posing as a...
Tags: Premiere Watch, Pretty Noona Who Buys Me Food, Switch, You Who Forgot Poetry
Jang Geun-seok and Han Ye-ri team up for legal/con drama Switch
by javabeans
Confirmations are in for upcoming SBS show Switch: Change the World, with both Jang Geun-seok (Jackpot) and Han Ye-ri (Age of Youth 2) finalizing their castings with the drama. The project...
Tags: Han Ye-ri, Jang Geun-seok, Switch
SBS courts Jang Geun-seok to be their Operation King
by tineybeanie
Jang Geun-seok (Jackpot) has had limited activities in Korea in the last few years after his tax evasion scandal, mostly working in Japan where he's very popular as a Hallyu...
Tags: Jang Geun-seok, Switch