Strong Girl Nam-soon is a wacky superhero tale with an irresistibly sunny titular heroine, nefarious villains lurking in the background, three generations of super-strong women, and one good-natured but determined...
A new batch of superheroes are ready and raring to go in JTBC’s upcoming Strong Woman Kang Nam-soon. Helmed by three generations of strong ladies, there’s daughter Lee...
The latest teaser for Strong Woman Kang Nam-soon has taken a different angle from the previous two, this time putting the spotlight on our show's villain. The greedy CEO Byun...
Even in the current sea of K-drama superheroes, we don't see too many females armed with super strength. But rest assured, JTBC is here to fill that void with not...
Strong Girl Nam-soon: Episodes 1-2
by mistyisles
Strong Girl Nam-soon is a wacky superhero tale with an irresistibly sunny titular heroine, nefarious villains lurking in the background, three generations of super-strong women, and one good-natured but determined...
Tags: Byun Woo-seok, first episodes, Kim Hae-sook, Kim Jung-eun, Lee Seung-joon, Lee Yumi, Ong Sung-woo, Strong Girl Nam-soon
Premiere Watch: Strong Girl Nam-soon
by missvictrix
Time slot: Saturday-Sunday Broadcaster: JTBC Genre: Fantasy, romance, action, crime Episode count: 16 (more…)
Tags: Premiere Watch, Strong Girl Nam-soon
Teasers for Strong Woman Kang Nam-soon’s heroes and villain
by lovepark
A new batch of superheroes are ready and raring to go in JTBC’s upcoming Strong Woman Kang Nam-soon. Helmed by three generations of strong ladies, there’s daughter Lee...
Tags: Byun Woo-seok, Kim Hae-sook, Kim Jung-eun, Lee Seung-joon, Lee Yumi, Ong Sung-woo, Strong Girl Nam-soon
Meet villain Byun Woo-seok in Strong Woman Kang Nam-soon
by Jenzy
The latest teaser for Strong Woman Kang Nam-soon has taken a different angle from the previous two, this time putting the spotlight on our show's villain. The greedy CEO Byun...
Tags: Byun Woo-seok, Kim Hae-sook, Kim Jung-eun, Lee Seung-joon, Lee Yumi, Ong Sung-woo, Strong Girl Nam-soon
Lee Yumi saves the day as Strong Woman Kang Nam-soon
by tccolb
Even in the current sea of K-drama superheroes, we don't see too many females armed with super strength. But rest assured, JTBC is here to fill that void with not...
Tags: Byun Woo-seok, Kim Hae-sook, Kim Jung-eun, Lee Seung-joon, Lee Yumi, Ong Sung-woo, Strong Girl Nam-soon