Welcome to the Drama Hangout for Shadow Detective 2, where Lee Sung-min is back as the wearied and veteran detective chasing down the truth.
This is your place to chat about...
Time slot: Wednesdays
Broadcaster: Disney+
Genre: Crime, thriller, mystery
Episode count: 8
Reasons to watch: The much acclaimed Shadow Detective returns to Disney+ with a second season, and Lee Sung-min reprises...
Shadow Detective 2: Episodes 1-8 (Drama Hangout)
by DB Staff
Welcome to the Drama Hangout for Shadow Detective 2, where Lee Sung-min is back as the wearied and veteran detective chasing down the truth. This is your place to chat about...
Tags: Drama Hangout, featured2, Shadow Detective 2
Premiere Watch: Shadow Detective 2
by missvictrix
Time slot: Wednesdays Broadcaster: Disney+ Genre: Crime, thriller, mystery Episode count: 8 Reasons to watch: The much acclaimed Shadow Detective returns to Disney+ with a second season, and Lee Sung-min reprises...
Tags: Premiere Watch, Shadow Detective 2