Our crime-fighting crew begins to converge in the heart of Busan, pooling their brains and resources to track down the elusive drug cartel. Meanwhile, operations officially commence for our vicious...
Our quick-tempered, fist-fighting, evil-vanquishing priestly hero is back! Backed by a trusty crew that's even more fired up this time round, he'll face off against a whole new league of...
Loyalties are tested in these final episodes as our silly detectives tackle their last case together. Along the way, they learn more about their captain and the pain he carries,...
With two weeks left until its premiere, promotions are pouring in for the long-awaited return of SBS’s The Fiery Priest 2. Starring the original hot-blooded trio, Kim Nam-gil (Song of...
A chance encounter leads our detectives to their next case, and in order to solve it, they go undercover as MZ gangsters. Alas, their captain has a penchant for the...
Ma Dong-seok, Park Hyung-shik
LG's Studio X+U has officially announced production for Twelve, with Ma Dong-seok (Police Unit 38, The Roundup: Punishment) leading our title's 12 angel heroes while Park Hyung-shik (...
They're back! SBS has dropped its first teaser for its action comedy The Fiery Priest 2, featuring our returning hot-blooded trio Kim Nam-gil (Song of the Bandits), Honey Lee (Knight Flower),...
Thieves abound this week as our detectives must recover a stolen artwork worth more than their collective paychecks (and probably their houses, too). However, as our team dives deeper into...
It’s finally time for some holy justice! With just a month left till its premiere, the sequel to SBS’s investigative comedy The Fiery Priest is ready to enter...
The Fiery Priest 2: Episodes 3-4
by solstices
Our crime-fighting crew begins to converge in the heart of Busan, pooling their brains and resources to track down the elusive drug cartel. Meanwhile, operations officially commence for our vicious...
Tags: Honey Lee, Kim Nam-gil, Kim Sung-kyun, Seo Hyun-woo, Sung Joon, The Fiery Priest 2
The Fiery Priest: Episodes 1-2
by solstices
Our quick-tempered, fist-fighting, evil-vanquishing priestly hero is back! Backed by a trusty crew that's even more fired up this time round, he'll face off against a whole new league of...
Tags: Honey Lee, Kim Nam-gil, Kim Sung-kyun, Seo Hyun-woo, Sung Joon, The Fiery Priest 2
The Fiery Priest 2
Tags: action, Ahn Chang-hwan, Baek Ji-won, black comedy, comedy, crime, Go Kyu-pil, Honey Lee, Kim Nam-gil, Kim Sung-kyun, Kim Won-hae, Seo Hyun-woo, Sung Joon
Seoul Busters: Episodes 17-20 (Final)
by lovepark
Loyalties are tested in these final episodes as our silly detectives tackle their last case together. Along the way, they learn more about their captain and the pain he carries,...
Tags: Kim Dong-wook, Lee Seung-woo, Park Ji-hwan, Park Se-wan, Seo Hyun-woo, Seoul Busters
Kim Nam-gil returns to fight evil in The Fiery Priest 2
by lovepark
With two weeks left until its premiere, promotions are pouring in for the long-awaited return of SBS’s The Fiery Priest 2. Starring the original hot-blooded trio, Kim Nam-gil (Song of...
Tags: Honey Lee, Kim Nam-gil, Kim Sung-kyun, Seo Hyun-woo, Sung Joon, The Fiery Priest 2
Seoul Busters: Episodes 15-16
by lovepark
A chance encounter leads our detectives to their next case, and in order to solve it, they go undercover as MZ gangsters. Alas, their captain has a penchant for the...
Tags: Kim Dong-wook, Lee Seung-woo, Park Ji-hwan, Park Se-wan, Seo Hyun-woo, Seoul Busters
News bites: October 22, 2024
by tccolb
Ma Dong-seok, Park Hyung-shik LG's Studio X+U has officially announced production for Twelve, with Ma Dong-seok (Police Unit 38, The Roundup: Punishment) leading our title's 12 angel heroes while Park Hyung-shik (...
Tags: Bibi, Chae Soo-bin, Choo Young-woo, Honey Lee, Im Ji-yeon, Kim Jae-won (2), Kim Nam-gil, Kim Se-jung, Kim Sung-kyun, Lee Jong-won, Lee Yi-kyung, Ma Dong-seok, news bites, Park Hyung-shik, Seo Hyun-woo, Sung Joon, Yeonwoo, Yoo Yeon-seok
Kim Nam-gil redons his Fiery Priest robes in new teaser
by Jenzy
They're back! SBS has dropped its first teaser for its action comedy The Fiery Priest 2, featuring our returning hot-blooded trio Kim Nam-gil (Song of the Bandits), Honey Lee (Knight Flower),...
Tags: Honey Lee, Kim Nam-gil, Kim Sung-kyun, Seo Hyun-woo, Sung Joon, The Fiery Priest 2
Seoul Busters: Episodes 13-14
by lovepark
Thieves abound this week as our detectives must recover a stolen artwork worth more than their collective paychecks (and probably their houses, too). However, as our team dives deeper into...
Tags: Kim Dong-wook, Lee Seung-woo, Park Ji-hwan, Park Se-wan, Seo Hyun-woo, Seoul Busters
Gearing up for action alongside The Fiery Priest 2’s cast
by solstices
It’s finally time for some holy justice! With just a month left till its premiere, the sequel to SBS’s investigative comedy The Fiery Priest is ready to enter...
Tags: Honey Lee, Kim Nam-gil, Kim Sung-kyun, Seo Hyun-woo, Sung Joon, The Fiery Priest 2