In a race against time, our titular queen rallies both knowledge and wit to recruit allies and counter her enemies. Queen Woo attempts to cobble together its disparate plot threads...
Welcome to the Drama Hangout for the second half of TVING's sageuk Queen Woo. May the drama gods be with you!
This is your place to binge and chat about...
When Goguryeo's monarch dies, the surviving queen must fend for herself amidst the adversaries that want her gone. Queen Woo weaves a sprawling web of ulterior motives and political scheming,...
In a flurry of arrows and clashing swords, TVING’s Goguryeo sageuk Queen Woo further unveils the intrigue of its first teaser. Chronicling the political chaos that ensues after its...
TVING’s first foray into sageuk brings us back to the Goguryeo era, dramatizing the tumultuous life of historical figure Queen Woo. When the king loses his life, his widow...
Queen Woo: Episodes 5-8 (Final)
by solstices
In a race against time, our titular queen rallies both knowledge and wit to recruit allies and counter her enemies. Queen Woo attempts to cobble together its disparate plot threads...
Tags: Jeon Jong-seo, Ji Chang-wook, Jung Yumi (2), Kang Young-seok, Kim Mu-yeol, Lee Soo-hyuk, Park Ji-hwan, Queen Woo
Queen Woo: Episodes 1-8 (Drama Hangout)
by DB Staff
Welcome to the Drama Hangout for the second half of TVING's sageuk Queen Woo. May the drama gods be with you! This is your place to binge and chat about...
Tags: Drama Hangout, featured2, Queen Woo
Queen Woo: Episodes 1-4
by solstices
When Goguryeo's monarch dies, the surviving queen must fend for herself amidst the adversaries that want her gone. Queen Woo weaves a sprawling web of ulterior motives and political scheming,...
Tags: featured2, Jeon Jong-seo, Ji Chang-wook, Jung Yumi (2), Kang Young-seok, Kim Mu-yeol, Lee Soo-hyuk, Park Ji-hwan, Queen Woo
Premiere Watch: Queen Woo
by missvictrix
Time slot: Thursday (single drop) Broadcaster: TVING Genre: Sageuk, action Episode count: 4 (Part 1) (more…)
Tags: Premiere Watch, Queen Woo
Defending the throne with Jeon Jong-seo as Queen Woo
by solstices
In a flurry of arrows and clashing swords, TVING’s Goguryeo sageuk Queen Woo further unveils the intrigue of its first teaser. Chronicling the political chaos that ensues after its...
Tags: Jeon Jong-seo, Ji Chang-wook, Jung Yumi (2), Kim Mu-yeol, Lee Soo-hyuk, Park Ji-hwan, Queen Woo
Jeon Jong-seo confronts a power struggle as Queen Woo
by solstices
TVING’s first foray into sageuk brings us back to the Goguryeo era, dramatizing the tumultuous life of historical figure Queen Woo. When the king loses his life, his widow...
Tags: Jeon Jong-seo, Ji Chang-wook, Jung Yumi (2), Kim Mu-yeol, Lee Soo-hyuk, Park Ji-hwan, Queen Woo